The MacArthurian Era: A Kaise...

By USMValor

11.1K 148 4

After the Second American Civil War, With the defeat of both of Reed's failed state of Syndicalism and Long's... More

Chap.1 "Aftermath, Washington D.C."
Chap.2 "At First, An American Cincinnatus"
Chap.3 "Pre-Second Weltkrieg Events"
Chap.4 "Research and Development for the Military"
Chap.5 "The New Uniform"
Chap.6 "The Second Weltkrieg"
Chap.7 "Project Raven Rock,Plan E.N.C.L.A.V.E. And the Second Mexican Revolt"
Chap.8 "The Colliding Worlds"
Chap.9 "The Rise of The B.U.N.P. And The Second British Civil War"
Chap.10 "A Form of Misunderstanding or A more Sinster Objective"
Chap.11 "Stoping Another War Dead In It's Tracks"
Chap.12 "The Weltkrieg Resumes"
Chap.13 "Eisenhower's Grand Betrayal"
Chap.14 "The Capitulation and A New Universe Expands"
Chap.15 "The New TF2 Freak Nations and Their Bio's"
Chap.16 "The Battle of Black Mesa"
Chap.18 "Dark Vipers Downfall"
Chap.19 "The Beginnings of the First American Cold War"
Chap.20 "April 5, 1950: The Saddest Day In History"
Chap.21 "The Inaugration of Kennedy"
Chap.22 Finale "The Timeline (1950-2000)"

Chap.17 "The Setup Surrender of OWN"

137 2 0
By USMValor

By the time the two Empires and the United States kept shelling of what was left of a military installation in the Great Basin region in Northern Nevada, The leader of OWN called for an armistice to stop the hostilities. The American Caesar had said in a telegram delivered to both President Cyborneer and Fuhrer Schadenfreude that attacks and artillery will cease, Cyborneer agreed but Schadenfreude was cautious about this letter, Douglas had contacted the Fuhrer and started to talk about if this could be a forgery. Paranoia began to engulf the Great American Caesar like a hand clenched to the size of a fist, He began to purge known OWN, Syndies, and anyone who was plotting to overthrow him. Schadenfreude was a master at manipulating known OWN personnel to go insane after a headache, He would also use illusions that could make people question reality. Syndicalism by this time was almost wiped from the world of Kaiserreich, However, Only a few of groups existed in some countries. Dr. Schadenfreude's past has been shrouded in mysteries and stories, However it was to the point that he kept everything a secret. MacArthur was more interested in this "Surrender" of OWN, But, He had a feeling that they are placating for a foolish attempt to overthrow the MacArthurian Junta.

While on his way to an area in Northern Nevada known as "Groom Lake", Douglas had stopped for a rest by setting up a camp in the desert near a Mountain with abandoned mining facility that had a cave. He ordered that supplies and equipment into the cave which was filled with Gold, Iron, Rubies,etc. Once they got the supplies, There was a squad of OWN soldiers waving the white flag for a truce. The gun that MacArthur had carried was a Sapphire plated M1911 Colt pistol that had his initials carved on it, Once the soldiers got close he could see the leader. The leader was dressed in Black, standing at 6,1 and having dark greying hair. There was still a potential for danger and MacArthur may have not known that this whole event was a setup, However, Douglas had no idea that on some of the ridges of the hills and mountains were heavy with Sturmabteilung Sniper Squadrons who had the whole OWN Team in their sights. Enclave and NCR snipers were also there making sure that the President or Caesar never got harmed, Even the satellites were zoomed in, Night Vision was another technology that the Enclave and NCR had that was also making sure. When the talk was over, The Leader had pulled out a Mauser Red 9 and aimed it at the American Caesars head. The leader said "Sorry, But I have other plans to revive the true American Dream."

MacArthur was not stunned but he knew of how to overpower the leader, He took his gun by forcing his hand out of it. The two then engaged into hand to hand combat while chaos erupted with both sides engaged in hand to hand combat, The snipers on the hills did their best to shield off any incoming enemy by shooting tires to by time. Douglas swing a couple of upper cuts but he was already bleeding from fighting a lot, Then trucks from the alliance pulled in with Federalist police. MacArthur then flinched for a second until the Leader punched him almost knocking him out, While the American Caesar was down, He took a look while the cowardly medic leader of OWN had retreated into the back of a truck while being hit in the leg by a sniper. At the end of the skirmish, SGT Dornan and Frank Horrigan had the American Caesar airlifted out of the now called "Dead Zone". Dornan and Horrigan along with over fifty thousand Enclave Tesla Troopers had a long battle in the Dead Zone against the OWN Teams Army, While he was on the Helicopter, He reported that Alaska was once again engulfed in war. The problem became apparent, But MacArther was wounded and had to wait till he got to Washington D.C., The War against OWN had waged on in the coming months.

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