By unknownauthor108

261K 5.6K 3.3K


โœง PART ONE โœง
โœฆ PART TWO โœฆ
character ask
character answers
q & a


6.6K 188 90
By unknownauthor108



Grace sucks in a breath as she stared at the boy in front of her. Jasper stood beside her, slowly inching towards the gun he had placed on the table previously. They both lunge for it at the exact same time as Grace lunches towards Myles. Maybe she could save him. She started pressing on his chest, the fear protruding through her when she felt the barrel of the gun be pressed into the small of her back.

"Step away from him, Grace," Murphy demands. Grace doesn't move, instead she keeps doing compressions. She could save him, she just needed to try a little harder. "Grace, stop what you're doing. Now."

She stops, presses her lips against the boys and blew some air into his lungs. Then, she started again.

"Grace, stop. He's going to hurt you," Jasper says. Grace's heart clenches as she stares down at Myles body. He laid still under her hands, bouncing only when she pressed hard in to his chest. Slowly, she raised shaky hands up and turned around.

"Okay. Okay, fine," Grace kept her gaze right on Murphy's face, forcing the betrayal away. Everyone kept betraying her. She had put her trust in Murphy, she had allowed him to have a second chance. She allowed him into their camp, and he had betrayed her.

This was her fault.

Her gaze swiftly moves to Jasper who is staring at the two of them in fear. He backs up slightly and Grace nods reassuringly towards him. "It's going to be okay, Jasper."

"Get beside him with your hands above your head," Murphy demands, the gun pointing at her chest now. Grace nods, slowly but surely making her way across the dropship. Her heart leapt into her throat when she felt he barrel against her back again. "Faster."

Grace quickened her pace and turned around only when she was right next to Jasper. Jasper holds a hand out to Murphy uneasily, his face panicked. Grace swallowed the panic rising in her throat and pulled her hands up, trying to ignore the panic rising in her chest.

"Murphy, just put the gun down," Jasper said softly. His voice was tinged in panic as Grace stepped forward.

"Come on, Murphy. Let's just talk about this," Grace says, her desperate attempt at getting the gun away from Jasper's chest. She'd be damned if anything happened to him, too.

Murphy looked behind him and towards the body behind him, his voice laced in pain. "He-he tried to kill me."

Jasper backed up quickly, eyes widening when Murphy lifted the gun towards him again. "Hey, don't move."

"Okay, okay," Grace repeats, holding her own hands out now. She inches towards Murphy, freezing the moment the gun drifted from Jasper to her. "It's okay."

"Grace," Murphy said in a low, warning tone. "Step. Back."

Grace took one, tiny step back. "Murphy, don't hurt Jasper. Please, just let him go. I can help you escape camp, he won't even have a chance to yell your name before we're out of this place."

Murphy's face hardens. "And if they follow us?"

Grace pales. "Then shoot me. Not somewhere I'll die right away, somewhere where they'll be more concerned about my health than with you running away. It will be fine."

"Grace," Jasper said quietly. Grace could hear the pain in his voice as she spoke to Murphy, her voice tinged with desperation. She needed to get Jasper out of there. The grounders were coming, they needed every man and woman out there defending this camp. "Stop. This is not your fault."

Her eyes snapped towards his, watching as his filled with tears. "I couldn't save Monty, or Clarke, or Finn. I couldn't save Myles. Just let me do this, okay?"

"No, alright," Murphy snapped. "This is not about escaping camp."

"Hey, man, it's cool," Jasper said, inching backwards.

"No, it's not," Murphy smirked. "You know what'll happen to me if you tell Bellamy."

"Tell Bellamy what?" Bellamy's voice comes through the walkie-talkie presumably in Jasper's pocket. A small 'dammit' leaves Jasper's mouth.

Grace squeezes her eyes shut momentarily before they shoot open again. A terrifying silence fills the dropship as Murphy keeps his gun trained on Jasper, his gaze drifting down from where Jasper's hand was in his pocket to where Grace was slowly inching towards her friend.

