Quest for Life, Part 1 ( A Po...

By CaiusAmosAthlai

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This story that I've made is a huge collaboration of a man in VERY ancient times in a world of Pokémon, servi... More

Heads up!
Prologue: The Beginning
Chapter 1: The Search
Chapter 2: The Rangers
Chapter 3: The Boss
Chapter 4: Recollection
Chapter 5: A New Land
Chapter 6: The City of Love
Chapter 7: Another Plea For Help
Chapter 8: Reconnaissance
Chapter 9: Ayah
Chapter 10: The Long-Awaited Encounter
Chapter 11: The Next Step
Chapter 12: Hope
100 View Marker!!
Chapter 13: An Unlikely Ally
Chapter 14: Adom, The Capitol
Chapter 15: The Ambassador
Chapter 17: Insanity
Chapter 18: Last Minute Actions
Chapter 19: Titanium Forest
Chapter 20: The Task At Hand
Chapter 21: An Impossible Dream
Chapter 22: One Memorable Day
Chapter 23: All Ends Are Beginnings
Chapter 24: Acceptance
Chapter 25: Patience and Bravery
Chapter 26: Soaring to New Heights
Chapter 27: Answers
Chapter 28: Hide-and-Rescue
Chapter 29: Knowledge is Power
Chapter 30: An Awkward Confession
Chapter 31: The Journey Home
Chapter 32: A Familiar Face
Chapter 33: Plan for the Future
Chapter 34: Celebi

Chapter 16: Preparation

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By CaiusAmosAthlai


After we made a quick trip back to the inn to grab the satchel, we made our way over to the capitol. As we were recognized as Generals of Karma, we were immediately let through a pair of doors standing well over thirty feet tall. As we entered the courtyard, we were welcomed by multiple high-ranking Pokémon from all over the continent. Shortly after, we were all escorted into the capitol building itself by the high-guard. Caius was dragging himself along with his arm. I'm not gonna lie, his arm kinda creeped me out a little, but It's his arm, he can decide what it looked like as he wish, even if it did remind me of a bug Pokémon. Nothing against bug Pokémon, they just tend to make me a bit edgy. Ayah was awake and amazed by what she was seeing in the capitol. She was always asking questions about what this all was, or what a specific item was. I answered all of her questions that I could, and whatever I couldn't answer, Sarah gladly answered. I could tell that the guards were a bit concerned on letting a child further in. Caius told them that it was his paranoia, in which, in a sense, he was right, that caused him to bring her with us. I had to remind Ayah constantly to stay with us and not to stray from the group. We were lead through multiple large doors, roughly the same size as the first door. As we came to the final door leading to where we were summoned, the door stood a massive eighty feet tall! The high-guard halted us in front of the door.

"This is where you have all been summoned too." The Bisharp said. "However, I must advise you to leave the child outside these doors." Caius drew a deep breath. He had to swallow his pride here.

"Where will she be taken?" Caius asked.

"She will be taken back to the courtyard and watched carefully along with the other children in the complex." The Bisharp replied. Sarah put a paw on Caius' leg.

"She'll be fine, she's inside one of the most fortified places in the city." Sarah said calmly. Caius looked down at Sarah and smiled.

"I know, I should be more relaxed here." Caius replied. Caius walked over to Ayah and crouched down to get face to face with her. "I'm going to go away for a few minutes. I want you to stay safe and don't go with anyone else besides this man, okay?"

"No Daddy! I'm not leaving you!" Ayah repulsed. "You promised me!"

"I know, and I don't plan on breaking it anytime." Caius replied rubbing Ayah's fur. "I promise, I'll make this go as quick as possible, then you and I can stay together to your hearts content." Ayah looked into Caius' eyes, then nodded.

"Okay Daddy, but don't you try and run again, I will find you if you do." Ayah said.

"I know you would." Caius said rubbing Ayah's head. Caius turned his head back to the Bisharp and nodded. The Bisharp moved closer and took Ayah with him towards the exit. The rest of the high-guardsmen helped push the large doors open, creating a sharp light from the room. As the doors opened up more, the light started to become bearable and we walked inside. As we did, we saw three tall Pokémon standing in the room, and Mordred standing on a tall and wide podium, about five feet tall. The Three Pokémon stopped talking to look at us. Mordred's smile came back and gave me a shiver down my spine.

"Ah, looks like we have company." Mordred said smiling.

"Mordred, you know why we're here." One voice said sternly.

"Oh relax, I'm aware of what's going on." Mordred replied. "And whatever information goes through me will certainly be told to Giratina."

"Who are these five?" Another voice asked calmly.

"We are the Generals of Karma." Carinthia replied.

"Who is your leader?" The third voice questioned.

"The Bringer of Destruction Yveltal." Caius responded. As my eyes fell into focus, I could start to make out more than just Mordred in the room. A figure, standing 10'6, another standing 11'6, and the third standing at 9'6. "And who may I ask is demanding such a question?" The figure straightened his posture and boomed in a voice of thunder.

"The Leader of Ideals Zekrom." The figure on the right responded. My eyes cleared all the way, and the figure on the right, the one standing at 9'6, was a black figure with red eyes. His appearance surely showed us that it was indeed Zekrom. This was quite unexpected, and it caught all five of us off guard.

"Zekrom?! What are you doing here?" Sarah asked astonished.

"Planning for the future attack that is to befall this city tomorrow." Zekrom responded. "What else?" The figure to the right of Zekrom, standing at 10'6, was the Leader of Truth, Reshiram, and across from them was the Creator of Mountains Groudon. As we entered the room, I noticed a fourth figure standing on a podium left of Mordred. A Sawsbuck, in its spring state, stood tall and was looking at us intently.

"Glad to see that we have more allies for our cause." The Sawsbuck said smiling. We stared at the Sawsbuck confused for a minute. The Sawsbuck looked at us with the same confused look, then realized he hadn't been introduced. "My name is Basant." The Sawsbuck said bowing one of his legs. "I am here in place for Xerneas. I am one of the Generals of Chai."

"So, we've made it to the right place." Caius said breathing a sigh of relief.

"And it seems that the rumors are false." Reshiram declared. "But this is not the time. Ascend your steps so that we may proceed." As we looked ahead of us, there was another stair-case leading to a five-foot podium. Surely Carinthia and Sarah needed it, maybe Lilith, but Caius and I were tall enough to basically keep eye level with everyone else, we all climbed the steps and stood on the podium anyways. Groudon looked at the five of us and gave a grin.

