5sos Preferences

By lipstainmgc

737K 12.3K 2K

5sos preferences to tame those damn feels you have for those damn Aussies. More

5sos Preferences
Mayday Parade Song Preference
Names on each others phone
Youre a YouTuber: Calum
Requests Open
Personal for Izabella
Personal for Becca
Friend zoned (1/2)
Friend zoned (2/2)
Breakups pt. 2
He's in love with you
Bad Dream
He is older
He does your hair/makeup
Youre Famous
Good Girls
You see him after you break up (Michael)
Road Trip
Favorite Movie To Watch Together
Your Song
First Pet Together
Favorite Place
He Dies (Ashton)
(Part 2) He Dies (Ashton)
Hold On Till May (Song Preference)
Authors Note
Long Way Home - Song Preference
BFM - he helps you
Your Parents Don't Like Him
BFM - he helps you - part 2
Tour Bus Cuddles - Luke
You dont say "i love you" back - part 1
You dont day "i love you" back - part 2
Calum Follow insight
He finds out you had a baby after you break up - cashton
He teaches you how to kiss (cake/4)
Too Hot (2/4)
Puberty (cake/4)
what he hates about you
100K READS?!
group messages (calum/4)
the letter you wrote to him while hes on tour (luke/4)
tweets (fan)
his mom or dad talk with you - muke/4
"it's always been you" (luke)
relationships & inactiveness; update

Breakups (pt. 1)

18.1K 230 5
By lipstainmgc

Theme: breakups part 1

This ones from tumblr, so I didn't write it, credit to whoever did :) enjoy!

