Quest for Life, Part 1 ( A Po...

Par CaiusAmosAthlai

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This story that I've made is a huge collaboration of a man in VERY ancient times in a world of Pokémon, servi... Plus

Heads up!
Prologue: The Beginning
Chapter 1: The Search
Chapter 2: The Rangers
Chapter 3: The Boss
Chapter 4: Recollection
Chapter 5: A New Land
Chapter 6: The City of Love
Chapter 7: Another Plea For Help
Chapter 8: Reconnaissance
Chapter 9: Ayah
Chapter 10: The Long-Awaited Encounter
Chapter 11: The Next Step
Chapter 12: Hope
100 View Marker!!
Chapter 13: An Unlikely Ally
Chapter 14: Adom, The Capitol
Chapter 16: Preparation
Chapter 17: Insanity
Chapter 18: Last Minute Actions
Chapter 19: Titanium Forest
Chapter 20: The Task At Hand
Chapter 21: An Impossible Dream
Chapter 22: One Memorable Day
Chapter 23: All Ends Are Beginnings
Chapter 24: Acceptance
Chapter 25: Patience and Bravery
Chapter 26: Soaring to New Heights
Chapter 27: Answers
Chapter 28: Hide-and-Rescue
Chapter 29: Knowledge is Power
Chapter 30: An Awkward Confession
Chapter 31: The Journey Home
Chapter 32: A Familiar Face
Chapter 33: Plan for the Future
Chapter 34: Celebi

Chapter 15: The Ambassador

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Par CaiusAmosAthlai

I woke up to the sound of something laughing. As my eyes slowly opened up, my eyes fell upon the window with a figure in the frame. As my eyes fell into focus, it was that stupid Hoothoot!

"Oh my, sleeping in, are we?" Mordred chuckled.

"You!" I said sharply.

"Me." Mordred said bringing a wing to his body. "Did you forget about our little arrangement yesterday? It's almost sunrise and you're all sleeping in."

"I didn't forget." I retaliated.

"Then you should have no problem waking everyone up and getting over to our rendezvous point." Mordred informed. "You'd better hurry, you only have thirty minutes, and I've heard that the streets get packed during this time." The Hoothoot flew off before I could yell at it. As I stared out the window with my teeth clenched, I turned back around and started to wake everyone up.

"Come on everyone, we got to get going." I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Go where?" Sarah whined.

"Caius and I will explain on the way, for now, we got to get going." I replied.

"Just another five minutes." Kathrin grumbled.

"We don't have five minutes. We got to get going now." I said.

"Alright, alright, just at least let me get a drink of water." Carinthia said.

"Caius, you ready?" I asked turning around. As I faced Caius, I noticed that he was still asleep. I took a deep breath in and walked over to him. Ayah was starting to wake and look at me. I loomed over Caius and put a claw underneath Caius' chin and started scratching there. Immediately Caius woke up and started flinching like someone had hit him with Thunder Wave.

"Make it stop!" Caius shouted out.

"Then get out of bed!" I demanded. "It's almost sunrise!" As Caius got up to his feet, he looked directly at me.

"Why did you have to tickle me?" Caius questioned.

"I could go in different spots if you wanted me to." I said.

"No, the chin will do." Caius said immediately. My gaze turned to Caius' arm as he actually started to lift it up slightly.

"It seems your able to move it now." I said observing his left arm.

"Yeah, but not without trouble." Caius said with a bit of pain in his voice. "But you said It's almost sunrise?"

"Yes, in thirty minutes, we're going to miss it." I confirmed. Ayah shook herself awake and looked at Caius.

"What's going on Daddy?" Ayah asked. Caius looked down at Ayah and started growing concerned.

"I'll hold onto her, nothing's going to happen to her." I assured. Caius looked at me and nodded.

"Alright, let's get going." Caius said grabbing his scythe. After we were all ready, we walked out the inn and asked started our way north. Mordred wasn't kidding when he said the streets would be packed. Hundreds of Pokémon were going to and from various places in Adom. The skies were also busy with Pokémon flying from one place to another. We were barely making any progress north. We told Sarah, Kathrin, and Carinthia about what was going on and where we were going. When I told Carinthia that we were going to meet the actual Mordred, Carinthia's face got a dark grin. She quickly stowed it away when some of the local Pokémon were getting worried. After fifteen minutes of walking, the crowd started to lift up. We hastened our walk into a jog, then into a run when we had a clear view of the house that Mordred was talking about.

