The talk

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Rory's POV

" We should talk love" Finn says  looking me in the eyes. I simply nod my head and unlock the door.

" Have a seat, I'll make some coffee" I say. After a few minutes I come back with two mugs. I take a seat next to Finn handing him his cup. I take a sip wondering what that kiss was about.

" Love?" He asks, I turn too look at him

" Yes Finny" I say softly

" I need to tell you something." He says nervously.

" Ok" is all I can say.

" When we first met at the beginning of the summer and we became great friends but as time passed I wanted to be with you. I fell head over heels in love with you, I wanted to ask you out but I didn't think you would be with someone like me. When we got back to school shortly after you were with Logan. I want to be with you. I want you to give us a chance." He says. I can see the truth in his eyes.

" Oh Finny" I say as a tear slides down my cheek and he wipes it away.

"It's alright if you don't feel the same way as me." Finn says with a hint of sadness laced in his voice.

" I fell for you to but it seemed like you had no interest in me at all and I would rather have you any way I can than not at all. I would love to be with you, but how will it work I'm leaving soon. I'll be in training then going to seal school hopefully along with law school and being deployed. How can it work?" I ask as tears stream down my face. He wipes away the tears and strokes my cheeks tenderly.

" I've talked to my parents, they will let me stay near you wherever you are. I can work remotely and if there's a issue it can be handled by someone else. My parents are ok with this, they told me to tell you how I felt and that they would support us and help us in whatever we need that includes being wherever you are. Your worth it Ror you're worth everything. You mean everything to me. You're my world" He says to me passionately. Before I can say anything more he kisses me like I've never been kissed before. We break away to catch our breaths our foreheads touching. I look him in the eyes and see the sincerity and love in them.

" Yes" is all I could say. He smiles widely jumping up and grabs me and twirls me around. I just laugh as he was spinning me around and then my phone rings.

" Hello" I ask with laughter still in my voice.

" Fruit of my loins how was tonight? Why are you out of breath? Did you do something dirty?" She asked me suggestively. I laughed.

" No mom tonight was great and Finn and I were just talking. I'll call you later" I say. We hang up and I go back to Finn he wraps his arms around me.

" Thank you for giving me a chance I'm going to be a good boyfriend." He says.

" I have no doubt. Your an amazing friend so I know you'll be the same as a boyfriend." I say smiling at him then giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. That night he stayed the night and we spent the night making out and talking about anything and everything. The next morning we go to a cafe for breakfast and run into Colin.

" Well well well, what do we have here?" Colin asked with a smirk gracing his face. We just look at each other and smile.

" Well Mate I finally put it on the line and she agreed to give us a chance. I know it'll be hard with her being in training but she's worth it." Finn says happily.

" That's great I'm happy for you guys. So when do you leave exactly Ror?" Colin asks.

" About a month and a half left, Tristan will be here in a few days." I say

" How does your family feel about this?" Colin asked curiously.

" They support Tristan and I. His family is like a family to me also they are all proud that I want to serve my county. We are honoring a great man" I say with a smile.

" Love is an amazing woman" Finn says kissing me on my forehead. I lean into him and just smile. After everything Logan has done to me and how he treated me I deserve to be happy. As we talked and ate our breakfast my phone goes off alerting me to a text message. I grab my phone and look at it. I sigh and just shake my head.

" Love what's wrong?" Who was it?" Finn asked worriedly.

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