Love Off The Field? (Larry St...

By larryhowlter

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Louis is Manchester United captain. He only loved his family and the sport. That was before he was forced to... More

Love Off The Field? (Larry Stylinson)
Chapter 1*
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

509 29 4
By larryhowlter

Harry POV

"Frozen?" Louis says jokingly

"It's a good soundtrack and its Gem's and I favorite movie. Right Gem?"

“Right!” I hear a cheer from behind me “Now play do you want to build a snowman”

I sigh as I press the play button and the speakers start singing the song.

“Do you wanna build a snowman?

 Come on, let's go and play!

 I never see you anymore

 Come out the door

 It's like you've gone away

 We used to be best buddies

 And now we're not

 I wish you would tell me why!”

“Harry! Sing with me”

I sing the chorus with her as I drive down Lou’s street.

“Do you wanna build a snowman?

 It doesn't have to be a snowman”

I park in front of Lou’s house as I turn off the car and climb out to help Gemma out of her seat and grab her stuff. I walk her to the front door as Lou stands there with the door open.

“Thanks Lou”

“No problem Harry” she says with an eye roll “now go and have fun” I see her wiggle he eyebrows at me and I feel my face turn red.

“Sod off” I shove her lightly.

“Oh before I forget” I point at Lou “Did you give her the idea of getting her hair dyed?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

She shoves me down her steps. “Uh-now go have fun”

“Goodnight Gemma”

“Night Harry! Have fun” she says with a smile and with her thumbs up.

I wave as I walk back to the car and open the passenger door.

“I do not know where this fair is…so you drive” I say as I point towards the driver’s seat.

He nods as he steps out and goes around. I get it and strap in.

I turn on the radio to my favorite station.

The drive so far is quiet i guess. The only noise is the radio coming through the speakers.

"You know you are very good with her"

i turn to louis "Hu?"

"With Gemma, you are a great parent for her"

"Well I kind of have to be"

"Well yea, but you're still very young to be a parent"

I shrug "I guess"

"How old were you when your parents died?"

"Uh when I was 20"

"How old was Gem-"

"Gemma was six months old"

"Oh so you-"

"Can we change the topic please?"

"Right I'm sorry. I was just curious"

"It's fine" I mumble.

The rest of the way is full of aweward silence.

We pull up to a carnival and I see rides and stands with games and food. I go to grab the door handle when I feel Louis touch my shoulder. I turn around and face him.

"I'm sorry. I hope my questions did not ruin this date"

I shake my head. "It diddn't"

He smiles at me while I smile back while my heart stutters to catch a beat.

I stare into his eye's. His cristal blue eyes that I can barley see in the darkness of the car. I do not know how long i stared at him with him staring back until he was clearing his throat.

"Uh we should-uh go"

I nod while i feel heat rush to my face.

"Yeah we should"

I climb out of the car and face the carnival.

Here goes nothing.


Short yes. I know.

Thanks for reading.

I wanted to update before I leave for Nationals Sunday :D



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