III: The Redemption (Complete...

By writtenbytee

272K 12.2K 8.2K

MUST READ KEEPING SECRETS & THE REVELATION FIRST!! Nothing lasts forever, while somethings never change. Ho... More

Visuals Are Back
1. First Day of School
2. The New Boy In Town
3. Mine
4. Major Changes
5. Friend or Foe?
6. Baby Fever
7. Literally, Lit
8. Fashion Industry
9. Family over Everything
10. Movin' On Up
11. You Aint Seen Crazy Yet
12. One Less Thing To Worry About
13. Return to Sender
14: Then & Now
14 & A Half: Revenge
15: Personal
17: Beyond What You See
18: Puzzle Pieces
19: Promise to Protect
20: man to Man
21: Should've Been Me
22: A Loss
23: Another Side of You
24: For The Last Time
25: Dove
Epilogue : Lesson & Blessings

16: Anything For You

8.6K 401 402
By writtenbytee

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Years to all of you guys! Hope you had a wonderful 2017, and even if you didn't let's just hope and plan for this one to exceed all we think it could be. Just know I love you guys a lot and I'm forever thankful.

I was planning to post earlier this week but you know me, I will never drop a trash chapter. My all has to be put into it; so I hope you guys forgive me. Enjoy xoxo


Isaiah Wilson

"I just want you to set those right over there." I commanded our house keeper as she walked in with her arms filled with the Venus et Fleur blue boxed roses that I had ordered the night before, behind her came in the actual delivery man with his arms filled as well. They both followed orders perfectly propping all the boxes in front of the heart I had made out of white rose petals earlier this morning, inside sat a few Louis Vuitton bags accompanied by a bigger one from Gucci.

I had been so busy with work as of lately that I wanted to just do something for my woman this morning, I knew she had an attitude about the number of hours I spent away from the house and I couldn't be mad at her for it; she was pregnant and needed me around at this point in her pregnancy. Her hormones had her attitude through the roof, to the point where she had me sleeping on the couch for coming home two minutes after I told her I would be home.

After handling my first and only divorce case that led to a homicide I learnt that a loyal woman deserved to be praised. There really aren't many out there, so when you find one it's important to cherish her. To know the woman of my dreams was carrying my seed just made me feel as though I needed to do any and everything in my power to keep her satisfied. Being a mother was out of her element, as was it out of mine but I knew that together we could do it.

I heard the shuffling around upstairs and I quickly tipped the delivery man and sent our house keeper on her way to do what she was doing before. I ran my hands over the wrinkles in my Calvin Klein Pajama bottoms and leaned against the fire place until I heard the sound of her feet coming down the stairs. "Ugh! Sleep on the couch doesn't actually mean sleep on the couch Zay. I had the worst sl-." before she could continue complaining she got to the bottom of the steps and her mouth fell open, as she looked down at my display then up at me. "Babe? What is all this?"

"A little token of my appreciation." I smiled, and waltzed over to her, grabbing hold of her hand and bringing her towards the assortments of gifts. "I know money can't buy happiness but it definitely can supply you with what does make you happy."

"Isaiah, you know you didn't have to do this right?"

"Oh but I did you see," I pulled over a chair from the dining room table and put her to sit. "The bible said that he who findeth a wife, findeth a good thing and I agree wholeheartedly. However, it doesn't just stop at finding a wife, now that you have that good thing it's only right to cherish it, never stop chasing her the way you did in the beginning. I want to see an everlasting smile on your face, and the only tears I want to see are tears of joy baby." I leaned down and kissed her forehead before picking up the first oversized LV shopping bag. "Here you go."

"No, Isaiah... really. I don't deserve all of this."

"You deserve more than this." I said with a slight chuckle. "Open up." With hesitation; Simone finally opened up the bag, pulling out another orange box, she placed it on top of her lap and took her time opening it, moving the tissue to the side until she saw the LV purse she had been whining about getting for months.

"Baaaaabe!" she said all choked up. "How did you know?"

"Simone please, leaving cut out pictures on my side of the bathroom mirror, on the fridge door, on the dash of my car?"

"You're a lawyer, you know that without proof that evidence is irrelevant." She grinned as she wiped away her tear. "I love this so much, thank you baby."

"You're welcome, but you're just getting started." I placed the bag down next to her and handed her the rest of her gifts one at a time; the bags contained the Upper East thigh boots she wanted from LV, along side a head band and a grey and black Supreme Gucci diaper bag.

