Storms of the Heart [Code Gea...

By amandaluvsya

49.9K 1.2K 132

Adelice is a long time family friend and love interest of Lelouch, but how will she react when she finds out... More

Ch.2: Origami Frogs
Ch.3: What happened in Shinjuku?
Ch.4: A Quiet Dinner
Ch.5: Suzaku's Trial
Ch.6: Zero's Entrance
Ch7: An Old Friend
Ch 8: A Helpless Wish
Ch.9: A Devious Cat
Ch10: Clovis' Funeral
Ch 11: Hostage
Ch.12: Alive
Ch.13: Arthur's Party
Ch.14: The Suitcase
Ch.15: The Truth Pt. 1
Ch.16: The Truth Pt. 2
Final: Admission

Ch.1: You're Always Gambling

8.6K 164 6
By amandaluvsya

Disclaimer: I don't own Code Geass. I own my OC

Name: Adelice Attwood

Bio: Full Britannian. Daughter of a late high general.


Adelice sat crossed legged, lost in her own thoughts of the when she was young. Lost in Nostalgia. How she wished she could go back to those times. It was so peaceful then, or maybe it was just the blissful ignorance of childhood. How I long for the world that used to be...

She drummed her fingertips on the desk in front of her, now all she ever heard was about terrorist attacks and the on-going fighting between Japan and Britannia. She closed her eyes once again. Why did if have to be this way? There was no reason for the killing, it was just needless bloodshed.

Adelice slowly opened her blue eyes pretending to read the paper in front of her. She was so lost in though that a strike on the head startled her. "Wake up! Wake up!", Milly exclaimed, hitting her on the head with a rolled up piece of paper. Adelice laughed a little, batting her hand at Milly to stop. The world around suddenly came back into focus. The girls sitting around her, Nina's fingers drumming against the keyboard and Milly talking and talking about crazy events she had thought up for this year. The poor students wouldn't know what hit them when they found out.

"Honestly Adelice you're just like Lelouch, no wonder you two like each other.", Milly sighed. Adelice smiled, "Just because we both find opportunities to sleep in public does not mean that's the reason we like each other", Adelice said through a giggle. "That's just more the fact of a common hobby".

Milly rolled her eyes and stood at the front of the desk. "I wish you two would pay more attention.", she scolded. "Yes, mother Milly", Adelice said, a smirk playing on her lips. The student council's female members eyes traveled to the door as it opened. "Something to eat, lovely", Adelice said as she stood up from her chair, grabbing a small plate. She sat back down, her stomach growling. How she wished she hadn't of skipped breakfast. She stabbed a fork into one of the fresh apple slices of her fruit salad and looked at Shirley, who was looking out the window. "Where is Lelouch anyway?", she asked.

Adelice shrugged. "I don't know, he told me he was going to be busy this afternoon but didn't tell me what." She shook her head as she plopped a grape in her mouth. "Probably off gambling somewhere, he knows I hate that.". Milly placed a hand on her hip. "Adelice Attwood are you going to let him treat you that way! He's going to get addicted and then you two are going to have problems in-"

Adelice waved her hand at her. "Shush you. It's fine, if he wants to go out gambling with Rivalz then it's fine with me. He asked me to stay with Nunally anyway, so I half expected him to be off gambling." Adelice glanced at Shirley from the corner of her eyes. Shirley looked at the empty chair that Lelouch normally sat at. "They seem to forget that they are part of the student council!", she scolded.

Adelice shrugged again, waving her fork. "I suppose that's just Lelouch's personality.", she sighed. A frown always played across Shirley's lips when Adelice would mention Lelouch's name. She turned her eyes away from Shirley again, there was always a bit of tension between the two.

What could she do though? Adelice cared for Lelouch very much as did Lelouch for her. She couldn't help but feel a little pang of guilt in her stomach. I'm sure it was hard for Shirley to see them together. Adelice frowned a little, it wasn't like she hadn't tried to become closer to Shirley, she had even joined the swimming club in the hopes of befriending Shirley a bit more. Unfortunately it hadn't had much affect. Adelice's eyes traveled out the window. Even if Lelouch had said he wouldn't be there, she was still of course worried about him.


"I love playing against the nobility!", Rivalz cheered happily as he and Lelouch walked outside the hall. "They always pay out of pride." As they walked out they looked up at a television screen. A high skyscraper was on fire, it looked like another terrorist attack. A flash of the Britannian seal came up and there stood Prince Clovis. Lelouch's eyes flashed in anger. He hated that man, he was a pawn, nothing but a nuisance.

A moment of silence was called for the people killed in the attack. "Well aren't you going to join in?", Rivalz asked Lelouch as he set about getting onto his bike. Lelouch raised an eyebrow "Aren't you?", he retorted back. Rivalz gave a small laugh. "We should probably head back to school, Milly's gonna be aweful upset if we're there any later. Plus, I'm sure Adelice is worried about you.", Rivalz said, putting on his goggles.

Lelouch looked up from the recite he had just been given after paying the parking meter. "I told her to stay with Nunally, she knows I was going to be gone." Lelouch turned his attention back to Clovis watching his brother take the moment of silence.


Adelice watched as Clovis came on screen. A frown came to her face as she watched him. Not really paying attention to his words but more to his looks. He looked as handsome as ever and still as charming as he was when he was a child. A smile played on her lips as she remembered watching Lelouch and Clovis playing chess together as children. Another thing she wished to go back to.

She suppressed a giggle when she remembered how mad Clovis would get when Lelouch would win and accuse Lelouch of cheating. Lady Marianne would always have to break them up, offering a sweet candied treat to both of them in the hopes of calling a truce between the brothers.

