The Songs I Sing

بواسطة PandaEruption10

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Have you ever yearned for something to the point you'll do anything to get it? Kailyn Gracchus rides the wave... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

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بواسطة PandaEruption10

Throughout the years, we've been hurling through high school. Josh, Harley, Travis, and I finished just six months ago. We began our new journey with online college as well; Gracie and Michael have gotten their way into high school online way before they were supposed. I think that was because of our influence.

Joshua was getting special classes to be an Alpha by Nathan plus an online class. I found the online class a little weird, though. Harley and Travis were getting the same treatment for their title in the pack. You just didn't become a higher up by being born in that place; you had to go through training and lessons that would help.

Two days ago, Josh had left with Harley and Nathan to be introduced to our neighboring packs. This was a great opportunity to comprehend how other packs work. They needed to create their own style that not only work for them but as well as the pack; it was a terribly complex process that I had no desire to be a part of.

All that I cared about was getting through the general college classes and training. I wanted to get them out of the way before I figured out what I wanted to do. Besides, training was the most important thing otherwise I would never be able to save my siblings; being the best fighter was my only option in life right now. I was going to track down my siblings and save them no matter what.

I was in the middle of finishing my essay that was due tomorrow when I smelt Joshua's scent. Well, the assignment was due only because I wanted to finish this semester early. Without thinking, I used my speed to zoom down the stairs in the kitchen. It took me three seconds so I knew that I had accidently used my immortal speed. It was the one thing I didn't want people to find out just in case they take it the wrong way.

There was another scent swirling around Joshua that I didn't know; it was what drove me to go so fast. Another two were off near Harley and Travis. Were these three knew to the pack? The one next to Joshua was definitely his mate.

We have another one to add to the family!

I couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement. When Rachel and Antonio get back, they'll be overjoyed for him.

"Kailyn," exclaimed Joshua, "this is my mate, Taylor. Taylor, this is my sister." His eyes were almost glittering with a huge smile illuminating his face.

"It's an honor to meet you," I chuckled. "You must be amazing to get him this excited."

She presented me a glowing smile although her eyes skittered back and forth between us siblings.

"Can I hear the story of how you two met?"

"Sure," answered Josh, "but after I get Taylor and her friends situated." He sent a look to Taylor who reciprocated it.

Curiously, I sniffed the air realizing their scents were already mixed. It was so faint that I could barely tell they had finished the mating process. Did they use scent concealer so nobody would know?

"I'll be looking forward to it." I lowered my voice a bit, "See you Josh, Luna." Luna was brought out in a long two syllables so they knew I knew they were mated.

Skipping away, I could feel their startled gazes. Luna wasn't used for the Alpha's mate until they had fully completed the process.

It wasn't until three hours later that Joshua met me in my room. He shuffled to my bed before giving me a hug. "I did it," he whispered.

"All I did was walk into the pack's house following my instincts. I could feel a relaxing sense of peace. It was nothing I have ever felt before. Even though everything in me was telling me that it wasn't right to just fall in love right there, I did. Her smile, the way she just lite up, the imperfections of her body and speech, all the things people find annoying I found adorable. I think she's amazing; I hope you're able to see her the way I do."

"I think we will; let me go make some dinner with Alyssa. What's her favorite food?"

"Shrimp alfredo with some garlic bread. It was one of the first questions I asked," he boasted.

I gave him a cheesy smile before taking off to the kitchen. Alyssa was already there waiting for me with the answer. After I had told her about them finishing the mating process, we decided to make her favorite dinner. She'll hopefully get used to us soon. I felt that she was a little off when she came.

When it was done, I set the table and contacted the boys that dinner was done. I got into the chair next to Alyssa so Taylor could have the one next to Joshua. It was little saddening since I always sat next to him after our first fight years ago.

They settled down and I waited for the conversation that would hopefully come.

"Shrimp alfredo," whispered Taylor breathlessly. "Thank you!" She shoved the food in her mouth with a gumption.

