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life in the colors of falling leaves and uncertain hearts jeongguk. © gonegguk 2018 More

우 리 사계절
01: miel
03: se faner
04: apprentissage

02: copains

203 26 42

[being a fool sometimes, does not make one a fool all the time]

"nah, who could be mad at this little muffin." he cooed, pinching her cheeks.

smacking his arm out of the way, dae let out a 'shut up' before chortling more, though dae didn't miss the roses that bloomed across his cheeks.

accomplished. that's what jeongguk felt after watching the girl in front of her let out rambunctious laughter, a kind that that was pure, unadulterated joy. jungkook loved making her laugh, no matter what extreme he must go to.

whoops, that was dramatic.

"okay, so you're telling me, all i have to say to a girl is 'barbecue sauce on my titties' to get free food?" jeongguk inquired, a cheeky smile gliding across his cherry red lips.

right when jeongguk thought she had sobered from her laughing dosage, another fit of laughter swarmed the air. not that he was complaining.

"i was going to buy you sashimi anyway, but i just wanted to see if you would actually go home and eat lasagna if i told you to." dae bluffed, sticking a teasing tongue out at him.

although the cherry lipped boy was curious as to what had happened, he didn't pry. after all, if it was bad enough for her to be affected, it was bad enough that she would tell him. sooner or later.

it was moments like this he cherished the most, even though every moment with dae was a treasure to him.

"i'm going to predict the past, and guess what you were before doing before you came to visit." jeongguk put his index fingers on each side of his temples, gluing his eyes shut in utter concentration. he was about to defy the  logics of the universe, split the very fabric of the galaxy, and peer into this girls mind-

"you sound so fucking high." the ash eyed girl snorted, letting out a quick chuckle before getting smacked in the arm.

"don't interrupt my past-peering!" the now narrowed eyes boy snapped, his nose scrunching a bit as he tried refocusing. he channeled all of his zen into her past, and thunder roared across the world— the world was under his control now-

"'gguk, you can't even control your damn bladder. how the hell are you going to control the whole world?" dae interrupted once again, cocking an eyebrow at him as she tried hiding her smile once again.

"excuse you !" jeongguk hissed, eyebrows furrowing in anger. "hmph, you're just the furious five to my po. the haters to my kung fu awesomeness."

"are you calling me fat? ugh." dae swiveled her head around, letting an overdramatic exhale through her nose as a show of frustration.

jeongguk took her act seriously, though.

after all, dae was a force to be reckoned with, especially when in a bad mood. he would know.

" w-what? no! no, no, no. of course not ! you are literally the skinniest thing i've seen— just because you're the furious five doesn't mean y-you're fat! it means you have five times the awesomeness as a regular furious five member!" jeongguk was flustered, words pouring out of his mouth like a waterfall. he really didn't want her to be sad. he had used all of his good pickup lines and the only ones left was for sleazes. he even sent out a little prayer to whoever could hear, just in case.

god- angels, whoever is listening-
please make sure dae doesn't get sad.
or cry.

she doesn't cry in front of people, but i seriously do not know how to comfort humans— last time i comforted a girl i got slapped and almost kicked in the balls.

i really don't wanna lose my balls.

so please, save my balls and dae. or if you can't save dae— at least give me more pickup lines.


concluding his prayer quite abruptly, he peeked one eye open to see if it worked. the sight he saw made him want to praise the lord god almighty and all his angels— because there dae sat, artificial lights casting a luminous glow on her tanned skin, eyes sparkling and teeth biting her lip as god answered his prayers.

or, at least one of them.

he still needed that pickup line.

sighing out of pure relief, he opened both of his eyes, starting to smile.

then, rambunctious laughter swarmed the air once again.

god, now this is a little too much. i asked for her not to be sad, not be over ecstatic. do you realize how hyper dae gets when she's happy? and how violent she gets when she's hyper? she's like a rabid bunny. if i get my dick bit off- i'm asking you to restore its mighty length.

" wait wait wait wait wait- you actually believed i was mad at you? dude, i'm jo haewon dae. not some petty shit who over analyzes everything and twists words!" the rosy girl managed to get through her laughter, her eyes crinkling into crescents once again. her eyes did seem to resemble the moon in that moment, shining through the darkness and jeongguk knew he would probably be remembering this night for days just from that smile.

in a completely platonic way, of course.

"but jo haewon dae is some petty shit who over analyzes everything and twists words." jeongguk huffed, defending his naiveness.

" yah! who are you calling a petty shit?" dae's eyes narrowed, nose scrunching up as her eyes bore into his. times like this, she really reminds him of the nine year old he met all those years ago.

"you would think after reading all those textbooks, one would get a bit more intelligent." he sputtered hastily, eyes narrowing too. it looks like a western cowboy movie when they're about to have a big brawl.

"says the one who didn't know what seven times three was!"

that was low.

"i was tired, okay? give a guy a break."

"you always use that excuse. you literally sleep at least 10 hours a day."

