Teenage Vamp? No Big Deal! [...

By iAliceHale

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Lilith, an average girl in high school who is in every angle very plain, always dreamed of becoming a vampire... More

Chapter 1 -- Lilith
Chapter 3 -- My savior...My love... [E]
Chapter 4 -- We will meet again, my love [E]
Chapter 5 -- Officially his girlfriend. [E]
Chapter 6 -- A friend's love [E]
Chapter 7 --Finally, A Date...
Chapter 8-- Where everything fell apart.
Chapter 9 -- So this is it

Chapter 2 -- Attached [E]

218 9 8
By iAliceHale

The sun was just about to rise when I arrived at school, I walked slowly, enjoying the fresh morning air and valuing the silence that would be abruptly cut off later.

I sat down on our usual spot and patiently waited for Cassie. After an hour or two, Kyle, Violet and their group arrived, hollering and laughing, signalling the start of school.

As they passed in front of me, Kyle smiled at me while Violet smirked, holding her usual orange juice. As they sat on their usual place, deep inside I mourned to be one of them, to be envied and be with Kyle. Unfortunately, that seems impossible so I just shrugged the thought off.

I was still alone, with nothing to do, so every now and then, I would constantly take a peek at Kyle, who was swearing his heart out, and my  mind would split in two, whether I would give his assignment to him now or not. 

 Give it to him now! Maybe he’ll kiss you again in the cheek!  My one side pleaded.

What if his Violet and his group make fun of you? That would be very embarrassing! The other argued.

 They won’t! Kyle would stand up for you!

 I’ll bet you my entire life he won’t!!

 Then I tuned out the voices in my mind, betting with yourself is NEVER a good sign.

Once again, I took a peek at Kyle. This time, he caught me and he winked at me, I felt all the blood in my body rush to my face, absolutely sure Im blushing like hell, I quickly looked away. Violet, seeing the whole blushing thing laughed her head off.

I hope her spiteful head really do come off.  I wished.

 Violet's attitude was really breaking me down, What did I do to her to make her turn to Cassie and me? Well, she does that to everybody anyway but it seems like we're in the special line for her feaking wrath. Thinking of it that way, It made me angry and sad at the same time, tears were starting to form in my eyes when I saw a hand offering me a handkerchief. 

I was thinking it was one of Violet's group trying to do a prank at me, I was planning to rant at the person but when I looked up, it was Kyle.


 It was freaking Kyle. Oh My Gosh.

He smiled nicely at me, his gorgeous face showing apology, then wiped the tears in my eyes, He leaned to me, I was foolish enough to think he would kiss me, but he went straight to my ear and whispered softly.

 “Don’t mind Violet, she’s really such a badass.” He smiled at me again, gave me his handkerchief and started to walk back to his group. 

Of course, He just felt sorry for me, no other meaning. I should'nt have expected him to stay with me to comfort me.

 “Kyle—“ I called, holding up his handkerchief, but he cut me off.

 “Keep it, Lilith.”

 Oh my Gosh…. He remembered my name!

 I was beaming and smiling like I just won a lottery jackpot (which is kinda the same thing to me) when Cassie came. I bellowed while rushing to her, not minding the students who are looking weirdly at me.

 “CASSIE!” I yelled and literally threw myself at her.

 “Hey! What’s up vampire?” She joked, trying to balance our weight.

 “Did you know—“ I started but she cut me off.

 “Of course I don’t silly, I just arrived.” She blurted out.

 I raised my brow at her, but continued my story.

 “Kyle kind of stood up for me awhile ago!” I said, shaking her arms.

 She narrowed her eyes at me, to mske sure I wasn't just imagining things. “How?” 

 Then I told her what happened awhile ago, she just acted nonchalant about the scene but I know she can’t believe that Kyle did that.

 “And how would I know if that’s true?” She asked suspiciously.

 “Evidence.” I grinned then held up the handkerchief.

 “I don’t know…” She said, still not convinced Kyle is THAT kind.

 “Aw, come one Caz. This one''s real and you know it, so come one, believe it” I begged.

 “Oh, Lilith. I warned you okay?”

 Then I jolt up, I suddenly remembered the notebook.

 “Lilith? What is it??” Cassie said, panicking.

 Then I grinned at her, “Cassie, you’re the most beautiful and the nicest girl alive in the world!” I told her while doing my showcase grin.

 “What is it now?” She asked, not trusting me.

 “Please give this to him!” I pleaded.

 She formed an O with her mouth and looked at me in disbelief.

 “You want me—The most beautiful and the nicest girl alive in the world—to give that filthy thing to him?” She said with mock annoyance.

 Not knowing if she’ll agree or not, I just nodded repeatedly.

 “You really want me to do this?,” I nodded again. She stared at me for 3 seconds then said, “Okay.”

Before she turned around, I saw her familiar evil smile.

 Uh oh.

 Asking her to do that might just be a little wrong.

 She took the notebook from me and casually walked to Kyle and Violet, who was tongue wrestling now, and poked Violet, trying to get her attention. When Violet still didn’t look at her, Cassie pulled her hair, That got her attention.

 She looked at Cassie with annoyance, and grinning, Cassie slapped the notebook to Violet’s juice, making it spill all over her dress.