"I've heard much on the Generals of Karma." Groudon said smiling. "Their sudden disappearance no less proves their stories to be true." Stories? What else had happened while we were transported through time? I figured this could be for another time. I walked forward to make it clear who was going to be talking out of the five, at least, until someone else stepped up.

"So, what's been planned so far that we are unaware of?" I asked loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Nothing as of yet." Zekrom replied. "You all came in as we were about to discuss what we should do."

"Then let's get started." Mordred said stretching. "I have something that my leader wants, and when he wants something, he's not the one to be kept waiting." I saw Mordred holding a gold orb in his hand, deformed in a sense, like it had been hit multiple times with a hammer or something. He just started to toss it from his hand into the air.

"He can stand to bear for a meeting." Groudon countered. "But now that we have everyone here, we can begin."

"Yes, time is of the essence here." Reshiram confirmed.

"Alright, as first order here in this meeting, we have been asked to address the estimated number of enemy troops and the number of troops we have going to battle." Basant said.

"That would be a good start." Zekrom remarked. Basant dug through his bag sitting beside him and found a paper rolled up into a scroll. As he unrolled it, he read it aloud.

"From our most recent scouting report of twenty thousand, they were able to discover about-" Basant cut himself off, shocked at what was written. "Seven-hundred thousand?!"

"Seven-hundred thousand?!" Groudon said astonished.

"How recent was this report?" Zekrom demanded.

"Just last evening." Basant replied. "If this report is true, we'll need a miracle to stop this army!"

"How much do we currently have with our added provisions?" Reshiram asked. Basant took a second to regain his thoughts.

"All together, with everyone's added force, we've only added up to three-hundred thousand." Basant replied.

"This does not bode well." Carinthia said. "Has anyone else sent word of incoming reinforcements?"

"Yes, by this evening, we will have received an additional fifty-thousand from Yveltal's forces in Shamhuth." Basant replied.

"Is Yveltal here?" Caius asked. "I was told last time I talked with him that he would be here." Everyone stared at Caius shocked a little bit.

"Yes, he is here." Basant said a bit hesitantly.

"Then why is he not here?" Caius asked. "Shouldn't he be involved in this if he's here?" Basant gave an uncomfortable look to Caius, which spread to him.

"I will take you to him later." Basant replied. "But please, let us stay on agenda." Caius wanted to speak up to say something else, but Carinthia grabbed his leg and gave him the look to shut it before it got out of control. Sarah stepped up to get us on such said agenda.

"Why so panicked? Our armies of twenty thousand have handled an army of fifty thousand as if they had more than them." Sarah questioned.

"That may be true," Groudon said, "but you must remember that these are not all your troops."

"Indeed, we all have our own different trainings for our own armies, so we each have different outcomes." Zekrom confirmed. Mordred gave a small grin.

"So, what do we plan to do for this incoming army?" Mordred questioned.

"They intend to strike from our weak point in the south." Basant said. "Our district areas. Fortunately, we have two walls here in Adom that help protect such areas."

"So, will all our troops be put in the south end of Adom?" Reshiram asked.

"Plans have not been finalized, but that is a key component that we must cover." Basant replied.

"It doesn't help that Ai has refused to give any aid to us whatsoever." Zekrom scoffed. "They focus too much on themselves and not on anything else." Lilith jumped in.

"That's because the leader in Ai has been stashing away the letters, keeping them a secret from everyone." Lilith acknowledged. This caught everyone's attention.

"And how can you confirm this?" Reshiram asked.

"Because that's where we ended up being dropped off at." I replied.

"It was the governor at the time that was holding back any kind of letter or anything else that related to your plea for reinforcements. I am hoping that since this problem has been personally taken care of, that Ai will send reinforcements within the end of this evening." Caius said. Zekrom nodded his head.

"Figures as much." Zekrom replied. "A corrupt leader cannot grasp the true meaning of ideals."

"Or hope to tell the truth for that matter." Reshiram added. Caius stared at Reshiram for a minute with a puzzled look.

"Is something wrong?" I questioned quietly. Caius snapped out of his stare and looked at me.

"No, nothing's wrong, it's just what Reshiram said about the truth." Caius replied.

"Is something amiss?" Zekrom asked noticing our chat.

"No." Caius replied. "Just, how can I say it, intrigued." Zekrom narrowed his eyes at Caius, then turned his head back to the others.

"Continuing on, what can we expect from this army?" Zekrom asked. Basant looked at the report again.

"According to a document that was successfully stolen from the invading army, the army is known as The Titanium Forest." Basant said reading it off.

"Sounds like a bunch of steel types." Groudon said.

"If we were to assume an army by their name, we might as well assume that Gengar's are fairy types." Reshiram countered.

"Hey, I'm up for that." Mordred chuckled. Reshiram gave a glare at Mordred, then sighed and turned her head back.

"Reshiram's right." Basant replied. "If we just assume that they are going to be steel types, then we'll get overconfident in battles. Next thing you know, it ends up being water and flying types."

"Just trying to liven things up a little." Mordred said.

"Coming from someone who follows nothing but death." Zekrom retorted.

"Sorry, didn't mean to steal your thunder." Mordred smirked. Silence went into the large room for a few seconds. Mordred chuckled a little bit. "Oh come now, you may not be showing it, but you're all laughing on the inside." Zekrom glared at Mordred, then looked over at Caius.

"This is one thing I do not like about humans, they are too unpredictable." Zekrom said a bit angered.

"They may have different tastes as us," Reshiram stated, "but that does not imply that they will always be this way."

"Oh boy." I thought in my mind. "It wasn't bad enough that we had Mordred's horrible puns, but now we have an angered leader."

"If this is all said and done, may we continue?" Carinthia asked.

"It would be for the best." Basant replied a bit uneasily. Zekrom looked to Caius, who hid his arm.

"What are you hiding?" Zekrom demanded of Caius.

"A scar, nothing more." Caius replied.

"If it's only a scar, then you should have no problem showing it to everyone." Zekrom countered.

"Zekrom! Now is not the time!" Reshiram snapped.

"Why are you so interested in a scar?" Caius defended.

"Because if what you say is true, then you are imperfect." Zekrom replied.

"Aren't we all imperfect?" Groudon countered back.

"This does not concern you Groudon. I would stay out of it." Zekrom stressed.

"Actually, your claim concerns every being on the planet." Groudon countered. "Nobody is perfect, and you know it. Not even you." Zekrom and Groudon glared at each other for what felt like forever. Basant broke up the dispute.

"Maybe it's best we all take a recess." Basant said trying to get a hold on the situation. "We'll reassemble back in here in ten." Basant walked down the stairs and outside a smaller door. Everyone glared at each other for a few seconds, except for Mordred, who seemed to be enjoying the tension.

