The Power of Three (Sterek)

By sooforeign

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Scott and Stiles only grew closer upon the death of their grams, while their younger brother Jackson fled to... More

1. Something Wicca This Way Comes
2. The Powers That Be
3. Charmed
4. Witches first Demon
5. Man Magnet
6. Spell Backfire?
Authors Note
7. Hot Handyman
8. People From the Past
Authors Note
10. Is There a Woogey in the House?

9. Cops and...Kanimas? Pt 1

271 7 3
By sooforeign

"You look horrible." Deputy Parrish said with a big grin.

"Thanks." Jackson said with a sarcastic nod. The two were meeting up for lunch to iron out some of their unresolved issues now that Jordan was out of the hospital and on the move again.

"What's wrong?"

"Just this non stop migraine for like 3 days now. I don't even get migraines." Jackson rubbed his temples.

"I had one like that. Did you get hit in the head with a pan as well?"

"If I had do you think I could get a job on the force with you?"

"Such a jerk." Parrish responded jokingly.

"Only sometimes."

"Like when you quit school without telling your best friend. It's ok, I'm not bitter."

"You don't seem it at all." Jackson said grabbing his drink and taking a gulp.

"Well I took it personal. Was it because..."

"No it wasn't because of was just..." Jackson sighed. "I was drowning. I hated the work. It wasn't me and yet I felt like I was the only person who felt like that."

Parrish raised an eyebrow.

"I've never felt dumb in my life until I started college. I would study half the night and still fail. So I said screw it and I goofed off with other guys in the frat and I just got into a hole. I had more work than I could do. I had no motivation. So I just left."

"And you couldn't tell me that? Instead you act like an asshole?"

"Jordan you wouldn't get it. You are smart without trying. You always had your shit together. I failed. I didn't want anyone to know. I guess I thought that if I just ignored it, that it never happened..."

"Well it did. Didn't you think I'd wonder what happened to you? Or Danny? Because he missed you too."

"I know, I fucked up. I'm a fuck up. Full disclosure," Jackson's voice was heavy with emotion, "I had to move back home because I owe some not so nice people money, I have no job, no college education, and I have no money to my name. My brothers are supporting me. I'm a fuck up. Ok?"

"Jax that doesn't make you a fuck up. It means you're in a rut." Jordan was nothing but sincere. "And if you don't like being supported by your brothers why don't you get a crappy job till you figure out what you want?"

"I guess. I've just been preoccupied lately."

"With what?"

Jackson had demon hunting on the tip of his tongue but luckily blurted out, "Renovating. We are fixing up the manor and since I don't have the job I have to let the workmen in and out."

Jordan knew that wasn't the whole truth. "I see."

"But what about you? You haven't told me about being a cop." Jackson changed the subject.

The meal continued nicely. Both guys easily laughing at each other's stories. The two frat brothers had fallen back into an easy camaraderie.

With the meal at a close the cop and witch headed out of the restaurant.

"So what else do you have going on today?" The Deputy asked.

"Not much honestly. I'll probably job hunt."

"Check out Starbucks. I hear they actually have good benefits. The hours might suck though."

"Maybe. I don't know if I'll be able to keep all those orders straight."

"You'll catch on." Parrish knocked shoulders with Jackson.

Jackson's body convulsed. His brain felt like it was about to explode. He fell to his knees as he grabbed his head and screamed. Blood began to flow from his eyes and nose.

"Jackson! Jackson!" The police man quickly hit radio and called in for an ambulance.

"Wow Parrish was right you do look like shit." Stiles said making his way into Jackson's hospital room.

"Seriously?" Jackson glared at the cop sitting next to his bed.

"Don't ever fucking scare me like that again." Stiles pulled Jackson into a tight hug. Jackson relaxed into the embrace. He would never admit it but he was glad his brother had shown up.

"Did you call Scott?"

"He's on his way."

"You guys didn't have to leave work."

"Oh you're right Jackson. Getting a phone call saying your brother is bleeding from every orifice on his face because of his migraine is completely negligible."

"What, it's not that big of a deal."

Stiles and Jordan exchanged glances.

"Can you bring me up to speed. Have they done any tests?" Stiles aimed the question at Parrish.