"Give me the radio, Jasper," Murphy demands. Jasper slowly pulled his hand from his pocket, then pulled it up to his mouth in one quick movement.

"Murphy has a gun. He killed Myles—"

Murphy lifts the butt of his gun, sending it to Jasper's temple. Grace cries out, tackling Murphy to the ground in one last attempt at saving Jasper. Murphy yells in fury, standing quicker than what Grace had hoped for, and sending a powerful kick to her stomach. The girl cries out in pain, curling into a ball and clutching her stomach. Murphy drifts the gun between the two as Bellamy's voice comes back on the radio.

"Murphy, what the hell are you doing?"

Murphy jumps towards the lever and pulls it just as Grace pulls herself into a sitting position. "Jasper?"

Jasper turned to her in fear, both watching as the dropship ramp came up. They could hear Bellamy's enraged yells from outside. "Murphy. Murphy! Open the damn door!"

"You try to be the hero, Jasper and Grace die!" Murphy shouts, his gun still directed between the two who were now huddled together in front of him. Grace shifts her body slightly in front of Jasper, her petrified green eyes staring up at Murphy's determined blue ones.

"Murphy, you don't have to do this," Grace starts, her voice calm and smooth. "I already told you. We can escape, you can shoot—"

"It's already too late for that!" Murphy screamed at her, watching as the girl didn't even flinch. She held her ground. She'd never let a boy like Murphy know just how afraid she was. His gaze moved from them to around the dropship floor, settling in on a bundle of bright red belts. "Get up. Both of you, now!"

Jasper stands in seconds, pulling Grace into a standing position beside him. Murphy picks up the radio before pointing at the belts. "Jasper, tie Grace to that chair."

Jasper's eyes widen slightly and he swallows. "What?"

Grace latches a hand around his forearm, tugging him in the direction of the seat. "It's okay, Jasper. Just do as he says."

"I-I can't— Grace," Jasper panics, but Grace cups his cheeks, forcing him to stare directly into her eyes.

"You can, and you will," she pulls away, grabbing some of the thick red material. "Here."

"Alight, hurry Jasper," Grace mumbles, turning around so he could tie her hands. "We don't have time."

"Murphy! Murphy, if you even touch them, I swear to God, You're dead," Octavia's voice booms from the other side of the dropship. Grace sucks in a breath before glancing at Murphy. He didn't seem fazed at all.

Grace could feel her that her eyes are rimming with tears she couldn't seem to push away. Her breathing was loud and ragged as she sucked in air through her mouth, the gag barely allowing air inside. Her throat was scratchy from the dust particles that must've been on the belt previously. Her back ached from having sat in the chair all night, and though neither her nor Jasper had slept at all, both seemed entirely awake. Guess that was happens when you have a gun pointed at you.

A gentle nudge to her side and her attention is focused solely on Jasper. He looks completely petrified. His big brown eyes are wide and teary and his plump lips look swollen. He was also tied and gagged.

Grace could feel her heart jump upon seeing him in that state. God, all she wanted was for him to be away from Murphy. She needed him to be safe. She only sends him a small nod when he tilts his head to the side, a silent question of whether or not she was okay. She pulls her brave facade on so he'd know that she would never let anyone touch him.

"Murphy, I know you can hear me. All our ammo and food is in the middle level," Bellamy's voice comes fills the once silent dropship. It sends a flutter of hope through her chest, one she never knew she needed until she got it. "You know that. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen."

Murphy grabbed at the radio from the table a couple feet from Grace. "Yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly in control right now."

"Come on. Murphy. You don't want to hurt Jasper or Grace, you want to hurt me," Bellamy says. Grace's heart dropped. "So, what do you say? How about you trade them both for me?"

"No," Grace mumbles into the fabric, beginning to struggle against the restraints behind her. She couldn't let him do this. Murphy would kill him. She didn't care that he had slept with Raven, not now. She just wanted him safe.

Murphy smirks at Grace's struggled before pulling the walkie towards his mouth. "Sweetheart over here doesn't seem too happy with that idea."

