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Finn's POV

The delivery people came at ten so Tristan and I were in the nursery building the crib when my phone went off.

"What's up mate?" I say cheerily.

"Finn you and Tristan need to get to the hospital now." Colin states frantically but I cut him off.

"What happened?" I exclaimed worriedly.

"Rory's in labor her water broke. Grab the bags she's screaming at me." Colin says with a little laugh.

"We're on our way mate." I say and hang up.

"Tristan we have to go now." I say panicking some.

"What's wrong?" Tristan asked worried.

"Rory's in labor. We need to grab the bags." I say.

"Grab a extra set of clothes for the surprise baby." Tristan says with a laugh.

I hurry to grab Rory's bag and the baby's bag. Tristan hands me a set of clothes for the surprise baby and I smile.

"I still can't believe I'm having twins." I say with a huge smile.

"Neither can I but I'm happy for you." Tristan says grinning and patting me on my shoulder.

We make it to the hospital quickly and I run to the front desk. "My wife's in labor her names Lorelei Morgan but goes by Rory." I say breathlessly.

She checks her screen "She's in labor an delivery room 200." She says.

Tristan and I rush up to labor and delivery and run to her room. "Baby I'm here." I say rushing to her side.

I kiss her forehead and grab her hand. "Hey baby." She says then a contraction hits.

"Ahhhhhhhhh." She screams breathing through the pain.

"I'm here baby." I say softly stroking her hair.

Rory's POV

"How are we doing in here?" Dr Grey says walking into the room.

"We'll go call the families now. Text if you need us. Love you princess." Tristan says and kisses my forehead.

All the guys and Steph kiss my head and leave us. The doctor checks to see how far dilated I am.

"Your progressing quickly. Your at 6 cm already. The epidural is on its way up." She said and left the room.

"Tristan grabbed a extra set of clothes for the surprise." Finn says smiling at me.

"That's good." I say tiredly. The doctor came quickly and I got the epidural.

I fell asleep for a few hours with Finn. We woke up before the doctor came in. She checked me and it was time.

"I hope your ready. your about to be parents." She says smiling at me.

Finn kissed me softly and smiled at me. "I love you Finny." I say stroking his cheek.

"I love you to baby." He says and kisses me quickly.

Finn held my hand and helped me through the labor process. "Ok Rory on the next contraction I'll need you to push." She says.

I waited for the next contraction "push." She said I pushed and stopped when I was told.

For what felt like forever I pushed and then I heard the most beautiful sound in the world. My son. Finn and my baby.

"Dad would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asked and Finn smiled.

"I would love to." Finn says and he cut the cord.

The baby was out and the nurse cleans him off and wrapped him up and put him on my chest.

"Say hello to your son." The nurse says.

"Hello Shane Finnegan." I say smiling at him.

Shane Finnegan Morgan
Born at 10:10 PM January 29th 
5 lbs 6 oz
20 in long

"He's beautiful." I say in awe. Finn leans down and kisses our son and then me.

Then I felt the need to push again. "I feel the need to push again." I say as another contraction hit.

"Ahhhhh." I moan in pain.

They take the baby off my chest and I was ready for the second baby to come. I pushed and pushed and he was finally out.

"Dad you want to cut your other son's cord?" The doctor asked Finn with a smile.

"Always." Finn says happily. He cut the cord and Finn made his way towards me again.

Finely Johnathon Morgan
Born at 10:30 PM January 29th
5 lbs 4 oz
21in long

"You did amazing love." Finn says and leans down and kisses me softly.

"Your Family is going to go nuts when they see two babies." The doctor says with a laugh.

"The only one who knows is Tristan." I say with a smirk.

The nurse placed the second baby on my chest.

"Oh Finn he looks more like you." I say in awe.

"I know baby. The first baby looks more like you." Finn says grinning.

"Now mom lets feed your little ones. Then get them in the outfits you got them and shock your family." The doctor said with a laugh.

"I'll be here along with another nurse  to take video and pictures of your families reactions." The nurse tells us.

"That's nice of you." Finn says and I nod.

"I want to see their reactions to. Another nurse will help. One will take pictures and one for videos. That way you can have both." She says and I start breast feeding both babies.

"First well do the parents, grandparents, and then the rest of the group." I say looking up at Finn and he nods.

After I finish breastfeeding Finn and I burp the babies. We change them into their outfits and got them prepared.

"Ok love I'll get the first group." He says leaning down and kisses me. He walks out the door.

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