"They have ordered two so far. Assuming it's not cocaine abuse they said it could be a blood clot and even some cases pre-leukemia but could potentially be something as stupid as a subconjunctival hemorrhage"

"Have you been keeping your nose clean?" Stiles asked.

"I can't answer that in front of the pig" Jackson tilted his head slightly in Jordan's direction.

"I swear to God if you have been using I will smack you so hard, your eyes will bleed for weeks."

"I'm clean. I'm not that much of a fuck up."

"You better not be lying to me."

"I'm not, Mom."

"Anyway...I don't think we've officially met. I'm Stiles." Stiles interrupted the obvious tension between the guys.

"Jordan Parrish."

"Nice to put a non-bleeding face to the name. I've heard so much about you."

"Jackson talks about me?" He gave a surprised smile.

"Nothing good I can assure you. Like that time you went skinny..." Jackson chimed in.

"Jackson!" A frantic Scott bounded into the room. "Are you ok? What's wrong with you? Is it serious? What are they doing for you?" Scott blurted out as he squeezed the life out of his brother.

"I'm fine."

"You're in the hospital no you aren't"

"Would you guys stop infantilizing me?"

"You're our baby brother, we can't." Scott responded.

"I'm impressed you used that word correctly." Stiles smirked.

Jackson rolled his eyes then told Scott about everything that happened. The guys waited for a few hours before they took Jackson for his tests. The second Jackson left the room the brothers interrogated the police man.

"So Jordan how exactly did you and Jackson meet?" Stiles asked.

"He pledged my frat when he was a freshman."

"And when did you two start dating? Was it part of rush or an initiation prank gone wrong?"

Jordan's face dropped. "Um I don't know what he's told you but we never dated."

"Really?" Scott chimed in.

"Yeah did he say we did? Because we weren't official or anything. I don't think we were dating. Unless he confused our friendship as something more..."

"No no, he didn't. He just said he had a boyfriend in college but never said who. I just assumed it was you because of the way he was acting. He won't tell us. Do you know who it is?"

"I do."

The brothers waited but Parrish never voiced his knowledge.

"Care to tell us?" Stiles asked in a way that was more of an order.

"If he didn't tell you then there's probably a reason." Parrish's voice was steady. No anger. Just solidity.

"It's ok, we'll find out eventually." Scott grinned.

The room fell into a slightly uncomfortable silence until Jackson returned. The group waited for another hour until they got the word that the scans didn't show anything wrong with Jackson.

A few more uneventful hours had passed.

"Jordan go to work I'm fine." Jackson was getting sick of telling people he was ok.

"Are you sure. I feel bad leaving you."

"I'm not alone I have my brothers. Go save some innocents or whatever it is you do when you aren't eating donuts."

"Why am I friends with you?" He responded in jest. "Look just take it easy." He turned to Scott and Stiles, "Call me if anything happens ok?" The brothers nodded. "Ok. Have a good night. I'll check in later." He placed a hand on Jackson's shoulder and all hell broke loose in Jackson's body.

"Freeze...Stiles." Jackson cried out as he grabbed his head. The pain felt like nails were pumping through every vein in his body. His skull was trying to escape his body through his forehead. His bones shifted in pain.

Stiles froze the room in horror. Scott and him looked on as their younger brother writhed in pain. Screaming in agony. His hands smeared the blood that was dripping from his eyes.

"What do we do?" Scott asked.

"I don't know! Why did he want me to freeze the room?! He needs help"

"No. I don't." The words were barely audible as Jackson shook with pain. The frozen Parrish stood with his arm extended over his bed. Jackson shifted and sat up avoiding his friend.

"Here." Scott wetted some paper towels from the bathroom in Jackson's room. He wiped all the blood off of his face. "Are you ok?"

"It hurts." Jackson breathed out as he got back into position. The room unfroze. The machines all reacted for a moment then returned to normal.

"That's weird." Parrish looked at the heart rate monitor.

"Must be a glitch. Don't worry about it have a good night." Jackson said trying to find his strength. He was worn out and wanted to sleep for days.

"Ok. Feel better." Jordan smiled at Jackson and nodded at Stiles and Scott as he left. The door closed and Stiles went off.

"What the fuck was that?! You need a doctor. Why did I freeze the room. Jesus Jackson."

