The Last Touch #3

By TheScarletAngel_

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Being told he has a terminal illness has made Elijah Hunt rearrange his priorities. Trading his workaholic-ne... More

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By TheScarletAngel_


Her question stilled me. The hand going through her hair froze.

Why do you hate being called your full name?.

I'm sure she could feel how tense I was but she kept playing with my nipple and I slowly,deliberately relaxed my body.

I opened my mouth intending to tell her it was too personal but words just spilled out.

"When I was young everyone called me Elijah. My dad believed in God, went to church regularly, he said he related with the story of Elijah so he named his son after him.

"I grew up in London, and while we weren't rich we weren't poor either. Dad had a hardware store and Mom was a florist. Everything was good, we were happy."

My stomach churned and I licked my chapped lips before continuing "When I was thirteen dad's store was robbed and he got killed in the process. Mom mourned for two months but she bounced right back. She got stronger.

"When I was eighteen I was celebrating getting into Yale with my mom and a couple of friends. Mom was going to pick me up because I planned to get drunk. On our way back we had an accident. A man was driving a truck while drunk. He came straight at us, Mom saw him and tried to swerve but it was too late. He hit the driver's side brutally so Mom was severely injured while I only had a few scratches. Do you know how long it takes to die once your heart stops beating?" I asked hoarsely.

"No" she said her voice thick.

"Ninety seconds. After calling nine-one-one I had Mom cradled in my arms. Her heart stopped in my arms but she was still breathing, was smiling at me and telling me to be strong. She said 'Elijah honey I'm so proud of you. Your dad and I will always love you.' I counted the seconds in my head while i was crying. She died two minutes before the ambulance got to us but it was too late."

"Oh Eli."

"Do you know what I regret most?" I asked. I couldn't help it,now that I've finally opened up I couldn't seem to stop.

"That you weren't the one driving?"

"No. That the final ninety seconds I had with her I'd told her I loved her but I was too busy yelling at her not to leave me"

She hugged my side tightly "she knew you loved her. She must have."

I shook my head "No. I always yelled at her about nagging me and not giving me enough space. I just wish..." my voice broke and I realised with dismay that I was crying.

She lifted a hand to wipe my tears "mothers know Eli. I'm sure, hundred percent positive that she knew you loved her."


"Really. I'm so sorry."

I shrugged and sat up with her in my arms "They already made a college fund for me since I was ten so college was no problem but I had a scholarship so I used the money for something else. Insurance covered her funeral. I made a resolution to my self when I got to college. I am Eli. Elijah was what I was known as during those first years of my life. It reminds me of my parents. Their unfair deaths."

Zoe pulled back from the tight grip I had her in and placed her hand so softly on my cheek.

"Eli. You said it yourself, you were happy. Even after your dad died your mom bounced back for you which couldn't have been easy but she did it because she knew you needed her and she was there for you. Even when she was dying her main concern was you. I don't think she'd want you to associate your name -a name your dad gave you in love because of someone he relates with- with their deaths.

"She'll want you to remember all the good times you had together,the happy times."

As I stated into her blue-grey eyes something shifted inside me,replaced it with a tenderness I had no business feeling for her. Still I shifted my head in her hand and kissed her palm.

"Thank you" I told her.

"It's the truth but you're welcome" she smiled at me and bent down to peck me.

"Now I don't know about you but I'm starting to feel hungry."

Grateful to her for understanding, for changing the subject I grinned and kissed her.


I reluctantly broke the kiss and stood up from his lap. I really was hungry. I shrugged on his shirt.

"Shame you have to do that" he drawled.

I tilted my head at him over my shoulder to see him smirking at me...well my butt.

I rolled my eyes at him and threw his boxers at him. He caught it with a laugh. I walked to the kitchen and placed our food in the microwave.

I dished out a few fruits.

"What's this?" Eli asked when I handed him a plate.

"An elephant. What does it look like?."

He narrowed his eyes at the plate "it looks like some kind of peni...fruit."

I rolled my eyes as I switched on the TV "it's cashew Eli. Cashew. Get your mind out of the gutter."

"Oh" was his intelligent reply then he stuck out his tongue at me.

I flicked through the channels and finally stopped at one where central intelligence was airing. I sat down next to Eli and started eating.


"Zoe" I glanced up to see Rick standing at the door to my office which was unusual as he usually call to tell me anything.

"Rick? Is everything okay?."

"See me in my office" he said then left. I frowned in puzzlement. What the hell is going on?.

I slowly walked out of my office to the elevators. I pressed the call button and a few minutes later the door opened with a ping.

