Weird Dear Evan Hansen One-Sh...

By InvisibleRainbow6

3.6K 101 93

One-shots and other short stories influenced by the musical by Steven Levenson, Benj Pasek, and Justin Paul... More

Shoot the Breeze (group chat)
Sincerely Three (group chat)
Should've Stuck to Jazz Band Jazz
To Sign Your Cast
Handwriting Headcannons
Operation Evan's Birthday (group chat)
Babysitting (part 1)
Babysitting (part 2)
Being a Sharpie (a poem from the POV of Evan's Sharpie)
Food Headcannons
Another Sincerely Three Group Chat
Musical Headcannons
The (More or Less) Identity Crisis
Being Jared's Bathroom Mirror (a poem from the POV of Jared's mirror)
Depression: According to Connor Murphy
DEH Friends Get Squips (Headcannons)
Being Evan's Note
Being a Box of Band-Aids
The Monster That I Knew
Movie Theater Anxiety (part 1)
Dear, Evan Hansen Discovers Hamilton
Movie Theater Anxiety (part 2)

Dear Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

170 4 0
By InvisibleRainbow6

Okay, here's a longer one!
This is Evan's eighth birthday party and it's TMNT themed!! (Or what happens after I listened to "In Th Bedroom Down the Hall")
No real TMNT knowledge is required but it is funnier/less confusing if you know that:
Raph=strong/has anger issues
The Shredder=main bad guy
April=friend of the turtles (in some versions Donnie has a crush on her)

Third Person POV

Evan was so excited! It was the day of his eighth birthday party! He had been waiting for this day all month! His mom had told him that he couldn't have a big party where he invites all his classmates this year, so instead he was allowed to have a few friends over for a sleepover (Evan was secretly glad because little did his mom know, big parties made him feel nervous and his tummy hurt). Not only that, but a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themed birthday sleepover! This was practically the best day of his whole entire life!!!

Evan had chosen his guest list carefully. He was inviting Jared Kleinman, his friend and his mom's best friend's son.

Connor Murphy, his other best friend. (He secretly thought Connor was the coolest person in the whole world).

And lastly Alana Beck, his other other best friend and the smartest person he knew.

Evan was bouncing on his heels as he stared at himself in his bedroom mirror as his mother tied the blue mask over his eyes. Other than that he had on his favorite green TMNT shirt over black sweatpants. Even his fluffy blonde hair was neatly combed for the occasion.

When she had finished with the mask Evan's mom turned him around so she could she the huge smile on his face. "Are you excited Ev?"

"Yeah! What time is everyone coming again?"

His question was immediately answered by the sound of the doorbell.

"They're here! They're here!" He cried as he raced out of his room and down the hall before bounding down the stairs, his mom a few steps behind him.

Evan opened the door only to be tackled in a hug by Jared. "Happy birthday Evan!"

Jared had on his usual plane red T-shirt that matched the wrapping paper on the present Mrs. Kleinman was handing his mom.

"Wow! Cool mask!"

"Thanks! Everybody is going to get one but we have to wait until all our friends are here."

Just as he said that Alana came racing up their driveway, her hair, which was pulled back in many tiny braids was flying behind her. He purple sweater and jeans were just barely visible because of how dark it was outside.

"Happy birthday Evan! Hi Jared! I'm so excited to be here! I love the ninja turtles! Thank you for inviting me Ms. Hansen!" She said handing Evan's mom a bag with balloons on it.

"We're so glad you could come Honey!"

After a few minutes of grownup-talk, Mrs. Kleinman left, and within two minutes after that the doorbell rang again.

Evan's mom opened it and all the kids screamed "Connor!" as soon as they had seen who was on the other side.

Connor was wearing a blue sweatshirt that matched his eyes and the bow on the gift box in his hands.

Connor grinned, "Hi Alana. Hi Jared. Happy birthday Evan!" He said handing Ms. Hansen the present before hugging his friend.

"Bye Connor! See you tomorrow! Have fun!"

"No Connor don't go! I'll miss you too much! Don't leave!"

Everyone turned around to see the small form of Connor's sister Zoe who's bright yellow dress and matching headband had somehow managed to be hidden by the darkness.

"Come on Zoe! You'll see Connor tomorrow." Mrs. Murphy said trying to detach her daughter from her son's leg.

"No I'm not going anywhere without Connor and you can't make me!" She cried.


"No! No no no!"

"Sweetheart it's just-"


She turned to Evan's mom, "Heidi would you mind if Zoe stays with you?"

"No, we would love to have her!"

"Thank you! Alright you two, stay out of trouble! And do what Evan's mommy tells you to. Bye see you tomorrow!" Mrs. Murphy said before turning around and walking back to her car.

Evan's mom closed the door and locked it. "Who's ready to have some fun?"

"Me!" Everyone screamed at the same time, now all sharing the same look that Evan had on since he woke up that morning.

"Okay so everyone is going to get a mask so they can be a ninja turtle! I'm Leo because my mask is blue!" Evan giggled. "Alana you get a purple mask, you get to be Donnie!"