"Shut up." Jackson moaned out as he shifted in pain. His body was wrecked.

"No I'm worried about you."

"If he saw that he wouldn't have left for work. Besides I'm fine it's my powers that are messed up."

"What?!" Scott and Stiles asked indignantly.

"Everytime he touches me it's like I should be getting a premonition and something blocks it. My whole body reacts from the block. Like the displaced magic is wreaking havoc on me."

"Jesus..." Scott muttered.

"This is worse than your cocaine habit."

"Not funny Stiles."

"I'm sorry for trying to make light of a shitty situation."

"Ok but this begs the question. What is or did happen to Parrish that you need to see and who would be able to block your powers." Scott pondered.

"I don't know but I'm not going to find out here." Jackson tried to sit up.

"Nope. Lay the fuck down."

"Stiles. No." Jackson tried to growl.

"Jackson yes. It doesn't matter if it's supernatural or not your body is whacked. You need to rest. And if your magic really is displaced it could kill you. You might need medical assistance."

"If it's supernatural then my body might combust like a demon. Have fun explaining that one. I'm going home."

"Dont' be stupid Jackson!"

"Stiles stop." Scott interjected. "He has a point. If it's supernatural the hospital can't save him. It's up to us."

"You've got to be shitting me." Stiles complained.

Scott put his hands on his shoulders and squared off. "We are Jackson's best bet to keep him alive. We need the Book of Shadows. We can't exactly light candles and practice magic with him hooked up to heart monitors."

Stiles looked over Scott's shoulder to look at his little brother. He was wrapped up in himself. He was pale and fragile. Stiles hated seeing him like that. He hated this whole idea. "Fine, but first he sleeps even if it's just for an hour."

"Deal." Scott said with a nod.

Stiles moved to the side of the bed and wrapped Jackson up with blanket.

"Thanks." Jackson mumbled.

"No problem." Stiles rubbed his head affectionately before moving back to his chair.

Two and a half hours later the Charmed Ones were walking into the manor. Well Stiles was opening the doors as Jackson was assisted by Scott. He was still weak but the nap seemed to have taken the edge off.

"Hey. I'm here." Derek called from the kitchen. He emerged a moment later in his jeans, gloves, and a wife-beater. He was sweaty and gorgeous. "Everything ok?" He asked the second he saw Jackson.

"Um we aren't sure to be honest. Look why don't we go get Jackson settled and we can talk later?" Stiles offered.

"Yeah, sure. If you guys need anything, at all, I'm here."

"Thanks Derek." Scott added as started to half carry Jackson up the stairs. Stiles followed behind just in case he fell.

It took about 15 minutes but Jackson was changed and in bed. "Here's your cell. Call us if you need anything even if you think it's stupid."

"I'm not a child Scott."

"No but you are a stubborn asshole. Look we are just worried about you. Just let us help ok?" Scott was playing the guilt card.


"Ok have a good night. Sweet dreams." Scott walked out of the room.


"Yeah Jax?"

"I'm going to be ok. Don't worry so much."

"I'm your big brother it's my job to worry about you."

"Thanks...for everything." Jackson's voice held emotions that Stiles wasn't used to hearing.

Stiles walked to the door. "Love you." He said as he flicked the light switch.

"Love you too." Jackson responded as the door shut.

Stiles smiled and shook his head. That was the first time in years he can remember Jackson ever saying he loved him. He was glad he heard it again but hated this was the reason.

"So now what?" Stiles asked as he walked into Scott's room.

"I'm going to shower, get changed, and hit the book. You are going to go in the kitchen, makes us some food, flirt with the handy man, and not worry so much."

"You both do realize that's like physically impossible for me to do?"

"Well try ok? We need you thinking clearly. You were always the super sleuth as kids. We need to figure out why Jordan and why Jackson."

"Alright. I'm on it." Stiles said backtracking out of the room.

Stiles made his way downstairs to see Derek on the couch with Leo sitting beside him.

"Yeah, A large Meat Lovers, a large cheese, and then an order of garlic bread...Ok thanks."

"Hey." Stiles said with a worn out smile.

"Hey." Derek said with a big smile. "I hope you don't mind you weren't home so I gave Leo some food and took him out."

"No thank you. I can't believe I forgot about him."

