Secret [Yoonseok]

By moonlightknightelves

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"Do you think it's amusing to kiss guys when you are drunk!" Hoseok yelled staring into Yoongi's eyes. Yoong... More

Chapter 1: Dorms
Chapter 2: Introduction
Chapter 3: New Years
Chapter 4: I'm sorry
Chapter 5: Anger
Chapter 6: Do you love me?
Chapter 7- Is it okay?
not a story update.
Chapter 8: Couple
Chapter 9: Will you still love me?
Chapter 10: Resolve
Chapter 11: I Need To Ask You Something
Chapter 12: It's okay
Chapter 13: Jikook
Chapter 14: Don't Belittle Me
Chapter 15: Sick of it
Chapter 17: Marry me?
Chapter 18: Family

Chapter 16: One Night Stand

4K 158 75
By moonlightknightelves


    Early morning silence, Jungkook is woken up by the sunlight grazing his skin. Still in a daze he looks at the clock for the time

6:23 am

     They are leaving today, leaving to America for a couple of days. Jungkook wanted to get faded today, he didn't want to see any of the members. Especially Jimin, he did something completely reckless and stupid in a rage. He needed to apologize but at the same time he was still angry. Still angry at Yoongi and Jimin, even though he knew it was completely pointless and stupid. Nothing was their fault, contrary it was all his fault. Unfortunately he fall in love with someone who loves someone so much more cool than himself.

It's painful...

     Jungkook stayed in bed for a couple more minutes before sluggishly getting out of bed. Turning the doorknob he left his room, lightly rubbing his squinted eyes. No one was wake at this time, surprisingly. They shouldn't take too long to wake up, they still had a lot to do before they can board their flight. Surly enough the members started to wake up, Jungkook could faintly hear the an alarm going off in a members room. A few minutes later Jin came out of his room along with Namjoon.

     They were startled to see Jungkook in the sofa looking up from his phone to them. "Jungkook? Why are you up so early?" Jin asked.

     "That's quite unexpected!" Namjoon laughed.

     "Hyung,The sun woke me up!" Jungkook exclaimed

     Namjoon began to laugh at Jungkook cuteness while Jin woke up the other members.

     "You should sleep for a little while, Jungkook. We still have some time before we have to leave. I could pack your luggage if you want." Jin offered

     "Is my complexion that bad?" Jungkook asked Jin.

     Jin laughed, " Yes, it looks quite bad. Are you okay?" he asked concerned

     "I'm okay, Hyung. I need to get a lot of stuff done before we leave."

     Jin continued his activity, still quite worried about Jungkook. The first to come out of one room where Hoseok and Yoongi, Then from the next came out Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin looked it bad shape as well, his face was puffier than normal and his eyes had bags making him look ten times more tired. It felt like something was stabbing him in the heart seeing him like that, hurt even more thinking that he was one of the causes of Jimin's tears.

     The members ate breakfast, changed, packed their luggage, got in the car to go to the airport, and finally boarded the plane. They  were told to record on the plane for their next YouTube video, so they did. But Jungkook spent the whole plane ride sleeping with his head phones blasting MoonMoon "Contrail".

     Hoseok was sitting with RM to his left and Jungkook was on his right. Jimin was in front with Yoongi and Taehyung. Jin was sitting on a separate column next to RM only being separated by an aisle. Jimin and Hoseok were doing most of the filming, since they are good at doing so.


     Once landing they were greeted by an enormous amount of fans seeing with excitement. It was actually quite scary for the members seeing the large crowd but they were really happy about it. Once at the hotel; Hoseok shared a room with Jungkook, Yoongi shared with Namjoon, Jimin with Taehyung and Jin got a room to himself.

     As soon as Jungkook got to his hotel room ,with Hoseok, he plopped down onto his made bed and fell asleep again. Since today was their first day arriving they had the rest of the day to rest.


     Jungkook's sleep has been disturbed by that sound, the sound of his phone notifications. In the darkness he reached our for his phone, feeling around until he finally felt it. Grabbing it he turned it on and checked the time


     His eyes snuggled to adjust to the sudden brightness but as soon as it happened he saw Hoseok started a vlive. Confused he looked around for his roommate, as expected he couldn't ask anything so he turned on the flashlight of his phone and looked around for him but he wasn't there. Realizing that he was alone Jungkook turned of his flash and presses the notification sending his directly to his Hyungs vlive.

Where is he filming?

     It started of normal, Hoseok was happy smiling doing the vlive. Soon though requests for other members started pouring in, he suddenly got up and went to Jimin's dorm. In a quick glimpse of the room Hoseok was leaving,  it seems he isn't alone, there is meal for two. As well as an phone lying on the table. Jungkook then saw Hoseok knocking on a door, in which Jimin opened. They did film together for a while and Hoseok attempted to leave the phone with Jimin. When he refused, Hoseok got on top of him and began to touch him semi sexually suggestive.

     That hurt Jungkook, it pissed him off as well. But there is nothing he is able to do about it except sulk so that is exactly what he did.

