Its time

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Rory's POV

I was now thirty six weeks and it was already the end of January. I was due in a few weeks and today was my check up.

Finn and I make it to the appointment and sign it. We sit and wait to be called

"Rory Morgan." The nurse calls us to the back.

I have my weight checked and leave my sample. We are escorted to the room to wait for the doctor. "You excited baby?" Finn asked me with a grin.

"A few more weeks and we'll have our baby boy." I say and shed a few tears.

We hear a knock on the door and our doctor walks in. "Hi doctor Grey." We say together.

"You guys excited?" She asked us and we both nodded.

She starts the measurements and she gets a funny look on her face. "Is everything ok?" Finn asked concerned.

"Yeah it seems that your baby has a sibling." She says shocked.

"What?" We say in shock.

She turns the screen towards us and we can see two babies. "Do you know what the sex is?" I asked in awe.

She moves it around and freezes the screen. "Looks like two boys." She says smiling.

Finn leans down and kisses me softly. "Baby two boys." He says ecstatic. I wiped my stomach off and sat up.

"Listen your babies can come at anytime since their twins. Don't worry your babies will be healthy at this point." She assures us and we leave.

"Baby can you believe it two boys." I say still in awe.

"I know what we should name him." Finn says.

"What is that?" I asked with a eyebrow raised.

"Finely Johnathon Morgan." He says with a smile.

"I love it." I say tearing up.

"I say we keep the second baby a surprise from everyone til you go into labor and their born." Finn says with a evil grin.

"We need to get everyone out and set up another crib." I say with a smile.

"That can be done love. How about we only let Tristan know and he can help us." He says with a smirk. I nod and soon we make it home quickly.

We walk straight to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. Tristan walks in and I smirk at him. "What's with the smirk?" Tristan asked cautiously.

"We need your help mate." Finn says smirking.

"With what?" He asked curiously. I take his hand with Finn following to our bedroom. Finn closes the door and locks it.

He stands next to me "Alright what we're about to tell you is a surprise for everyone else. We need your help to get it done." I say smiling.

"Ok." Tristan says cautiously with a eyebrow raised.

"No screaming for joy mate." Finn says seriously handing him the ultrasound.

"Why does it show two babies?" Tristan asked confused.

"That's because I'm pregnant with twins." I say with a smirk.

"What? Really?" Tristan asked shocked.

"Yes mate twins. Turns out the baby was hiding." Finn says with a smile.

"What is it?" Tristan asked.

"It's a boy. We're going to name him Finely Johnathon Morgan." Finn says smiling.

"Your naming his after uncle John?" Tristan asked teary eyed.

"Yeah mate. He meant a lot to both of you." Finn says.

"What do you need help with then?" Tristan asked.

"We need to get double of the stuff. If the guys see it they'll know. We don't want anyone to know until we give birth." I say with a smirk and a twinkle in my eye.

"Alright. The guys are out now. Why don't the three of us shop for what you need. We can get the delivery date. Finn and I will set it up and you can get the guys out of the house." Tristan says.

"Alright let's do this." Finn says excitedly rubbing his hands together in excitement.

We spent the next hour or so buying things and we asked for delivery for the next day for around lunch. They said they could do it.

"I figured a way to get the guys out of the house." Tristan says.

"Yeah how so?" I asked curiously.

"Tell the guys to take you to lunch and shopping that Finn and I want to surprise you with something." Tristan says with a smirk.

"That could work." Finn says smirking at me.

The night passed quickly and we all stayed in and ate takeout and watched movies.

The next morning I woke up to some pain but I figured they were just Braxton Hicks contractions. I showered quickly and walked to the kitchen. I sat down because the babies were moving constantly.

"Rory we were thinking of taking you to lunch and shopping today. How does that sound?" Austin asked.

"Sure that sounds great." I say and rub my belly.

I can see at the corner of my eye Mark giving Finn and Tristan a thumbs up and I laugh lightly. "What's so funny? Mark asked with a eyebrow raised.

"Nothing your nephew is kicking up a storm. You can see it on the outside. Look." I say pointing to my belly.

Colin places a plate of food in front of me.

"Thanks Col." I sat appreciatively. 

"I can't wait to buy my nephew some new outfits." Steph says excitedly.

"Guys thanks again for letting us stay here until the other house is ready." Colin says thankfully.

"It's no problem Colin." Finn says sitting next to me.

"Now after breakfast were going to shop then lunch and shop again." Mark says with a smirk.

I nod and go and grab my stuff. Finn helps me put my flats on and I kiss Finn goodbye.

We get in the cars and start to shop. We spent a few hours shopping and it was almost lunch time.

"Rory look at this." Robert says holding up a onesie.

"Oh that's so ahhhhhhhhhhh." I say in agony.

"Rory are you ok?" Robert asked concerned.

"My water just broke. I'm in labor." I say panting through another contraction.

What will the families say when they realize there is two babies and not one? Will Finn make it to the hospital in time? Will the families?

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