"Yes! Donnie is my favorite!" She exclaimed taking the mask from Evan and going over to Heidi to help her tie it.

"Jared you get to be Mikey!"

"Mikey's the awsomest! Boo-ya-ka-sha!" He ran over to Evan's mom with his new orange mask.

"Connor you're Raph."

"Hey Evan why did the turtle cross the road?" Connor laughed taking the bright red mask.

"I don't know, why?" Evan asked completely engrossed in the riddle.

"It didn't! It was too slow!"

Everyone broke out into a fit of giggles especially Evan.

"What about me Evan?" Zoe asked readjusting her headband.

"Um uh..." Evan played with the hem of his shirt. What should he say? There was only four turtles! Then an idea came to him. "You can be April!"
Everyone seemed to think that this was a good idea and Evan sighed with relief.

"Okay!" Zoe jumped up and down in pure seven-year-old happiness, her pig tails flying up and down as she did this.

She ran over to Alana and gave her a hug. Alana blushed and everyone could tell she really liked the idea too.

They spent the next two hours pretending they were on secret missions and beating up Evan's stuffed rhino which they had dubbed The Shredder.


After that Heidi called everyone to the kitchen for pizza and juice.

"Pizza!" Everyone cried at the same time, sounding just like the ninja turtles.

***Three boxes of pizza later***

"Evan you have to open your presents now!" Jared exclaimed.

They had all decided that Jared was the birthday party expert because he had been invited to the most parties out of the five of them, so if he said Evan should open his presents everyone decided it was the best thing to do for the best birthday party accuracy.

They all sat in front of Evan who blushed profusely staring at the pile of presents. "Um who's do I open first?"

"Mine!" Everyone screamed.

Evan looked even more nervous.

"Guys we have to do this in an organized fashion. Let's play Rock Paper Scissors!"

***Many games of Rock Paper Scissors later***

"Okay so the order is Jared, Zoe, me and lastly Connor." Alana summed up.

Evan tore open the bright red paper. "Monopoly!" He said, holding it up for everyone to see.

Everyone oohed and aahed appropriately.

Zoe leaned over and handed Evan the homemade bracelet she had been wearing with rainbow beads on it.

"Thanks Zoe!" Evan said putting it on and admiring how cool it looked.

Alana pushed her present towards him.

Evan reached in the bag and pulled out sketch pad and a box of 96 crayons. "Cool!"

"Wait there's something else in there Alana giggled.

Evan reached in and pulled three sheets of tree stickers.

His eyes lit up and he held them up for everyone to see.

"Now mine!" Connor said handing Evan his box.

Evan pulled the top off and took out the tissue paper. Inside were three bottles of nail polish. One light blue, one dark blue and one green. There was also a Spider-Man comic book and a tiny book about trees. "Woah, thanks Connor!"

***An hour of punching Evan's rhino later***

"Everyone come into the kitchen for cake!" Heidi called.

Everyone ran into the kitchen and crowded around Evan who sat in front of a really cool TMNT cake with an 8 candle in it.

Everyone sang happy birthday (Jared and Connor adding in the cha-cha-chas) and then Heidi cut everyone a giant piece.

"Yay it's chocolate! I love chocolate!" Zoe cried.

"Hey Jared? Isn't it birthday protocol to rub frosting all over the birthday person's nose?" Connor asked innocently.

"Actually Connor, you're completely right!" Jared said as he stood up and whipped a glob of green icing off of his piece of cake with his finger.

Evan jumped up from the table and ran to the doorway.

"No way Ev!" Connor yelled running after him.

After a few moments of struggling Connor managed to get Evan's hands behind his back and  refused to let him escape.

"Connor!" Evan giggled. "Please let me go!"

"Nope." Connor said grabbing him tighter.

Jared ran over and rubbed the frosting on his nose before deciding to rub the sweet green gunk all over the rest of Evan's face.

Needless to say Heidi got pictures of the whole thing.


When everyone finally famed down from their sugar high, Ms. Hansen announced it was time to go to sleep.

Everyone set up there sleeping bags in a circle in the living room.

Zoe was lent a blanket and a pillow which she set up right between her brother and Alana, her knew best friend in the whole world.

After an hour of making noises and whispering back and forth, everyone finally fell asleep.


After everyone had brushed their teeth and put on new clothes the kids ate a well balanced breakfast of chocolate chip muffins and chocolate milk (everyone agreed that Heidi was probably the coolest mom out of all of theirs, especially Connor and Zoe who were supposed to be gluten free this month) soon their parents started to come.

Evan hugged everyone goodbye and gave them each a green goodie-bag containing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tattoos and bouncy balls.

When everyone was gone Evan ran to his mom to give her a hug. "Thank you Mommy!" He said his voice a little muffled by her shirt.

"I love you Evan." Heidi said stroking her son's hair.

Neither of them pulled away for twenty minutes.

Heidi didn't wanted son to see that she was crying tears of joy and Evan didn't want his mom to find out that he already knew.

And everything's okay.

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