Adelice closed her eyes and sighed. Lady Marianne... oh how I miss you.. Lady Marianne had always been like a mother to her. She would comb her hair after being given a bath, dress her up in cute little dresses and always read include her as one of the family.

Adelice bit her bottom lip softly. The way she saw it Lady Marianne was her mother. Basically the women that had only wanted to help raise her. A shot of anger ran through Adelice as she though of her own biological mother. She had left her... alone, with that man, that cruel man that she had to call "Father". She would never forgive her for doing that.

Adleice's father never wanted children, Adelice was just an accidental mistake and as such she was for lack of a better word discarded out of existence. The only time her father needed her was for publicity events with the Imperial Family. It was a way of showing status, that the Attwood family was friend of the Imperial Family.

She recalled the day her Father died, it had been a terrorist attack and he was the target. At the time when she found out, she hadn't felt sad. More of a relief that she wouldn't have to pretend anymore. She wouldn't have to constantly struggle to be happy.

She remembered Lady Marianne coming to the house and speaking with her, making sure she was okay mentally. She never forgot how Lady Marianne graciously opened her house to her and invited her in. Adelice smiled, it was probably one of the happiest days of her life. She had a mother, a home, people around her that loved her.

The screen clicked off and Adelice was brought from her thoughts back to the student council room again. "Wow, these terrorist attacks are getting more and more frequent", Milly said quietly, breaking the silence. Adelice nodded and sighed. "Perhaps one day it'll change.", she said hopefully.


Rivalz and Lelouch drove along, on the way back to school. A truck crashed into an abandoned building behind them. "Was that our fault?", Rivalz asked hesitantly. Lelouch got out from the little kart and looked at the Truck. Something was drawing his attention to it.

He turned his attention to the crowd that had gathered. They watched and contemplated on helping the drivers of the crashed truck. All those idiots... Lelouch ran down to where the truck was, attempting to help unlike the gathering crowd around them.


Adelice turned to her locker, getting ready to get changed into her swimming suit. She turned to Shirle just a few lockers down from hers. She sighed, she'd try again today. Maybe one day Shirely would get over her jealousy and they would be able to be real friends, not the pretend ones that they are everyday. She unbuttoned her yellow jacket and set it inside the locker, slipping off her skirt she noticed her phone light up.

She raised an eyebrow and set her skirt in the locker also, grabbing her phone and looking at the name I.D. Lelouch. She quickly flipped open the phone and answered it. "Hello?" "It's me." Adelice smiled softly. "You cut class again", she scolded. "You're going to get held ba-"

"Are you near a TV?", he interrupted her. Adelice raised an eyebrow and sighed. "Give me a minute to change, was just about to go out for a swim.". She unbuttoned her shirt and unclasped her bra, putting them both in the locker as well. She could faintly hear some commotion in the background. She frowned. "Lelouch, where are you?", she asked, almost not wanting to know.

"Rivalz and I just went out for a bit of chess.", he stated. This made her frown more. "So gambling again...", she whispered as she slipped off her panties. "Did you win?", she asked after he said nothing. "Nobility is the easiest to win against, they're too worried about their pride.", He said, in a hateful tone.

"Well I suppose as long as you're winning...", she sighed, she slipped on her swimming suit. "Are you near a TV?", he asked again. "I'm sorry but this is important. Please Adelice.", he said a little demanding. "Alright, one second. Hang on, some of the girls here have a little TV". Adelice smiled at them. "Can I change the channel on this, I just need to see something real quick."

They handed her the little TV and she mouthed a thank you. "To what station?", she asked Lelouch. "The news. Is there anything about Shinjuku?". Adelice raised an eyebrow again. What on earth is he asking about that for...? She turned to the news. "There's nothing here Lelouch... they're talking about traffic restrictions."

There was silence on the other line and Adelice frowned. "Lelouch?", she asked into the phone as she handed the other girls back their little TV. "I'm going to be later tonight then expected, I won't make it for dinner so you and Nunally go ahead and eat without me."

"Alright... ", she paused. "Lelouch?", she asked hesitantly. "Hm?" Adelice bit her bottom lip. "In whatever it is you are doing... you're staying safe.. right?", she asked. Lelouch smiled to himself. "Of course. I just got a bit caught up in a chess game. I'll make up for it, we'll have a nice quiet dinner tomorrow, just the three of us. How does that sound?"

Adelice smiled. Lelouch had been continuously busy lately and they hadn't had much time to spend with each other and she worried the same for Nunally. Lelouch was too busy and not around Nunally enough either, she needed her brother. "I would like that very much.". She said.


"Good. I'll see you tonight.", he said and hung up the phone. Adelice didn't know whether to smile or be annoyed. She hated not knowing where he was but I guess that was just the mysterious nature of Lelouch. She set her phone in her locker and and locked it. Heading out to the swimming pool.

Catching a glimpse of Shirley on the high diving board. She watched her do a perfect dive into the pool. It was something she admired about Shirley. She could dive into the pool with just the smallest of a slash. Adelice dived in from the edge of the pool and swam toward the other girls that were congratulating Shirley.

"Good. I'll see you tonight.", he said and hung up the phone. Lelouch tucked his phone back into his pocket. He sighed, Adelice always worried about him but he couldn't bring himself to tell her where he was or what he had just gotten himself into.

She would just end up worrying more. He would tell her later once he was out of this mess when they were safe in his home where he could show her that there was nothing to worry about, that he was safe and still in one piece. There was nothing to worry about. He was always going to be there.

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