"Come on." I said to the others. "We need a minute to talk." As we walked back outside the doors where we came from, I could definitely tell that we were a bit stressed, especially Caius.

"What's his deal?!" Caius said throwing up his right arm. "Why is he so focused on perfection?"

"It's who he is Caius." Sarah responded. "He can't help it."

"Oh, well, I guess that just makes everything better!" Caius said sarcastically.

"Caius, this isn't like you, what's going on?" Carinthia asked.

"It's his attitude about obtaining something that is impossible!" Caius said angrily. "No one can attain any form of true perfection!"

"That's something that he has a hard time getting through his skull." A voice from behind replied. As we turned around, Reshiram was walking up towards us. "Please, forgive his actions, he's had a rough time with this war as much as we have."

"If this war has been going on for over three-hundred years, it's been way too long." Carinthia confirmed.

"It wasn't easy convincing him to join me in this meeting." Reshiram informed. "It took the destruction of the city of Spark to convince him to join in."

"So, their getting bold enough to attack others, are they?" Sarah observed.

"Yes, it's only a matter of time before they go after more, but we don't know where they're coming from. They just seem to appear out of nowhere!" Reshiram confirmed. "If we had only known earlier about what gave them their power, we may have been able to stop them before it got this bad."

"What does give them their power?" I asked.

"We don't know exactly what it is, but it's some kind of crystal that radiates with energy." Reshiram recalled. "We retrieved it when we retook the city of Balachandra, they were not expecting a quick counter-attack."

"What do these crystals do?" Carinthia asked.

"From what we've gathered, they resonate with a strange energy that feeds off of energy." Reshiram said. "But when they are put under pressure is when they really activate." Reshiram took a second to take a deep breath, her aura felt like I was going to become nothing but a pile of bones! "According to what's been discovered, crushing the crystal opens up some sort of rift, a chain reaction in time and space." We listened closely, hoping to use this information for when we returned back to our time. "The energy stored inside it creates the rift itself, but in order to successfully open it, it requires a large amount of energy. To do this," Reshiram paused in her sentence. "To do this," She continued, "it requires the energy of a dead Pokémon."

"Wait, you mean ghost types, or-"

"No." Reshiram said cutting Lilith off. "I mean they require a blood sacrifice." I could feel the blood rush from my face. They sacrificed Pokémon to fuel their crystals? This was maddening!

"They sacrifice Pokémon?!" Caius said in alarm. I could see the fear in our eyes. This was definitely disturbing news to hear.

"Yes." Reshiram confirmed. "And they do it in the cruelest ways known to Pokémon. From what I've been told that they first break the Pokémon's spirit before breaking anything else. They then proceed to break their body, in more ways than one sadly."

"How so?" Lilith asked a bit hesitantly.

"First, they start by breaking bones." Reshiram replied. "Then they proceed to slowly break off parts of the body until all limbs are gone." I was getting nauseated by what she was saying already. "If that wasn't bad enough, they then start removing everything inside them while keeping them alive. After then-"

"No more." Caius pleaded holding his stomach. "I can't bear the thought." I don't think I could have either. I could see the same expression of disgust and horror in all our faces. After I swallowed down my bile, I got the courage to ask another question.

"What happens if the crystal is smashed without the sufficient energy?" I questioned. Reshiram shuddered at the question.

"There's no telling what it will throw you into." Reshiram said. "It still opens a rift, but the destination is never clear. Just thinking about it makes my hair stand on end."

"But it still goes somewhere?" I pursued.

"Whether it's to where they came from, or somewhere here, it's not entirely known." Reshiram confirmed.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Lilith said walking away from us.

"You're not alone in that boat." Caius said stumbling over towards her.

"I must admit, Caius and Mordred are the first human's I've ever seen." Reshiram said looking at Caius. "Is he normally so..."

"No, at least, not that I've noticed." Sarah said regaining her composure. "And it's hard for me not to notice a change in our group."

"I see." Reshiram replied. "Maybe if I had seen one earlier..." She stared of at Caius for a minute longer.

"Is everything okay?" Carinthia asked.

"What? Oh, yes, I'm sorry, it's not like me to stare." Reshiram replied snapping out of it.

"We all do it at one point or another." I said calmly.

"Anyway, I will be heading back to the meeting hall and await your return." Reshiram said turning around.

"Hold on." I pleaded.

"What is it?" I took a deep breath, hoping I wasn't about to make the biggest mistake of my life.

"Why did you follow us? Was there something that you needed?" Reshiram took a breath of air, then replied.

"You can call it curiosity." Reshiram replied. Reshiram started her way back towards the meeting hall. I needed to calm my stomach down a little before I went back in there. I didn't want to have an accident in front of everyone.

"That could have gone a lot better." I said still disgusted with the details.

"Agreed." Sarah said dry heaving. "There are some points to where I wish I couldn't read thoughts."

"I say we go back in." Carinthia said. "After we all relieve ourselves of this discomfort." Carinthia finished holding up a finger while holding her stomach.

"I think we can all agree on that." Sarah said uncomfortably.


After Lilith and I had ran outside to vomit out our disgust behind a bush, we sat down, trying to gain control of our stomachs.

"That, was so uncomfortable." I said keeping back from vomiting again.

"Don't need to tell me." Lilith replied. "I have to say, even though I like her honesty, it's a bit much at some points."

"We all have our faults." I admitted. "I guess I just need to accept that some won't change soon."

"Even if they are disgusting." Lilith said holding her stomach.

"Even if." I repeated chuckling. The chuckling turned into a groan when I felt my stomach churn again. No later had I regained control when I heard Ayah running towards me.

"Daddy!" Ayah said jumping into my stomach. I held my stomach with my right arm, and I could feel the nausea coming back. The Bisharp was following close behind.

"And it's back." I groaned. Ayah looked at me in confusion.

"What's back?" Ayah asked. "Is someone else here?"

"Besides just Lilith and I, no, I'm just, hurting a little bit." I said regaining control.

"I assume everything is going well?" The Bisharp asked.

"More or less." Lilith replied. "But we aren't done with the meeting just yet."

"I see." The Bisharp said a bit winded. "Then I'll see I watch over the child until you return."

"No need." I replied standing up. "I'll take care of her from here." Lilith and the Bisharp stared at me in confusion.

"You do realize that they won't allow a child to enter the meeting hall." Lilith said.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly aware of that." I replied. "But I get the feeling I'm not wanted in there."

"What about the information? Don't you want to hear about it?" Lilith countered.

"Yes, but I can tell that if things go like they did just now, I won't be able to stay so clam as I did." I said pinching my nose. The Bisharp sniffed the air and pinched his nose.

