One Shots [OPEN]

By ScrantondailKittens

48.8K 1K 340

miw one shots | gay shit warning | requests open More

Cricky | BDSM [S]
Denny | Transgender [F]
Ghorror | Angel/Demon [S]
Ghorror | Teacher BDSM [S]
Ghoski | Teacher/Student [S]
update : where the fuck are the one shots
[s] ghostxkuza : bdsm
[s] sitkolson : post-shower
[s] deviless : glory hole
[f] ghorror : trans
[f] kuza + ricky
[s] cricky : sex ed teacher
[f] sitkolson : prom-posal
[f] cricky : sugar daddy
[s] cricky : sugar daddy pt. 2
[f] kuza + ricky

[f] ghorror : ddlg new years eve

1.4K 43 4
By ScrantondailKittens

written by kitty

word count : 1449

[ ❄ ]

New Year's Eve is always a little weird as a little. I know most of Daddy's friends wanted to go to bars or parties. I know he probably wanted to go with them, too. That's the kind of stuff he did before we started dating. I've always been straight edge and wasn't into that kind of scene. So, Daddy and I stay in on New Year's Eve. I feel bad because I'm sure he has plenty of things he'd rather be doing tonight. He swears that he prefers this, and I do believe him. As a little, there is always that guilt that you're hindering the "normal" side of your caregiver's life.

Regardless, Daddy always puts in effort to do something special from home. He dressed me in a pretty silver skirt and black blouse. Then he did my hair, and let me handle the makeup. I loved when he did my hair. Even though he wasn't much of an expert on it, it was the thought that counted. Plus, having someone's hands in your hair, oh my gosh. It feels like heaven.

He picked me up and hoisted me onto the kitchen counter. "You look absolutely stunning tonight, baby girl."

I giggled, reaching my hands out to him. He had the longest black hair that I loved to toy with. Daddy smiled and snuck a kiss onto my cheek. His pretty blue eyes were beaming with joy.

"Take a picture! Take a picture!" I demanded, hyper as can be.

"Okay, okay!" He laughed. Daddy took out his phone and pulled up the camera. He pulled me close, kissing my cheek as he snapped it. "You like that one?"

"Yes! It's perfect!"

"I think so, too. I'm going to send that one to the guys. My beautiful angel." He smiled absentmindedly as he looked at it. Then he looked over to me, making me blush. "I am so incredibly lucky to have you. Do you wanna help Daddy?"

I nodded quickly. Of course. Anything to get to be by him. Because I'm a short little pipsqueak, I'm always tasked with getting stuff low down. He asked me to get some mixing bowls from a bottom cabinet. This year we're making cookies as our New Years activity together. He's going to bring most of them to his niece, but I get to keep a few, obviously. I better since I'm helping make them!

Daddy continued to read off ingredients to me and I ran around the kitchen collecting them for him. Almost everything was on lower shelves because we use stuff like flower and sugar often. When he got to vanilla extract, he stopped me before I could rush off to grab it.

"Let Daddy. You're far too little to do that." He said.

"I can reach it!" I replied eagerly.

"Baby, you're this high," He set his hand on my head, then raised it up to the top level of the shelf. "It's this high. You got everything else. I can do this one."

"But I can climb like a kitty!"

Daddy laughed as he pulled a box down from the top shelf. He looked through the bottles before finding the right one and offering it over it me. "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. It's dangerous to climb on stuff, and there's no need for my pretty little kitty to put herself in harm's way when she has me to protect her. You're too delicate."

Well, I can't get mad at him when he calls me cute things like that. I stepped up on a stepstool Daddy had for me so I could reach up to the counter properly. Even though I'm technically a grown adult, I'm still pretty short and our counters are unfairly tall. He measured out things and let me jump them into the bowl. Then he let me stir until it got too thick for me to do by myself.

Daddy stood behind me and reached his arms over me. He stirred it for me, giving me kisses every now and then. I snuck out from under his grasp and got the rolling pin for him. I let Daddy do all the harder work, like rolling out the dough. He lets me do the fun stuff, like using the cookie cutters! I used my little bat for what I would claim as my own cookies, but he suggested the rest be more festive. Not everyone is goth 365 days a year like us.

"Perfect, Baby Doll." He spoke as he took the first tray over to the oven. I stole the smallest bit of the extra dough when he wasn't looking. "Don't eat that. It's bad for babies."

"No way you saw that!" I protested.

Daddy turned back around after closing the oven. He snaked his hand up my skirt and squeezed my bum. "I see everything, Baby Girl. It's my job." He winked. "I've got a little present for you. I'll be right back."

He walked off and went towards his office. It's the one place I'm normally not allowed, so it's where he hides things. I've already gotten so many gifts from Christmas! I can't believe he got me even more, but it's probably something small. Daddy likes to get me small things here and there to tell me he loves me. He came back, handing me a brand new coloring book. It was a Halloween one too, with cute pictures!

I squealed, jumping up and down. "Eep! Thank you, Daddy!"

He grabbed me by my hip and kissed my cheek. "Of course, Princess. Why don't you go get your colored pencils and play on the floor while I clean up in here?"

"Okay." I happily responded.

Daddy walked over to the living room and turned on the TV for me. He changed channels until he found the New Years countdown. It wasn't that late yet and we still had a few hours until Midnight. That's the only reason I had any energy. As much as I'd like to imagine I could stay up, I know I'll be so sleepy by then. My bedtime is normally nine. I'm not used to staying up much later than ten at most.

And of course, a couple hours later, I was struggling to stay awake. Daddy had let me have one of the sugar cookies we made together, but even a little bit of sweets wasn't going to keep me going forever. I snuggled into Daddy's side as we laid on the couch. He looked down at me with the most genuine smile on his face.

"Just a few more minutes, Beautiful."

"Otay.." I muttered and looked back to the TV.

He opened up his phone and started checking Snapchat. I could hear clips of people yelling in bars and stuff like that. Chris and his girlfriend had gone to a party at some fancy penthouse. Vinny, on the complete opposite end, was in someone's trashed basement getting drunk. Ryan went to a gay bar, probably ended up hooking up with someone in the bathroom once he had a few drinks.

"Are yew sad yew didn' get to go ouw tonight?" I asked.

Daddy closed his phone, disregarding it immediately. "No, Baby. I'd much rather be here with you. I used to do that shit before we started dating, but honestly, I've gotten worn out on it. It's not as much fun as people make it look. This, this is way better. Exponentially better."

"I dunno what that big word means but I tink it's gewd." I muttered.

"It's very good." He kissed my forehead softly. "I can tell you're tired. We'll go to bed in a few minutes. I need to get my midnight kiss, though."

Daddy pulled himself back and sat up. I climbed into his lap, resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned my heard towards the TV to see how close the counter was. It was just going into the last sixty seconds. Daddy started to rub my back, which was making me even more tired.

He placed his hand under my chin and directed my head up. Just as the clock struck midnight, he gave me the most wonderful and loving kiss. His lips were warm and comforting. I loved his kiss so, so much. "Happy New Year, my beautiful angel. I love you."

"I love you, too, Daddy." I replied quietly, letting my head fall back on his shoulder.

Daddy swung his legs down from the couch. He secured his arms around me and stood up, carrying me to our bedroom. 

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