"So, this is the place?" Kathrin said looking at the partially destroyed mansion. The mansion looked like it had seen much better days, and looked perfect for someone like Mordred.

"This is the only place where I would think he was talking about." I confirmed.

"It looks scary." Ayah said lowering her ears. I looked down at Ayah and gave a smile.

"Just stay with me and you'll be fine." I said calmly. I could tell Ayah wasn't the only one nervous in our group. Caius was having second thoughts on having brought Ayah with us. Before Caius could say anything though, we heard Mordred's voice again.

"Glad to see all six of you could make it." Mordred chuckled. The doors to the mansion flew open and showed a destroyed floor with some holes in the ground. "Please do watch your step. I'd hate it if one of you fall and, well, I don't think I need to go on. Just meet me in the observatory." We stared at the doors for a few seconds. No one was holding them open, but I could definitely feel like someone was there.

"Well, it's now or never." Caius said walking forward.

"Stick together everyone, we don't want to get separated in there." Sarah said following behind.

"Yeah, I still have some words to speak with Mordred." Carinthia said impatiently. I stayed in the middle of the group, making sure that I wouldn't be the first attacked if anything happened. As we entered into the mansion the doors behind us slammed shut, making the entire room pitch black!

"Well, I wish I could have said I saw this coming." Sarah said a bit irritated.

"Relax, it's just a bit of darkness, just give your eyes time to settle and you'll be fine." I said calmly.

"Or we could do this." Caius said. We all heard a deep inhale come from Caius as he let out a puff of fire and balanced the flame on his finger.

"That doesn't hurt?" Carinthia asked amazed.

"No, not really, I can control whether or not I want it to hurt." Caius replied. "Besides, it's just a small flame, so it's not going to do much harm unless it falls off my finger."

"Well, even with your light, it only provides so much." Kathrin said looking around.

"Then let us help." A voice called out. As we looked to find the voice, we saw a blue flame, then we saw another blue flame, then another. It was a few Litwick's and a Lampent lighting the way.

"This way." The Lampent said leading the way. "General Mordred is expecting the six of you."

"Wait, General Mordred?" Sarah asked concerned.

"Yes, now please, hurry." The Lampent said hurrying us along. We looked at each other for a minute, then started to follow the Lampent. "Follow the lights, and you'll be safe." The Lampent instructed.

"So much for my idea." Caius said shaking the fire on his finger out.

"It's the thought that counts." Ayah said cheering Caius up. Caius turned and smiled at Ayah. The six of us continued up a flight of stairs, being careful not to fall down any holes in the floor. I wish I could have said that I felt comfortable walking on the ground, but I was honestly expecting it to crash down at any second.

"Hello again." Mordred's distorted voice said. We stopped in our tracks, trying to find the Hoothoot, but it wasn't there at all. "Down here." As we looked down, we saw a Rattata with purple eyes staring at us.

"What is it you want now?" Caius asked with a bit of irritation.

"Can't someone just start a simple conversation?" Mordred said with the Rattata shrugging its shoulders.

"Depends on what you want to talk about." I said through clenched teeth.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, you get all edgy when I talk about-

"Don't finish that sentence." I said sharply. Mordred started to chuckle again then turned around.

"Come, follow the light, you're almost there." Mordred said walking forward. As we followed close behind, I made sure not to leap at the Rattata from my anger towards the Hoothoot.

"Why do you possess other Pokémon?" Sarah asked.

"Possess?" Mordred questioned. "I don't possess anyone." Sarah looked at Mordred confused.

"What do you mean you don't possess Pokémon? You're doing it right now." Sarah said.

"While it is true that I can possess a body whenever I like, I prefer communicating like this." Mordred said in his distorted voice. "It makes it so much easier to communicate when someone isn't resisting where you want to go."

"So, you're a ghost Pokémon?" I asked.

"Yes and no." Mordred replied. "In a sense, I'm many things, but I'm not just ghost."

"So, your multi-typed." I corrected.

"Yes." Mordred confirmed. "In more ways than one." One of my eyebrows furrowed up in confusion.

"What do you mean in more than one?" I asked. Mordred chuckled.

"All in due time." Mordred replied.

"I've been told that you work with Adom in keeping the city safe." Kathrin recalled.

"Yes, I help out whenever possible to help keep the peace in Adom." Mordred replied.

"From what I've heard, you also run off before anyone of the force comes to even speak with you." I added.