"My word, what is that smell?" The Bisharp asked trying to wave the smell away.

"You don't want to know." Lilith replied. "Trust me, you just might want to let it sit for a few hours and keep others away from here."

"Well, I think I can manage to walk now." I said breathing normally again. I turned to the Bisharp. "Do you know the way to a healing room? I was notified that it should be available to be used by this morning." The Bisharp thought for a second.

"Yes, it's still inside the building, but a different direction of course." The Bisharp confirmed. "But again, children are not allowed to enter into that room. Only those who have healing capabilities may enter."

"Ayah here can do just that." I said holding Ayah. The Bisharp looked at Ayah, then looked back up to me.

"Are you sure she can?" The Bisharp questioned.

"As sure as can be." I replied. "She's actually more talented than you think." The Bisharp looked over Ayah again. I saw her smile as I held her.

"Alright." The Bisharp sighed. "But she is to stay with you at all times, I don't want to end up having to chase her down again."

"Again?" Lilith questioned. The Bisharp started leading the way, trying to avoid the question.

"This way." The Bisharp said leading me through the door.

"You're not getting out of it that easily, I have to come in as well." Lilith said following us. The Bisharp stopped Lilith at the door.

"I'm sorry but you must have an escort to reach the meeting hall, so you must wait until someone comes to escort you back to where you are needed, goodbye!" The Bisharp closed the door quickly to keep Lilith out. I turned my head and looked at the Bisharp. He sighed and walked up to me. As he led the way, I couldn't help but grin slightly.

"So, is it really that bad?" I asked.

"Please, I would not like to discuss this." The Bisharp replied a bit embarrassed.

"Alright, I can respect that." I said calmly.

"I can tell you!" Ayah said looking at me. The Bisharp quickly turned around and started waving his arms, trying to stop Ayah from speaking. "We played a game of tag with some of the others! He tried to catch me, but he couldn't get me." The Bisharp blushed a little bit, but breathed a sigh of relief when Ayah left it at that. I looked back at the Bisharp and smiled.

"At ease, you'll be fine." I said. The Bisharp turned back around and continued leading the way. After a few more steps, I looked down at Ayah and smiled at her.

"Why do you need the healing room?" The Bisharp asked. "You look fine to me."

"If only." I replied. "It's my arm, or to be exact, my other arm."

"I see." The Bisharp realized. "That would explain why I haven't seen your other arm."

"You're more observant than I thought." I replied. "Then again, who wouldn't be observant over a human?" We continued our way into a large room that was filled with Luicario's, Clawitzer's, and a variety of other Pokémon, including Audino's and Gardevoir's. The floor was covered in a pink mist.

"Everyone in here should be able to assist you with your situation." The Bisharp said pointing everyone out.

"I appreciate what you've done." I said to the Bisharp. I walked in and the Bisharp closed the door. The door closing alerted everyone to my presence. As I stood in the mist, I could feel like I was lighter than normal, almost like I could float if I wanted to. Everyone stared at me with wide eyes.

"A human!" A Lucario whispered sharply.

"What's a human doing here?" A Clawitzer whispered to a Gardevoir. I replied, but I did it in a way that I did not point out any fingers.

"I need some medical attention, if I can receive any." I said calmly. An Audino was the first one to walk up to me.

"What with?" The Audino asked a bit shyly. I looked at Ayah, who nodded and jumped from my arms. I used my hand to grab my arm and pull out the limb that was causing me my pain. Everyone stared in amazement.

"So that's what a human looks like!" A Chimecho said amazed. I shook my head.

"This isn't normally what one of us should look like." I disagreed. "It's a replacement, and it hurts a lot."

"So that explains the different colored skin." A Blissey realized.

"Please, I'll need as many as can help to get this recovered as quickly as possible." I pleaded.

"We can all help." The Audino assured. The Audino looked at Ayah confusedly. "But why did you bring her?"

"She can help." I replied. I leaned over to the Audino to make sure that Ayah didn't hear my next words. "Although, I think she needs some training on it before she does anything else." The Audino nodded and looked down at Ayah. I set my scythe on a wall. When I did, it did something strange. The mist that touched the scythe started to pull away from the scythe.

"Interesting." A Gallade remarked. I stared at the mist retracting from the scythe, then looked at everyone.

"This isn't going to cause a problem, is it?" I asked.

"No." The Audino replied. "That's actually more common than you think." The Audino guided Ayah and I to the center of the room. More Pokémon started coming side rooms and saw Ayah and I. More questions arose and were answered among them. A Gallade took Ayah to the side to see how "effective" she was at healing. She consented, but only if she could be within sight of me. A question came to my mind as I sat down in the middle of the room.

"Is there a chance I could help by using Recover?" I asked. The Audino looked around and asked everyone else the same question. After a few seconds of consideration, everyone came with the same answer, that it wouldn't bother their progress, and may actually help. A few seconds later, I was asked to put my arm on a metal rest. As I did, I could feel and see the mist crawling up my body. I looked at the Audino, who nodded at me. "Alright, let's begin." I said calmly. I closed my eyes and started to focus on my left arm. As I felt the pain slip away, I could feel my body going numb. It felt so relaxing, so calming, like I could simply drift off into the world of dreams and never wake up. I think that's what ended up happening, because the next time I opened my eyes, all I saw was a bright light. As I shielded my eyes, I saw one figure appear from the light. As the light faded away, the figure stood in front of me.

"Hello son." The figure said to me. I lowered my arm and looked at the figure.

"Takuya." My mouth said looking at my father. The mist was fading away, but I could definitely see his mouth. It turned into a smile as he heard me say his name.

"I'm glad you still remember who I am." Takuya responded. Takuya took a look at my left arm, examining it closely. I tried to step forward to hug my father, but as I did, I felt something keeping me back. As I turned around, I saw a chain attached to my legs. My eyes immediately shot open as I saw this. I turned my gaze back to my father, now filled with fear. "Do not be afraid Caius." Takuya said holding up a claw. "There is a reason you are like this." My heart started to calm down, but my gaze refused to turn from Takuya. "Please, relax." It took me a minute, but I finally consented and stopped trying to move forward. My cloak was removed from me, I don't know what by, but it was removed. My arm was completely visible to Takuya.

"Is this..."

"You are in your mind Caius." Takuya finished. "You have been every time you've seen me and your mother." I focused on what he just said.

"If this really is my mind." I said. "Then shouldn't that mean that I can do anything in here?" Takuya nodded.