"This is honestly amazing." Simone said, holding her head back. "I don't know what I did to deserve this."

"You did nothing, but simply be you baby girl. My woman, my Queen, my wife and the love of my life." I knelt down before her and her eyes met me, with a questioning look. "Listen, Simone that ring on your finger is a symbol of my love to you and I know it is the one of your dreams... but as my love grows I believe your rock should as well."

"No Zay, you really don't have to do this... I won't force you to sleep on the couch ever again."

"That doesn't matter." I smirked and took hold of her shaky hands, removing the ring that I had once given to her, I slipped it into my pocket and took out the box that I had in my possession for a week now, waiting for this moment. I flipped the top open and her jaw hit the floor.

"NO, you didn't!" she yelled, shaking her head and using her hand to cover her mouth. "No... you did not!" I reached for her hand but she shook her head as tears began to stream down her face.


"No, I can't accept all of this."

"I'm not asking you," I reached for her hand again but she pulled away with such force and stood to her feet.

"I can't do this right now." She announced.

"Was it something I said?" my brows furrowed as I stood to my feet as well. "Talk to me..."

"No Isaiah, I just can't right now." She brushed past me, storming up the stairs and I knew that it was best to just let her have her moment at this point. I listened to the bedroom door slam before I placed the ring box onto the dining table and took my cellphone out of my pocket. I dialed my assistants number and stepped into my office, closing the door behind me.

"Hello Madison? How are you?"

"I'm good Mr. Wilson, what can I help you with today?"

"I was expecting a doctor's report today... do you mind checking to see if it came in as yet."

"Not a problem, just give me a mome..... found it! Should I forward it to you?"

"Sounds good, but stay on the phone."

"Not a problem."

About a minute went by and my phone buzzed from the email. I scrolled through the regular information until I got to what I was waiting for, I nodded my head and couldn't help but just smirk... it was exactly what I thought. I paced the area until I stopped in front of the first ultrasound that we had gotten... it brought back memories of my high school days and my dreams of playing football, the dream that would stay in my past for as long as I could keep it there. That dream caused me to do a lot of things that I shouldn't have and a lot of things that I knew would've affected me in the future; such as the overwhelming amount of steroids I was on. I became addicted to the point where the doctor warned me that one day if I didn't stop; I could face the issue of not being able to reproduce... so now that the results were in; I could say that I wasn't surprised and because of how close I was with God, I believe it was him who revealed to me who's seed was actually in my wife. "Madison?"

"Yes Mr. Wilson?"

"There's a file on my desk... labelled Flemington."


"I accidentally labelled it wrong. You see the Johnson case next to it, that I had closed about a week ago, that's where the Flemington label should be."

"Oh, the big million-dollar homicide and drug bust case?"

"That's the one."

"I got it. Anything else."

"Just one last thing, make sure that the sheriff gets it by tonight... we gotta get a pig like that off the street, before he ruins even more families."

"You are absolutely right! I'll get it to him sir."

"Thanks Madison, enjoy the rest of your day."

"You as well. Goodbye sir."

I hung up the phone, and placed it onto the desk and I ran my fingers through my hair, it took everything in me to not make a scene. I loved Simone so much to the point where I would never put her through what she had gone through in the past, however I did what I had to do in order to keep my anger at bay; I got rid of the problem.

"I'm sorry about that Zay, I just got too emotional, you know how these hormones be." Simone said, stepping into her office meanwhile patting away her tears. "I'm very grateful for everything."

"It's alright, I understand." I reached out and she stepped into my open arms, placing her head against my chest. "I love you and I'm willing to do anything for us, understood?"

"Yes Baby."

And... I meant anything.

Alonzo Flemington


I can't do this anymore...

I raised my brow, and coughed up a storm through my cloud of cigarette smoke, nearly blinding me from seeing the roads in front of me. I would have to handle this later because only God knows what she was talking about this time. "You should get that cough checked out babe."

"I'm good, what you need to do is turn that crap down!" I barked at London meanwhile placing the cigarette back into my mouth and taking another pull, Cody and Eazy had just dropped Nya back home from her fail at attempting to hitchhike her way back into the city, meanwhile London and I were on the lookout. I had my tech guys trying to do anything they could to find out where Samantha could be at this point in time, I even had some of my guys pull up to the niggas house, but it seemed as if he was one step ahead of us.

