Back In time

By creammeier

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"Well then, there must be a reason why you aren't able to keep your eyes off me in the market today, Miss Wel... More



6.3K 229 45
By creammeier

"What is all this?!" I quickly withdrew from Fredricks' embrace, a little shock as to why and how he knew I was here.

"It's called hugging. Do you need to be educated on that?" I wanted to make him feel what I felt. Hurt.

Fredricks' stood in between us, trying to process the situation.

"Could you please give us a moment, Fredricks?" Nicholas asked.

"Anything for you, my friend."

He then turned to me, "I will see you later." He gave me a surprise kiss on the forehead and a final tell-me-what-happened-later glance. Meanwhile, Nicholas looked like he was going to burst any second. As soon as Fredricks left the room, I was once again left in a room filled with that familiar silence.

"How did you know I was here?" I burst.

"Camille and Christian were worried about you... I was worried about you," he spoke so softly that I could almost hardly catch what he was saying, "So I came looking for you."

Don't get me wrong, I would not be surprised if Camille and Christian were worried about me, but the fact that I made this guy was worried made this situation a lot more hilarious. "Ha! You're worried about me? Save your crocodile tears, Nicholas. I haven't handled as much bullshit in my life than I do with you."

Nicholas sighed, "look, I know what you wrote in that letter to Camille. And I truly apologize for my actions. I hope that you will come home with me."

Nicholas apologizing? Wow, that's a first.

"Come home with you?" I scoffed, "Then what? Back to the normal life where I must tolerate your repeated bullshit? I don't think so." I spat, "As far as I know, I am happy here and would like to keep it that way."

"You will come back with me and that is final!" Nicholas' spat, losing his patience. It was if his face was daring me to say no.

"No." I pronounced every letter loud and clear.

Immediately, Nicholas grabbed my hand and pushed through the library doors, storming towards the carriage at an incredible speed. It was as if he were dragging a dead body behind him.

"Let me go!" I pry my hand away from his, but only to fail miserably. I tried once again, this time using my other hand to grab a nearby wall, pushing whatever weight that I had towards that wall. Unfortunately, that did not stop him from grabbing both my hands and hoisting me up upon his shoulders.

"Let go of me, you bastard!" I kicked and punched him relentlessly, all of which to no avail.

"Abbey, what is going on?" Fredricks called out. Feeling extremely embarrassed of how unsightly I was, I instantly blushed at the sight of Fredricks' quizzical expression.

"I'm so sorry! I will come back as soon as I deal with this guy, okay?"

Just when Fredricks was about to acknowledge, Nicholas shouted, "She is not coming back!" Before exiting the mansion and throwing me into the carriage.

The ride back was silent. I could tell that Nicholas was stealing some glances at my way. In fact, there were moments when he gave signals like 'ahem' or a few coughs, hinting me to start a conversation. I didn't bother to look or argue with Nicholas. It just took too much energy. Besides, all that thrashing and struggling had exhausted me. I spent the rest of the way looking outside the window, trying to shut out his existence.

I gave an annoyed huff when the carriage pulled up at the entrance of the mansion.

Here I am. Back in this hell hole.

Not waiting for the coachman to open the door, I dashed out of the carriage and made my way through the mansion, back to my room.

I fell face flat on my bed, praying that Nicholas would not come knocking on my door.

Knock, knock, Knock.

Speak of the devil.

As I heard the door open, I quickly grabbed a pillow and hurled it towards him. But, to my dismay, he caught it easily. I gave an annoyed huff once again before smothering myself in the bedsheets.

"Go away."

It wasn't a few moments later that I got increasingly disturbed with the silence between us. I quickly stood up and walked towards him, portraying the best infuriated face that I could muster.

"What do you want?!"

"I just wanted to talk." He simply replied.

"Talk? You're kidding, right? There is no talking to you," I paused for a moment before continuing, "oh, and by the way, I liked how you'd just waltzed in and shoved me into the carriage. That's real gentleman of you to do that."

"Well, if you had listened to me, this situation would not have progressed till this stage."

"So, are you saying that it's my fault that I ran away? That I didn't want to come back to this hell hole?"

"You better watch your mouth." He warned, giving me a death stare, "this is my place that you are speaking off."

"So, what? It didn't seem like you were giving me the respect I deserved a couple hours ago. And certainly not when you decided to throw me into the carriage." I rebutted.