"That is how one's mind works." Takuya confirmed. "Try it, imagine something, and it will happen in here." I couldn't really be for sure if this was true or not, but I thought for a minute. Takuya walked over towards me, standing next to me. As I came up with what I wanted to show up, I looked below me. The image was blurry, but I could definitely see it. As I concentrated on the image, it became clearer. The image of seeing Ai while I was riding on the back of Kathrin. The lights that shined from the city, I remembered it all so clearly.

"It's just like how it was when I first saw it." I said amazed.

"The mind does many wonders." Takuya said looking down and seeing the city. "I see that you had a good time with Kathrin when this happened."

"Yeah," I replied. "this was the night that Kathrin tried to cheer me up."

"And it worked." Takuya said assuredly. I turned to my father and smiled. Takuya looked back to my left arm. "It looks just like your mother's and mine." I stared at my arm for a minute.

"Were ... were you the one who told the doctors what I wanted?" I asked. Takuya chuckled, but shook his head.

"No, that would be your mother's handy work." Takuya replied. "Always watching out for you."

"Where is Mom?" I asked.

"Right here." I heard beside me. I turned to my right and saw another figure standing beside me.

"Avalyn!" I said surprised by her appearance.

"It's so good to see you." Avalyn said gently. My eyes started to fill with tears.

"It's so good to be together again." I said smiling.

"If only it could be for real." Avalyn said putting her claw on my shoulder.

"Avalyn, please, we discussed that we wouldn't say this in front of Caius." Takuya said calmly.

"I'm sorry, it's just been so long since we've ever been together." Avalyn replied softly. I looked back at the floor to look at the image, but when I did, the image had changed into the night of when I had discovered Tane was Nate. My mind clicked into place the events and they all appeared at our feet. I saw that I had gone back to get my scythe for my shift, and I saw Lilith sleep walking towards me. Next came our little dance with how I avoided her blows with Sarah watching. Then, just like it happened to me, I tripped on the root of the tree and fell back, Lilith then fell, and our lips made contact once again. "Oh, now that's sweet." Avalyn said seeing the scene. My eyes shot back up to my parents and I saw that both of them had seen what I saw.

"Mom! Dad! You're not supposed to see that!" I said panicking.

"But you're so adorable when you blush." Takuya said chuckling lightly. I could feel the blood rush to my head. This was embarrassing beyond belief. I didn't want anyone else seeing this at all!

"Oh look! He's doing it again!" Avalyn said also chuckling. I groaned and covered my face, trying to hide it.

"Why must I feel so embarrassed about everything?!" I complained.

"It's how we grow up." Takuya said calming down. "I felt the same way about everything when I met Avalyn."

"And he still blushes every time he tries to impress me." Avalyn snickered. Takuya began to blush this time, and I joined in on the laughing this time.

"Now is hardly the time for this." Takuya said trying drop the subject. "We have to see if he's ready."

"If who's ready for what?" I asked. Avalyn turned me towards her and grabbed both of my shoulders with her claws.

"Caius, you've been through so much already, but you have so much more to remember." Avalyn said calmly. "You've made such great friends while we've been gone, and I couldn't be prouder of you. But it's time that we ask you something." I stared at my mother in confusion.

"What is it?" I asked. Avalyn took her arms off my shoulders and stood tall on all four of her legs.

"Back in Ai," Takuya began, "you said that you were willing to accept your past, the good, along with the bad." He paused for a second. "Is this still true?" I stared down at the ground again, this time, I saw when I was in the hospital yesterday. Everyone was there, Kathrin, Sarah, Carinthia, Lilith, and Ayah. I saw the event unfold before my eyes. I closed my eyes and looked back up at my father.

"Yes." I replied calmly. "I don't go back on my word." I could see my father smiling.

"Then it is time." Takuya said exhaling. "Do you remember the day of when we disappeared?"

"No, I can't remember anything past that." I replied.

"I figured as much." Takuya said. "Before we show you, you have to promise that you can't reach out for it." I went to reply, but my mother jumped in.

"Please Caius, if you do, you may never awaken ever again." Avalyn pleaded. I thought carefully. Could I really stop myself from reaching out? Could I bear to stand my past since I tried so long to push it away? But then again, could I ever live with myself if I forgot my parents? Could I live with myself if I lost something dear to me?

"Alright." I said exhaling a bit stressed. "I promise you that I won't reach out."

"Then hold still and look in front of you." Takuya replied. I took a deep breath, and looked forward. I had a feeling, I was in for the ride of my life. I felt my father and my mother put a claw on my shoulder, and before my eyes, I could see something forming. As the image cleared out, I saw a white room, filled with all sorts of scientific gadgets, tubes, liquids, cylinders, and all other sorts of equipment. As I saw the vision of the individual look around, I saw three figures. My father, my mother, and Yveltal. I heard them all talking.

"Has there been any progress on this item?" Yveltal asked referring to a small crystal on the table.

"None that we know of Yveltal." Avalyn replied. The mist still covered their face, but I could feel their emotions as if I was them.

"There hasn't been much progress since we even first discovered the object." Takuya said.

"Have you tried anything to activate it?" Yveltal asked. Avalyn shook her head.

"We were about to run some tests to see if it would do just that." Avalyn replied. I saw the figure walk over to Takuya and join in on the conversation.

"Is something wrong Father?" The figure asked. The voice gave it away immediately. The perspective, the tone, the height, this was from my perspective! My view! It was me in my past! While I was younger!

"We are just discussing on what to do about this crystal." Takuya replied. My head turned to the table, holding the crystal. The crystal was a mix of blue, and black. As I stared at it for a minute, I thought I could hear something coming from it. I walked over to the crystal and examined it closely without touching it.

"Be careful there Caius, we don't know what that can do." Avalyn warned.

"I will Avalyn." I replied. As I stared at the crystal, I could feel something pulling me towards it, or more like something beckoning me to it. The crystal was about five inches long and six inches wide in a diamond shape. As I inspected it from the table edge, I noticed that the crystal was changing colors. It went from its blue and black, to a red and white. My eyes shot open as I saw this happen. I turned around quickly to tell them of what I just found out, but as I did, I suddenly felt like something was pushing me back. All energy left my body and I was helpless as I fell backwards into the table. The table crashed as I landed on top of it. I felt something hard hit my mid back and felt it shatter. I assumed, that this was the crystal on the table. Avalyn, Takuya, and Yveltal all turned to me quickly.

"Caius! Are you okay?!" Avalyn said running to me. I sat up, trying to get the feeling in my head back.

"Yeah, I just don't know what happened." I said dazed. As I continued to stare out at my past, my eyes widened in horror as I saw what unfolded next. As I went to stand up, I started to fall. I lost my footing and was falling into the floor! My arms flailed as I reached for a ledge, but I couldn't find anything to grab onto.