"10 hours means no shit when school exists."

"you don't even pay attention in school—you just watch sailor moon cosplayers fuck the whole time!"

"it was one time." he defended weakly. it really wasn't just one time, but she didn't need to know that.

"one time too many!"

their heated quarrel was interrupted by a shy silhouette dae spotted out of the corner of her eye. swiveling her head to face said silhouette, her lungs contracted with horror, eyes widening as her face paled.

a monster.

a scream filled the air around her, throat growing raw and she tried to stumble out of the way, pulling jeongguk along with her.

but before she could escape, everything had turned black, and she doesn't know whether she's dead or if she should be.

just kidding.

she was instead just faced with the same sweet waitress from before, timidly holding their milkshakes in two hands as she waited for the two teens to stop fighting.

she turned beet red when dae's and jeongguk's eyes landed on her, handing her head low as she handed them her orders swiftly, bowing quickly as she muttered a small "enjoy," and bolted.

jeongguk's eyes zoned in on the sticky note on the side of what was dae's milkshake. quickly snatching it before dae could get her paws on it, he read it aloud.

"are you a magician? because everytime i look at you, everyone else disappears." he preached, eyes widening as he realized his prayer was answered.

thank you, god. you the real mvp.

dae's nose scrunched up for what seemed the millionth time in the past hour— an endearing habit of hers that jeongguk didn't think he could live without. not that he likes her or anything, it just wouldn't be dae if she didn't. and she was his best friend. that's all.

"there's no way." the female deadpanned, eyebrow arched as she grabbed the sticky note.

in an attempt to protest— he had to write it down first!—he held the sticky note away from her. alas, it was but a millisecond too late, the sticky note already crumpled in the palms of his friend.

how rude.

"i'm pretty sure she meant it for you." dae finally stated, after rereading the sticky note a bajillion times. she didn't seem too pleased, but he couldn't seem to figure out why.

"huh?" jeongguk hummed, not fully registering her words.

"i said, i'm pretty sure the sticky note was for you. since you said my order, she must've forgotten that it was actually my order. then she continued to put the sticky note on the wrong shake and—"

he quickly interrupted her, "i don't really care. at least i got my pickup line, ammirite?" he managed to say between the bites of sashimi he was devouring.

dae hummed, eyes zoned on the table, loudly slurping away at her favorite drink.

she did not just zone out on him.

dom daddy jeongguk might need to make an appearance...

"how the fuck-'dom-daddy'? bitch, you can't even look my pet goldfish in the eye." dae was obviously out of her stupor now, although she seemed a bit dulled down.

she doesn't even have a pet goldfish.

so the boy made her laugh that laugh once again. as he always did, and always will.

the night continued like that, with laughter and horrible puns (from both ends of the conversation.) and, of course, fighting over the last bite of sashimi.

"excuse me? we're about to close." a different lady had popped up. jeongguk smiles sweetly, not fully but enough to portray appreciation, and nodded.

"c'mon, dae. we gotta go." jeongguk cooed, booping her nose. her head was rested upon her folded arms. she resembled a tiny puppy.

"jeoncoochie, spongebob was drawn in 3D, right?" dae inquired, voice sounding more slurred as her eyes fluttered to stay open.

ignoring the horrid nickname, a sigh escaped his lips, knowing how she got when she was tired. after all, it was one a.m..

"yeah?" he also knew that she tended to get really woke when tired. pun not intended.

"so you're telling me, that spongebob didn't have square pants, but instead had cube pants, and doodlebob was the real one with square pants? this is blasphemy— how dare they lie to the world like this? the cosmos are raging, mars is quaking, everything is falling apart all because sponge bob has cube pants. how could they lie to us like this—" dae's eyes were getting watery from the conviction the words had imposed upon her.

so this is what the rest of the night is going to look like.

the ebony haired boy with peach skin and no upper lip simply sighed once again, swinging her dainty hand over his shoulder as he hoisted her off the plush furniture as gently as possible.

now jeongguk knew dae was actually dead since she was leaning about half of her weight on him, eyes lidded and puffy.

bowing his head to the waiters and waitresses as they exited, he and dae snagged a few (almost all) the mints and fortune cookies at the counter.

"'gguk? can i sleep at your place today?" dae sleepily whispered, steps loud against the concrete as she was too tired to put more effort into being quieter.

jeongguk furrowed his brows, but nodded nevertheless.

"kay." he hummed, before kneeling down.

dae was surprised by his actions, starting to whine from the lack of heat.

"what are you doing?" she drawled, a pout evident on her pink lips as the light from the moon and the artificial streetlights shone on her in such a matter that she could've been an angel. at least, in jeongguk's eyes it was so.

"your hoe ass is being too slow. you're walking as if you got fucked in the ass six times yesterday. hop on, i'll piggy back you home."

so the walk home continued, her tiny body pressed into his back, the warmth of his entity lulling her to sleep. and the boy simply got more and more restless.

for what, however, he didn't know.

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