Nanbaka fanfic: The Lady

By Zecha13

177K 4.1K 1.1K

Nanbaka is a prison full of men But what happens when a female inmate joins them? She is also a stunningly be... More

Oc Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
New book!
New book

Chapter 3

12.7K 323 89
By Zecha13

Hajime went in the warden's office

"What do you need Hajime?" Warden asked

"Umm...No.19 is requesting for training clothes, and it was a bit awkward to buy at any store because I'm a guy so I was thinking asking you" He said

"Oh, then take her to my home here" warden said

Most of the guards don't go home so they have their own home at the island

"Hai" Hajime said

Eliza was walking around the garden, admiring the flowers, then she saw 3 men on the training field, 2 were sparring, while the other one was...sleeping

She went near them, admiring their fight, then Qi noticed her and walked up to her

"Hey, little lady, what are you doing here?" He asked rubbing his neck cause he was a bit shy

"I was visiting this place for the garden, then I saw those two men sparring, so I went near to take a look" She said

"I see, I'm Qi" He said

"I see, you can just call me 19" She said

"19? Are you an inmate?" He asked thinking it was a joke

"Yes, indeed I am" she said shocking Qi

"O-ok but I prefer to call you by your name, so what is it?" He asked

"You may call me Eliza" She said

"Hmm Liz is shorter, I'll call you Liz" He said

"That is fine ,I have no problem with it" She said

Then Qi invited her to meet the other 2 who haven't noticed her

"Upa! Liang!" Qi called

"What is it old man?" Upa asked

"This is Liz/Eliza" Qi said stepping aside for them to see her

They froze for a bit with blushes

"Oh, is this a visitor of yours?" Liang asked trying his best to hide the blush

"No, she's an inmate" Qi said

Liang and Upa looked at eachother then back at Eliza

"Really?" Upa asked

Qi and Eliza nodded then Qi told them how she got here

"I see, do you like excercises?" Liang asked

"Indeed, I do, but I am afraid I am unable to do that because I am wearing a dress" She said

They nodded in understanding then Eliza noticed how small Upa was

"My, you are very adorable Upa" She said bending down infront of him to match his height

Upa got flustered "No I'm not" he said with a tint of blush on his cheeks

"Yes, you are" She said then ruffled his hair

Upa will never admit it but he liked her ruffling his hair, it felt good

"" Upa said shyly

"You are very welcome" She said continuing to stroke his hair

In the sidelines Qi and Liang was jealous at Upa, how they wished they switched places, then they heard Samon's voice

"No. 19 where are you?" Samon asked

Eliza stopped ruffling Upa's hair then stood up, Upa was secretly dissapointed

"I am here Samon, please forgive me, I have went somewhere that I was not permitted to go" She said walking up to him then bowed

"I-it's fine, but time's up, you need to go" Samon said slightly embarresed

"*sigh* I understand, until next time, Upa, Qi, and Liang" She said then walking towards the exit but she was stopped when the 3 called out to her

"Eliza/Liz!" the 3 said

She stopped in her tracks and looked at the 3

"Yes?" She asked

"Please visit again" Upa said

"We like your company" Qi said

"When you have clothes for excersice, let's train together" Liang said

Eliza felt happy that they want her back

"I will, thank you" She said then left


After Eliza left the 3 went up to Samon

"Samon, which building does she belong?" Qi asked

"Building 13" Samon answered

"13?! But isn't that for jail breakers?" Liang asked

"It seems she's one of them" Samon said

"Anyway, can we visit her tomorrow? Maybe at lunch?" Upa said

"Sure, but why?" Samon asked but he secretly also wanted to see her again

"We like to see her again" the 3 said

"Fine" Samon said


Eliza arrived at building 13
She immediately went to her cell

Then a knock came from the door

"No.19, it's lunch time" Yamato said

She nodded and went out, Yamato escorted her to the cafeteria

When she entered everyone got silent


When Eliza entered the men were dumbfounded, a beautiful yet elegant lady, it was like a light to their eyes

They watch her as she took a seat with the guards

They felt so jealous of the guards getting to eat with her, even the inmates in cell 13 want to go but there was a glaring Hajime that sent shivered down their spine

She ate so elegantly, her table manners are perfect


Eliza sat down at the guards table

"No.19, We're sorry you don't get to sit on other tables" Seitarou said

"Oh it is fine, I understand, I am a woman, the others might bother me more than expected" She said

"That's right! you're so smart No.19!" Yamato said

"Thank you for the compliment" She said

Then she saw how Hajime was glaring a Don't-you-dare-come-here at cell 13 then Hajime turned to her

"No.19, the request for your training clothes will be granted by the warden, you will go there after lunch, understood?" Hajime said

"Understood"Then she took a bite at the food

Eliza then saw Shiro walked near them and pointed at the food, she didn't get what he was getting at

"Pardon? What do you need?" She asked Shiro

"He's asking if you liked the food" Seitarou said

"Oh, well Shiro, it was very much to my liking, I appreciate it, it was a lovely meal"Eliza said

Shiro then had a small blush then walked away

"Does he not talk?" Eliza asked the guards

"Not really, he's not a talker" Hajime said

Then Shiro put a large sundae, in front of Eliza

"Oh, is this for me?" She asked

Shiro nodded

"Thank you very much, but I must say I do not eat that much for dessert and may not finish this, so may I share it with the guards?" She asked

Shiro nodded then walked away

"Yay! Thank you No.19!" Seitarou said taking a bit of the sundae

"That's right! Arigatou! That was kind of you No.19" Yamato said taking a large piece of the sundae

"I got to say, you're the kindest inmate we had so far" Hajime said taking a reasonable amount of sundae

"You are very welcome gentlemen" She said then ate the remaining portion of the sundae

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