"Joshua told me it was your favorite; hope you like it since I made it for you!" She eyed me a bit before moving her gaze to Josh. Everyone else dug in but I think I was the only one to noticed that her eating slowed down after my words.

"What was it like living in your pack?" Alyssa tried to get another conversation flowing.

"I guess it was normal if anything is ever normal. I'm the beta's daughter so everyone treated me differently which bothered me. At least I was able to meet Josh because of it though?" She smiled with a little blush. Her eyes stayed on the table as she scooted closer to her mate.

The dinner went on but I couldn't help feel that she didn't like me. There was something wrong that I couldn't place.

Third POV

There were three girls inside of Joshua's bedroom. Joshua had gone off to Kailyn's room leaving them all alone. Only one conversation was going on and it was about Kailyn.

Taylor's wolf paced back and forth feeling apprehensive with this girl. It was setting Taylor on edge. Not really having anyone else in the pack, she seeked comfort from her friends.

"Why that little smug beast," growled Taylor. "She's stealing my man! He's supposed to be paying attention to me not her. Who does she think she is?"

"Um, Taylor?" one of her friends, Alicia, tried to get her attention. "That's his sister. According to the pack, they've been telling eachother everything. So, it's no wonder that he's going to her to boast about you being his mate."

She perked up at the sound of that. "You think he's boasting about me?"

"Were you not looking at his face? He could barely keep his eyes off of you. Those eyes held love that can only come from someone who he truly wants to spend the rest of his time with. You might not have noticed but everyone did. Kailyn seemed whelmed with joy; she really wanted to interact with you. Besides, that's Joshua's beloved sister, I don't think he would take it lightly if you hurt her and vice versa."

"Do you think she'll get along with me?"

"Wait a second," interrupted their other friend Patricia. "If they were really that close, do you think she'll give up her claim on him that easily? They're not even related. I think you need to get Joshua's full attention with her around so she knows the he's your territory."

"How will I do that?" Taylor rubbed her hand against her arm; something didn't feel right about what she implied. But, her wolf wanted to take any action to get the she wolf away from him.

"I don't know? Start rumors about yourself and say they originated from her?" Patricia put as a question but knew this was the only action to get what needed to be done, done. She had spent way too long getting to this point. Nothing would stop her now.

"I don't know how to spread rumors," whispered Taylor. This definitely wasn't right yet she couldn't stop herself from making the decision. She just had to grit her teeth and follow it.

"Just leave that to me," Patricia gave her a warming smile that had just a hint of poison. Patricia left the two girls for the rest of the afternoon; she needed to find someone that would help her cause.

Alicia chatted to Taylor until Joshua came back into the room. When the mates were alone, the male whispered, "I really hope you can get along with Kailyn. She's important to me like you; please understand."

Taylor could feel her wolf freeze with fear. What had they just done?

After a bit of roaming, Patricia found a group of she wolves standing around the pack house.

Taking a deep breath, she scrunched her lips and flexed her forehead. The wolf took slow deliberate steps toward her prey. They gave her look noticing her perplexed gaze.

"Is something wrong?" one brave wolf queried.

"Is Kailyn one to lie?"

"Definitely not. Why?"

"She just began to blab to me about how Taylor's a spy. Shouldn't I know whether she is or not since I came with her?"

"That doesn't sound like something Kailyn would do."

"Well, there's more that she said," the sly wolf began to set up her stage.

Kailyn's POV

I woke up in the morning with a growling stomach. Tayla wanted me to get down the stairs and just scarf down some protein. My ability to smell has been getting more powerful by the day.

I could smell eggs, toast, butter, oil, strawberry perfume Alyssa uses, and crayons. The crayons were probably from Gracie's project for her homeschooling.

I walked into the kitchen to find Joshua making breakfast. He was never down here before me so was he making breakfast for Taylor? Awww, that's so sweet!