You walked inside the small café, a bell sounding off as you walked inside. The café was unique, no piece of furniture matching the other. It was quirky and you liked it; it had been a spot for you and your boyfriend Ashton to hang out at for a while now. It was busier than usual that day and so you smiled in relief when you saw Ashton sitting down at a table, one of the very few tables vacant.
"Hey there rock star," you grinned down at him and he stood up, leaning over and placing a kiss on your cheek. You had been calling Ashton that ever since he had told you the news a few days ago that he and his band were going to be the opening act for One Direction for their world tour. You knew it was going to be different and a little hard to keep your relationship going without being with each other for a year but you were planning on a lot of Skype calls and Face times and you were already both looking at flights for when you could fly over and visit him for a week or two.
You sat down at the table and gave him a smile even though he was quiet, which made you a little curious considering he had been buzzing with excitement just a day ago, not being able to shut up because he was going on tour.
"What's up?" You asked softly and he looked up from the table at you; he looked tired.
"I didn't get a lot of sleep last night when I got back from yours. I was thinking a lot," he said and you frowned slightly, confused.
"Thinking about what?" You asked and he sighed, chewing on his bottom lip.
"Us," he replied but you continued to frown in confusion. The answer was so short it gave you nothing to work with; did he mean it in a good way or a bad way? Your gut was going with the latter but you weren't going to let yourself believe that. The two of you had been together for almost a year now, your relationship was strong; you weren't going to let anything break you.
"What about us?" You asked after a little bit of silence and he sighed.
"I'm going to be on tour for a year, Y/N. A whole year that we're going to be apart. How does that even work?" He asked and your stomach sank a little. You didn't like where this was going and the defensive side started showing in you, trying to resolve whatever problems were going on in his head.
"It will work, Ash. We'll make it work. You'll be travelling across the world and yeah, we'll be apart but we can Skype and call each other and other things like that. I don't care about time differences, call me whenever. And we've been looking at flights..." you started getting a little nervous, your speech becoming quicker.
"And what about your University courses? Where does calling me at three in the morning and flying out across the world fit in there?" He asked and you swallowed harshly, wanting him to just realize that you didn't care about it all as long as you were together and happy because you loved each other.
"I'll figure it out, Ash. You know I will," you reasoned and he looked up into your eyes, his gaze matching your fear and sadness.
"And what if you can't figure it out?" He asked and you breathed in sharply. Where was all this negativity coming from? This wasn't your Ashton, the one who asked the millions of negative questions that always thought of the problem and not the solution. Where was your joyful Ashton who would be sitting here right now talking excitedly about the tour and showing you all the places he would be seeing?
"I...I don't know..." you replied quietly and he sighed, placing his hand on to yours but you pulled your hand back slightly, too scared for where this conversation was heading. You knew that you would've resembled a deer in headlights, your expression so confused and scared that you were at a loss of words.
"Exactly, Y/N. You don't know, I don't know, we both don't know. We don't know what's going to happen while I'm on tour, while you're at home. Things could change drastically and we won't be together for it and it'll be so painful and horrible and just too different and what if we can't work it out?" He continued to stare right into your eyes and you felt your breathing become quicker.
"What are you saying?" You asked quietly, hoping with every bone in your body that he would just shake his head and smile, letting you know that he was overreacting and everything was fine. But he didn't shake his head and he didn't smile, he just pulled his chair away from the table slightly, getting ready to leave. You could hear your heart pounding loudly in your chest and you weren't sure if you were breathing or not, a ringing in your ears was so loud that you could barely concentrate on anything besides Ashton across from you.
"I'm saying that we need to break up. We can't be together while I'm on tour. It'll be too much of a distraction and too painful to be together while we're separated and so it's best that we don't stay together." Ashton looked at you sadly before standing up from the table and walking off and out of the café. Everything was starting to blur up slightly before a single tear fell down your cheek as you watched the boy you loved dearly get into his car outside and drive away.
"You're all dismissed," your professor's voice echoed through the lecture room and you sighed in relief, standing up with your bag and walking out of the lecture room with the current of University students that followed around you. You made a beeline to one of the cafes on campus, your stomach growling loudly.
You groaned as the line for ordering went outside of the café and you joined it, getting your phone out and going through Twitter. You scrolled down your time line, nothing interesting going on and so you put your phone away, placing it back into your pocket.
"Hey, excuse me? Y/N?" You turned around to see a girl standing behind you. You'd seen her around campus a couple of times and she was in one of your classes but the two of you had barely ever talked.
"Yeah?" You smiled and she bit down on her lip nervously.
"Are you Calum Hood's girlfriend?" She asked and you raised one eyebrow, nodding a little. "Have you seen these?" She asked, holding up two magazines. You frowned and shook your head.
"I try and not read those, they're full of bullshit. I was pregnant last week according to one of the cover pages," you laughed lightly but the girl didn't laugh and so you trailed off awkwardly and quietly, rocking back and forth on your heels, wishing the line would hurry up so you could order and get out of her awkward presence.
"I strongly suggest you read these ones, from one girl to another." She passed you the magazines before walking off and disappearing, making you frown in confusion. What the hell? You looked up to see the line wasn't getting any shorter and so with a sigh you flipped through the first magazine, an article catching your eye.
