Chat Mate (Editing)

By kmpvnx

3.4M 74.7K 33.9K

Kimberly Wales is the average type of person. She hates attention and most importantly, she hates Troy Milton... More

Prologue and A/N: ❤
One: youdontknowwhoiam_18
Two: Silent Enemy
Three: Object of Hatred
Four: A New Perspective
Five: Someone I Met on the Net
Six: Getting to Know Each Other
Seven: Fate is Playing the Game
Eight: Football and Rumors
Nine: Arianna
Ten: Troy as Tyler
Eleven: Unseen Chemistry
Twelve: Sugar-Coated Lies
Thirteen: Unraveled Secret
Fourteen: A Confession
Fifteen: A New Friendship Or..
Sixteen: Revealed?
Seventeen: Arianna's Back!
Eighteen: First Love Never Dies
Nineteen: When Two People Started to Care
Twenty: Proof of the Scars
Twenty One: Messy Relationships
Twenty Two: Kimberly and Troy No More?
Twenty Three: Cruella de Vil
Twenty Four: Invisible in My Eyes
Twenty Five: A Chance For Love
Twenty Six: Alicia's Fury 1
Twenty Seven: Alicia's Fury 2
Twenty Eight: Operation Avoiding Each Other
Twenty Nine: Being Fair
Thirty: Popular Me?
Thirty One: Be My Valentine
Thirty Three: Chat Mates Again?
Thirty Four: For Her Happiness
Thirty Five: Happy Ever After ♥
{Prequel: Sequel?}

Thirty Two: Twisted Feelings

59.8K 1.2K 234
By kmpvnx

I'm so sure you'll heart this chap because there are so many heart racing events and if it doesn't make you smile sheepishly in some part then you must be a heartless person. -__-

Kidding! But hope you like, no love this chap. ;)

Vomments pips!

Show support for our four protagonists in this story. :")


❁ Kimberly Wales ❁

Oh my god.

What do I do?!

I'm turning my phone on and off continuously if I want to reply or not..

Troy just chatted me fyi.

I was walking back and forth and decided not to reply.

I shut my phone putting it in my pocket again and sprinting downstairs.

If I reply, this would be too bad for my pride..

I know you don't know what I am saying but here, this is a quick flashback.


I stumbled off the bed when I heard the ding sound from my phone.

I opened it and I flushed.

It was from Troy.

TroyMilton: Good morning beautiful. ;)

I wanted to send a 'flirty' message but then I decided not to reply,

You know me, I care too much of what people say.


Flashback end.

That's the story.

I kind of miss him.

I mean-- he is flirty after all.

I went to the dining hall and it looks more of a garden than a dining room.


"Tell me about it." Mom groaned.

I finished my breakfast and the roses both Tyler and Troy gave me gleamed at the center of the glass dining table, there are two vases to be exact.

"Geez, you got so much flowers and it's such a waste to throw all of them out. I decided to decorate the dining room but-- I think this is over decorating.." Mom cried out, scratching the back of her hair.

"Tell me about it." I groaned.

"Why did you receive so much flowers anyway?" Mom asked, giggling to herself.

"I don't know. Must be my new look."

"I guess so. Hmm, I decided to highlight Tyler's and Troy's flowers as centerpieces of the table because their flowers are gorgeous and they are.. uh.. special to you." Mom winked.

"Sheesh. Well, just put one centerpiece because it looks so over and gardeny." I cried out.

"Well then, tell me which flowers do you want to keep! Troy's or Tyler's?" Mom asked, crossing her arms.

"I don't know. Don't make me choose." I sighed, playing with the curly ends of my short hair.

"A piece of advice from your good mom, pick the one that your heart wants and not what you think is right." She winked.

"Mom, it's not like I am going to choose between them you know. I mean.. I love both of them equally." I replied.

Well, they both have different kinds of love in my perspective.

Tyler's more of a friend.. but he makes my heart race sometimes..

Troy is more of a.. couple love, he makes me feel strange things but.. the problem is.. Miley likes him and I don't want to interfere..

I'm not thinking of getting a boyfriend yet but what my mom said may come in handy in the future.

"Oh, you will choose. In the future." Mom giggled.

"Err.. I gotta go now." I said, wanting to end the conversation.

"Alright. Don't forget, time will tell." Mom winked.