"CAIUS!" I heard Avalyn and Takuya shout out. As I continued to fall, the floor was no longer a floor. It turned into some kind of portal. I fell, and I fell, and I fell some more. I felt my body turn as I faced down. I screamed as I fell into what seemed like an endless abyss. Everything went white. I couldn't see anything, but I could still feel the fear from falling, as if I was still falling. Just as everything had gone white, everything then went black. I felt something in my hands. Soil. I felt the ground. Had I finally stopped falling? I opened my eyes slowly. As I did, my eyes beheld rocks and stalagmites. It looked like I was in a cave. But how would that make sense? Falling into a cave? As I stood myself up, I looked around to see if I was near the entrance. As I did, all I saw was more and more cave. The rocks upon a closer look, were all blue, decorated with several gems. One gem in particular caught my attention. A large diamond, set inside a rock formation in the middle of the cave. As I walked over towards it, I felt this strange feeling, like I was no longer in my world. As I approached the diamond, something jumped at me from the corner of my eye. I barely had time to react. I was pinned to the ground after seconds of arriving in this cave. I was thrown onto my back almost as quick as I had been pinned. As I brought my head up to see what had pinned me, I saw a red blur cross my vision and grab my neck. I was quickly pinned against a stalagmite. The figure tried speaking to me, but I couldn't understand it. I can only assume that it was speaking in a deep tone. I brought my hands to the hand that had pinned me against the wall, trying to free myself. Its grip was too strong! I couldn't break myself free! My strength was fading quickly. Just as I was about to black out for a second time, I saw something strike the figure with a claw. The figure released me and staggered back. As I fell on the ground, gasping for air, I looked up and saw my father standing beside me.

"DAD!" I said catching my breath. My father looked at me, making sure I was okay, then glared back at the figure that had attacked me.

"Don't you lay a hand on him!" Takuya roared out. My mother soon joined the battle, making it two against one. Me, being the inexperienced seven-teen year old, stood up and got myself ready to fight. "Stay back Caius! You can't take this thing on!"

"How do you know that? I never got to hit the thing!" I countered.

"Do as your father says Caius! Stay back and let us handle this!" Avalyn said sharply.

"I can fight! I can help!" I protested.

"I'm not losing my son this day! Now get back!" Takuya demanded. The figure stood itself back up on its four red legs and shook the pain off. It was red and looked to be very strong. Its two antennas on top of its head pointed directly at us. The figure rushed towards us, then stopped fifteen feet in front of us. The figure tried to speak, but again, I couldn't understand it. And from the look on my parents' faces, they couldn't either.

"What is it saying?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I don't think it liked being hit like that." Takuya replied. The figure got in position to charge at us, but before it did, another voice called out from somewhere. As the voice came into view, we saw some kind of Malamar, Jellicant hybrid thing float over towards the other figure. This figure was blue with stars decorated on its head. The tentacles on it looked like it reached out about three feet. The red figure turned towards it and started talking with it. The two were talking while we just stared at them, ready in case they tried anything. Finally, the blue figure turned towards us and examined us. It stretched out one of its tentacles towards us. We took a step back, unsure of what its intentions were. As we took a step back, the red figure glared at us. The blue figure, I guess, told it to back off. The red figure stared at the blue figure and tried to argue, but a quick glare from the blue figure put it in its place and it took several steps back. Takuya studied the blue creature for several seconds. "Stay here." He ordered.

"What does it want?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I'm about to find out." Takuya replied walking forward.

"Be careful Takuya." Avalyn cautioned. As Takuya walked closer to the blue figure, the red figure kept its distance as it stared at the three of us. When Takuya reached the blue figure, he raised his claw and touched the tentacle that was held out. As he did, he was sent back immediately, landing a few feet from us. "Takuya!" Avalyn let out in alarm.

"Dad!" I said in the same tone. I saw my figure charge at the blue figure in rage. As I jumped to deliver a punch to it, the red figure dashed forward and slammed his own fist into me, sending me further back and crashing into a stone wall. When I opened up my eyes, I saw Avalyn charging right at the red figure.

"Avalyn! Caius! Stop!" Takuya said getting back up. Avalyn slowed her charge, then turned her head back to Takuya. "Don't attack them."

"Are you nuts?!" I said. "It just hit you!"

"It was the only way I can understand it." Takuya replied. I pulled my gaze from the image before me and looked at my father, who nodded his head in agreement. As I turned my head back towards the vision, the past continued to unfold before my eyes. "Just stand down!" I pulled myself from the wall and landed on the ground, catching myself and landing on one knee to help break the fall. Avalyn looked at the two figures, then walked back to Takuya. The blue figure started to talk, but I still couldn't understand it. My father, however, could understand everything from it.

"Well?" Avalyn said waiting for an answer.

"From what the blue figure said, it says that this was not intentional, at least, not for it." Takuya replied.

"Sure has a funny way of showing it." I scoffed. The blue figure continued to talk on in its high voice.

"It also said that the red figure here couldn't help it. It's in their DNA to fight the first thing they see." Takuya translated. "Seeing Caius set it as a new challenger to fight and it wasn't about to let someone else take the opportunity from it."

"If it wants a real challenge," I said, "then it should have been fighting me fairly and when I had my scythe."

"Caius, this is not the time for threats." Avalyn said harshly. The blue figure started talking once more to us, then held out its tentacle again.

"It wants to give you both the same gift as it has to me so you both can understand it." Takuya translated. I glared at the red figure.

"I don't know if I can trust them." I said squinting my eyes at them.

"Then watch me Caius." Avalyn said. "I'll go first, then you can go after me." I wanted to stop her, but she was already walking towards it. I started up towards my father and stood next to him. The same thing happened to Avalyn as she touched it. I wanted to charge at the thing again, but my father stood on my foot, keeping me from running at it.

"Temper yourself Caius." Takuya whispered. "Don't make a fool out of yourself." I looked at my father with a bit of anger and ripped my foot from under his. As Avalyn stood back up, the blue creature signaled for me to come over.

"Alright Caius." Avalyn said. "Go ahead, your father and I will catch you." I looked at the creature for a few seconds, then slowly made my way towards it. As I came within five feet of it, I felt the ground begin to shake. My hand retracted as I felt the tremor. I looked around as the shaking grew bigger and stronger. The blue and red figure were also doing it as well. The blue figure realized what it was and tried to close the rest of the distance, but before it could reach me, something big and black came out of nowhere and hit it back. As it turned around quickly, it hit me back into the stone wall, putting me in deeper than before. As I crashed into the wall, I felt something shatter. I assumed at this point that it was a bone that broke. As I climbed out of the whole however, nothing really felt broken except for my thin thread of trust. Next thing I knew, I saw two large arms reach out and grab my parents!