I wanted more than ever to visit the families of my men that died but with all that police in the area, I knew it would be too risky. Every gun that I had in my trunk was registered to me, but I still didn't want to risk it, police nowadays looked for one mistake just to give a nigga like me, life in prison.

"Damn, can't even listen to music?"

"Not at a time like this London." I coughed into my arm and shook my head from the pain in my throat. "We have to be focused."

"No, you have to be focused, I don't give a damn where the hoe is at this point in time. You heard what her best friend said... this is what she wanted, who sets up a booty call in some hotel with a stranger?" she scoffed, "Like c'mon." I raised my brow and looked over at her, London really wasn't the one to talk... especially with the way we started fooling around, the stories were almost identical. "Our story doesn't count, we were drawn together by fate."

"More like I wanted some and you were offering."

"Nuh uh, I'm classy. You had to work for this one."

"You're right... took me a couple hours longer than I was used to."

"Asshole," she said nudging me in my side. "At least you know, I got that good good... that's why you're still around."

"I mean, you got me there." I smirked, and looked over at her smiling face. London was a beautiful girl and without a doubt I knew she was willing to go to the ends of the earth for me, which is why I felt so bad. Once upon a time, I was that gullible nigga that kept falling for the wrong one which is what made dropping her, harder than usual.

"What wrong?" London asked, placing her hand against my thigh. I looked down at it, to see the ring that seemed to be way too tight to be on her finger, the ring that didn't belong to her. As I looked at her, I realized that London... wasn't my wife. It was as if something came over me, and everything became so real... Samantha was missing and it was all because of me. "Take that shit off." I commanded, a bit louder than I had expected, when suddenly my phone began to vibrate against my thigh. I retrieved it, answered and placed it on speaker. "Talk to me."

"We checked all the cameras that we got set up in the area, and there's no sign of her... however, I did trace the credit card back to this hotel called Brixton Bay Hotel about an hour out from where you are. I'm dropping the location into your GPS right now."

"Perfect." I did an automatic U-turn, causing London to hold onto the dash. I shifted the gear, and stepped on the gas, Cody who seemed to have been trailing behind me at this point did the same thing, we were finally getting somewhere.

About 45 minutes later we pulled into the roundabout in front of the Brixton Bay hotel. I put the car into park and hopped out, leaving London behind. Cody did the same, we busted into the place as if we were men in black or something. I adjusted my gun in my holster, before I pulled up to the front desk. "Hello ma'am." I said, ringing the bell on the desk to get her attention.

"Yeah... you don't have to do that. I'm sitting right here." She said with attitude as she removed the bell and looked up at me. "How may I help you?"

"My wife, she was here last night for a bit of a getaway but she hasn't returned home."

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if she needed some extra time." I squinted at the young girl, her attitude reminding me too much of Nya's to the point where I had to refrain from whooping her. "Anyways, what can I do for you?"

"Can you possibly search up the name Samantha Flemington and let me know if she checked out?"

"That's confidential information that I can only provide the police with." just as she finished her sentence, Cody held up his fake but pretty authentic badge for her to see.

"Now... can we have the information."

"Fine," she sighed and turned on the computer, we listened to the tapping of her obnoxiously long nails against the keyboard until she finally leaned back in her seat. "Yup she was here but checked out around 4 this morning," she pursed her lips and her brows shifted a bit before she stood up and went into the back. I looked over at Cody who seemed to be just as confused as I was. Moment later, she came back out with a bit of an older man behind her. "This is my supervisor." She announced, looking between the both of us."

"What's going on?" I asked, leaned over the counter a bit. The supervisor cleared his throat and placed a plastic bag onto the table with a phone and a green sticky note.

"Your wife left earlier this morning while one of our other staff members were at the desk, she said the whole check out seemed a bit off... Samantha checked out in nothing but the hotel robe and slippers, she said that she didn't look like she was being forced or anything however, in her gut something felt off."

"Was she alone?"

"As far as I'm concerned yes, but then again so many guests come in and out of this place around those hours that it's hard for us to monitor that." He said in a bit of a lower tone.

"There has to be a way you can find out."

"We can only do so if there's a warrant, and a red flag raised. I can't go off of a staff member's gut feeling." He opened up the baggy and placed the phone onto the desk in front of me. "However, this right here, caused me to have a bit of a gut feeling as well."

"What is this?"