"It's how I avoid taking the credit for myself." Mordred said calmly.

"If someone like you has so much fun causing panic among others, then why do you help others instead of causing chaos?" Caius asked. The Rattata stopped and turned around, standing on its hind legs.

"Because, there's no fun in causing crime, but there's always a thrill when you're fighting it." Mordred said shrugging.

"So, you do it for fun." Carinthia said plainly.

"Well, when you put it that way, you make it sound like it's more of a chore than anything else." Mordred said going up another set of stairs. "But we are approaching the observatory, I must ask that you hold all questions until we meet appropriately."

"Why do we need to stop questions just because we're approaching the room?" Caius asked.

"I must focus to bring my true form into your world." Mordred replied. This time, all of us were curious.

"What do you mean by our world?" Sarah asked. Mordred stopped at a double door and chuckled.

"I'm a lot more like Caius than you think I am." Mordred laughed.

"In what aspects?" Caius questioned.

"Why don't you come in and find out?" Mordred said as the doors flew open. Inside the room was a few old supply's. A broken table that's been split in half, a rusty telescope, a small gap for such said telescope, yep, this was the observatory alright. As we all walked in, the lights behind us sniffed out and the doors slammed once again, leaving us with the faint light from the sunlight. As our eyes adapted to the new light, we saw three other Pokémon inside the room. A Murkrow, the Hoothoot, and a Poliwag, all with the same purple eyes. In the center of the room was a chair that faced towards the far wall. The Rattata went and joined the group near the chair. The Murkrow and the Hoothoot were perched on two bookshelves on opposite sides of the chair. "Now, all of you, there is one thing that we must ask you."

"And what is that?" I asked a bit uncomfortably.

"Do you believe in ghost stories?" Mordred asked. A flame from up above lit the room in a blue light. As we looked up, we saw a Chandelure slowly descending from the ceiling. "Because you're now in one!" Without warning, the Chandelure fired a blue flame at all six of us. I dodged the flame by jumping to the side. Everyone else did likewise.

"Is this your way of hospitality?!" Carinthia said angered.

"Oh please, lighten up, I'm just trying to have some fun." Mordred replied. "What's a good meeting place than that of a battleground?"

"He's trying to kill us all!" Sarah said getting back up.

"Thanks a lot captain obvious!" I replied. I set Ayah down behind a bookshelf. "Stay there!" I ordered. Ayah was still too confused and scared to figure out what was going on.

"Alright everyone! Let's show this Chandelure who's in charge here!" Caius said.

"With pleasure!" Kathrin said spewing out a blue flame of her own. The flame enveloped the Chandelure and caused it to float back a few inches.

"Now it's my turn!" Caius said charging with his scythe. Just as Caius was about to strike down with his scythe, something stopped him, then yanked the scythe from his hands. The scythe slammed onto the wall which was held by multiple ghost chains.

"Nah ah ah." Mordred said with the Murkrow shaking its head. "No weapons. I'm not going to let you kill one of my most loyal servants."

"Fine than!" Caius said turning back to the Chandelure and spewing his own fire at it. The Chandelure simply absorbed the fire and used it to fire another blue flame at Caius, sending him back against the wall.

"Caius!" Sarah said looking back at him. Sarah charged at the Chandelure, I decided to assist and we both came down at the Chandelure with Night Slash ready. As our attacks collided with the Chandelure, our combined force caused it to fly back, almost hitting the chair. The Chandelure looked at the five of us and then disappeared into a portal.

"Does that mean we've won?" I asked.

"Oh no, it's far from over." Mordred replied. "In fact, I think you might want to watch your backs." Just as Mordred said this, a portal appeared right behind Carinthia and the Chandelure appeared behind her, slamming her into the ground.

"Phantom Force!" Kathrin said realizing the attack.

"Carinthia are you okay?!" Sarah asked out.

"I'm fine!" Carinthia said looking up. "But this Chandelure sure isn't going to be when I'm done with it!" Carinthia jumped at the Chandelure and slammed her horn into it using Iron Head, sending it back a few more feet. "Caius! You ready?"

"I get it." Caius said getting back onto his feet. "Let's do it!" Caius revealed the Key Stone that Sarah had crafted into a necklace. It started to shine brightly. Just like last time, light wrapped around Carinthia, then shattered, revealing her mega evolution.

"Impressive." Mordred replied. "So, you've already mastered Mega Evolution. Most Pokémon now-a-days don't think that they require a strong bond in order to achieve."