"It looks like you were preoccupied. I also just ordered you guys some pizza. I figured you guys didn't eat from the looks of it but more importantly how's Jackson?"

"Better, I think?" Stiles responded as he wiped his face with exhaustion.,

"What happened?" The two men sat on the couch.

Stiles explained the whole story, minus the powers part. He explained it as an allergic reaction to his new protein supplements.

"That's crazy."


"And how are you and Scott holding up?"

"Scott is in eldest brother mode. He's taking charge, not falling apart, and doing what needs to get done."

"And you?"

"I'm just scared and worried. They tell me he'll be fine but I sat there and watched blood pour from Jackson's nose and eyes. That's not fine and it scares the fuck out of me. He shouldn't be home right now he should be in the hospital." Stiles was on the brink of tears. Derek leaned over and pulled him into a hug.

"It might take some time but he'll get better. You said it was a reaction right. It just needs to get out of his system."

Stiles leaned his head into Derek's neck. He realized what a mistake it was after he did it. Derek smelled like sweat, wood, and almost like the forest. It was intoxicating.

"Sorry." Stiles mumbled as he pulled back. He was trying to fight the tears. He wanted to just give into the sadness and temptation and just let Derek hold him all night.

"There's nothing to be sorry for."

"Ok. Yeah." Stiles didn't know what to say or how to think. He watched as Leo struggled off the couch and waddled out of the room

"Jackson is going to be fine." Stiles' attention went back to Derek. "He's young, he'll bounce back. Besides he's lucky, his brother is a chef that'll make him some amazing comfort food."

Stiles grinned.

"There you go."

"If you wanted me to cook for you alls you'd have to do is ask."

"Well I don't think it's fair to make you cook on our first date." Derek had a smirk on his lips.

Stiles eyebrows shot up. He wasn't reading the situation wrong, Derek was into him. Derek. Sexy. Hale. Was into him. His face split into a giant smile.

"Then it's a good thing you ordered us pizza tonight." Stiles leaned in and kissed Derek. After a few moments Derek moaned into the kiss. He put his hands on Stiles back and pulled him on top of him. They continued to kiss and let their hands roam.

Half an hour later the doorbell rang and a disheveled Derek answered the door and paid for the pizza. Stiles went up to the attic to grab Scott who instantly got a shit eating grin when he saw Stiles.

"Your lips are all puffy. Has someone been getting handsy with the handyman."

"How long have you been waiting to use that one?"

"I don't have to answer that."

"Derek got us pizza. So you should come have some."

"Are you sure I won't be interrupting anything."

"No just some kissing and some touching. I finally got to put my hands on his six pack and his ass is like the greatest thing ever. Like seriously even in his jeans his ass fills my hands and then some..."

"Calm down there."

"Sorry. Did you find anything."

"Not a single thing about a demon or warlock that can block powers. Only a binding potion but that's not it..."

"Ok. Well take a break and after we eat I'll come help."

"And leave the handyman?"

"As much fun as Derek is, Jackson's problem comes first."

Scott nodded.

The three men ate and chatted. Scott's mind was trying to figure out what demon could do that to Jackson. Derek's mind was on Stiles and the date they had set up. Stiles' mind was still on Derek's ass. After some brief conversation Derek decided it was time to leave. Stiles escorted him to the door.

"So dinner Friday?" Derek asked.

Stiles leaned in and they kissed. "Can't wait."

"Night." Derek said with a wave as he walked toward his truck.

Stiles shut the door and went up to the attic. Scott was on the floor with a notepad and flipping through the book.

"Still nothing?"

"Nothing solid. I have a list of potential things but nothing that fits what is happening."

"Let me take a look." Scott handed over the book as Stiles sat beside him.

After several minutes of slipping something peaked Stiles' interest.

"Hmmm...this is what we need." Scott gave him a skeptical glance. "Let's go."

The two brothers broke into Jackson's room.

"Wake up we have witchcraft to do."

"Huh what?" Jackson mumbled as he tried to sit up. Scott sat to the left of Jackson and Stiles to his right.

"How's your head?" Scott asked putting his hand on his forehead to feel his temperature.

"Still hurts."

"Stiles has a plan."

"Really?" Jackson raised an eyebrow. "I'm going to die aren't I?" Jackson directed the question at Scott.