"Apparently she left this, with a note... told my employee that her husband would be here to pick it up which is why you're here, right?"

"Correct." I lied, I reached for the phone and took a look at the sticky note that seemed to have something scribbled onto it. Samantha worked in the pharmacy for the longest that her writing changed from it's beautiful cursive to this chicken scratch that only doctors, nurses and pharmacists could understand. Luckily, she had taught me to decipher a few months before our official separation, Elise was curious, she was just learning how to read and we didn't want to argue in front of her; so Samantha would cuss me out in prescription writing.

I shook my head and read over the note a couple more times, before giving it a nod. "Thank you." I said to the supervisor as I picked up the phone.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Everything's fine, she just let me know she was going to be staying at a closer hotel, her phone died and she didn't have a charger on her."

"Oh... okay. Now that makes sense."

"Thanks again," I said before nudging Cody and making my way out. The moment we got to the sliding door, Eazy stepped out of the car joining us next to the entrance as well. I took out my pack of cigarettes and looked around to make sure they weren't watching me, I sparked one up, casually before I finally spoke. "She said he told her that she has 24 hours, he wants our turf and is willing to take blood for it."

"Not on our watch." Cody said immediately. "Did she say anything else?"

"Nah," I lied... under that she had also said that this is the true test of what's more important to me along with a simple I <3 u.

"You worked for those street corners, aint no one going to come up under you and take what's yours. Not only will we find Samantha, but we'll get rid of him easily." Cody said, peering at me with hungry eyes. I had been trying to keep my hands clean for years, I wasn't sure that this is what I wanted to do. I knew Cody was trigger happy and was only speaking off of his craving.

I sighed, and used my finger print to open her phone; surprised that it was still working I scrolled through her camera roll until I saw the video section. I braced myself, before hitting the play button on the most recent video. Her screams were gut wrenching and as she begged for her life, his stature being no match for her frail body and she tried her best to fight him off, we were minutes in and I knew I couldn't finish watching it the moment he forced her to give up what belonged to me and only me. Eazy reached over and stopped the video before it got even worse.

"We both know, what you have to do." Cody said a bit above a whisper. I nodded and looked over at the one that came before me and would know best. Eazy was hesitant before he gave me a nod.

"You saw what he did, no matter what you two were going through... that's still your wife and your soulmate. Till death do you part, don't let him be the reason for her death." he said. "Do it." I took a long puff from my cigarette before tossing it into the road.

"Fine, call my men and let them know the war is on. I want double the security around my house as well as I want eyes and ears everywhere, find out the word on the street and who's moving that work for him... once you find that out; I want his top three sales men dead, no questions asked. Call all the retired members and let them know what's going on as well. In the mean time, you know his address... make sure you do unto him as he has done unto me." I said without a stutter. "And last but not least, find his location... he gave me 24 hours which means Samantha has to be somewhere close to him." That was the last word before we dispersed into our various cars.

I hopped into the driver's seat, and pulled off immediately, with London boring holes through the side of my face, she was smart enough to wait for me to get onto the highway before she decided to finally clear her throat. "Rochelle called." She said, "should I call her back."

"It's probably about the kids, so yes."

I listened as London dialed her number, and put the phone on speaker for me. It rung a couple times before I heard Rochelle's voice break through. "Hello?" she whispered.

"Why you whispering?" I asked, I was so on edge that hearing her like that made my heart skip a beat.

"Because... we've got a problem."

"I'm coming home right now." I said.

"Well, you better not... if you don't have Samantha with you."

"Why not?"

"Because... Alonzo, her father has been released... and he's looking for his daughter." My blood ran cold, the moment I heard those words, as if today couldn't get any worse? The scariest man alive that trusted me with his daughter's life now sat in my living room?

"... I'm going to need you to stall until I get there."

"What should I say? Shouldn't he know that she's missing?"

"Do you want him to kill your baby father or what?" I yelled into the phone. "Consider Rocky as the God father, you keep him happy until I get there. Say Samantha and I went out or something, just stall. I'm going to find her..."

"I hope so, Alonzo."

At this point in time... I hoped so as well...

Hezekiah Collins

"Damn baby." Claudia said, as she laid back against the mess of our California King Size bed, her hair laid all around her red face, as she panted to catch her breath. "It hasn't felt that good in a minute."

"Maybe because you've been too busy to actually get some." I said with a smirk and I placed a kiss against her collarbone, I caressed her cheek with my thumb before kissing her lips one more time and rolling out of the bed. "This is what I love about getaways. We get a chance to relax and forget about everything else in our way."

