Gemma and The Thirteen: Memor...

By SoLongSoldierSky

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If I had known my life was gonna end up this way, I would've stopped caring about my grade in math. More

Chapter One: Fairies
Chapter Two: The Cave
Chapter Three: Forgotten
Chapter Four: Snow
Chapter Five: Red
Chapter Six: Red, continued through Vlad.
Chapter Seven: Dreams, through Gemma
Chapter Eight: Home
Chapter Ten: A Little Freedom

Chapter Nine: Parade

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By SoLongSoldierSky

We had arrived to Freya a while after Cross left me in my cell, we were all pulled out and shoved into a bus, we were heading to the castle. I watched Lucas as he had hot tears running down his face, I reached forward with my shackled hands and I wiped away his tears "Everything will be okay." I said and he nodded, the bus stopped with a fast halt. We were pulled out of the bus as we headed into the castle, the life from the castle was dead unlike before. "The king wants the princess, take the others to the cells." Cross said and the guards took the others away, I walked with Cross "Cross, I-" I stopped myself as we walked into the throne room, Cason sat there on the throne that was once my father's. "You've grown up so beautifully, princess." He said with a grin as he stood up, walking up to me. He almost touched me when I slapped his arm away, he was shocked "Same attitude of that father of yours." He said and he looked at Cross "Was the mission successful?" He asked and Cross nodded slightly "Good, let's parade them."

"Parade?" I asked as we walked into a room, he locked the door "You have to change, I'm sorry." He said and undid my shackles so I could change "Is everyone changing?" I asked as I changed into the dress, I froze when I realized it was my mother's. "Dresses aren't logical." I said and found an outfit for my father and quickly tailored the top from my mother's dress, I got dressed in the new outfit and put on my crown. "You may turn around now." I said and he looked at me, I walked up to him. "Cross..." I said softly and he watched my mouth, I looked into his eyes "I'm sorry!" He said as the shackles appeared on my wrists, I touched his cheek then kissed it. We walked to where the others were held and they all wore nice outfits, Leo's eyes widened in shock as we came up to them "I am a princess, I'm gonna dress like the queen and king of my nation." I said and Demise stood with Lunar and Cross "Parade the prisoners around the city, the King's order." She said and the guards nodded quickly, we began the parade.

As we walked we saw the eyes of the people and the surprised whispers "That's princess Gemma! Princess Gwen!" The people would exclaim as we walked, I had forgotten because of the seals on my mind, I was able to control smoke. I walked in the front with confidence as Demise announced the parade "Tomorrow will mark the anniversary of the king and Queen's tragic deaths and it will be the execution of the Princess and her comrades, they have committed treason against our one true king!" She yelled out as we walked, I grinned slightly and she grew annoyed at my grin. "Stop that!" She said and I looked at her "Why should I?" I asked and kept walking. Cross walked beside me in silence "Cross, could you be a dear and brush back some of my hair, please?" I asked and he did it, I smiled at him then continued to walk. I looked backward at Leo and he was just staring at me quietly, I winked then turned back. "So when I'm executed, will I have a last meal or no?" I asked and Demise was growing annoyed "You would live if the king wishes!" Demise yelled.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw Maria, she was my sword and dance instructor on Freya, she looked sickly and dirty "Maria!" I called and tried getting closer but my shackles were grabbed stopping me. Maria looked up and her eyes widened "Your highness! You're alive!" She cried out in happiness "I would hug you, but I'm sort of chained up." I said and Maria gasped "Oh no, your highness." She said in horror "It's fine, Maria. They'll pay soon." I said with a grin "I'm so sorry about your parents, your highness." She said "Don't worry about it, Maria, that king will be put on a stake for all the citizens soon." I said "You won't be able to when you are executed tomorrow!" Demise yelled out and I smiled at her "I know nothing of your family so they must've been a lowlife, you will never marry Cross nor Lunar. Once Cason is done with you, you'll be executed." I said and her eyes widened as she tried to slap me but I dodged her, I head butted her and she fell to her knees, she looked up at me as blood dripped down her forehead.

"Fear me, Demise, for I am worse than death." I said as I stepped down on her foot, a guard pulled me off her. We found ourselves back at the castle and I was taken to the throne room again, Cason eyed me down as I walked in. "You'd make a beautiful queen by my side, we could rule this world together." He said "No." I said "Why? It will save you." He said as he walked around me like a vulture circling it's prey "I would rather be dead then marry a sleazy murderous man like you." I said and he grabbed my face "You have a mouth like King Novak too." He said in disgust "So?" I asked and he laughed slightly "Your father was a handsome man, but you look like a female version of him." He said touching my face, my eyes widened in shock "You!" I yelled and he grinned "Your father is still very beautiful." He said and suddenly, a man was shoved through the doors. Cross gasped in shock as my father stood up, his hair to his shoulders "Dad!" I yelled and he looked at me in shock, Cason grinned at me.

"Princess! Why are you here?" He asked and Cason grabbed my arm "Your father has been my personal servant for those years you've been missing." He said and anger boiled my blood, I grabbed Cason by the collar and brought his face close to mine "Your head will be displayed upon a stick." I hissed and my father ran up to me, hugging me tightly "Where's my mother?" I asked "She didn't survive." Cason said as he sat down on his throne, I glared at him. I walked toward him and raised my arm to punch him when he grabbed it, pulling me into his lap, disgust crossed my face. My father had a panicked look on his face "Don't worry darling, if you marry me, we can train you to be obedient like your father." He said as I spit on his face, I stood up and walked to cross. My father grabbed my hand and I looked at him "See you at my execution, father." I said and I walked out with Cross, he took me to the room given to me by Cason. We walked into the room and I walked toward him quite suddenly, kissing him.

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