"Yeah, well, twelve years will do that to you!" Caius said charging at the Chandelure. As Caius charged at the Chandelure, Carinthia stood back up and both of her other mouths turned into a silver color.

"Grab me Caius!" Carinthia said.

"Way ahead of you!" Caius said grabbing Carinthia. Caius took Carinthia by the feet and slammed her two mouths into the Chandelure, causing it to fly back into the wall, almost hitting Ayah. Ayah moved to a different spot to avoid the crossfire. Caius then threw Carinthia into the air, and Carinthia brought up a black orb from one of her mouths and fired it directly at the Chandelure, slamming it against the wall.

"Nice Shadow Ball!" Sarah complimented. As the Chandelure got back up, the Chandelure got hit from another flame, Ayah's flame. As it absorbed the Ember, it prepared for another attack.

"Looks like we have a challenger approaching." Mordred said chuckling.

"She's a little girl!" I shouted at Mordred.

"Then she shouldn't have attacked my 2nd in command." Mordred said.

"Does this mean I may attack the child?" The Chandelure asked Mordred.

"Since she has attacked you, she is now free game." Mordred confirmed. The Chandelure grew a large grin.

"This should be fun." The Chandelure said looking at Ayah. Our eyes widened. Surely, he wasn't so much of a lunatic to actually let him attack a child! Caius wasn't going to take that chance. He charged in between Ayah and the Chandelure as the Chandelure fired another Flamethrower. As the attack hit Caius, his medical sleeve burst into flames and disintegrated. The never-melt ice stopped the flame from spreading to his gauze, but it fell on the floor, and his arm dangled down, causing a little bit of pain for Caius.

"Daddy!" Ayah said surprised by Caius' speed.

"Back off!" Caius said livid.

"Or what?" The Chandelure scoffed. "You can't touch me." Next thing he knew, Caius had picked up the never-melt ice and had flung it directly at the Chandelure, hitting him directly in the face and causing a light bruise to form from the impact.

"Did he just seriously use Fling?" Kathrin asked a bit unsure of what just happened.

"Yes," I replied. "yes he did."

"You really think that pitiful attack is going to stop me?" The Chandelure said unamused. "Let me show you what I can do." The Chandelure spat out three small black fires at Caius, coming for a direct hit.

"Daddy!" Ayah said panicking. Ayah closed her eyes and let out a psychic energy, shielding Caius in a pink shield. Just as Will-O-Wisp had hit the shield, the attack reflected back and hit the Chandelure, however, he did not get burned.

"Now this is interesting." Mordred said amused. "A Pokémon that can use moves to assist others. And Mirror Coat nonetheless!"

"Looks like luck was on your side right now, but it will not be there a second time." The Chandelure said preparing another Will-O-Wisp. Caius adrenaline was kicking into overdrive. Caius started shaking angrily.

"You will not hurt my Ayah!" Caius said charging at the Chandelure. As Caius charged forward, his gauze started to rip until it showed a green arm with four spikes along the outside of the arm. He brought his left arm up without even looking like he was in pain, and it started to glow black. His speed drastically increased, as he came face to face with the Chandelure, slamming his new arm into him and sending him crashing out towards the opposite wall, creating a new hole and forcing him to plummet to the ground. All of us stared at Caius. Wasn't it just this morning that he was barely able to even lift it without any pain? "And that's what happens when you threaten Ayah!" Caius yelled outside the new hole. Next thing we knew, we could hear a clapping coming from where the four other Pokémon were.

"Bravo." Mordred said with the Rattata clapping its paws. "This is what I wanted to see from you." The Chandelure slowly rose back up and started coming towards the hole. Caius was preparing for another attack before the Chandelure stopped mid-air.

"No more." The Chandelure said panting. "I've had enough." Caius was about to let his fist fly again, but he lowered it slowly after he started to feel the pain come back. He grasped his left arm and fell back, sitting down. The Chandelure floated back inside and rested in a corner, hoping to recover from the attacks.

"Oh Arceus this hurts." Caius said holding his left arm.

"Hold on Daddy! I can help!" Ayah said running over. As Ayah came to a stop, she closed her eyes again and started to focus on Caius' left arm. I could see the pain going away from Caius' face. Carinthia started to glow again with light, then it dispersed, bringing her back to normal. Carinthia put a hand to floor to catch herself, then started to breath heavily.

"Even I could feel that pain." Carinthia said panting.

