Choose your future. Choose li...

By shesabitch

10.4K 289 25

... but why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the... More

Choose life
Closet romantic
Lust for life
the aftermath
The awakening
looking for answers
brick wall
unwanted guest
For now
An apple a day
Little baby dawn
The calm before the storm
That day
The arrival
Last words
Realising (Epilogue)


1K 32 3
By shesabitch

Flashing lights. Blaring music. Drinks splashed on the floor. Men fighting in the corner, because one of them looked at their bird wrong. Sticky table tops. Girls puking in the bathroom from drinking to much. Someone taking it up the ass in the men's bathroom. Badly rolled fags being half smoked, then being stepped on out of pure rage cause the bloody thing won't light. Dodgy pills being exchanged for money, right underneath the bouncers nose. Men shoving there tongues down girls throats. People shouting and kicking whilst they're being escorted off of the clubs premises. Boys badly dancing to get women's attention. Skin head sitting in the corner 'too cool' to be seen dancing. Girls tripping up over there own feet, cause their heels are stupidly too high. Best friends crying with each other because they love each other so much. Two strangers acting like best friends that have known each other for ages. The smell of sex hitting you when you walk past the bathrooms. The smell of sweat on the dance floor. Two people exchanging numbers in attempts to keep contact outside of the club. Like that'll fucking work. They'll message each other for approximately three days, before moving on and acting like nothing ever happened. Either that or they'll meet up and realise that they had drunk goggles on when they met in the club.

There are five quintessential reasons people go out to clubs:

The first: to get smashed
The second: to get off with people
The third: to have one night stand
The forth: to get dodgy drugs off people
The fifth and final reason: in the worse cases to be the designated sober driver to mother all the drunk friends and make sure they get home quick enough that they don't vomit in your car.

Anyone who says that they're going for a girls/lads night or any other god awful reason is clearly fucking lying.

Charlotte 'Charlie' May. Well she was there for the worse case. Sat at the bar with a glass of Guinness in her hands soberly eyeing up all the people at the bar, as her 'friends' slunk off with all the whores, bastards and dickheads that they could get there hands on. She sat there with nothing to do but wait. 

Charlie was good looking; not to shabby, she had piercing blue eyes that she thought were her best asset. she had shoulder length light brown hair, the ends of her hair had bits of old dye still hanging on, showing the world that she used to be a bleached blonde. Not her greatest idea of hers to go bleached blonde all that time ago. her small frame was somewhat muscular and she had a handful of tattoos that covered her skin. Charlie carried herself with confidence, but not enough to seem big headed.  The amount of men she had been pushing away the whole night could've started a small army. She wouldn't say she was picky,  but she had a specific type and if she was about to waste her sober time talking and getting off with someone, it was going to be someone who was aesthetically pleasing to look at, with an attitude to match. All of the so called 'men' that had come up to her had nothing to give that remotely spark any interest from Charlie. The night started off shitty, being dragged to the club, bring ditched and then having all these guys hit on her; the night was going to end shitty for all she knew. She would have to drive a bunch of drunk people home and hope that none of them would throw up in her car or try and get her to drive to some bad food place. So the shitty, sober night carried on for her, unfortunately.

after an hour and a half of being there, Charlie had become sick and tired of all the bullshit and the drunkenness that came her way. 'One more drink and I will plan to go home' she told herself, not caring about her 'friends' that she had to do lifts for; they only really knew her through work and felt bad for not inviting her. So she necked back the last of her coke and rum and banged the glass back on the counter top. She looked down the bar getting ready to order her last drink and spotted the old bartender chatting up two girls young enough to be his daughters. She raised her hand tried flagging him down, but it didn't work; she started flailing her hand about like a bloody chicken trying to grab his attention. nothing seemed to work. It was at this point that her attention was brought to the person stood next to her at the bar.

"He won't even look this way, so there's no point flailing around like that " someone said in her direction. Looking to her left, she had spotted the guy that had spoken to her. Bleached blonde hair, dressed like he had just strolled in off of the streets and a unlit fag in his hand. the first thing she had noticed about him though, was his eyes. His gorgeous green eyes. That was the first thing that she had noticed about the only man, that had been able to catch her attention all night. He was a looker, but she didn't want to fling herself on the only man that had grabbed her attention the whole night. He could've been an arsehole for all she knew. she wasn't going to pry and try to flirt with him, she was just going to take it one step at a time and if something happened, well lucky her.