"Look who's growing up so fast!" I gently pushed him with my shoulder. "Making breakfast for your lovey dovey huh?" I tried to make my voice super annoying just to get on his nerves.

Instead of giving me one of his favorite glares, he kept on staring at the stove. I could instantly feel my smile begin to fade. Was there something wrong?

"Hey, are you okay? Did something happen? Is Taylor okay?" There was no reply as he went to get a plate for the eggs and toast. I gave him a blank look while he went towards the stairs. "Did I do something?" My steps on the stairs followed his to the third floor. I never came up here as it was for just the Alpha. Nathan and Alyssa yet decided they didn't need the place. "Are you going to ignore me like I did something?" This was starting to really worry me. We got to the door where he slammed it right in front of my face.

What was that all about? Maybe Harley might understand what's happening?

I immediately took action for the game room as that's where he would be in the morning. By the time I got there, he was playing his daily game with Michael and Gracie. I think he wanted to get as much sibling time as he could before they found their mates. He also had lots to do as the Beta. Maybe all three of them would be able to help me...

"Hey, could you, um, help me with something?" They turned their heads in my direction. All of their eyes were wide but immediately their eyebrows scrunched down. I never went to them when I had a problem so this was new to all of us.

"What's up?" Harley motioned for me to come sit down on the floor next to them.

"Has anyone ever ignored you before? Like someone important?" I couldn't really blurt out what I wanted to say. For some reason, I just got really embarrassed.

"Yeah," answered Gracie like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "I always ignore Michael and sometimes he does the same to me. It's not that big of deal since we talk to each other later on that day."

"Besides, you fight over the stupidest things," Harley shook his head. "What's wrong?"

"Joshua completely ignored me like I wasn't ever there," I sighed with my eyes looking at the carpet. "I don't understand since we were perfectly fine yesterday. Taylor did seem to have something against me but I didn't think that would change his attitude towards me. Do you think I could have done something?"

"No, I don't think so. Honestly, it might just be that she's jealous and asked him to keep his distance for a while." Harley shrugged like it was no big deal. "New mated pairs do that all the time with each other."

"So, it'll pass right?"

"Definitely! Just talk to Taylor so she can get used to you," advised Michael. When did he become a little wise guy? I guess kids grow up quickly.

I didn't get to talk to her until three weeks later. It was like she was trying her hardest to avoid me. Every time I did see her, she was with Joshua who lead her away from me.

Taylor was sitting at the table one evening alone. This was finally a chance for me to understand what was going on. I picked up a plate of cookies I had baked yesterday and proceeded to the table. I took the seat across from her while she was preoccupied with the thoughts traveling inside her head. Nibbling on my cookies, I waited for her.

Alyssa and Nathan were meeting with retired Alphas in another pack so I couldn't go to them for help. Instead, I spent my time with Harley, Travis, Gracie, and Michael. They were fun to hang around but it just wasn't the same without Joshua.

We trained hard together so that Michael and Gracie would be great warrior wolves. After finding about my background, they wanted to become spy wolves and infiltrate Sabrina's compound. It was a lively ambition to say the least.

Not to mention that the werewolf council has been keeping me informed with Sabrina's troops. To say the least, the council wasn't getting anywhere. They would take over their labs but figured out that their intel was wrong. I personally think there's a mole spoon feeding them a bunch of bull.

My college classes weren't as awful as I thought they would be. Of course I wasn't going to a campus, but I expected it to be more challenging. With life throwing me curve balls, I kind of dodged towards my school work and training.

My immortal abilities were strengthening quickly to a worrisome point. At times, I don't even realize I'm using them until someone freaks out. Harley and the others have been trying to help me keep them under wraps since the pack doesn't know about it. Joshua has seen some of my training but leaves like a cricket running from a predator.

Gracie tries to cheer me up every time he accidently walks in on us, but I can't help feeling like my heart was the titanic. How much longer was he going to treat me like a disease?

My training consisted of: beating my sprinting records, fighting all four of my friends, jumping, mindlinking long distances, teaching, hearing, and smelling. It was a lot of work to plan these tests; though, the others think it's fun.