"All you have to do is let them go, and I'll take their places."

Murphy smirks at the desperation in Bellamy's voice. A shaky breath leaves her mouth when he once again lifts the walkie to his mouth. "How?"

The pause that comes after sends Grace through a whirlwind of emotions. Fear, sadness, anger. It causes an angry growl to come from the girl and she lunges forward in a moment of blind anger. Within seconds, the butt of the gun is sent into her chest and she's on her back with the wind knocked out of her. Murphy leans down with an amused smile.

"Fuck you," she mumbles through the fabric once more, praying that the words, that may very well be her last, are ones Murphy can understand. A spark of amusement flitters in her eyes as he grabs her bicep and tugs her into a standing position.

Grace's stomach drops when he directs her towards the ladder and not the seat beside Jasper. He ties her up there, stepping back as she sent her foot out in an attempt to kick him. "Feisty, are we sweetheart?"

"Don't call me that," she hisses.

"Simple. You open the door, I walk in, they walk out."

Bellamy's voice comes through the radio again. Murphy steps back to look at Jasper, his expression thoughtful. He glances at Grace with a small smirk. "You make any sound, sweetheart, and I'll put a bullet into Bellamy's head the moment he walks in here."

Grace struggles, a muffled cry passing her lips as she felt the restraints dig into her wrists. No. She couldn't let this happen. Bellamy couldn't get hurt. The camp needs him. She needs him.

Murphy glares at her, moving towards her quickly and grabbing her by her hair, forcing her to stare look directly at him. "You got that, sweetheart?"

Grace nods despite herself, then pulls a leg back and kicks him hard in the knee, pulling against the restraints some more as she struggled away. Murphy growled, a hand wrapping around her throat as Jasper stood up, starting to rush to help his friend when Murphy whips the gun around and points it at his head. "Don't move," Murphy's gaze never leaves hers. "I swear to god I will shoot him if you fucking say one more thing."

Grace nods quickly, desperate for some air. He pulls away, turning around and keeping the gun trained on Jasper.

"Murphy? Do we have a deal?"

Grace leans against the ladder, trying to catch her breath. Blood seeps from the material on her wrists, but it wasn't so much as to where she should start worrying about it. Her fists were already bruised from her assault against the back of the dropship and her knuckles had split open again, also bleeding.

Murphy pulls the lever.

"Just you, Bellamy, unarmed!" Murphy shouts. "Ten seconds, or I'll put one in Jasper's leg!"

Murphy grabs Jasper who sends his redheaded friend a panicked look, and then steps towards the cloth covering the entrance.

"One. . . Two. . . Three. . . Four. . . Five—"

"I'm here!" Bellamy shouts from outside. Grace feels her chest tighten when she hears his loud footsteps coming up the ramp. He emerges from the flap thrown over the dropship door, immediately seeing the gun trained on his face. He glares at Murphy before he notices Grace still attached to the ladder. "The deal was Jasper and Grace."

"Yeah, well, I lied," Murphy said, shoving Jasper out of the door and pulling the lever to pull the ramp up. They could all hear Octavia and Monroe yelling out about Grace not coming out as well, but it was eventually silenced when the door closed.

Murphy moved so he standing next to Grace, the barrel of the gun pressed firmly into her side. She tenses but holds her ground.

"Murphy," Bellamy says in a warning tone. Grace stares at Bellamy, starting to pull at her restraints again. She could feel the blood sliding down her arms now. Bellamy sends her a pained look but she merely shakes her head. She'd be fine, he had to worry about himself.

"Take the seatbelt and tie a loop," Murphy points to the rest of the seatbelts about a foot away from Bellamy. When Bellamy doesn't make a move to take it, Murphy shoots off a warning shot that narrowly misses Grace's stomach. Grace tenses at it, squeezing her eyes shut tightly. When they open again, Bellamy is holding the belt in his hands.

"That's good," Murphy praises mockingly, then nods towards the fabric. "Then do what I said."