"Of course not." Charlie had sighed with defeat, letting her hand drop to the service of the bar. She looked down at the bartender and the girls he was chatting to. she took in the looks of the girls. The two looked like they were eighteen, wearing short dresses; they both looked like it was their first time out clubbing and had caked on their makeup. The other thing Charlie had Noticed about the two, was that they had their tits out. Granted they were small, but tits none the less and the bartender seemed to be talking to their breasts rather then their faces, so after a brief look back at the man standing next to her at the bar, she yanked down her dress to show off more cleavage, messed her hair up a little and sat on top of the counter.

"What the fuck to you think your gonna achieve by doing that?" The bleached blonde guy stood next to her starred up at her with a confused, yet intrigued look in his face. Charlie smirked down at him, double checked her cleavage and crossed her legs leaning back slightly so she could be seen clearly by the bartender.

"Just watch and find out" She spoke, with her English accent coming off thick next to his Scottish. She waved her hand up, looking at the bartender and whistled loudly. The bartender had to double take at the women currently sitting on his bar. Her long legs that went all the way up to her bum, her tight baby blue dress showed off her tiny waist, with her cleavage that he deemed to be the best he ever saw. And with that, the bartender started to strolling down to her, not bothering to finish the conversation with the girls that he was previously talking to.

She hummed triumphantly, and looked back down to the man who had caught her attention. He's gaze was on the bartender, but when his eyes traveled to her, she simply raised her eyebrow and smiled smugly. As she hoped off the bar, she turned back to the bartender that was now opposite her. She smiled sweetly to him.

"What can I get you love?" The bartender asked looking her up and down like she was a piece of meat.  She didn't like the feeling of his eyes on her, but she weirdly felt comfortable and protected with the bleached blonde standing next to her. She felt safe. She smirked once again ignoring those feelings and glancing over at the bleached blonde that was currently looking gobsmacked at the fact that she was able to pull the bartender away from the two flirtiest girls in the whole place. He should've know, because those same girls tried it on with him, before he pied them off.

"I'll have a double whiskey on the rocks" She started, as the bartender went to turn around and grab her drink, but she wasn't finished speaking.

"And for my friend here, he'll have..." Charlie turned to the blonde man to her left, looking to him to finish her sentence and tell what his chosen poison was for the night. He looked into Charlie's eyes for a second before replying.

"Beer; cheapest will do"  He said without taking his eyes away from her. The bartender huffed, turned his back on the two and got them there drinks and after Charlie payed, the bartender slunk back to the girls he was talking to beforehand only to see that they were no longer there.

"Was that to prove a point then?" The guy to Charlie's left rather be-grudgingly said to her, taking a sip out of his drink that he just got handed.

"Was what to prove a point?" She questioned, acting oblivious. Charlie knew exactly what he was on about, but wanted to poke around and have her fun before she left. And who knew? Maybe his aesthetically pleasing looks did have a attitude paired with it, the perfect package that she was looking for in a guy.

"Oh you know, hiking down your dress and showing off that you could in fact get the bartenders attention - which I may add you didn't have for very long. You could've gotten all your drinks free if you had just carried on flirting and dazzling him with your amazing cleavage."  He replied, nodding done to her tits. She didn't know if it was the alcohol finally taking effect or what, but she was done with the club and wanted to go home. With him. She didn't mess around with these things; when she knew, she knew and she had seen and heard enough off of this guy in front of her that she had realised that she wouldn't mind the blonde being another one of her one night stands. It might of come on all of a sudden to any on lookers, but all it took was a split minute decision to make up her mind. She wasn't one to overthink and if it was a mistake, then she would've made a mistake. she could deal with that mistake in the morning.

"You know, a simple thank you would have sufficed" Charlie said as she took a swig of her drink as his frown was replaced by a smile.

He was big headed. He knew it and all his friends knew it. He always got the girl he wanted and never got told no; maybe after all those years of not being turned down, he got so confident in his flirting skills, and just thought that every girl loved him. Even if a girl was just being polite to him, he thought that girl was flirting with him and wanted to get with him. So he smiled in that moment, because he jumped to the conclusion as of why this girl in front of him didn't flirt with the bartender the whole night. She wanted to get with him. Now under normal circumstances he'd be wrong, but even if he was wrong he would still some how get off with the girl by the end of the night, but this wasn't a normal circumstance; both people involved with this conversation were wanting each other at the same time.

