
By kkjustifyme

278 44 0

In a situation where Park Jimin breaks up with you for wealth, you go back and spend your days with your 2 br... More

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1 Fight, 1 Plan
Thank You
Out and Away
Loved Once
Lost and Found
Hugs and Knives
Alcohols aren't Alcoholic
Meeting Him
Fighting For You
Why? *Jimin's POV*
The Start of Another Beginning
You're Not Fighting Alone

Without You

23 2 0
By kkjustifyme

Yoongi's POV

'It's about him isn't it?"

Y/n nodded her head lightly making me turn to Jungkook with eyes looking like daggers that could probably pierce into the toughest piece of metal. Jungkook's eyes looked just as terrifying, making me taken aback for a second. I haven't seen him this mad before in my whole life. He was usually the happy-go-lucky bunny of our lives. But that didn't matter now, what matters now is Y/n and about what did that stupid jerk do to her to make her suffer like this.

"He broke up w-with m-me..."

Y/n continued to sob loudly into Jungkook's chest while I was whispering some comforting things to her ear to help make her feel a little less pain. It hurts to see her cry like this. We might not be biological but these two people mean the whole world to me. The both of them taught me how to be open and accept people for who they are and I'm willing to do more than enough to return the favor. And today, is one of those 'more- than- enoughs'.


I nodded my head, knowing exactly what was on his mind. I started dialing numbers on my phone and called the whole gang to come by at our place. Y/n was still crying making Jungkook carry her bridal style towards her room. I told him to take care of her until she falls asleep. It's already 6 PM, she sould rest and besides, we don't want her to hear anything that we're about to discuss.

*ding dong*

I opened the door to reveal 4 faces.

Kim Taehyung

Jung Hoseok

Kim Seokjin


Kim Namjoon

"Thanks for coming"

"Well, we don't want our dongsaeng to hurt because of that dick head now would we?"

Hoseok's remark made all of us scoff and roll our eyes in amusement. Yes, they already know about Y/n's situation. I told it to them over the phone. Y/n was too busy crying that she didn't even notice. I let them in and made them sit on the couch as I went to the kitchen to get a glass of cold water. When I came back to the living room, I saw all of them including Jungkook, all gathered in the living room with dead serious expressions on their face. All of us here have our own jobs, but what others including Y/n don't know is, we can be very deadly men once we find out somebody close to us is hurt.

'Wrong move, Park Jimin. Good luck cause we'll make your life a living hell.'

All of them were friends with our younger sister since high school. They treat Y/n as if she's also their beloved family member. So there's no other reason why they'd all be dead pissed today.

"Hyung what actually happened between them? We can't just take action without knowing the full story."

Taehyung might act like an alien and a dumb blonde most of the time, but in times of seriousness, he's weirdly intelligent. I even secretly admire him for that.

Suddenly Jungkook spoke up.

"She told me everything. That piece of shit fucking cheated on her hyung! She told me he acted strangely since two months ago on their fifth anniversary only to find out two months later that he wanted to break up with her because of that bitch!"

Usually we would scold him for cussing but right now, is a huge exception. He was looking at me with such a pissed off expression making me even more agitated after finding out the truth. I just thought that he broke up with her for no particular reason at all, but this?! That's a whole different level Park. You're gonna regret it.

"Cheated on her huh?"

All of us widened our eyes at the synchronized voices of the fraternal twins. Namjoon and Seokjin might be all silly and gentlemanly but once their voices synchronize, so is their flow of thought. Among the both of them, Namjoon is the smartest and the sharpest. He's got an IQ of 148 and in times of thinking of plans, he's the master of it all. Jin, meanwhile is the face of the twins. He's awfully popular with all types of genders because of his handsome face so he's a great use for distractions. He's also a great hacker.

All of us can never forget the last time their voices synchronized.

It was 3 years ago when......



The three men wouldn't stop molesting the poor innocent high school girl even though Taehyung had already yelled at them.

How did this happen? Let me tell you.

Well, the gang and I were having some fun in our favorite hang out place when Taehyung's dog suddenly ran off, leaving us including his own owner, behind. All of us, well mostly Taehyung, panicked and started to search for that little ball of fur. That dog was his mother's last gift to Taehyung for his birthday before she left him to work abroad. I can't even imagine what he'd do if he lost that fur ball.

We searched every crook and cranny of that place and we still couldn't find his dog. Jungkook suggested that we should all go and report this to the police when suddenly.....

*bark! bark! bark!*

"Song- Song!"

We saw Taehyung's dog barking loudly around an unfamiliar alley way making us feel suspicious.

"He's never barked like that before.."

All of us made our way to the dog only to find out that there were 3 men raping a highschooler in the alley.


They wouldn't stop no matter how loud we shouted making almost all of us pissed off. Jungkook was starting to crack his knuckles, ready to throw a punch at the three people any time. Jungkook wasn't the type to converse much with girls but once he sees one get hurt, he goes all soft and protective. He was about to march down there and throw his two fists at the bunch when.....

"We told you to stop didn't we?"

And Bingo.

Namjoon and Seokjin's voices synchronized making all 3 men turn their heads towards our direction. The man with a slight beard smirked at the two of them making the twins even more pissed. The man made a hand motion towards us and his two other cronies came lunging with their fists and weapons high in the air.  Me, Hoseok, Tae and Jungkook stood our ground and made a fist with both of our knuckles. The 4 of us took taekwando classes together and are black belts so we didn't really had anything to worry about. But before those goons could even lay a finger on us...


Namjoon went flying into the air and his foot came in contact with one of the guys faces whilst his hands were still in his pockets. The guy lost about two of his front teeth and fell face flat on the ground, unconscious. Jin smirked at the sight and saw the other man running towards Namjoon with a metal pipe. He pushed Namjoon to the side as the man swung his metal pipe. Both of them were able to dodge it and Jin made an uppercut at the man's chin. He went flying into the air and landed in the trash bin. The twins turned towards the bearded guy with twisted expressions plastered on their faces, making him coward away.


The girl hugged herself to cover her body. She kept on thanking us, not minding the fact that she was still shaking incredibly. Her eyes brimmed with tears and the twins' faces softened at the sight. Both of them hugged her making the girl stiffen for a moment, before she finally relaxed in their embrace. All of us took her to the hospital through our van and we even reported the incident to the police.

There an then, all of us decided to not become any of the twins' enemy.

*end of flashback*

"Y-Yah hyungs c-calm down."

At this point, Hoseok was shivering at the tone of their voices making the both of them turn to him with faces as dark as the ones we saw 3 years ago from now. All of us know that once the both of them get pissed, they show no mercy to their opponent. By this time, Hoseok was already hiding behind me and Taehyung, making Jungkook sigh heavily.

"Guys calm down. We don't want to start a fight between us right now so calm your balls"

Namjoon and Seokjin sighed at Jungkook's statement making all of us release a breath of relief. There was a bit of silence as every person in the room was deep in thought. All of us were trying to make some plans on how to make Park Jimin suffer but nothing good seems to be coming up into my mind. I fist my hair in frustration and turned towards Namjoon.

"Hyung, you thought of anything?"

"Yep, we'll just get our family's whole military base since we just recently bought all of them new weapons, then, make them surround Park's house at around midnight before making three of my best men kill him in his sleep"

"YAH WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! NO! That's not happening!"

All of us jumped at the sound of an all-too familiar feminine voice making me and Jungkook turn our heads back to find...

"Y/n you're awake?!"

"Yes goddamnit I'm awake! Now please explain everything that Namjoon just said!"

Y/n had the habit of not using oppa when she's mad at one of us making all of us sigh in exasperation. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently waiting for an answer.


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