A static-filled crackle fills the silence. "Bellamy?" Octavia's voice is full of worry. "Bellamy! Are you and Grace okay?"

"You want her to know you're both alive?'' Murphy asks. "Start tying."

"Bellamy! Do you copy?"

Bellamy crouches down to start tying and Grace feels her throat close up. "I'm fine." He glances at Grace who's still struggling. "Grace is fine too. Just a misfire."

"Yeah, just a little tied up at the moment," Grace mumbles dryly. No one seemed to understand that one. Shame.

"Now stop worrying about me and get back to work, all of you," Bellamy says firmly. He glances between Murphy and Grace, the ladder still having the gun pressed firmly against her side. "And tell Raven to hurry her ass up."

Yes. That means that they had a plan, they didn't just send him in here blind. Now, they just had to hope that whatever the hell Raven was doing, was done in time to save Bellamy.

"Alright, that's long enough," Murphy tucks the radio into waistband and presses the barrel deeper into her side.

"You're kind of a dick, you know that?" Grace mumbles, her wrists rubbing against the belts. They were slick with blood and it was dripping on to the floor. Murphy smirks.

"She needs to bandage those," Bellamy tells Murphy, not daring to stop tying. "If she hit a vein she could bleed out."

Grace frowned. She never thought of that. Oh well.

"Tie those two ends together," Murphy orders, glancing at Grace who didn't seem bothered at all. Or, at least that's what her face said. Her eyes were a completely different story. He tugs the gag down and away from her lips. "Where are the bandages?"

"I don't know. They have to be somewhere on the floor," Grace said, glaring at the boy. "I dropped them while I was trying to bring back Myles."

Murphy presses his lips into a thin line before returning his attention Bellamy who has now finished tying and was watching the two with a pained expression. In his hands was the belt, now tied into a noose. Grace sucks in a breath as she stares at it, her heart beginning to race against her ribcage. Murphy was going to hang Bellamy, and he was going to make Grace watch.

"All right. Now get up and toss it over," Murphy tells Bellamy, who doesn't move. He looks up and then clenches his eyes shut for a second. When he opens them, Grace is watching him with an uneasy expression. The gun is placed back a her side in seconds, pressing further in than before and causing a grunt to pass her lips.

"That's enough. I'll do it," Bellamy stands up quickly. He throws the belt over it, watching it sway with the fear evident in his eyes.

"What do you want me to say?" Bellamy asks the boy. "You want me to apologize? I'm—" the gun presses into Grace's hip, Murphy holding a tighter grip on the weapon. "I'm sorry."

"You got it all wrong, Bellamy. I don't want you to say anything. I want you to feel what I felt, and then. . ." Murphy pauses, glancing down at the girl pressed into the ladder before returning his gaze to Bellamy. "Then I want you to die."

"No," Grace says quickly, but then the gag is pulled back over her mouth and it becomes a muffled scream. "No! Please, don't hurt him."

"Shut up," Murphy growls, using the butt of the gun hit her in the gut. She doubles over, her restraints ripping open the flesh on her wrists. She lets out a muffled scream as he yanks her back by her hair. She glowers at him, her chest heaving in anger. "Grab that crate and put it under it."

Grace watches as Bellamy does as he's told, his eyes watering slightly. "Stop," she mumbles, not caring what Murphy did to her in the slightest. "Please, Bell. Don't do this."

"She doesn't have to watch," Bellamy's voice comes out in a low whisper. Grace feels her eyes widen as the tears sprung to her eyes. He was going to do it.

"Stand on it," Murphy orders, his face monotone. Bellamy sends Grace a worried look before he steps onto the crate. "Put it over your head."

"This is insane. The grounders could—"

Murphy fires another shot, this one dangerously close to Grace's head. "Put it over your head."

"Put it over your head, Bellamy," Murphy growls. Bellamy pulls the makeshift noose down and wraps it around his head.

"No!" Grace pleads. "No, no, no."