"I am sorry."

Seriously? Again?

"You know, you saying 'sorry' literally gives me the chills. I can't imagine how someone like you, a teacher who teaches ETIQUETTES prides himself with a character like yours. If that's the case, I rather Fredricks teach me. He may not be qualified like you, but he certainly has every aspect a gentleman possesses. Besides, I think he can teach me way better than you did."

Suddenly, Nicholas' face lit up with realization.

"Oh, I see how it is. It is because of Fredricks, is it not? You like him, do you not?"

What? How did teaching relates to me liking Fredricks?

I decided to go with the flow. If Fredricks was the key in allowing me to go back, I would gladly use his name as an excuse.

"Yes. I like him! He treats me well in every way that a man should treat a woman! He treats me as if I were his own! In fact-."

In an instant, I was cut off from my own sentence as Nicholas tugged my hand and pulled my body into his before placing his lips onto mine. I stood there in utter shock. It was as if my brain was unable to process what was happening. My heart started to pump faster and faster. I could literally feel the pressure of the blood coursing through my veins. I melted into his arms as I felt my legs turn jelly and grow increasingly weak. However, the sudden remembrance of the situation we were in crossed my mind.

How dare he kiss me after what he has done?!

I struggled to push him away. With my hands placed on his chest, I exerted the largest force that I could. But all my efforts went to waste when his arms circled my waist and pulled me even closer to him, causing my arms to be stuck in between our bodies.

Don't give up!

Quickly, I stomped my foot over his toe, causing him to wince in pain while I took the opportunity to stumble backwards, creating a distance between us. Sighing, he hung his head low, as if he were out of options.

"I know that I have not been the man that I should be to you, Abbey. But please do trust my words when I say this," he whispered softly, taking a deep breath before continuing, "That I am deeply sorry for what I did. I am aware that I do have a knack for hurting people and for saying things that I do not mean. So, I just wanted you to know that the things that I had said about you were contrary to the thoughts I have. And..."


"When I heard that you were at Fredricks, something in me just snapped. I am unaware of what it is, but the thought of you with some other guy irritates and annoys me. I know that I do not deserve your forgiveness, but please, I beg of you. Please stay with me."

I soon found myself on the brink of suffocation as I struggled to find the right words to refute his. But I couldn't, not with the sincerity in his voice.

Nicholas soon held both my hands in his, causing me to look up and face him. "Abbey, I hope that you will give me a chance to start afresh and prove myself to you. All I want is a 'yes' from you, and I shall promise that I will become a better person."

All the cooped-up anger that I previously felt, melted away, layer by layer. Slowly, then completely.

"Okay, one more chance." I gave him a warm smile before he enveloped me in a bone-crushing hug, overjoyed at my response. I inhaled his scent, and I couldn't help but feel that his arms were like a protective barrier that kept me safe and warm from the outside world.

"By the way, here," he handed me a box, which was revealed to be a brooch. "This is for you. I hope you like it."

"Are you bribing me?"

"Hmmm, maybe," he replied, chuckling in the process while I rolled my eyes. "Meet me in my study as soon as you finish refreshing yourself." He informed before heading out.

My heart fluttered, and my stomach felt weird from the kiss we shared. I guess that's why people called it butterflies. I started shuffling and prancing for joy around the room before I got tired and steered to the bathroom for a wash. Determined to look my best, I picked out the most beautiful dress that I could find within the closet, followed by some makeup.

What am I doing?

I slapped my forehead, hoping that I would knock some sense into myself before I quickly wiped the makeup away and changed out of the dress; picking a more suitable one before I made my way to the study.

"You are finally here!" He said, standing up, "I was wondering if you had fainted from happiness."

I rolled my eyes at him, trying my best not to smile as I knew that he was spot on.

"Don't flatter yourself. That kiss to me meant nothing."

"I meant the brooch." My face turned cherry-red, earning a snigger from him before his face turned serious.

"I have something important to ask of you, Abbey, and I want you to give me your honest answer."

"Okay, shoot." In truth, I did not like where this was going, his tone felt like a forewarning of an incoming disaster. I started praying that whatever he was about ask, would largely deviate from whatever hunches I had at that moment.

I braced for his question, before letting out a sigh of relief that I unknowingly held.

"Would you give me the honor of bringing you out to dinner?"

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