Take a chance

By sammyntina2017

50.8K 1.7K 129

Rory and Tristan are best friends. They made a plan to join the military. After Logan cheats she honors Tris... More

What hurts the most
What to do?
Tell him
The talk
Wont give up
Bon voyage party
Come back to me
Party it up
Checking in
Special Report
You saved us
Birthday party
I'll be here to talk
Move out
They're safe
Our heros
Time to go
Casualties and injuries
So much to do
Shanes house
New teammate
Parting Words
A Family Bond
A idea to heal
Feeling relaxed
Its time
Welcome to the world
What The?!?!
Welcome Home
Honor A Great Man
This Is Heaven
Shira at it again
Being friends again
Mission Details
A Tough Mission
Whos Hurt?
What Happened?
Its Not Over
In Distress
Somethings Wrong
It Ends Now
Not A chapter


1.4K 42 2
By sammyntina2017

I turn around to see who tapped on my shoulder.

" Oh my God Tristan! What are you doing here?" I ask him as I give him a hug and he twirled me around.

" My parents told me about what Logan's been doing so I had to come and help my sister." He says with a smirk.

" Come on we're at lunch" I say. We wrap our arms around each other and walk back into the restaurant together. We reached the table.

" Finnegan, Amelia this is Tristan my brother from another mother." I say. They do the pleasantries.

" We've heard so much about you." Finnegan says

" So have I." Tristan says. We all continue to talk and went our separate ways. Tristan, Finn, and I head back to my place.

"Tris you staying with me?" I ask him.

" If It's ok with you Mare." Tris says

"Of course were family" I say. We head to my door and there's flowers and a package waiting for me. I pick them up and head inside.

" Who's it from?" Tris asks curiously.

" No clue there is no card in the flowers" I say. I open the box up.

"You have got to me kidding me" I yell throwing the box aside .

" What's wrong love?" Finn asks concerned.

" He needs to stop this, I don't want him end of story." I yell frustrated. Finn pulls me into a hug while Tristan looks in the box.

"I guess he's knows your dating now" Tris says and Finn looks at him confused.

" What do you mean?" Finn asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Other than gifts there's a picture of you two in here kissing" Tristan says.

" WHAT?" Finn yells shocked. He lets me go and goes straight to the box. As they're looking through the box my cell rings.

" Hey Ror I tried calling but you didn't pick up" Colin says.

" Sorry Tristan surprised me when I was about to pick up. You need to get over to my place now." I say urgently.

" What's wrong?" Colin asks concerned.

" You'll see when you get here." I say

" I'll be there as soon as I can" Colin says hanging up.

" You ready Mare?" Tris asked.

" Yeah and I'm glad to be making this journey with you" I say happily.

" How will you two work with the distance?" Tris asks curiously pointing at me and Finn. "Mate, my dad is going to locate me near her. So I'll never be too far away. He's glad I finally told her how I felt and my parents are making sure I'm close to her." Finn says with a huge grin on his face.

" That's amazing guys. I'm so happy for you." Tris says genuinely happy for us.

" Thanks Tris. Your the best brother I can ever have" I say my voice cracking. We continue small talk for a while and it was around dinner time so I started to cook. Midway through making dinner there's a knock on the door. Tristan goes to answer the door.

"Hey man, how are you?" Tris says as he allows him in.

"I'm good. You ready for training?" Colin asks.

"Yeah we both are. It's a good way to honor my uncle." Tris says. They make their way to the kitchen.

" Hey Col" I say giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

" What was so urgent that I needed to be here ASAP?" Colin questioned. I continued to cook while Finn and Tristan showed him what was sent to me. After thirty minutes he comes back to the kitchen.

"He needs to realize that he can't buy your affection and that you've moved on." Colin says annoyed with the situation.

" He'll get a really nice hint after next month when Finn and I are no longer around." I say laughing.

" So Finn your dad is letting you follow her around?" Colin asks.

" Yeah he's happy I finally told her how I felt." Finn says wrapping his arm around me as I continue to place food on the plates.

"Guys dinner's ready" I say to them. We all head to the table and talk about all that will be happening before we leave.

" So you both are being sent to the same place?" Colin asks.

"Yeah we talked with the recruiter and said we both wanted to be seals. You should have seen his face." Tristan said laughing.

"Why?" Colin asked curious.

" He took one look at Rory and said she might not be cut out to be a seal" Tristan said.

"Wow really?" Colin asked shocked.

" Yeah he did and I said I know I can beat the course." I said

"So what'd he do next?" Colin asked intrigued.

" He called his commander in that's a seal and asked if he would go head to head with Mare here." Tris said holding back his laughter.

"No way" Colin says shocked.

"Yeah so we meet at the course. The commander looks at me and smirks. He leans in and whispers to me 'hey tiger you ready to show him'." Shane asked me.

"Wait you know his commander?" Colin asks dumb founded, Finn just continues laughing.

" Wait you haven't heard the best part yet." Finn says with laughter.

" Why?" Colin asks confused.

" So I do the course and of course I beat the commander cause he trained me in martial arts and all of that." I say.

" Yeah and the recruiter looked at his commander completely shell shocked that he was beaten." Tristan says.

"So the commander asked him if he remembered him talking about his best student Leigh?" I say

" And?" Colin asks enthralled in the story.

" So the commander looks at him and says Bryan meet Leigh. His jaw dropped and it took several minutes for him to actually be able to form a cogent sentence." Tristan finishes.

" After he realized who I was. He was accommodating to do it since I have a letter of recommendation from his commander." I say

" That's amazing Ror. I'm so proud of you." Colin says. I serve us all dessert and midway through there's a knock on the door. I excuse myself and make my way to the door. I open it and was shocked to see who's there.

" What the hell are you doing here?" I yell angrily.

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