I rolled my eyes and went straight to the door.

Gee, I don't know what to do, really.

Tyler is infront of my door again, giving me a tight squeeze.

"God, I missed you so much." He said, flashing me a big smile.

"We just saw each other yesterday." I giggled.

"I know. Haha."

He led me to his car and he drove me to our school.


We arrived school and the couples population grew.

Wow, the power of Valentine's day.

I bet the number of virgins decreased as well.

Poor me, but who cares, I am proud of it.

I'm a limited edition. (laughs)

Miley walked up to me, of course, Troy behind her as well.

My anger lessened because I already know the cause of it..

That's why I am feeling stranger things--

"Kim!! What's up?" Miley said, hugging me tight.

"Oof! I'm fine."

"Well, Valentine's day is over now. How I wish you came with us, Troy and I went ice skating, then to the arcade while food tripping in all the stalls we can find and of course, afford." Miley excitedly said.

"Wow, that sure sounds fun." Tyler smiled as well.

"I know right! I can't believe you missed it because Kim needs to go do her group report which she did by herself." Miley said sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah." I replied.

Troy kept silent all the time when Miley grab hold of his arm that made me flinch and jealousy filled me.

"Troy! Let's go to class?" Miley said perkily.

Troy nodded and they walked off.

That smile--

I know what she'd been through.. if I take that one thing making her smile right now.. I wouldn't forgive myself.

Sadly, that one thing making her this happy, is what makes me happy too.

If Miley knew about this then..

I'd rather be off leaving the country and not showing my face ever again.

I smiled faintly but I kept wondering why Troy would stick to her if he loves me..

Maybe he feels the way I feel too..

That Miley's happiness is him.

"Hey." Tyler said, making me come back to my senses.

"Oh! Sorry, let's go." I smiled.

Class resumed, being seated behind him is making me all nervous than before.

One of the drastic causes of Valentine's surprises..

I don't know what to do, I honestly want to talk to him but--

For Miley's sake..

I'd rather not be happy..

The dismissal bell rang and I shoved my things inside my bag, when Troy suddenly grabbed of my waist making me flinch and turn to look at his face.

"What the hell are you do--"

When I turned to look at his face, I saw our faces close to each other.

I can count, inches or maybe centimeters away and our lips will touch.

His black fierce eyes makes me blush and his gaze suddenly fell on my lips.

My gaze fell on his lips as well and he smirked.

It was.. ten to fifteen seconds before I realized what our position is, I took hold of my book and hit his head making him let go of me.

He rubbed the part where I hit him and then he turned to me, I glared at him and I can feel my cheeks heating up but I took the chance and made a run for it.






That made me stop breathing for a while, thank God I'm out of his arms.

I saw Tyler's and Miley's classroom door already opened but I didn't see the both of them so I decided to just head to the cafeteria on my own.

This sucks.

My heart sucks.

✩ Miley Ferrice ✩

Class was dismissed early by our teacher, mainly because he is old and he has poor hearing.

Bottomline, some of my boy classmates tricked the teacher, telling him the bell already rang.

Knowing Mr. Darcy, he would easily believe the boys. So he dismissed us, also one known rumor said that he also wants classes to end so badly and just head to the cafeteria and have free food.

Tyler slapped my arm playfully and I slapped his arm back.

"You going to Troy's classroom?" He asked.

"Hmm, yeah. You?"


"Let's go together then."

We both marched to their classroom, which is actually a meter or two, their classroom is right infront of ours so it's no big deal.

We were joking and sharing stories when the *real* school bell rang.

We both waited on the side of the door while the students and their teacher marched like ants out of the classroom.

The two of them were left alone and Kim is busy fixing things.

She is so organized.

Then I saw something that hurted me inside.

Troy held Kim's waist and it made her flinch.

The next thing I know, Kim turned to Troy and they kissed.

I saw it with my own eyes.

Kim looked at him and they kissed!

Kim's and Troy's backs are the only things I saw but they just kissed.

I wanted to let outa bloodcurling scream, tears streaming down my cheeks nonstop.

I turned to Tyler, who is getting all teary as well.

I understand boys to be rather dense in those things.

I cried and Tyler covered my eyes.

He doesn't want me to see that.

And so does he.

I ran off, sniffing and Tyler followed me.