Michael was supposed to shift soon so I was helping to get them ready. He was a little worried but more excited than anything.

Harley and Travis had to work a lot with their pack duties. I couldn't really blame them for wanting to hang around us with all the stress that comes with running a pack. They tried talking with Joshua about me yet got grunts every time.

Gracie and Michael went after Taylor a few times to figure out what was going on. They get close then her friend Patricia flies her away from all of us. Taylor sometimes glances at me with this expression filled with regret. I had a gut feeling that it had something to do with Patricia and how they were treating me. I'm still surprised that she was here alone right now.

There was also this feeling I got when I came around some pack members. It was like I was being the object of execration once again. Glances and looks of disgust just kept being tossed my way.

Reaching out for a cookie, her eyes began to focus on me. A startled gasp escaped her thin, pink lips. "How long have you been here?"

"A couple minutes or so," I shrugged. She sat her cookie back on the table. "I've been wanting to chat with you," my hands rubbed against each other. "Your friend keeps chasing me away, not to mention Joshua. He's been avoiding me since you came; I thought it would pass already."

"What do you mean you thought it would pass?" her head tilted to the side with interest.

"Well, Josh would do anything for someone he loves," I chuckled giving her the duh tone. "He didn't want you to get jealous because of our tight relationship so he decided to keep a distance."

She made a guttural sound with enthusiasm. I had worded that wrong.

"Wait a second; wait a second. I worded that terribly wrong. Please hear me out?" There was a couple seconds of intense silence before she nodded. "My past was kind of rough to where I couldn't trust anyone with anything. Joshua was the first person that I could tell everything. There's nobody I can trust more than him; he's my brother and best friend. It's beginning to wane which is scaring me; I can't handle him ignoring me. For you to trust me, I'll give him permission to tell you about my past because I want you to become a part of my family."

She nodded while her lips scrunched together at the ends.

I went through Joshua's block to mindlink him. Against the warnings inside my head, I made a decision. 'I want you to tell Taylor about my past.'

'Are you sure?' he sounded really hesitant.


That night I listened in on Joshua's story about me. His voice lulled me to sleep and into nightmares of my past.


We were in the woods waiting for Michael to begin his shifting. He was bickering with Gracie about the shifting process. I don't even know why she's bothering with this topic. Wasn't there a lot more to bicker about?

I don't know about anyone else but I was sweating a storm over in my little corner. My shifting was the worst experience of my life. Hopefully his experience wasn't going to be like mine.

Joshua was supposed to come and help him since they've known each other from his birth. It was already noon and Michael was going to shift any second. Where was he? Was Taylor also coming as well?

My nerves were about to burst just from the thought of seeing her after last night. Things were going to go terribly wrong. Maybe.

You need to calm down. I'm pretty sure Michael's parents aren't going to get murdered. He'll definitely not get attacked by a rogue. Taylor can think whatever she wants; there's nothing you can do.

There was a scream cutting through the air that got us all in action. We shifted and cuddled him as he suffered. Gracie was crying watching her brother be tortured by a process that nobody could control.

I heard Joshua rush out of the house with Taylor then they both shifted. The Alpha pushed me out of the way so I shuffled next to Taylor. We circled around the group anxious about Michael's condition. After he shifted, his wolf was a blondish color.

Harley took the pup to the edge so he could see over the cliff with his new eyes. I've never been there since I wanted to do it with Antonio and Rachel remembering mom and dad.

Joshua lead Taylor back to the house but growled at me after I started to follow them. Why?

Taylor popped him on the nose before going in with her mate right on her tail. Literally.

What had I done?

Later that day, a fist scattered the air around me. Travis stopped mid attack to assess me. We were practicing my fighting skills while teaching Michael some moves.

"What's wrong?" Travis muttered. His eyebrows scrunched into one.