"You did well Alfrick." Mordred said to the Chandelure. "Now rest, for tomorrow, I will need your assistance in the field."

"Yes, general Mordred." Alfrick said fading into a portal. As Alfrick faded completely into the portal, all four of the Pokémon faced us.

"The six of you have done well." Mordred complimented. "You are truly the five Generals of Karma. You may even have a sixth if your daughter continues to act this way." Ayah started to stumble a little bit, but Caius once again caught her before she fell.

"Easy their Ayah, you did your best." Caius said. "Now go ahead and take a rest."

"Did I help?" Ayah asked tiredly.

"You did just fine." Caius replied. Caius took Ayah into his arms and lifted himself with a bit of pain in his left arm. We all stared at the four Pokémon, now with anger in our eyes.

"Do you realize you could have just killed us all?!" Kathrin barked out.

"Oh please, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it myself." Mordred replied. "But that would break the truce between our leaders."

"Who is your leader?" Caius asked tempering his anger.

"To answer that question, I must first show you my real form." Mordred said with the Poliwag smiling.

"Well there's nothing stopping you now." Sarah said irritated. We stared at the four in silence for a little bit, but then the chair that they were all around suddenly turned around, facing us. The four started to laugh, which made it sound like there were thousands of voices laughing at us.

"You know how I said I'm more like Caius than you think I am?" Mordred asked chuckling.

"Yeah?" Carinthia replied still angered.

"Well, I'll just let what happens next prove why." Mordred said skeptically. As we stared at the four, we could see something starting to appear on the chair. As it started to become visible, we could see smoke surrounding the chair's legs, as we continued to stare at the smoke, more of it started to materialize. The next thing we saw surprised all of us! Pale skin! The rest of the figure finally formed, revealing skeletal hands, like it hadn't eaten anything in years! His sunken cheeks made him look like he was well over two-hundred years old. His smile was twisted, showing his crooked teeth as he grinned. His hair stood straight out and was all white. His eyes had to be the most horrifying aspect about him. His eyes looked like that of death itself, being entirely black. As the smoke started to fade away, we saw a black robe, but the smoke seemed to stop when it reached the bottom of the robe, as if it could catch fire at any minute.

"You're ... You're a ..."


"Human." I stuttered out. Mordred's grin grew even bigger than before. The four Pokémon beside him started to glow a faint blue before merging into Mordred. Mordred chuckled loudly.

"Glad to see that someone doesn't call me a freak when they first see the real me." Mordred said grinning wildly.

"You're a human?!" Sarah asked astonished. "But how? Caius is the one of the only humans in the world!"

"Funny how time works." Mordred replied standing up. "But to finally satisfy your question, Caius may have been the only human during his time." His height was nowhere near mine, about 5'10. But his stature and presence felt almost overwhelming, like I was facing someone with the ability Pressure.

"Then how did you come to be?" Lilith asked shocked.

"Notice how I emphasize during his time." Mordred repeated. "I'm not the only human to be on this planet, and neither is Caius anymore."

"So, it's just the two of you?" Carinthia asked.

"If you'd let me finish I'd tell you everything." Mordred replied. "But there are more than just Caius and I. Ever since the five of you disappeared three-hundred years ago, some Pokémon have tried creating artificial humans themselves. They all failed of course, because only one Pokémon can create a correct human."

"Arceus." I said finishing his statement.

"Bingo!" Mordred said pointing two fingers at me. Sarah stared at Mordred, still getting confused by something.

"Why can't I read your thoughts?" Sarah asked. "I'm plainly able to do it to everyone else, but you're the first one that I can't read." Mordred turned to Sarah and chuckled.

"Maybe I'm just that unpredictable." Mordred huffed.

"You never answered my question, who is your leader?" I repeated. Mordred grinned. I was getting more uncomfortable every time he showed his teeth. Ayah had turned her head away and had fallen asleep from exhaustion again from using Heal Pulse.

"Where are my manners? I never fully introduced myself to you all." Mordred said stretching his arms out. "I am Mordred Warlock, First General of Thanatos. Leader of the armies of all ghost types, and second in command to Giratina."

"Giratina?!" We all blurted out.

"Everyone's reaction when I tell them this never gets old." Mordred chuckled.

"Does Xerneas have a human as well?" I asked. Mordred shrugged his shoulders.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she did, maybe even two." Mordred replied. "But if she does, I've never seen them."