"MOM! DAD!" I said realizing the crisis.

"Caius! Get out of here! Run!" Takuya said.

"I'm not leaving you!" I replied. "Not without both of you!" I jumped at the black figure, rage at its highest. I felt like I was right in the moment. I clenched my fist as hard as I could and went to strike the black creature. I landed a successful hit on the top of its head, or rather, the actual head! My punch proved to be more effective than I thought, causing it to crash down onto the ground behind it. But it still held onto Avalyn and Takuya! I went in for another strike, but before I did, it got back up on its feet and hit me with its tail! I was sent flying back into the rock wall for a third time, but instead of hitting the wall, I realized I was going deeper in. Much, much deeper. I had shattered another crystal, and it was sending me to another location. I reached out to my parents and screamed out. "TAKUYA! AVALYN!" My arms started to move on their own, reacting as if I was in the moment itself. I think I would have reached out for it, but my parents had seen this and clenched their claws, causing me to stop moving both my arms and causing them to go limp.

"CAIUS!" My parents shouted out at me. I was flung into the portal and the same thing happened. The last thing I remember, was my vision fading to white once again, then to black. When I awoke, I found myself in a room, strapped down to a medical bed. When my eyes focused, I saw a crowd of Pokémon around me, but the one that stuck out the most, was Yveltal. As soon as he saw my eyes open, he immediately got close to my bed before any of the others could. In a voice of panic, he asked.

"What happened to Takuya? Where's Avalyn?!?" Yveltal asked urgently. My head was spinning out of control. After I put my hands on my head to stabilize myself, Yveltal repeated the question. "Where are Takuya and Avalyn?!" I looked back up at Yveltal in confusion.

"Who are Takuya and Avalyn?" I asked confused. I looked at my hands and looked back at Yveltal. "Actually, who am I?" Silence broke out in the room. Yveltal began to shake, but before I could hear his roar, the image started to fade away. My eyes were filled with tears. The image disappeared as I took one final glance at it. My mind was spinning, I couldn't understand.

"Why doesn't this make sense?" I asked. "Why is it that I got amnesia, but I could remember your names after fourteen years?" My parents looked at me, tears in their eyes as well.

"After the incident, you were put into multiple scientific experiments to see if your memory would come back." Avalyn said trying to calm herself.

"Some worked, some did not, but you were able to recognize some names and remember your own name." Takuya said bitterly. "You regained your memories from certain spots, like how you were able to recognize the names Nate, Chayna, and William, but only when confronted with those names." I shook my head, trying to get some kind of sense of how this happened.

"This still doesn't make any sense." I said with tears down my cheeks. "Why can't this all make sense?"

"To truly understand this Caius," Takuya said, "It's not always expedient to understand everything when you first see it." I felt their claws come off of my shoulders.

"But I want it to make sense." I said confused. "I want to know more, I want to finally realize what I was in the past." Tears came down my eyes, flowing into a river.

"It will make sense Caius." Avalyn assured. "Just not now." I slumped my shoulders and looked at my hand and claw.

"It's so hard to understand anything now." I said trying to calm myself down.

"You seem to understand feelings just fine." Takuya said trying to prevent me from becoming depressed. I chuckled softly.

"How can you tell?" I asked quietly. My father pointed to the ground in front of us. As the three of us looked, the same image of when I was dodging Lilith's attack re-appeared. This time, though, it focused more on Sarah.

"She may not show it, but she really is fascinated with you Caius." Avalyn said calmly. "I should know by that look in those eyes." I looked at Sarah for a minute, trying to understand something, anything, to clear my head. As I saw that I had fallen behind the tree, I saw Sarah start to chuckle to herself.

"She's waiting for you to make the first move Caius." Takuya said nudging me.

"Me?!" I said astonished. "Why is she waiting for me?"

"I don't know the answer to that Caius." Takuya replied. "But she sees something in you that no one else does."

"And that is?" My father looked down at Sarah, then shrugged his shoulders and turned back to me.

"Arceus if I know, but I know she cares for you more than she might lead you on to be." Takuya replied.

"Don't play that way Takuya, you know full well what she sees." Avalyn said smiling.

"You know me too well Avalyn, I can't hide anything from you." Takuya said chuckling.

"Well are you going to tell me then?" I asked.

"We could," Takuya said. "but then you wouldn't have the fun for finding out for yourself."

"Aw come on! Why do you tease me like this?" I said looking at both of my parents. They chuckled for a minute, then calmed down and looked at me. I felt like I needed to stop before I gave them too much of what they wanted. I took a deep breath and looked at my mother. "What do I need to do to take the next step to recovering my past?"

"There is something you need to do before you can take the next step." Avalyn replied.

"What is it? I'm willing to do anything." I insisted. My parents turned their heads away, then looked back at me.

"You need to wake up." Takuya replied. As I stared at my parents, their structures got blurry. I tried to reach out to them, say something, anything, but my vision had gone too blurry. My eyes shot open as I heard the door in front of me open up. The tears in my eyes were blocking me from getting a clear look at the figure.

"Is Caius here?" The voice asked. I used my right arm to clear away the tears, so I could see who it was.

"Yes, he's currently in treatment right now." I heard the Audino speak up.

"I need to take him somewhere." I heard the voice reply.

"But he's still under treatment, he hasn't fully recovered yet!" The Audino replied.

"Well when will it be done?" The voice asked.

"I can't say, but I would have to estimate another four hours." The Audino replied.

"Four hours is too long." The voice replied. "Is he able to use it?"

"I don't know." The Audino replied. "We haven't tried since we began."

"He's waited five hours, and this is under his own orders." The voice replied. "Now please, I must take him with me."

"What is it that calls his attention so immediately?" The Audino replied. I heard the voice give a deep sigh.

"The attendance to his leader." The voice replied. Only one Pokémon said that they would take me to anything since I arrived in Adom. As I removed my arm, it was Basant standing at the doorway. The Bisharp that had guided me in here was holding the door for him, probably acting as his guide. I turned my head all around me, seeing that everyone had stopped to look at Basant. Ayah was next to me and also looking at Basant. I could feel my left arm, but still feel that they weren't exactly finished with it yet. Basant turned his head to me.

"Ah, Caius, glad to see you're here." Basant said smiling. "We've finished up the meeting, but I felt like you would want to see your leader as soon as possible."

