
By kkjustifyme

285 44 0

In a situation where Park Jimin breaks up with you for wealth, you go back and spend your days with your 2 br... More

Back Home
Without You
1 Fight, 1 Plan
Thank You
Out and Away
Loved Once
Lost and Found
Hugs and Knives
Alcohols aren't Alcoholic
Meeting Him
Fighting For You
Why? *Jimin's POV*
The Start of Another Beginning

You're Not Fighting Alone

2 1 0
By kkjustifyme

Author's POV

Your head is pounding from all the things you've learned recently. From Jimin's family, to Mingyoung, to Jimin wanting you back, and the dilemma of how you were going to tell your brothers and friends all of this was just so much for you to bear. Let alone your brain can't even function properly since you don't know what make of the situation right now.

"Ughhhhhh. Why is life so complicated for me?"

You rubbed your temples and drank some pills for headaches.

"Y/n-ah! We're home!"

You got up from the bed and made your way to your brothers waiting for you downstairs. You saw that they've brought takeout from a nearby pizzeria. You hurriedly went to the kicthen and took out some plates and utensils so you could all enjoy the food quickly.

"Never knew you could move that fast seeing us bringing food"

"Oppa, ever heard of the saying, "The way into a woman's heart is through her stomach?"

"Guess it's true then. Hahahahaha"

"You have to use that Jungkook-ah. You need a girlfriend"


You and Yoongi snorted as the muscular bunny proceeded to sulk while eating.


"Y/n-ah, you're phone's ringing."


You checked your phone to see that an unknown number was calling. You dropped the call and continued to eat with your brothers.

"Who was that?"

"Don't know. Unknown number"

Your two brothers looked at each other and quirked their eyebrows.

"Well that's a first."

"Ugh, why do they keep calling? I'm trying to eat"

"Turn your phone off and eat. Give me the number later and I'll look into it. It might be a creepy stalker or something"

You nodded at Yoongi and turned your phone off.

After eating, you put the dishes in the dishwasher and went to the bathroom to prepare yourself for sleep.
You washed your face and picked out some bunny pajamas. You decided to do some heatless curls for work tomorrow, so you rolled your hair and laid down.

You grabbed your phone and turned it back on and once you put in your passcode, numerous texts from the unknown number from before greeted you.

"What the hell?"

"I'll make your life a living hell? Park Jimin is mine?"

"This bitch is crazy."

You knew from the texts that the one texting you was Mingyoung, the girl Jimin told you about. You wrote down the number on a pice of paper and blocked it right after.

You were about to give the number to Yoongi but you realized that you haven't told him and the rest of the boys about what happened at the beach. You sat back down and ruffled your hair in frustration.


You decided to tell all of them tomorrow. You put the paper in your drawer and proceeded to text everyone to come over to the house tomorrow.

You laid back in your bed and went off to a deep sleep. You wanted to get some good rest so you could have the energy to explain everything to the boys tomorrow.


The next morning

"Good morning guys. Had a nice sleep?"

"Morning Y/n. What happened? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah. Good thing it's a Saturday or else we wouldn't have been here."

"Munchkin, what's wrong? Is something bothering you?"

You took in a deep breath and told them everything from beginning to end.

"Sooo... what happened was.."

You told them about how the Park's company is basically held in a leash by Mingyoung's family. You told them about how Jimin was forced to get engaged and break up with you to protect you because of how powerful Mingyoung's parents were. You told them about yesterday at the beach of how you met Jimin and he explained everything and how you wanted to fight with him and for your happiness.


Everyone was dead silent. Your hands felt clammy and you started playing with your skirt to ease yourself from the tension as their eyes bore into you, trying to grope everything in their heads.

Taehyung cleared his throat and you looked up to see how not one of them is reacting badly to the situation like before. Usually when you mention ANYTHING about Park Jimin, they'd be full on pissed and would silence you before they go and kill the man. But, right now, it was different. Something as if, like, they believe you and the man you love.

"To be honest Y/n, we're not surprised."

"H-huh? H-how—"

"We were able to talk A LOT while you were basically trying to clear your mind from things in LA. We thought about it and we just couldn't get the idea of how Jimin would cheat on you. I mean, from the day we met him we knew he was head over heels"

You blushed as all of them chuckled at Namjoon's remark. Your chest felt light for the first time and all your worries just went down the drain as you saw all of them smiling at you.


"But what?"

"That Mingyoung girl, I think I know her.."


"Woah, Jin! Didn't know you were into ladies!"

"Well, I do go out at blind dates sometimes because of my parents ever since me and my girlfriend broke up hahaha"

"What?! You broke up oppa?!"

"Well, turns out she was a gold digger and I wouldn't risk my company for her thirst, ya know."

"Hmmmm, that's for sure. Speaking of which, turns out Jimin wasn't the first option after all. Looks like we have a lead to get him out."

"Yoongi hyung is right"

Taehyung and Seokjin stood up and rolled out the old white board from the storage room at the corner of the house.

"Woah, I totally forgot we still had that."

"Jungkook-ah, could you get us some white board markers? I know you have some in your art studio."

"Oh yeah sure. "

Jungkook came back with the markers and all of you began planning on what to do.

You smiled and thought to yourself that this was the relief you desperately wanted to feel. You focused on the discussions between the guys and can't help but tell yourself that, finally, you were so close to your happy ending.

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