Bellamy's eyes lock on Grace's tearful ones, watching as they finally spilled over. "Close your eyes, Grace."

"Stop," she sobs. "Please, just get down from there. Murphy, stop this."

"Happy now?" Bellamy asks, trying his best to keep his gaze away from the sobbing girl beside his executioner. Murphy pulls the hand that was previously wrapped tightly in Grace's hair away and wraps it around the other end of the noose, giving it one strong tug.

Grace cries out as Bellamy moves his hands to tug on the bottom of the noose, already beginning to lose air. "No! I can't lose him too!"

"Shut up," Murphy screams at the girl, firing another warning shot off. This one bounces off of the wall near her head. She quiets, letting out quiet sobs from time to time. He turns to Bellamy and gives him a small smirk. "You're so brave, aren't you?"

"I mean, you came in here thinking you're just gonna turn this whole thing around, that you were stronger than me, and maybe one of your friends would come and help you," Murphy smirks. "Well, what are you thinking now, Bellamy? Hmm?"

Murphy pulls on the belt, watching as Bellamy struggled. His feet barely touched the crate and Grace could hear him struggling to breathe from where she stood. A sob leaves her mouth as her chest tightens, watching as Murphy stalked towards him.

"You know, I got to hand it to you, Bellamy. You got 'em all fooled. They actually look up to you," he glances back at Grace. "Almost as much as they look up to Clarke or Grace. Yeah, well, we know the truth, don't we?"

"Shut up," Grace hisses.

"You're a coward. I learned that the day you kicked out the crate from beneath me," Murphy states. "Isn't that what you said? That you were 'just giving the people that they wanted', right?"

"I should've stopped them," Bellamy says quietly.

Murphy chuckles dryly. "Yeah, it's a little late for that now."

"You think they're just gonna let you walk out of here?" Bellamy asks him.

Murphy scratches his ear, then gives Bellamy a small frown. "Well, I think the princess is dead. . . And I know the king is about to die, and his queen is going to have to watch so she'll basically be dead on the inside," Murphy turns around to smirk at Grace who merely growls at him. "Cute. So, who's really gonna lead these people, huh?"

Murphy leans up to get into Bellamy's face. His big brown eyes are on Grace's. She watches his tiny little head nod that everything will be okay, but she can't find herself nodding back. She was about to watch Bellamy die and there was nothing she could do about it. And after that? She was going to die. Nothing was going to be okay.

"Me, that's who, and, yeah maybe I'll have to kill your grounder-pounder little sister—" Murphy gets cut off when Bellamy pushes his leg forward and sends a kick to his chest. Murphy only stumbles back before he lunges at the cord, using all of his body weight to keep Bellamy in the air and unable to breathe.

Grace cries out, becoming desperate for the man she had grown so close with. Her wrists split open and the blood begins pooling at her feet, coming out way faster than it should have and causing a panic to fill her. She could worry about it later, she needed to get out of these stupid things and cut Bellamy down.

A yelp from below them catches them off guard, Murphy lowering Bellamy back to his tippytoes. Grace stares up at the man whose eyes are latched onto her bleeding wrists and bruised fists.

"I'm guessing that's her right now," Murphy says to the two, taking his gun and beginning to shoot at the floor multiple times. A few narrowly miss Grace's feet and she jumps out, crying out at the waves of pain it sent up her arms from her wrists being tugged on the belts. Bellamy cries out but Grace can barely hear him until the sound of the weapon in Murphy's hands clicks. He was finally out of ammo.

He turns around as Bellamy begins to struggle against his restraints. In one swift movement, Murphy kicks the crate out from Bellamy's feet ands sends him swinging about spastically, his hands pulling at the belt as he tried to retrieve some air.

"No! You sick bastard," Grace screams, though it sounds more like 'bo, yo bick babard' because of the gag. She can only watch helplessly as he dangles from the noose, her screams filling the silencing room as he choking dials down to a muffle. "NO!"

"Using your hands is a cheat," Murphy advances on Bellamys swinging body. "Mine were bound remember?"