"I think we need to go for a run. Michael needs to practice being in his wolf form." It was an excuse, an obvious excuse; though, the others didn't say anything about it.

My mind was all over about what was happening. Pack members were acting like I was some murderer. Then, Taylor's friends were acting like I was trying to kidnap Josh. Alyssa and Nathan had no idea what was happening but keeping stuff from us.

There was this pack that wanted to take over our territory. It seemed pretty simple since that was what happens in the werewolf world. Sometimes packs decide to expand where others settled. Yet with all that, there was something more. Joshua was talking to Harley about other packs getting attacked by this one pack as well. I eavesdropped on that piece of information, though.

We decided to kidnap Gracie like we used to do to train me. Michael was left in the clearing as I sprinted with Travis. It was his first time so we needed to go easy. Easy was something I wasn't used to doing.

Gracie wanted to collect some flowers which helped us choose that garden on the north side to set up camp. Michael came out of the brush baring his teeth at us.

Grabbing Gracie with my teeth, I laid her on the ground with my foot on top of her. Travis went after Michael slowly; one hit knocked him down signaling how much he needed to train.

It was a little saddening that Harley had to work during this time but that's what growing up was all about.

After doing a couple more scenes and fighting, Gracie whined about being hungry. We rushed back to the house for dinner. For these times, I was thankful that Alyssa had taught me how to cook like her. I was thinking about making my own pasta dish for everyone not just Alyssa, Nathan, Josh, and Taylor per usual. Though, here lately Josh doesn't come down with Taylor until I'm out of the room.

I left Gracie, Michael, and Travis to get the rest of the gang when the meal was cooked. Hopefully I could get them in the kitchen quickly otherwise the other three were going to eat it all.

To my surprise, Joshua and Taylor were in the foyer. Good, now I just had to get Harley--who was in his office--and Alyssa and Nathan. They were upstairs in their room.

"Why!" Screamed Joshua in my face. "Why would you spread rumors about my mate? What has she ever done to you? Is it so terrible that I can find happiness and you can't? Just because you can live longer and find your family doesn't mean all of us can. I have to have my nice moments as much as possible before I die. You don't have to worry about that."

What was going on?

Taylor grabbed his upper arm to bring him back a bit. "Kailyn, did you really have to make up rumors? We could've talked about what's bothering you about 'us.'"

I swiveled my gaze between the both of them completely confused. "What rumors are you talking about? I haven't heard any rumors."

Taylor's face twisted in distraught. "Really? You have to play innocent? We can put this all behind us if you just tell the truth."

"But I don't know-"

"Don't give me that BS!" shouted Joshua. His voice began to attract the attention of the pack--that appeared to be coming out of nowhere-- to our argument. Or whatever was happening here; it's more like ganging up on me.

"No, wait," Taylor had Joshua stop his spiel. "The rumors about me playing around with other boys, being a spy for our enemy pack, and poisoning Joshua slowly. There are others that I haven't heard myself yet." Her voice cracked at the end; she was really upset about this.

Why would someone spread rumors about her? Yet, why would she have Joshua stop talking to me?

"I don't remember ever saying anything like that. Actually, I haven't participated in a single conversation with you in it." Maybe that wasn't really nice to say, but it was the truth nonetheless.

"Why? Why do you keep on bringing this out? We already know you're the one!" Why do they think I'm the one?

Right then, one of Taylor's friends came up to us. "Just tell them what you told me, Kailyn. You had asked me about the people Taylor dated before Joshua. Remember after I told you none, you called me a liar and just went on about how she's probably sleeping around. Then, you went up to another woman I haven't learned the name of and told her. That's when I went to Joshua about this. Taylor has never done anything to deserve this, so why do this?"

"That never happened!"

Another person came up right then. "You mentioned to me about her being a spy the other day. Your story was really exaggerated though, but it got the point across. Don't trust Taylor. She's really nice; I don't understand why you would do that."

I regarded the new girl that had spoken. She was someone I'd seen in the pack but never talked to. Why was she in on this as well? In fact, why were they in the high ranking house and not in the pack house?