"No, but you are going to get an active power." Stiles put the book on Jackson's lap. "Hands and start chanting."

The brothers held hands and read the spell.

"What's mine is yours,
What's yours is mine
Let our powers cross the line
I offer up this gift to share
Switch our powers through the air."

Green, Red, and Blue energy was pulled from each boy's body. The energies danced together in the air for a brief moment before crashing into a new body.

"Woah...that was weird. My head doesn't hurt." Jackson said with a smirk.

"How did you know that would work?" Scott pondered.

"It was something Derek said. If it's an allergic reaction it'll take time to get out of his system. Clearly time is what we don't have. Jackson must've been laced to block his powers since you didn't find any demon or warlocks that could do that. So if he doesn't have his premonition powers...there's nothing to block. I'm guessing the fact his headache is gone means that the drugs in his system only react to foresight or whatever you want to call it."

"Ok but now what?" Jackson asked.

"We need to use Jackson's powers...well the premonition powers to figure out what has or will happen to Parrish."

"How do we do that?"

"We figure out who has whose powers and then either me or Scott will touch Parrish."

"You are just all sorts of handsy today aren't you?" Scott asked.

"Do you have a quota that you have to meet on the word handsy?"


"Do you have it trademarked or something?"

"Shut up."

"Guys shut up for a minute!" Jackson interrupted. "How do we get to Jordan though?"

"Easy." Stiles pulled out his phone. "Hey he's fine, well...ok so Jackson took himself out of the hospital." Stiles held the phone away from his ear as a loud "What?!" could be heard. For a full two minutes Parrish bitched into the phone at a loud rate. "Look, Jordan I feel the same way. I know it's a lot to ask but could you come after your shift and try and talk some sense into him?...Ok thank you. I really appreciate this, you have no idea...ok see you soon." Stiles held his phone up dramatically and dropped it on the bed. "Boom bitches. That's how you get shit done."

Scott and Jackson both rolled their eyes.

"There's a flaw in your plan, he's going to bitch at me."

"I see nothing wrong with this. Besides, dude we have new powers lets go play with them."

Jackson all but jumped up and pulled Stiles out of the room.

"What about me?!" Scott yelled running after them.

The three boys made it to the bottom of the stairs when the maturity level disappeared.

"Hiya!" Jackson said waving his hand at the lamp. It didn't move. "Ya!" He did another hand slash and nothing happened.

Stiles slammed his right foot on the ground and got into a sumo stance he put his palms facing up just hover and above his thighs "Hut!" He yelled as made a flipping motion with both his hands. The coffee table flipped up into the air, crashed into the ceiling, the split apart in a thundering crash as it landed on the ground.

"That shit was fucking sick." Jackson beamed as he high fived his older brother.

"Fuck yeah!" Stiles waved his arm and the lamp went crashing into the wall and shattered. "Fuck this" He sent a vase flying. "Fuck that." He sent a coffee mug into the wall. "and fuck this too!" The Tv crashed into the wall.

"Stiles stop!" Scott yelled. "Jesus Christ we won't have anything else left in the house."

"I paid for this shit, I can wreck it. I mean dude you never said how fucking sweet this is. I feel like I never want to use my hands again." Stiles made a pulling gesture and a remote flew into his hands.

"Great but you realize you just trashed the tv and that's useless." Scott said sarcastically.

Stiles hovered the remote above his hand then flung it telekinetically into the tv that was still destroyed in the wall. "Problem solved."

"Ok since you have my powers Jackson must have yours."

"To the kitchen!!" Stiles exclaimed. He grabbed Jackson's hand and pulled him along.

"No! Stiles don't you dare!"

Stiles pulled out a stack of glass plates. "To the back yard!" Stiles yelled as he ran toward the door.

"No! Stiles we need those!" Stiles gestured at the chair and it knocked into Scott forcing him to sit for a second. The move threw him off.

Jackson quickly followed Stiles while laughing like the devil.

Stiles placed the plates on the ground. "Jackson go long!!" Jackson ran as fast as he could, he turned just as a plate was about to hit his hand. He threw his hands up and the plate froze.

"Again!" Stiles yelled as he waved another plate in Jackson's direction. This time he focused and froze it midway.