     At that point in the vlive Taehyung came and Hoseok scurried along with him leaving Jimin alone with Hoseoks phone live. Jimin then took over for Hoseok. The whole thing was quite weird but Jimin stayed live for a long time. Flirting with the camera, he had no idea Jungkook was watching. For Jungkook seeing Jimin flirt was cute and really turned him on. He actually got a hard on seeing Jimin doing that, even though Jimin was mostly doing normal things. Reaching his hand down his hard on he began to rub it until he came.

I'm pathetic

     Jungkook was humiliated by what he had done. He really loved Jimin and he did the stupidest thing on earth and confessed. Not only did he confess, he scared Jimin and he was really rude to him. Even if Jimin didn't accept his feelings he wanted to go back to the way things were. Jungkook got up from his bed using his flashlight to guide him to the light switch. He then changed his underwear and pants, then went to wash his hands.

     Jungkook dressed up quite well and headed outside making sure not to run into staff. He did end up getting out of the hotel and began to walk around the unknown, scary city of LA. He aimlessly walked around until he decided to enter a cafe. He ordered some hot chocolate and a small chocolate cake. Once served he payed and sat down at an empty table. He really didn't have to much to do since he left his phone back at the hotel.

     That's when he noticed two women giggling and looking his way

Do I look funny?

     Jungkook nonetheless smiled at them, when he did the girls quickly looked away and began whispering to each other. Soon after one of the women, The shorter one with a slight tan and short curly hair with big bratz like lips approached him.

     "Hey" she introduced herself and after a couple of hours later they both were in the back of the store making out. Jungkook wanted to prove he could get over Jimin. He wanted to prove his feeling were a misunderstanding. He grabbed the women's thigh and slowly ran his hand up eventually lifting her skirt. After ten they were done, although Jungkook made it through he still felt empty. As he was making his way back he thought about how worried the members might be right now. Thinking about them franticly looking for him made him a little happy, it made him feel warm. Thinking about Jimin's prideful smile when he sang brought him bittersweet smile.

     Just as he was reaching the hotel, to his luck Jimin was waiting at the door. As soon as he saw him Jungkook did a one eighty but it was to late, Jimin had already spotted him. Jimin ran to him and got in front of him so he couldn't run away.

     "Why are you running away?" Jimin questioned

     "Oh! Hyung! I didn't see you there!" Jungkook fakely explained, adverting his eyes to the concrete floor. Doing so revealed a hickey jungkook had no idea about. Jimin was startled seeing that getting closer to see if it was real.


"Where were you?" Jimin interrupted.

     "I-I was just walking around the city, Hyung. Seeing the new scenery." Jungkook quickly responded.

     "Really?" Jimin sceptically asked, "…then why do you have a hickey?"

     Jungkook quickly covered it with his hand feeling ashamed and embarrassed. He didn't say anything and the silence swallowed the air for what felt like forever to Jungkook.

     "Come with me." Jimin commanded without looking at Jungkook he began to walk into the hotel. Making sure to be slick the passed by me staff and got to Jimin's dorm without anyone noticing locking the door. No one was in Jimin's room, since they were all looking for missing Jungkook.

     "Go take a quick bath, Jungkook" Jimin said still not looking at jungkook, instead he seemed to be looking for something. Without a word Jungkook did as he was told and took a ten minute shower. As soon as he got out he was given pajamas to sleep in.

     "Sit here." Jimin pointed an the edge of the bed. Jungkook again without protest did as he was told. Jimin got some foundation, about the same skin color and began working trying to hide the purple bruise on the maknae.

     "Why did you lie to me, Jungkook?" Jimin sighed in disappointment.

     "I'm sorry Hyung. I'm an idiot." Jungkook apologized feeling his heart race. He was scared and ashamed of what he had done.

     "It's okay. Don't beat yourself up over it. Your a man after all." Jimin smiled as he softly laid the make up on Jungkook's neck. After a few seconds Jimin was done.

     "Okay! Done!" Jimin smiled showing teeth. "Now! Let's tell the others you are okay. I'm sure they are almost dying of worry."

     "Hyung, I'm sorry for being forceful and scaring you last time. I really didn't mean it… I was angry."

     "It's okay. That time I was really scared but you saved me from a really awkward situation. So thank you!" Jimin laughed

     "I want thing to not be awkward between us. Hyung even if you can't accept my feelings for you. That's okay, I want you go be happy and just staying by your side makes me really happy."

     There was silence since Jungkook was waiting for a response and Jimin was thinking of one.

     "You are a sweet kid Jungkook. I would love for us to be back to normal. I really love you, no matter what happens. But just not the same love as you. Hopefully you can see me as a normal Hyung." Jimin responded.

     Jungkook smiled, "Who knows, Hyung,  you might fall in love with me someday." he joked.

     Jimin laughed and began to dial the members telling them that Jungkook was safe.

     The members in the brink of tears all hugged Jungkook. They didn't notice the hickey or anything. The staff was quite pissed about the ordeal but they were also very worried about him, so seeing him safe filled them with relief.

     "Where where you!!" Jin screamed asked in between sniffles

     "Sorry for making you worry, Hyung. I was just walking around LA, I wanted to see the scenery." He lied with a smile. He knew the members would be pissed if they saw the hickey, the staff as well. He knew he would be more in trouble if he said anything. But he was happy to see the members worry about him. It made him happy he cried on the spot, startling  the members.

Everything was okay now. No more heavy air, no more silence. Everything was back to normal.

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