"Why do you prefer to talk through possession instead of like this?" Sarah asked.

"I already told you, I don't possess Pokémon." Mordred said a bit irritated. "What you saw were merely familiars, illusions if you will."

"That would explain why they went inside of you." I shuddered.

"I have a few things to say to you." Carinthia said sternly while walking towards Mordred.

"Oh, this should be interesting." Mordred said smiling. Carinthia stopped about a foot away from Mordred, then leapt for his throat with her arms extended, hoping to strangle Mordred, but she fazed through him and crashed into the chair behind him.

"What the heck?" Carinthia said getting back up.

"Oh my, it seems that I've barely introduced myself and I already can't get the ladies to keep their hands to themselves." Mordred chuckled.

"Maybe they just need a different approach!" Lilith said jumping from the side, attempting to the same thing. Mordred simply took a step back and Lilith crashed into the book shelf that the Murkrow was perched on. After then, Mordred raised his arms up.

"Anyone else?" Mordred taunted. Next thing we knew, we saw Carinthia try another attempt to grab Mordred, except from behind. She once again phased through him and crashed into the floor. "See, this is one of the many fun things about Wonder Guard that I just love!"

"Wonder Guard? You mean the ability that only Shedinja's can learn?" Sarah questioned.

"The same ability." Mordred confirmed.

"How?" Sarah asked. Mordred chuckled.

"When I became I general, Caius and I share a lot in common." Mordred said. "We both share life forces with our leader, we both have their signature moves, we both can understand and speak your language just fine, but the only difference is that he gave me a fourth gift." We stared at Mordred with confusion. "I have one of every ghost type inside of me, all brimming with dark energy, giving me every type that a ghost can be, the only exceptions to those that reside within me are Lunala, Marshadow, and Hoopa." I breathed a sigh of relief for a minute, but Mordred wasn't done yet. "Because of this, not only am I able to switch between any typing I want, but I can also switch between any ability they have at my own will."

"So, one minute you could have Wonder Guard, and the next you could have Flame Body?" Kathrin asked.

"That's how it works." Mordred confirmed. All of us shuddered. This felt way too weird.

"So if you're here." Lilith said rubbing her head from the impact, "then where is Giratina?"

"He still resides where he should be." Mordred replied. "If someone saw Giratina, they would surely go into a state of panic and it would alarm the whole city, so he's sent me to be his ambassador."

"Reasonable enough." Sarah responded. "But it's because of everyone in your body that I can't read your thoughts?"

"Sure, let's go with that." Mordred shrugged.

"So what will happen to you if you use your leaders move to much?" I questioned.

"Pardon?" Mordred asked.

"I'm assuming your body is just like mine, if you got your leaders move and used it too much, what will happen?" I clarified. Mordred chuckled a little bit.

"There's no need to worry on that matter." Mordred said.

"Then just tell me out of curiosity." I replied. Mordred's black eyes focused on me.

"Unlike yours where it kills you from the inside, I would simply fade away into that same place which I was created." Mordred replied. "And I'm not talking about the Distortion World."

"I've been told that the Distortion World is completely empty except for Giratina." Carinthia countered, still a bit flustered.

"You'd be surprised who you'd find if you actually looked." Mordred said.

"Speaking of found, why did you want us to meet you here?" Kathrin asked. "I mean I can get the environment, but why here?"

"Because this is where I stay in Adom, no one wants this place because it's so destroyed, and no one is willing to tear it down with all the legends going on about this place." Mordred chuckled.

"What kind of legends?" I asked.

"Oh, you know, the classic, those who come in never come out sort of thing." Mordred said twirling his hand. Mordred took a look at Caius' scythe, still strapped to the wall. "That's an interesting weapon of choice for a General of Karma." Mordred remarked. "I have one as well." Mordred snapped his fingers, and a rapier materialized in his hands. The rapier's handle was wrapped in a circle with nobs going ninety degrees from the blade going along the circle. There was another nob that was one-hundred and eighty degrees from the blade that seems to form an uninterrupted line from the tip of the blade, down the handle, and to previous said nob. "It's a nifty little thing, I got it hand-picked myself."

"How did you do that?" I questioned.

"Do what?" Mordred asked.

"Make your weapon appear in your hand?" I clarified.

"If your weapon is inscribed with your name, then you should be able to do what I did." Mordred replied.

"I have it inscribed yes." I replied referring to the writing on my scythe.

"Since when did you have your name on the scythe? And why?" Carinthia asked befuddled.