"Are you two fucking nuts what if the neighbors see?"

"Scott stop worrying all the time. That's what you told me to do. Hut!" Two plates went flying. Jackson manage to freeze one but the other landed with a shatter.

"And what about when..." Scott didn't get to finish his thought as the plates unfroze. Jackson dropped to the ground as the plates continued to soar to their ultimate demise.

Stiles started laughing his ass off. "This is amazing."

Jackson stood up and started laughing. Stiles' pure joy was infectious.

"Fine. But only this set of plates. Get out there." Scott swatted Stiles' butt. He picked up a plate and threw it like a frisbee. Jackson froze it then Stiles slowly floated it back to Scott. The boys continued to play for a half hour. It ended with twenty dishes being shattered and a few moments that ended in tears because they were laughing so hard. Mainly when Scott took a plate to the stomach and doubled over in pain.

The doorbell rang.

"Ok remember the plan. Touch him as much as possible till you get a hit." Jackson explained. "I'll stall in my room. Yell buttmunch after you got the premonition."

"And what if I don't?" Scott asked.

"Improvise." Jackson ran up to his room leaving Stiles and Scott to open the door.

"Parrish." Scott said seeing him.


"How was your shift?" Scott asked putting his hand on his back as he welcomed through the door. Stiles raised his eyebrows in question but Scott subtly shook his head.

"Long. I chased after a perp who stole a woman's bag but the guy got away and I got this." He adjusted his collar to show a small cut on his neck.

"Doesn't look too deep." Scott reached out to the wound.

"No it just stings." Jordan took a step back after Scott had touched it. "But anyway...why did you let Jackson leave the hospital?"

"Yeah Scott why?" Stiles baited.

"It was his decision, he's an adult. If he felt he was fine there's only so much I can do." He glared at Stiles.

"He needs to be in there. You weren't there when he had his episode. I don't get scared easily and I was afraid for him."

"He signed himself out. He said he didn't have insurance and if it was an allergic reaction, he was running up medical bills for no reason."

"You're his family. You're supposed to strong arm him into a better decision!" Jordan's temper flared. "Hospital bills won't mean shit if he's dead! If money is such an issue I'll pay for him but he needs to figure this out."

"Jordan you don't have to do that..."

"Well someone has to look out for him." It was the most passive aggressive thing Scott had ever heard. "Where is he? I want to talk to him."

"I'll get him." Stiles offered as he walked toward the stairs. "Get down here buttmunch."

Jackson quickly made his way down the stairs. He wanted to get rid of Parrish to see what the premonition was.

"Hi Jordan."

"It's Deputy Parrish to you."

It took a lot of restraint for Stiles not to comment.

"Look it's not as bad..."

Jordan cut him off. "Do you have a death wish? You said you were a fuck up for all those reasons yesterday but guess what? This makes you a fuck up. How can you leave the hospital? Do you hate yourself that much?"

Jackson was stunned. He never saw Jordan get annoyed let alone furious. Jackson looked at Scott who was gesturing with his hands.

Jackson flicked his hands and Jordan froze.

"Jesus." Jackson muttered.

"Look I couldn't get a premonition. What do I do?"

"Did you touch him?"

"Yeah but nothing happened."

"Just relax, touch him, and mentally just allow yourself to be open to anything."

"Ok." Scott took a deep breath and cleared his mind. He lightly touched Jordan's shoulder. His body shook.

A green lizard like creature was hissing on a wall. Beneath the beast was a man in a uniform screaming and trying to shield himself from the attack.

"What did you see?" Jackson asked.

"A lizard man type thing with a tail attacking a 60 year old man in a uniform. It looked like a military officer type outfit."

"No not military. It's Jordan remember, it's gotta be a cop. Maybe a Sergeant or something?" Stiles reasoned.

"Ok but how does Jordan fit into that?" Jackson asked.

"I don't know. Scott what was the area of the attack?"

"It almost looked like a backstage area. There were some ropes and pulleys."

"Ok so high ranking cop, on a stage, there has to be an award ceremony or something. Jackson question Parrish about it so we know what to look for."

The boys took a step back and Jordan unfroze.

He looked at Jackson with a puzzled look.

"What?" Jackson asked.