They were allowed to be here but what was this confrontation? Did someone plan this?

"I've never talked to you before."

At that, another person came into the disarray of people getting in my face. They weren't letting me tell my side of the story. Where was my say? How had this even started?

Peering over the mass of people in front of me, I could see Taylor smirking at me. Why? Could she? No...

Yes, she would. She was a jealous wolf.

Right then, more pack members came in arguing who was right. Some people joined my side but most were on their Luna's side. Even Elena began to speak about her view.

"When I used to bully her, all she did was try to understand why. Why I victimized her even when she was hurt. There's no way she would antagonize someone else. She's just not that type of person!"

The room became packed to where it was hard to move. The sound was overbearing. My ears felt like they were being exploded. Soon, I felt liquid on my skin. My ears were bleeding. Was it because my hearing was getting better?

I couldn't think. Nothing would come out of my mouth. Everything in the room was distorting. I needed to get out. I needed to get out now. My arms were shaking and wolf howling in pain from the noise.

I gazed around to see that nobody else was hurting from the noise. With their werewolf hearing, wasn't this noise close to deafening as well? Or, was my hearing that much heightened than theirs?

My legs began to move one their own. I was out of that house as quick as I could. My name was shouted but I couldn't stand being in that house. Who knew what might have happened if I stayed? My eardrums might have busted.

My feet splashed up water as I raced across the spongy grass before entering the forest. Nobody was around because they had been in the house.

Why was everyone ganging up on me? Why did no one believe me? Wasn't I a part of this pack as much as she was? How come I was the one brought into this drama? Wasn't I going through enough as it was?

I stopped abruptly realizing that I had reached the boundary in under a minute. Why couldn't I be a normal wolf?

Tears slipped silently down my face accompanied by a pathetic sob sound. I was going to live longer than everyone else; I was going to watch the ones I love die. Soon, I would be alone especially since no one in this pack likes me.

'Remember,' I heard my mother's weird advice that always seem to work. Why couldn't she be here with me? Things would have been far easier if that incident never happened. 'When you have something bothering you, or too much stuff that's floating around that head of yours, just sing it out. Throw it out to the world. If the world can throw it at you, why can't you throw it back? It will be a lot easier to not feel overwhelmed after you sing it. Put your whole emotions behind your words.'

"Why," I start out, "must this go down this way. How am I supposed to deal with this? It's like a waterfall has decided to drop on my path." My voice went all over the spectrum.

Maybe I'm not so great at this as I thought. It would be so much easier to just pick a song I know; then, I wouldn't have to choose what notes to hit.

What should I sing though? Nothing seems to fit the situation right now.

It doesn't matter just sing something close to what you feel and put all your emotion into it. People will realize how you feel no matter what the words you use.

I'm not trying to sing this in front of people, though. This is for me, you, and only us.

I know; just try to pick one you know well.

I know too many. That's the problem. How about Say Something by A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera? That seems to be a good fit.

"Say something, I'm giving up on you." Why couldn't Joshua say something to me besides yelling? Why couldn't we talk this out? "I'll be the one you want me to. Anywhere, I would've followed you." I don't care; we can go anywhere so we can talk this out. "Say something, I'm giving up on you." Why won't you talk to me? Why won't you acknowledge me?

Taking one step at a time, I began to make my way around the forest. This time I made sure to take my time instead of speed everywhere. Trees loomed around me like the girls that had come with Taylor.

"And I am feeling so small. It was over my head. I know nothing at all." You won't tell me how you feel. I've never been in this situation before. "And I will stumble and fall. I'm still learning to love; just starting to crawl."

"Say something, I'm giving up on you. I'll be the one if you want me to. Anywhere, I would've followed you." My voice goes really deep sounding like my insides were breaking. Tears crept down my cheeks in record time. Why couldn't things be normal?