"Well, to make sure that it's mine of course. I've had that inscribed since I first got it." I replied. "Plus, I thought it looked nice on the scythe."

"You already have it to where if someone else besides us tries to touch it they're going to get burned. Why put your name in there?" Carinthia asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I saw Carinthia facepalm herself as she saw my reaction. Mordred took a closer look at it.

"Unown. Classics." Mordred chuckled.

"But they're not real." I assured. "Otherwise they'd all be dead long by now."

"Snap your fingers, it should pop into your hand just like I did." Mordred said. I took a look at Ayah, then back to Mordred and shrugged. "Just hand her to someone else." Mordred said irritated. I chuckled a little bit.

"Nice to know that even someone with over a hundred spirits can still get annoyed." I said.

"Yes, yes, this is all fun and games." Mordred said sarcastically. I handed Ayah over to Kathrin and took a few steps away from them in case something else was going to happen. I let my left arm down slowly, trying not to bring the pain back, then I snapped the fingers on my right hand. Everyone stayed silent for a little bit. I looked at the wall and the scythe was still there.

"Looks like it didn't work." I said a bit disappointed.

"Maybe if I released the chains." Mordred said dispelling the chains from the scythe. Next thing I knew, the scythe flew directly at me, catching me entirely off guard and slamming into my face, sending me to the ground.

"Why the face?!" I screamed out.

"Well Caius, looks like you need to "face" the facts." Sarah said cracking a pun. Normally, I would burst out laughing at these, but when it comes to literal pain, I couldn't help but give the same squinted look that Lilith gave her. Kathrin and Carinthia at least found it funny.

"Whatever, I can't run anyway." I said picking my scythe up.

"That can actually prove to be a useful battle tactic." Sarah said calming down.

"Yeah, if it doesn't knock me down every time." I countered.

"That's why you train." Mordred said.

"Okay, you're not helping." I said plainly.

"Hey, I never said I was going to always be positive." Mordred chuckled. Mordred walked towards the hole in the wall and looked outside, seeing the sun rise.

"Sorry about the hole." I apologized.

"Don't, I was planning on doing it eventually, you just did the work for me." Mordred replied.

"So why has Giratina joined the war? Isn't he the one that should be delighted in this sort of thing?" Lilith asked. Mordred stared at the city becoming enveloped in light.

"He is the Bringer of Death." Mordred confirmed. "But he sees something that could even potentially threaten him if this is left unchecked. We don't want everyone dying at once, we just want a steady supply." We stared at him in confusion. Mordred turned around and faced us, clasping his hands together. "Well, I'm certain you all have places to be, plans to make, so I'll leave you to it."

"What about you?" Kathrin asked. "What are you going to be doing today?"

"I've got plans of my own to prepare." Mordred said putting a hand to his chest. "It was nice talking to you, just make sure you all watch your step as you, "drop out.""

"Drop out?"" Carinthia questioned. Mordred pointed to the floor below us. As we looked down, we could see the wood parting away and opening up a hole beneath us. We screamed down the hole as we were tossed from one side to another. We were ejected out at the front door, landing on our rears. Kathrin had refused to let go of Ayah during the fall. For that, I'm grateful. As I re-oriented myself, I looked back up from where we had fallen, which was a large hole above the doorway. It creaked back together, making it look like it wasn't even there. We heard Mordred laughing inside the mansion.

"And Pokémon say I don't have a good sense of humor." Mordred chuckled. As we picked ourselves up we were about to walk off. "One more thing." Mordred said. We stopped and turned out heads towards the hole that I had made. Mordred wasn't there. "Don't tell anyone where I live, I frankly enjoy having a house to myself." I chuckled a little bit, then we continued on our way down the streets.

"So, where to now?" Carinthia asked.

"Well, I'm hoping to get into that room that Muni was talking about yesterday." I replied. "This arm is going to hurt once I can start to feel it again."

"Speaking of which, why is your arm like that?" Kathrin asked.

"To be honest, I don't know, but now that I look at it more carefully, it does remind me of something." I said staring at my left arm. I decided to hide the arm before we got into public view. I didn't want everyone gawking at us anymore than they already were.

"What does it remind you of?" Sarah asked. I searched my mind, trying to find the answer.

"Nothing." I replied. "I can't remember it anymore." I knew what it reminded me of, but I guess I just couldn't remember it. I guess it would just come back in its own time.

"I bet your glad I had you wait." Lilith said.