"I thought you were...nevermind. You need medical help and if your brothers won't take you, I will."

"Like you have the time, don't you have that big award ceremony?"

"What?" Parrish questioned.

"Isn't that Sergeant getting that big award? Aren't you going to that?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh I thought I read something about it in the paper. I just assumed."

"No. Look stop trying to change the topic."

"Jordan. Look." Jackson reached out and touched his shoulders. "I'm fine. I made an appointment with a neurologist. I am getting help. I just can't afford staying in the hospital."

"Oh. Stiles didn't say that."

"Because I didn't want Stiles to take off of work."

"I could do it."

"I'm a big boy I can handle an appointment on my own. Thank you for checking on me, you're a good friend. But right now I need to go pick up a prescription from the pharmacy that the hospital gave me."

"Are you sure? I can do it."

"Parrish go get some sleep. You were at work all night. Besides I want some fresh air."

"Ok. I'm sorry I yelled I just worry."

"It's ok." Jackson hugged the cop and walked him to the door. Once Parrish left the boys were confused.

"So we have blocked powers, Jordan, a lizard and a high ranking military or police member, and no fucking clue." Stiles spewed.

"I'll go hit the book, see if I can identify the lizard. Stiles you go get ready for work or you're going to be late. Jackson go check the newspaper and online to see if there are any events in the area that fit the criteria."

"I see you are messing with the young one." She said after shimmering in the room.

"So?" Her voice was uncaring.

"You saw what he did to the Druid after her little stunt went wrong."

"Boo hoo. She lived. At least she tried. He just sits there scheming for hundreds of years. It's getting old."

"He's going to find out."

"Let him. He just wants to kill the Halliwell's himself, heaven forbid someone else does his job better."

"That's how you're going to act after everything he's done for you?"

"Do you have a point? Because I don't hear one. If you'll excuse me, I have work to do." She shimmered out.

"Brothers I come bearing sushi" Stiles called as he walked through the door.

"Nice!" Jackson responded jumping off the couch and heading toward the kitchen.

"Any news on the lizard?"

"Yeah Scott found some stuff in the book."

Scott walked in a few minutes later and saw the sushi on the counter. "Nice!"

"All right big bro what's the deal with lizardman?" Stiles mumbled with a mouth full of food.

"According to the book it's the Kanima demon. It has fangs, claws, and a tail that whips around like a scythe."


"It also can secrete a toxin that will paralyze anything it touches."

"This keeps getting better and better." Stiles said dryly.

"But the good news is that the Kanima demon needs a master. It forms a mental bond with a person and it carries out their commands."

"So if we break the link we stop the kanima?"

"I think so." Scott shrugged.

"Was there a vanquishing spell or potion for the kanima because we can't just leave it roaming the streets, it'll just form a new bond right?" Stiles asked.

"Maybe?" Jackson questioned back.

"What if we break the bond then we take the Kanima and make it our demon guard lizard?" Stiles was ecstatic at the thought.

"We can't keep a lizard demon in the house. As cool as it would be, it's impractical. Plus I don't think we are allowed. Isn't that personal gain?" Scott rationalized.

"No because we'd use a demon to stop demons."

"Yeah that's pretty much personal gain."

"Well at least I tried. What about you Jackson any luck figuring out the event?"

"There is a humanitarian award being given out tomorrow night. Scott said the guy matches the one from his premonition."

"Ok. So did we figure out the connection between Jordan and the guy?"

"The guy used to be in the SFPD but Jordan said he wasn't going so I don't know."

"That's a start, I guess. A demon powerful enough to block your powers, a hit list lizard, and someone controlling it. We are just missing pieces and I don't like it." Stiles mused as he dipped more sushi into the soy sauce.

"None of us do. I'll be happy to get this over with and get my powers back." Scott fussed.

"Poor baby doesn't like having a passive power?" Jackson mocked.

"I don't know how you do it. At work I had two premonitions. They are intense you feel everything the person is feeling. How do you deal with that?"

"I have to. It's not like I have a choice. It sucks but at the end it helps us save people so I can't complain. Better that power than no power."

"I guess. I'll just have to deal with it till we beat this thing."

The Halliwell boys ate in almost silence. Each one trying to piece together the puzzle.
Beast by Mia Martina
Madness by Ruelle

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