I took a sharp turn to the left avoiding the patrol and other pack members in the forest. Some were with other people, but I could faintly hear my name being called. It was Alyssa.

Why was she here? Did she believe Taylor's story as well? Why couldn't I just get along with Taylor?

"And I will swallow my pride," just to say sorry for whatever I've done wrong. I don't know what I did to get her so worked up over me. Why does she want me thrown out of the pack? Why am I not allowed to be with my brother? Talk to my brother? "You're the one that I love. And I'm saying goodbye. Say something, I'm giving up on you. And I'm sorry I couldn't get to you. And, anywhere I would have followed you. Oh, oh, oh, oh say something, I'm giving up on you. Say something, I'm giving up on you. Say something...."

Alyssa stood in front of me listening to my last note. I don't know how much she heard, but it was probably more than I wanted. Couldn't I just have a moment of peace?

She ambled over to me. Taking my face in hers, exploring my eyes with hers, she let me know it would be alright. A comforting smile rose on her face. "Nathan and I know that it wasn't you who had spread those rumors. We both know that they had originated from Taylor herself. Nathan is trying to talk some sense into Joshua while Annika is talking to Taylor. I heard from a little birdie that Joshua stopped speaking to you completely. Is that Taylor's doing?"

I shrugged because I really didn't know; it was a good guess though.

"We'll figure something out okay? Hopefully she really isn't like this. Have you heard about mates changing for each other? When Joshua sees how much of a turd they're being to you, maybe he might make her change. This pack won't stand to watch them hurt you. At first, they didn't know what to think, but now they know that you wouldn't spread rumors. You just aren't the type." Alyssa's silvery voice comforted me with her words. "Come, let's go back in there and figure out what to do."

She lead me back the long way, so I could probably clear my head. With my pointer finger, I cleaned my cheeks of any tear residue. Clearing my throat, I tried to revert my voice into its normal medium range instead of being squeaky. There was nothing I could do about my hair; it had already looked horrible anyways.

We both went through the kitchen doorway to find Nathan and his son whisper yelling at one another. This wasn't supposed to cause a civil war between everyone... Why was this happening?

They both abruptly stopped upon our arrival.

"See!" exclaimed Joshua pointing a finger at me. "She's not even upset! I told you that she ran out of the room just for show. Taylor would never originate rumors to destroy the family I love. She wouldn't originate any at all! I asked and she gave me her word that she didn't. Mates can't lie to each other."

"Yes they can," chipped in Alyssa. "I can't count how many times I've lied to your father about his presents."

"For a second there," Nathan stated looking like he had just dodged a bullet, which is kind of hard, "I thought you were going to say something else. Like, you've lied many of times that were important."

"See," Joshua interjected, "mates can't lie about important things like this. It would tear them up!"

"Yeah, but do you really think Kailyn would do something like this?"

"I don't know; she's not my family." My throat began to tighten in on itself. It was beginning to hurt to breathe. "Besides, I have something for Kailyn to do," he eyed me. "I need you to take five warriors and my beta with you to the Solar Warrior pack. Try to make an alliance with them. Go on, they're already waiting for you out front."

He was sending me away? Why? Why couldn't we talk this out? Why didn't you think of me as family now? Did Taylor mean that much more than me? Was I that worthless to you?

I fled to the front not stopping even when I reached the outside. The others followed right behind me not saying anything. I guess they knew I needed to be alone.

He was sending me away.......   


What do you all think about Joshua's attitude and his new mate? Do you think she really wants to get rid of Kailyn or is following the influence of her friend?

The songs finally appear! How did you like the incorporation of Say Something? 

Please vote and comment


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Have you ever looked up to the night sky and wished you weren't alive anymore? Have you tried to list reasons to keep fighting, but not come up with...
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Stella has been through a traumatic experience. She has been numb and quiet for 7 months and unsure and angry and grieving. She is not sure of her pl...
211K 7.6K 21
They say your mate is someone who is always supposed to be there for you. But, they never talk about what happens when your mate isn't there for you...