"Names Simon, but most people call me Sickboy" he replied cockily, turning his body to her, giving Charlie his undivided attention. Knowing his way around a women, knowing that his flirting techniques always work he decided to crack on with Charlie. Charlie doesn't like to bite the bate though. she wouldn't try and be easy, just yet at least. She wanted to play hard to get, but it was becoming harder as the alcohol was getting to her head. She would try and keep it up, but she didn't know how long it would last.

"That's nice" she bitterly, sweetly smiled back. This made Sickboy stop in his tracks. This never usually happened to him. He would tell the girl his name and she would tell him her name and the rest would be history. Or well a night together which lead to seeing each other in the club once in a while. 

"What, don't I get to know the name of the girl who brought me my beer?" He replied, trying to amp up the flirting. She could tell by the way he smiled that he always got the girl and that he was a ladies man. She wasn't up for the relentless back and forth flirting and the constant touching each other's arm or whatever, that would eventually (after a couple of agonising hours) lead to them shagging. The alcohol had fully taken effect and she had become bored of the club and wanted to take him home. it was a quick change to what she was feeling a moment ago, but she couldn't be arsed to mess about and waste anymore time at the club when she could be cracking on with him at home, before he would disappear and not see him again.

"Look here's how it's going to go. I'm going to neck down this drink, say that I'm going home and your gonna offer to walk me home. You're going to walk on the roadside of me like a gentleman would, and when we get back to mine I'm going to offer you a cup of tea or coffee. You'll except and with that we'll get through the front door and have a night of no strings attached shagging. The next morning you'll wake up before me, grab your clothes and go home and with that we'll never see each other again." Charlie finished all while looking him dead in the eye, waiting for his reaction. What could she say, she didn't like beating around the bush. There was no point in pussy footing around the subject.

He smirked. She didn't expect him to smirk. She was waiting for him to get annoyed and huff and walk off to some other chick that would play up to his flirting. She didn't expect him to stand there, look her in the eye and smirk. And somehow she liked it. It turned her on. He had just gone to prove that his attitude did match his aesthetics. She wasn't looking for anything seriously and from his reaction neither was he.

"And at the end of it, I still don't get to learn your name?" He smirked back. Playing around with the bottle that was in his hands.

"And you still don't get to learn my name" She replied tilting her head and smiling, before necking back her drink, slamming it on the counter top. After this, everything was set in motion.

"I'm going to go home" Charlie announced to him and within seconds, he downed the last of his beer, slammed in on the counter top with the same mannerisms that she had.

"I'll walk you." He stated matter-of-factly. He shrugged off his jacket, slung it over her shoulders, took her hand and started to walk ahead of her, guiding her out of the club. Charlie looked down at the jacket and back up to him, puzzled as to why his jacket was now on her. He looked back and replied answering the question she had just thought of.

"Wouldn't want you getting cold outside, and now that other guys see you in my jacket they won't look twice and won't bother about trying to get with you." He was closer to her then ever before and she had just realised how much his cheeky smile turned her on. Charlie was now the one that was gobsmacked. Never in her whole clubbing experience or even adult life had any man actually played up to what she offered, never had any man talked to her in such a way. She always got the shy types running after her. She had always had a guy that would never speak back to her and never proposed any sort of fun. She had never had a guy with the right aesthetics, matched with the right attitude. And by god she was loved it.

"Well then, what are we waiting for" He slyly said. After seeing her speechless, he decided to take charge of it all. He could see she had never had a guy take the bait that she offered; never had a guy that bit back and he was ready to show her what she had been missing. She smiled up at him in disbelief. He didn't know if it was the alcohol, the drugs or if it was his sober self coming through, but her smile made his heart skip a beat. It was a strange feeling for him, he'd never experienced it with any other girl and if her smile made his heart skip, then what would the rest of her do to him. He shook himself out of his own thoughts and pulled her through the crowds of people towards the door that lead to the streets. They both didn't know it at the time, but history was made that night. The two of them blindingly following each other never saw what was about to happen and what was in store for them both. If they had known, would they have wanted things to start differently? Or would they regret ever meeting each other?

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