"A little bit." I replied.

"Care to fill us in?" Carinthia asked.

"Long story short, Caius was about to march off to Mordred's little mansion there all by himself." Lilith said. Carinthia drew a deep breath through her nose.

"Hey Caius, can you follow me in this alley way over here?" Carinthia asked.

"Why?" I replied.

"I need to fulfill a promise back in Ai." Carinthia replied. I was a bit curious to what this promise was, so I followed her into an alley way. As we reached the end, I turned around and saw that the others were waiting at the entrance to the alley way.

"So, what's this promise?" I asked. Carinthia turned around and jumped at me, grabbing me by the throat, tackled me to the ground, and started shaking me violently.

"Why don't you ever think things through?!" Carinthia yelled at me.

"Choking!" I said trying to get Carinthia's hands off of me.

"I know I am!" Carinthia said shaking me even more. "You could have gotten yourself killed!" She was strangling the life out of me! I tried with all my might to get her hands off with my right arm. My vision started to go black. As a final attempt, I tried using my left arm to free myself. As I pushed up, I could feel the air coming back into my lungs. I threw her hands off me and staggered to sit up. As Air went through my mouth, my vision came back.

"You didn't have to choke me to tell me!" I said wheezing.

"It seems to be the only way I can get it through your thick skull." Carinthia said looking at me. As I took a few more seconds to get air back, I started to chuckle a little bit.

"So you do care about me." I laughed softly. Carinthia looked at me again then jumped at me, grabbing me by the hood of my cloak.

"Of course I care for you!" Carinthia said shaking me by my hood. "But it's kinda hard to care for someone who is so bent on getting themselves killed!"

"Yet you care about this idiot long enough to be concerned for him as well." I countered. Carinthia's shaking started to slow down until she stopped. I drew a smile on my face and put my hand on Carinthia's head. "Look, I get it, I don't think things through, and frankly, it's something I need to work on."

"Your darn right you need to work on it!" Carinthia said. She tried shaking my hood again, but her arms instead hugged my neck. My arm fell off her head and I could hear here talking into my ear. "Your one of my best friends that I know, we need you now more than ever." Carinthia said quietly. "I can't see my best friend dying on me."

"Are you getting soft on me?" I asked smiling.

"Just shut up and listen." Carinthia replied. "Promise me that you'll think things through from now on."

"Alright Carinthia." I replied. "I promise."

"Good, because I don't want you losing another limb from another battle." Carinthia said poking my left arm.

"Hey, easy there, I'm trying to make it not sore." I said chuckling.

"Then stop charging head first into everything!" Carinthia responded.

"Alright, alright, let's get going, I think the others are starting to get curious over what's going on." I said standing up. Carinthia let go of my hood just before I stood all the way up.

"Why are you so tall?" Carinthia asked as we walked down the alley way.

"Hey, don't ask me," I replied. "I don't know why I'm this tall. Asking me why I'm so tall is like asking why you're so short compared to me."

"Yeah, I guess that's a fair point." Carinthia acknowledged.

"You two done down there?" Lilith asked. "If not, I'm gonna come down there and end it myself!"

"We're done." Carinthia replied.

"Hold up, almost forgot." I said stopping. I turned around and snapped my fingers. The scythe started spinning towards me and I caught it in my hand this time.

"You're going to have too much fun with that." Carinthia said smirking.

"So what if I am? It's my scythe." I responded chuckling. I hid my left arm back in the cloak, we weren't out of the thicket yet.

"Alright, now that those two are done, we can head over to the capitol." Sarah said turning around.

"Is that where you're heading?" I asked.

"It's where we're all heading." Sarah replied. "Muni came by while you and Carinthia were, "talking, and told us that we've been asked to appear."

"By who?" I asked.

"The Alliance." Lilith replied. "It's time thatwe met who's in charge here."    


Wait a minute, you're human?

Yep, doesn't that just raise your spirits a little bit?

What the- when did- how is- Gah!

And he stormed out of the room, well, guess I get to have my own fun with this. Looking at what he's put in his previous ones, I guess I have to say make sure you leave a comment, leave a vote, and make sure to share the story with others. Now that that's out of the way, I can now give some spoilers for what's going to-

Oh no you don't! Get out! No spoilers for the viewers! I will not have my story ruined! *Sigh* Alright, now that he's gone, I think I can end this properly. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, have a good day, and I can't wait to hear from you all.

Continuer la Lecture

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