Back In time

By creammeier

202K 8K 1.1K

"Well then, there must be a reason why you aren't able to keep your eyes off me in the market today, Miss Wel... More



5.3K 223 40
By creammeier


"She is gone!"

"What?" I jumped out of my seat. It took me awhile before I could gather my thoughts on the issue. Never would I have thought that she would leave, especially on such a small issue.

Yeah right, 'small'. My mind retorted.

"Did she leave anything that might tell us where she was heading?" I started to question.

"No Sir, but she did leave a letter for Camille." Christian informed.

Right, of course. Why would she bother leaving a note for me?

"A letter for Camille?" My mind searched through the possibilities of where she could be.

She could be back at her home. Or else... No! She could not have gone there. Not unless she wanted to throw away her reputation.

"Yes Sir." Camille replied.

"May I have a look at it?"

Camille hesitated. Her facial expression was torn between whether or not to hand me the written letter. Meanwhile, she seemed to calmer when Christian laid a hand on her shoulder, giving her a small nod; as if telling her that it will be alright. Camille returned with a gentle nod before handing a piece of crumpled paper to me.

I am so sorry, Camille. I can no longer put up with him. I tried understanding him as what you said. At first, I thought that it was all going well. How wrong I was. I cannot stand getting put down all the time, making me less a person that I am. But I do hope all goes well with you and Christian. Both of you complement each other very well. Please do not worry about me. I will be fine on my own.

My heart was filled with utter remorse when I read these words. I have always known that Christian and Camille had a thing for each other. But that was not the focus right now. The current problem was far from being solved.

"Sir, what Abbey wrote in this letter is entirely true. She really wanted to give you chance. But, with all due respect Sir, you blew your only chance away. If I were Abbey, I would not even bother writing a letter!" Camille spat.

So that was why I felt like her actions contradicted her personality. It did not come to my slightest intention that Abbey would even attempt to try to understand nor give in to me. And despite so, I continued to rebuke her and forced her to the edge.

"Hush Camille, Sir Nicholas is already feeling bad enough as it is." Christian tugged on her shoulders.

"Why should I be silent? If he feels bad, then what about Abbey? Did he even considered her feelings when he lashed out at her?"

She was right. I knew that I did not deserve any forgiveness from Abbey. I have hurt her immensely with words that I did not mean. But that is the thing, is it not? I do have a knack for hurting the people around me. Even those that I did not intend to hurt, I hurt even more.

"Camille!" Christian tugged her on the shoulder as a signal to stop speaking.

"No. She is right." I placed the letter down on the table. "I have blown away my only chance. And now, I am not even sure if I deserve forgiveness." Both Nicholas and Camille were shocked at my reply. Then, Camille's face slightly softened, pondering if she should speak or remain silent.

"You know, you could try to bring her back..."

Would she even bother talking to me? Let alone see me?

"But where am I to find her? I doubt she would even give me a chance." I replied.

"There is no harm in trying, Sir. At least even if you failed, you know that you had given it a shot." Camille smiled warmly at me.

"She is right, Sir. It is time to make up for your mistakes." Christian joined in. Both Christian and Camille looked at me with determined eyes, encouraging me to do the right thing.

"Alright then," I sighed before continuing, "Did she leave any other clues? Anything at all?" Camille shook her head.

There was a moment of silence as everyone wrecked their brains for a solution to find out where she had gone.

"We could ask the coachman?" Christian suggested, "Maybe he has a clue as to where Miss Abbey was headed."

"Hmmm... right then. Christian do what you must do. Meanwhile, Camille, would you please check with the other housekeepers if they have any knowledge of where Abbey might have gone."

"Yes, Sir." Both replied in unison before going about their duties.

Instead of wasting my time sulking, I decided to devise a plan to make it up to Abbey for the next couple of days. To be honest, it would already be a miracle if I could make Abbey see me. Better yet, talk to me.

"Sir, there are no news pertaining to Abbey from the housekeepers." Camille said quietly with her face sunken. Even though they have only met for a short while, it was evident that the absence of Abbey had impacted her greatly.

"Sir! Sir!" Christian shouted as he ran in. His hair was all messy.

"What is it? Any news on her?"

"It is Abbey, Sir! I know where she has been! She is at ..."

Please not Fredricks. Please not Fredricks. Please not Fredricks.


Damn! I hate being right all the time.

Not wanting to waste a moment longer, "Christian, prepare my horse instantly." Quickly, I grabbed my coat, gathered my belongings and dashed out of the room.

Hoping that I would be able to appease her anger, I decided to get a little something for her along the way. It was a brooch. A rose brooch. Its petals were tinted pink while the stalks and leaves were coated with a fine gold finish. I carefully placed the dainty little item back into the box and into my pocket before I continued riding towards my destination.

Instead of knocking, I barged into the door as if it were my home, which I knew that I will later come to regret. After all, I was not always such an ill-mannered person.

Yeah right! What about Abbey? You are such a 'gentleman' to her.

I sighed mentally. I have never known why she always brought the worst out of me. But the moment I knew that she had left me for Fredricks, it felt like something got ripped out of me. It came as a bit of a shock to me. But of all people, why did I have to harbor feelings towards her? It tormented me. Eventually, she will have to see me for who I really was. A trickster.

"Where is Abbey!" The echoes made my voice sound almost like a roar, which frightened some of the housekeepers as they turned to look at me.

"I am not too sure myself, Sir. But I think that Sir Fredricks and Miss Wellesley might head to the library soon." I dashed away without expressing any gratitude.

I rushed to the library but felt extremely puzzled as to why Fredricks would bring Abbey to a place that has not been in use for ages. At the thought of Abbey and him both alone in the library, I picked up the pace and ran faster.

Keeping in mind that this place was old, when I finally reached a set of doors, I gently pushed through; but what came as a great shock to me was what lies behind those doors. The guilt and remorse that I previously felt was instantly washed away, allowing anger to quickly take its place once again.

"What is all this?!"

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