Bellamy reels a hand back and punches Murphy square in the jaw, sending him to the floor. Murphy stands and lunges at him, sending the butt of his gun into Bellamy's stomach.

The sound of the dropship door opening sends a flare of hope into Grace's chest, or until Murphy is turning to glare at her.

"Raven, you did it!" She could hear Jasper shout from outside.

Grace cries out when Murphy begins climbing up the rung of the ladder, stepping directly onto her hands as he does so. Jasper and Octavia and a few others race in a couple seconds later.

"Cut him down!" Grace screams through her gag. Jasper rushes forward and grabs ahold of Bellamy's legs, hoisting him up so he could at least get a little bit of air.

"Bell! Hold on!" Octavia yells, running over towards where the belt was holding him up. Quickly, she undid the clasp and Bellamy slumped to the floor.

Monroe hurried to Grace, pulling off her gag and starting on the bloodied belt tied tightly on her wrists. "Is he alive?" Grace demands over the constant yelling of Octavia for her brother to breathe. "Is he alive?"

Nobody answered the girl as Monroe pulled her hands loose, pulling her into a sitting position. "Sit, we need to stop the bleeding."

"Is he alive?" Grace repeats, struggling against the girl. Her wrists burn as she lets out another sob, her eyes never leaving Bellamy's body.

"Raven, he's okay," Jasper called, helping to loosen the belt from around Bellamy's neck. "He's okay."

Grace collapsed in Monroe's arms, her heart swelling as she stared at the beautiful freckle faced boy heave for air. He was alive. He was okay. He could breathe.

Monroe forces Grace to look at her and away from Bellamy. The girl grabs at her hands, stopping them from moving around too much and further hurting herself. Grace could feel the exhaustion of what had just happened flood through her body but she forces herself to stay awake. They still had a war to win.

Bellamy rolls over and gets to his knees, calling out to Murphy in a deep, raspy voice. He's heading towards the ladder before anyone can stop him, and to Grace's surprise, he starts climbing it. He yells Murphy's name again, slamming his shoulder against the hatch. "There's only one way out of this for you now!"

Grace watches in a blind panic as Bellamy keeps throwing his shoulder against the thing. The dropship shudders suddenly, and then the hatch finally opens and Bellamy disappears into a cloud of dust on the other side. Grace calls for the man, needing to see him and to know he's actually okay. She needs him beside her, now.

"Octavia, her wrists won't stop bleeding," Monroe explains, moving out of the way so Octavia could take her spot.

"Get some bandages," Octavia orders. "Now!"

Grace shoves her best friend off of her, pushing herself into a standing position despite the burning feeling that spread throughout her wrists. She moves to the bottom of the ladder, hands curly around two of the rungs before Octavia is pulling her back and into a seat across the room. "O, I need to see him."

Octavia grabs some of Monty's moonshine, not even hesitating as she began to pour some of it onto her best friends wrists. Grace screams in pain at the sudden movement, leaning back into her seat. "Bellamy, I need your help down here," Octavia calls up to him as Grace tried her best not to squirm in her grip. She only grunts as Octavia wraps bandages around her wrists tightly, stopping the bleeding for one of them.

"Octavia, please."

Octavia's head snaps up to meet Grace's panic stricken eyes. "Monroe, get Bellamy. Now."

Bellamy drops from the ladder just as Octavia finishes bandaging her other wrist. Grace is up in seconds, throwing herself into the mans arms. He stumbles on his feet, then steadies and wraps his arms around the girl. She grips him tightly, her arms around his mid-section. Bellamy wraps one arm around her tightly, the other moving up to tangle in her hair. She presses her face against his chest, feeling as he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss against her temple. "I'm here, sweetheart. I'm here."

And he was.


This whole episode took me two days to write because I kept having to take a minute to breathe because BELLAMY ALMOST DIED. BELLAMY ALMOST DIED. HOLY SHITBALLS.

Comment, vote, whatever the hell you want.

Gif | Grace when Murphy told Bellamy to throw the noose up

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