"Are you saying who I think you're talking about?" I questioned. Basant gave another smile, but this one not as strong as the previous.

"You did request it." Basant replied. I looked at the Audino, who was waiting for a response from me. I nodded my head and began to stand up.

"Yes, I did." I said straightening my posture. As my arm left the metal rest, I could clench my claw with little to no pain. Muni wasn't kidding when he said it would only take a day, but it wasn't the full day. "How long has the meeting been over?"

"We just ended, thankfully everyone as able to keep their cool." Basant replied breathing of relief. "But if you'd wish, I can take you straight over to him. I have just enough time to do that before I must report back to my leader." I nodded my head.

"Alright, let's get going then." I said calmly.

"Don't forget about me!" Ayah said jumping into my chest. I scrambled to catch her as she jumped towards me, this time, I caught her with both my arms. I didn't feel any pain when she landed in my arms.

"Ayah, normally, I would try and let you come with me, but this is one of those occasions where I have to say no." I said looking at Ayah.

"Daddy, don't you dare break your promise." Ayah said looking at me. I gave an impatient sigh, not ready to deal with this at the moment.

"Look, Ayah, I swear, this will be the last time this happens for today, then you and I can stay together." I said calming myself down.

"You promised that the last time!" Ayah recalled. I decided to try my first action with my claw and lifted it up to my face to pinch the top of my nose. It proved to be more effective than I thought, almost cutting my skin and causing me to bleed.

"Well I promise that this is going to be the last time today." I repeated. A thought came to my mind as I tried to think of a way out of this. "But for now, I want you to keep working on Healing Pulse. If you get it better by the time I return, I'll get you something really good to eat for tonight." Ayah's eyes widened as she heard this. Her ears also perked up as high as they could.

"Do you promise that?" Ayah asked listening closely. I felt like I was going to regret my choice of words later, but I responded.

"Yes, but only if you get better at using Heal Pulse." I said. Ayah got a grin on her face, then leapt from my arms to the misty floor.

"Alright, but I'm going to make sure that you do that." Ayah said. As she walked past me, I quickly walked towards the door and grabbed my scythe. I urged Basant to hurry before Ayah changed her mind, and we went down the stairs after the Bisharp had closed the door. We walked back through the hallway leading towards the meeting hall. As I did, I saw Groudon, Reshiram and Zekrom all making their way outside. Zekrom and I stared at each other for a minute, but I tore my gaze from him and continued following Basant.

"So, what's going to be the plan?" I asked.

"We'll be holding all the troops inside the city until we're for sure that they aren't luring out our Pokémon in one direction." Basant replied. "Zekrom objects to such a plan and wants us to charge full force at them."

"There's the catch." I said observing the tactic. "I'm just glad that we have Reshiram and Groudon to help calm things down and straighten things out."

"As am I." Basant replied. "If a fight broke out between those three, I doubt I would have been able to stop them."

"So why is it that Yveltal couldn't attend the meeting?" I asked. Basant fell silent. As he was about to answer, another voice caught us off guard.

"Should I relay this information to the troops?" The Bisharp asked. We froze in our tracks, I think I even saw Basant jump a little bit. We turned our heads and realized that the Bisharp had been following us the entire time.

"Tell them about the troop plans, but don't tell them about the meeting, please." Basant requested.

"As you wish." The Bisharp said walking off. We relaxed a little bit when he walked off.

"Is he like this?" I asked.

"No, not normally, I just forgot that he doesn't leave until you've dismissed him from his duty." Basant said a bit embarrassed.

"Oh well, I think we'll be fine." I said chuckling lightly.

"Yeah, nothing really happened that needs to be kept quiet all that much." Basant said.

"But maybe you could answer a different question for me." I said.

"What is it?" Basant asked.

"How many generals does Xerneas have including you?" I asked. Basant regained his composure.

"We have three including me." Basant replied. My curiosity suddenly rose as I remembered what Mordred told me.

"Would the other two happen to be human by chance?" I asked. Basant looked at me questionably.

"Who told you this?" Basant asked.

"Rumors." I replied. "I want to put them to rest, I don't exactly like false rumors." Basant let out a sigh.

"It was Mordred, wasn't it?" Basant asked. Before I could reply, some kind of black portal opened up from nowhere, and Mordred appeared from out of the portal.

"Guilty!" Mordred said raising a hand. Just as quickly as he came through the portal, he went back in and the portal disappeared. Basant and I stared in total confusion.

"Well that's certainly a first." Basant said puzzled.

"He really is quite unpredictable." I said also puzzled.

"Thankfully, we're already where we need to be." Basant said stopping in front of a large door. As I stopped to look at it, I saw a large chain across the door. I looked at Basant in confusion.

"What's with the long chain?" I asked.

"That's what we're hoping you could tell us too." I heard from the side. As Basant and I turned our heads, we saw Carinthia, Sarah, Lilith, and Kathrin all walking up to us.

"Nice to see you all made it." Basant said smiling.

"The directions you gave proved to be not that much of a help thanks to all the stairs in this place." Carinthia said a bit irritated.

"Yeah, for an outside appearance, this place is a total maze!" Kathrin confirmed.

"I thought I had someone escort you here." Basant said confused. Everyone looked at Basant confusedly.

"What escort?" Sarah asked. Basant put a hoof to his head.

"Oh my, did I forget to do that? Oh well, you're all here, that's what matters." Basant said. "But come, I will explain all I can when we get passed these doors." He nodded to a Golurk that was standing beside the door, and the Golurk proceeded to insert a key into the chain. The lock fell with a loud thud and the door opened up.

"This is where Yveltal is?" I asked confused. "Why would he be in there?"

"I'll explain on the way down, but for now, just follow me, all of you." Basant said to all five of us. As we walked on our way to the door, Carinthia and the others walked beside us. I looked at Sarah as we entered the doors. As we entered the room, the doors behind us closed, making a loud thud. I could hear the chain being locked once again. Sarah turned her head towards me and saw I was looking at her.

"Something wrong?" Sarah asked. I smiled.

"Nah, nothing's wrong, at least, I hopenot." I said looking forward. I could feel her gaze on the back of my neck.I tried not to think on it all that much. One thing did concern me though. Whatwas Yveltal doing in a place like this?


More memories coming back. We now know how Takuya and Avalyn were lost, and another piece comes back into the story, but now what's going to happen? Is what Caius saw about Sarah really true? Why is Yveltal in a room that's chained? Guess we'll find out in the next chapter.

Remember to vote, leave a comment, and share this story with others. I really enjoy writing these stories for you guys and love hearing your feedback. See you guys later., this story is driving me practically insane

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