"Very true," she let out, propping herself up on her elbows. "We needed this, especially after everything with Lucas."

"I agree." I opened up the bag that was packed for me and took out a pair of Champion sweats along with the matching shirt. "However, we will never have to worry about something like that happening again."

"I hope so, but you know how vicious high school can be, especially when you're new. Lucas is young and will fit in eventually... it just takes time."

"Or reinforcement."

"Hezzy." She said, "what did I say about that?"

"Claudia, we aren't going to talk about this right now." I said, as I got myself dressed. "Whatever is in the past is in the past, we're here to enjoy ourselves... now let's do that and only that. Please." I walked over to her and kissed her lips softly, "Please?"

"Fine. But no more talk of violence alright?" she asked.

"No more." I assured her. "Now get yourself ready while I go make something on the grill."

"Mmm, you don't have to tell me twice." She stated, before climbing out of the sheets she was wrapped in and making her way to the shower.

In the mean time, I headed downstairs to see Lucas playing his video games with his headphones on, probably to drown us grown folk out as usual. I walked out to my car where I reached into my trunk and pulled out the plastic bag, with my clothes from last night in it. Once, I was down I walked around to the back where the fire bit was. I lit up one of the sticks and tossed it into the pit, then watching the fire grown big... once it did I tossed in the plastic bag, and stepped back as it flared up before me. I tilted my head to the side and waited until all the memories turned into ashes before me.

My phone buzzed interrupting the show, I placed it to my ear and said an easy "Mhm."

"They want war." Was all I heard Jerome say.

"Then give it to them." I hung up immediately and placed the phone into my pocket, taking a stroll down to the shed for some propane for the BBQ, Claudia and Lucas swore the place was haunted. It held all of our safety supplies but they were too scared to step foot inside.

I used my key and popped the door open to ease, I flipped on the light and pulled out a couple tanks of propane along with my trusted BBQ lighter. Once I was done, I turned off the light and overhead the muffled scream coming from the shed. I stepped back into it, and turned the light back on. Looking over Samantha's tied up body that sat in the corner, behind a bunch of old, dusty, rolled up carpets. "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" I whispered, grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her by it. "Cause a scene and I swear to God that I will kill you." I mumbled into her ear. I took a whiff of her hair that still smelt as good as it smelt when I was up behind her last night, it brought back memories of my pleasure, but her pain. The scent almost making me feel as if I could go for more.

"Hezekiah?!" I heard coming from outside. I slammed Samantha's back against the wall of the shed and gave her a death glare before I positioned the carpet back where it belonged and went back outside to see Claudia looking for me.

"I'm right here babe, just grabbing some stuff for the BBQ."

"I don't know why you like the haunted place for much." She said, as she made her way over but stopped where she was close but still far enough to not see inside. "Let me help you so we can get away from here."

"I'm good." I assured her, picking up the tanks of propane. We walked back up to where the grill was, starting it up.

"It's mad early, why you got this fire pit on?" she asked.

"I just wanted to see if it still worked. We paid an arm and a leg for this place, remember."

"How could I forget." She smirked, and rested her head against my arm. "Luckily, we have a lot more where that came from now."

"And a lot more to come once I conclude the process of this new deal." I had no doubt in my mind that these streets would soon be mine and I would be making what I was used to making before I moved down here.

"Ooo, what new deal might this be?"

"Something exclusive babe, grown men business."

"Oh please." She scoffed.

"Oh, I got a gift for you." I said, trying to distract her from asking anymore questions. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the gold chain that was accompanied by a gold heard shaped, diamond outlined pendant.

"Baby, this is beautiful!" she said as she ran her finger against it.

"Turn around for me." I ordered, and she did, holding her hair out of the way. I put it on for her, and it rested against her chest perfectly as if it was made for her.

"I love it." she cooed, holding it up and looking down on it. "My old best friend used to have a necklace just like this, her dad bought it for her and she never took it off! I used to envy her so much for it."

"Well now you got your own."

"You're right." She said with a smile before getting on her tippy toes and pecking my lips. "I love you baby."

"I love you more. Now get your fine ass inside and get the ribs from out of the freezer for me okay?"

"Okay daddy." She winked, as she swayed her hips dramatically until she got inside. I sighed out a sigh of relief, that was a close one.


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