I didn't realize I ran so much that I ended up outside of the school and into the school gym.

People rarely go there except if they have practices or something else.

So the place is silent.

"WAIT!!!" Tyler screeched.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted back.

"I can't! Are you crazy?!? I don't know what you will do if ever I leave you alone!" Tyler said, huffing.

I guess I made him run.

"Stay out of my life, tyler!" I snarled.

"Don't be stubborn.." Tyler said, inching towards me while I step backwards, gnashing my teeth.

"Mind your own business!" I growled.

"Miley.. don't do this!"

"What is it to you?!?" I shouted, glowering at him, my tears falling.

"Miley. You are Kim's best friend. That must be a misconception--"

"I saw it with my own eyes! They kissed, Tyler! You saw it too! And I know you know how much it hurts!! Because we feel the same." I cried out.

Tyler shut up for a moment, but then started defending Kim again.

"You know Kim isn't like that at all. She knows how much you like Troy--"

"And yet she agrees to kiss him!" I interrupted.

"We didn't really see their lips touch.."

"But their faces are so close and I know what people do when their faces are that close! Did you see Troy's hand on Kim's waist?!? Don't tell me that's also a misconception." I scoffed.

"That's true but.. I know how much Kim values her friends! She puts them before herself--"

"That doesn't explain what she did to the one person I love the most!" I scowled.

Tyler's eyes all of a sudden has this emotion of pure anger.

It scared me when he started walking towards me whilst I, step backwards.

"Look, we are both the same. We feel the same things and I am hurt too. But crying! Really?! Will that help solve anything? Why won't you just ask Troy or Kim? Talk to them. Ask them.. Seriously Miley.." Tyler scolded.

I was shocked, startled..

My tears fell nonstop.

♕ Tyler Hemmington ♕

I can't help it.

Her sadness is making me even sadder..

I don't want to believe in what I saw but it was all clear.

When I turned to Miley, she cried so hard, tears fell nonstop.

Oh gosh, I think I raised my voice too much..

Did I scare her?

I tried walking towards her to comfort her but she decided on stepping backwards whenever I take the chance to do so.


"Don't touch me!" She screamed.

"I'm sorry.. I sort of scolded you.."

She didn't budge and sat on one of the steps on the bleachers.

I slung my arm around her and she whined like a baby.

I don't know why but the next thing I know, she slapped me then walked away screaming,

"You pig!! How dare you!? You know I love Troy!! And I know you like Kim!! You heartless person! You--"

She didn't finish speaking and the tears made it clear for me that she wasn't happy and she wouldn't want to talk to me now.

I raked my hair with my fingers and sighed.

This isn't supposed to be like this.

I don't know what I should do even..

But I did it, to shut her up.

It worked but it had a negative effect.

✩ Miley Ferrice ✩

I ran and ran, I don't know where I am heading.

The tears on my cheeks are all dried up but I feel the cold.

What's more shocking is Tyler suddenly gripping my wrist then kissing me.

What the hell was that?!

That kiss just made me think about the kiss I saw earlier.

The one with Troy and Kim.

But what's more freaky is Tyler kissing me.

His jet black eyes fixated on me and serious.

Even if Troy and I don't have a relationship, I feel as if I cheated on him.


I guess he is THAT important to me.

I don't think I should even clarify this with Kim..

Because I'm too hurt to even speak and think about all the disappointments today.


Oh my gosh, what now?

What will happen to that?

Not to mention, Tyler's sudden kiss on Miley?

Is it just his way of shutting HER up?

More importantly, that smooth move Troy made on Kim?

What will happen to the budding friendship of Troy-Tyler and Kim-Miley?

What conflicts might arise?

See on the next chap.

I don't think I cliffhanged but yeah, I absolutely love this chap so if you don't--

I'll be so hurt. 3

Anyway, send some love.

Love= Vomments. :"">

Lalalala, rawr. so bored. :/

Love lots, xx me.

School is technically okay.. you know how it is, sorry for the update but hey, I'm so nice for uploading three chapters in one go.

See? I'm so nice. ;)

Anyway, hope to see you guys on the next chap.(:

I MAY be uploading a bit later than I did.

You know how school is. -___-

Oh well, see ya guys in the next chap though.

I can't wait myself(:

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