And in stood Claire from Human Resources with a large box in her hand and her head down.

"What's wrong?" I asked puzzled as I walked in.

"I was fired."

My jaw dropped in surprise. She was really good at her job and a real sweetheart who remembered her please and thank you's so why was she fired?.

"What? Why?"

She sighed "something about finances going too low to handle paying some employees." She sighed "five other people were also fired."

Whoa. Why didn't I know anything about that?. I'm the R&D manager damn it. Was that why Rick want to see me?. To fire me too?.

I dismissed the thought as soon as it came. No way that was going to happen.

"I'm so sorry Claire" I said remorseful and she nodded.

"Not your fault."

I remembered she was a single mother with twin daughters.

"Can I have your number?."

"Sure" she shrugged and rattled it off.

I saved her number just as the doors opened and we went our separate ways.

Taylor & Taylor oil inc is now in desperate need of a employee in Human Resources I thought with a smirk.

Grayson is gonna be so pissed.

I cleared my throat sobering up when I got to Rick's office.

"Come in" Rick's voice was muffled when I knocked on the door.

I slowly walked in making sure my face was blank.

"Sit down" he said nodding to a chair.

In that moment I knew. He was no longer my mentor,a father figure. He was an employer. My boss.

"Mr Steele" I began but he cut me off with a wave of his hand.

"I see you heard the news. Sit down Zoe."

I drew in a deep breath and did as I was told sitting on the cream leather chair opposite his desk.

He sat up right "Zoe,I think of you as a daughter so I'll give it to you straight. I made some bad investments. Don't fret" he said raising his hand before I could speak.

"We're okay. The company isn't in deep waters yet but we had to cut off some employees because we couldn't afford to keep them."

His gaze scorched mine "you're a good employee Zoe,the best. Straight forward,hardworking,you take no shit and you're a damn good negotiator with eyes for valuable land. I couldn't ask for a better R&D manager so of course I'd hate to see you go"

My heart dropped into my stomach before I had a chance to soak in his compliments. I cleared my throat to get rid of the lump there.

"I appreciate you giving it to me straight Rick. I really respect you for that. And for what's worth I see you like a second father. I'll miss working with you." I made a move to stand up but he stopped me with a wave.

"That's the thing Zoe I don't want to let you go,call me selfish. So we're keeping you."

Before I could show my gratitude he stopped me again. "But your salary's being cut. I'm not stupid Zoe I know you've gotten a lot of offers from other companies and I love you so damn much for being loyal. I also know we got some investors because you're a Taylor."

I smiled at him placing my hand over his on the table "I love you too Rick. I love the work I do here,the people I work with and the atmosphere here. You gave me a chance to work from the bottom giving me no perks simply because I was a Taylor. You gave me a chance to prove something to myself and for that I'll always be grateful to you. Of course I'll love to continue working with you cut salary or not."

"You don't know how much your new salary is" he pointed out his eyes glassy,his voice thick.

"I don't care. I'm staying."

He stood up from his desk and rounded the table to give me a tight hug "thanks Zoe."

"No problem old man."

He let out a chuckle "old man my ass."

I rolled my eyes when he released me "Now if you don't mind I have some calls to make."


I widened my eyes innocently "No?."

"I know what you're planning Zoe and I don't want you to do it. I don't like leeching."

"It's not leeching if I offered."

"Still." He grounded out.

So damn stubborn.

"Fine!. I won't interfere" much I added.

"Now. If you'll excuse me I have to get to work."

"Zoe" Rick said when I got to the door.

I tilted my head at him my hand on the doorknob.

"After your weekend off don't come back on Monday."

I dropped my grip on the doorknob to face him fully "what??!."

"Take a week off Zoe. When last did you take a vacation?."

I scowled at him "I'll let you know when I need one."

He chuckled at me "Take a week off Zoe. Use it to think about what we just discussed."

"There's no thinking necessary!. I know my mind and when it's made up I don't change it" I glared at him hands on my hip.

He glared at me "Just take the damn week off!. Who argues when given a week off from work for God's sake?"

"Me!. That's who" I fumed "I don't want to take advantage of our relationship."

"Using my words against me I see. Well no matter you're taking a week off and that's that. It's an order."

"Whatever" I said and slammed the door on my way out.

When I got to my office I sank down into my chair with a sigh then called Grayson's cell.

"Hey sis!" He greeted cheerfully.

I bet he was grinning. Too bad.

I smirked "Remember that debt you owe me? I want to cash in."

At least Claire's gonna get a job.

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