You scoffed at the shit title and continued reading, your brow furrowing.
5 Seconds of Summer's Calum Hood was recently spotted at a famous night club in America with the other members of his band and also a few members of One Direction! Hood was spotted at the bar with a few girls before leading two of them back to the private booth where he and the other boys who had joined him were seated. It wasn't long before Hood and one of the girls, the blonde one (photo to the left), were spotted leaving the club! Does this mean Calum and Y/N are split? Or is Calum just getting settled into his new rock star life, scandals coming out from everywhere, especially cheating ones?
You rolled your eyes, turning the page to see a few photos from the night. You saw a photo of Calum talking to the two girls at the bar, then another one of him and the two girls drinking in the booth where Ashton and Niall were with them. The last photo was Calum and the blonde girl leaving the club, Calum's arm around her waist. You swallowed harshly, closing the magazine. It could mean nothing. Calum wouldn't cheat on you. Even if you haven't seen each other for almost three months now, Calum wouldn't resort to that.
You opened the second magazine, just too curious now, and saw the same story but with more photos. The same photos were there as before, the ones at the bar then the booth and then leaving but there was another one where Calum was leaned over to the blonde, his lips pressed to the side of her hair, looking as if he were whispering something into her ear. You frowned and got your phone out again, heading back on to twitter and searching up 'Calum Hood'. While your phone loaded you saw that you were only a few people away from ordering and sighed in relief, finally going to be able to get some food into your stomach.
Tweets and photos started popping up everywhere about Calum and the blonde chick, some people saying other rumours and others saying completely different ones. There were more photos but majority of them were just the repeats of the one in the magazine, but the same two photos kept popping up; the one where Calum's arm was wrapped around the girl's waist and the other where he was whispering into her ear. You chewed on your lip, staring down at your phone and then back up at the cashier who was just one person away. The person in front of you ordered quickly and then left so you walked up, ordering your usual and paying before stepping off to the side to wait for your sandwich to be called.
Dialling Calum's phone number, you sighed nervously before pressing the phone against your ear. The phone rang a few times before there was a rustling noise and your heart skipped a beat.
"Hello?" A high pitched voice that certainly did not belong to Calum answered and you frowned in confusion.
"Who's this?" You asked, sounding a bit short and snappy.
"Why should I tell you?" The girl replied and you frowned, pursing your lips.
"Where's Calum?" You demanded starting to become pissed as you collected your order that was just called out.
"He's in the shower, why?" The girl asked and your heart sank a little.
"Are you at your place?" You asked quietly as you walked out of the store.
"No, we're at a hotel. Look, in all honesty I've got a really shit hangover and so I'm not really in the mood to have a chat with a stranger. Would you like me to leave a message?" The girl asked, sounding just as pissed as you were as your heart continued to sink. They had stayed at a hotel together, got a room together and now you were on the phone to her. You couldn't believe it.
"Just tell him that Y/N called and that I said thanks for everything and we're done." You hang up before the girl can reply and throw your sandwich into the bin, losing your appetite immediately.
"And that's the tour of the venue," the woman who was dressed in all black and had a black headset and a clipboard with her smiled at you, before walking off and leaving you in front of 5 Seconds of Summer's dressing room. You gave a small smile before walking in and falling back against a couch. You had flown over from Australia to America while the boys were on tour so that you could visit your boyfriend, Luke. You had been a little disappointed when he wasn't able to pick you up from the airport and organised for someone else to get you because he was doing sound check but you understood. You were at the venue now and still hadn't seen Luke because they were continuing their sound check as the concert was only a mere two hours away and so again, you were a little disappointed but understood.
You lay down on the couch you were on and stared up at the ceiling, letting out a puff of air. At least you would be able to watch him in concert that night; even if that was the first time the two of you saw each other ever since he'd left for tour.
"That sound check was so much fun," you looked up to see Michael walk into the dressing room followed by Calum, Ashton and Luke. Your face brightened up as you saw Luke and he had a double take when he saw you sitting there, his expression mirroring yours.
"Y/N!" He cried and you jumped up, running over towards him and throwing your arms around him excitedly. His arms wrapped around your waist as you leant up on your tippy toes to place a kiss on his lips. Michael cleared his throat awkwardly while the two of you continued your embrace.
"We're going to go outside and talk to some fans..." He trailed off as the three other guys walked out of the room and you giggled against Luke's lips, his grip only tightening around your waist when you pulled away slightly.
"How's life?" You asked casually and he chuckled.
"Pretty great, and you?" He asked and you gave a casual one shouldered shrug.
"Pretty uneventful up until right about now," you smiled up at him and he grinned, leaning down and placing a small kiss on your nose.
"I think I should join the guys with the fans, I'll talk to you later," he said and you nodded, stepping back as he walked out of the dressing room. You were still happy from your reunited state and so you left the dressing room and the venue, walking over to the tour bus where your suitcase was placed in. Seeing that there was only an hour and a bit left until the concert you decided to hop into the tiny shower in the tour bus and clean yourself up from the long flight and get ready for the concert.
It took you a while to get ready as you stood in the shower doing nothing for ages and so by the time you walked back into the venue there were people rushing around everywhere. You walked to the backstage area where the boys were and a big security guard came up to you, blocking you from walking to the boys.