 Violet’s eyes went wide and Cassie’s grin just got wider, Then she turned to Kyle, gave him his notebook and said “Now, you can lick her clean.” She laughed then walked back to me. Me, whose eyes might just literally pop out of my head,

 “What?” She asked, still grinning.

 “Did my eyes go insane or did you just did that?” I asked, still not believing she can actually do that.

 “You’re going insane.” She laughed. “Let’s go to the library!” She said then without a word dragged me away.

 I was too busy face-palming myself that I realized too late that we were passing by Kyle and his friends, I was surprised when someone held my arm, preventing me from being dragged, and kissed my cheek.

 I then realized it was Kyle, “Thank you” He whispered to my ear. And before I could even utter a word—or blush, for that matter—I was quickly dragged away, leaving the butterflies in my tummy go insane.

 By the time we got to the library, I was busy remembering the scene I didn’t notice everyone was looking at me because I was giggling and smiling to myself. I blushed and ducked my head then head to the book racks where Cassie is.

 After a while of searching for a book to read, Cassie walked to me, “Found a book, vampire girl, Imma sit there,” then pointed at the sofa at the far end of the library, “See ya.” She said then hurried off.

 I searched and searched but nothing seems to interest me. Finally I found a book, I was looking at the cover at the side of the book when I noticed a boy appeared out of nowhere beside me. I didn’t mind him; I thought I was too engrossed by the title of the book—which I hadn’t even read yet—that I didn’t notice him. The boy was wearing a hooded jacket so I really can’t see his face, He reached for the book the same time I did, and when our skin made contact, I shivered automatically.

 Believe it or not—though I don’t—His skin was ice cold.

 But that wasn’t the reason I shivered.

 The reason was the sparks I felt when we touched, it’s like something just attached to me.

 I looked at him, wide eyed, and he faced me too. I gasped when I realize it was the boy who was watching me. It appears he felt the sparks too because his eyes were wide with shock, I was busy memorizing his face, as he did mine.

 He was too beautiful to be true.

 His crystal blue eyes were deep and soulful, like you can relax just by looking at his eyes; His hair is as black as a raven and all in all… He was like a god.

 He seemed to be memorizing my face too, with a new hint of caring in his eyes. He was about to reach out and touch my face but he seemed to realize what he’s doing and just like that…He was gone.

 I was so damn sure that was no imagination. The sparks were real. The book is real. The coldness is real. The shivers were real. I am in a library and all of this are real.

 He is real.

 But who is he?

 I hate the way I have no damn idea.

 He isn’t studying in this school, and by chance he is, I would know for sure. Someone that looks as good as that would never get past Violet and Valerie. Hmm… I wonder who he is…

 I realized Cassie was snapping her fingers in front of my face and I jolt and looked around frantically, I stopped and sighed while Cassie was laughing at my face.

 “For… the second… time…You look…so…Pathetic!” She said between her laughs. She stopped for a while then when she looked at me, she started laughing all over again.

 I rolled my eyes at her then clamped my hand in her mouth when I realized everyone was looking at us.

 “Shut up! Goddammit!” I hissed.

 She made an OK sign and I dropped my hand.

 “What the hell were you doing there staring at nothing?” She asked, with a possibility of laughing again in her voice.

 “Someone was there… He’s been following me around… And he’s here awhile ago…” I explained what I can.

 “But I didn’t see anyone in there.” She told me.

 I covered my face with my hands. “I don’t know… I just…” I mumbled, not able to say any more.

 She stayed silent for a while, letting me think. I can’t get the face of the boy out of my head! What the hell? One minute I was head over heels for Kyle and now I met this boy… all of that seems so far away…

 Then all of the sudden, Cassie grabbed my hand and lead me out of the library.

 “Where are we going? Classes are about to start!” I freaked out.

 “You know? you need to unwind.” She grinned at me then dragged me out of the campus.

 After a while, we arrived at the park and I looked at her with arms crossed, brow raised.

 “What?” She asked trying not to laugh.

 “So by unwinding you mean cutting classes?” I asked her, making my voice intimidating.

 “Well… yeah. I guess so.” She mumbled, suddenly not sure of her plan to have fun.

 I smirked. “Such a sissy, Don’t tell me you’re afraid of me?” I teased her.

 “Hell no, vampire girl!” She defended.

 I laughed hard, “I bet you are, Sissy” I teased her more.

 “No! Hell No! I’m not!!” She said childishly.

 “The Sissy’s getting angry!” 

 And just like a child, she picked up some dirt and threw it at me. It hit me in the eye, though it didn’t hurt much, but since I acted like it hurts in the first place, I decided to go on.

 And as expected, she went rushing to me panicking if Id gone blind.

 I pretended to cry, and I held her hand and squeezed it. She squeezed mine back, I crouched more so she wont see me picking up dirt too.

 When I gathered enough, I looked up at her and grinned.

 “If game is what you want, then game we shall!” I screamed then threw the dirt I have to her face.

 At that, I ran as fast as I can around the park, and I realize she was right, I needed to have fun once in a while.

 Then when my gaze went to the trees, I saw the boy again, watching me with a small but kind smile in his lips. I can’t help but smile back to him, and when I did, I saw his shock and he disappeared again.

I know he’s nice… given the chance to know him…. I thought to myself.

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