"Uh, sorry, can I get through please?" You asked and the security guard shook his head once, causing you to frown in confusion.
"I'm allowed to be back here," you said and the security guard raised one eyebrow.
"I don't see your pass," he said and you scoffed quietly, finding him a little rude.
"I'm Luke's girlfriend," you said to which he laughed once.
"Yes of course! So am I," he said sarcastically and started to grab on to your arm to take you away.
"Luke!" You called over the big man's shoulder and he turned around, frowning when he saw the security guard starting to lead you away.
"Hey, wait up! She's my girlfriend she's allowed back here with us," Luke said and the security guard frowned.
"She doesn't have a pass...it's a rule that you need a pass to be back here. It's just a safety thing," the security guard shrugged and you turned to look at Luke.
"But what about the concert?" You asked and the security guard shook his head again.
"Not without the pass," he repeated and Luke frowned.
"Can't we just get her one now?" He asked and a man dressed in black with a headset and clipboard emerged from the side of the stage.
"You're on in one minute boys," he said before walking off and you looked over at Luke with wide eyes. You couldn't miss this performance; you had been with Luke for all of one minute for the whole day and you wouldn't let yourself miss this.
"I'm afraid it's too last minute, we just can't make any exceptions. I'm sorry but you have to leave," the security guard turned to face you as you frown, frustrated and sad.
"Did you know that you could book it?" You ask Luke as he rubs the back of his neck and frowns slightly.
"Well...yeah...but I totally forgot about it I'm so sorry, Y/N," he started to apologise before he was cut off by the man returning and starting to gesture at them wildly to get on to the stage. You stepped back slightly, pushing the security guard's hand off your upper arm.
"You forgot?" You ask, narrowing your eyes as hurt and anger starting to seep into your system. Luke gave you an apologetic look, looking over his shoulder slightly to see the other boys were starting to leave to get on stage. "So you just forgot I was coming? That I was going to be here? I'm sorry, maybe this is too selfish, but I thought we were actually going to spend some time together but I guess not because you forgot." You said incredulously as he pressed his lips together.
"Y/N-" he started but you cut him off.
"No, no, whatever. Go do your show and forget this ever happened. As in, all of this," you gestured back and forth between you and him and turned away, walking off quickly as angry and hurt tears streamed down your face.
You roll around in your bed, groaning as your ringtone filled the pitch black room. Squinting your eyes, you look at your bright screen to see that (1) your boyfriend Michael was calling you and (2) it was 3:00 AM. You slid your finger across the screen to answer it and pressed the phone to your ear.
"Michael?" You greeted, your voice thick with sleep.
"Who's (Your Best Guy Friend Name)?" He asked immediately and you closed your eyes, falling back down against your pillow. Michael always had a thing for getting jealous really easily but it barely affected you considering you made it very clear that he was the only one that you wanted. You figured that him being on tour must've made it twice as worse.
"He's a good friend, why?" You asked, your eyes adjusting to the darkness around your room.
"He seemed to be getting a bit too friendly in that photo," he said quietly and you sighed, rubbing your eyes; you were tired and a little short tempered from the wakeup call and ridiculous accusations. You and your best guy friend had caught up that morning because he had been travelling around the world. He had gotten the waiter to take a photo of the two of you, the both of you raising your glasses together as if to say "cheers!" and your heads leaned against each other's while you sported goofy grins. Obviously the photo had gotten around a little and Michael had seen it, immediately thinking you had run off with another guy because he was on tour and you didn't love him anymore.
"Michael we just had lunch and a little talk that was all," you said shortly and you heard Michael sigh.
"How do I know that's all that happened?" He asked and you didn't stop the groan that left your lips.
"Because I love you and you love me and trust me and know that I wouldn't do that to you," you said, starting to become really frustrated. All you wanted to do was sleep and not be interrogated by your boyfriend on being disloyal and not trustworthy and cheating on him.
"Can I really trust you? I've been away on tour for three months now, how am I supposed to know if you've been going around being with other guys?" He asked and you inhaled sharply, becoming more pissed by the second.
"What, do you think that just because you leave I'll turn into a slut?" You asked harshly.
"It could happen," he replied and you rolled your eyes.
"Okay look I'm going to go now because you're being a self-centred prick. Call me up at a more reasonable time for the two of us when you're not so jealous and accusing me of being a slut and we can talk calmly," you said, rubbing your forehead and closing your eyes.
"Why do you have to go? Is he there with you?" Michael asked and your jaw clenched.
"No actually, he isn't. I have to go because it's three in the morning and I don't want to really get angry at you at the moment and have a fight," you reply, not understanding why he couldn't just realize that you were telling the truth and you weren't lying to him like he thought you were.
"Just tell me if he's there! Are you going to break up with me?" He asked angrily and you rolled your eyes.
"Michael, he isn't here!" You practically screamed into the phone. "He isn't here and he won't ever be here for those reasons and I wouldn't have ever cheated on you!" You shouted into the phone in anger.
"What do you mean you wouldn't have ever cheated on me? Don't you mean you won't ever cheat on me?" His tone matched yours; he was shouting and just as angry as you are even though he had absolutely no right to be.
"No, I mean I wouldn't have ever cheated on you because there is no 'I won't ever cheat on you' because we aren't together anymore. I can't deal with this and you calling me up at ridiculous hours to accuse me of being a slut and a cheater, if you can't trust me and realize how much I love you then that's your problem not mine. Goodbye, Michael." With that you hung up the phone, and reluctantly placed it on your bedside table and didn't throw it at a wall like you wanted to.
"Fuck!" You shouted into your pillow angrily, not being able to sleep at all for the rest of the night.

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