Slytherin Adoption

By DeniseLanglie

556K 15.8K 4.5K

When Draco and Lucius Malfoy meet Harry Potter at the train station, they definitely aren't expecting a shy... More

The Train Station
The Sorting
The Package
What Have I Done?
The Hospital Wing
First Fight
What's A Mudblood?
Help Me
Who Are You?
Explanations: Part One
Explanations: Part Two
Aunt Bella

Severus Snape

28.9K 838 145
By DeniseLanglie

          After Lucius had left, Severus had not stop thinking about his oldest friend's parting words.

          "Please remember he is not his father." Severus had scowled as he looked down at the lesson plans he was trying to organize. How would Lucius know if he was or wasn't like his father? He'd seen the boy for ten minutes. What he'd seen could have been an act. After James Potter had always been good at playing innocent, especially after a prank.

          "Please remember he is not his father." Severus had snarled and shoved his papers in his desk, unable to concentrate, and drained his fire whiskey. The Potter boy would not fool him. Not for one second.

          Now he stood in front of his first year Slytherins, several hours later, absolutely flabbergasted. Of course, none of his emotions showed on his face as he looked around the room, his eyes landing on Harry Potter.

          How the hell had the son of James Potter, who was the epitome of all things Gryffindor, end up in his house?

          He'd watched as the small boy had entered, holding the hand of Draco Malfoy, looking very much like a frightened rabbit. He'd raised an eyebrow when his Godson spoke quietly to the boy, trying to calm him down. And when Harry Potter had been sorted into Slytherin, all he'd been able to do was stare. Especially when almost all of the Slytherins had cheered, causing the boy to blush as he sat next to Draco. He'd groaned and put his head in his hands, not missing the dark look that passed Albus's eyes before he'd masked it.

          "Potter!" he barked. The young child flinched and slowly met his eyes, his own filled with fear. But Severus wasn't fooled. That was the same look he'd seen James give a hundred times when he'd been caught doing something wrong. It always worked but Severus was determined it wouldn't work on him.

          "Y...yes, s...sir?" Harry stuttered. Severus resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. The boy was worse than his father. He obviously thought the stutter would give him sympathy points.

          “What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?” he practically snarled, ignoring Draco's glare. The boy was too gullible for his own good but Severus would be damned if he'd let Draco get hurt.

          "I...I don't k...know, s...sir." So the brat didn't think he had to read his books before class.

          "Tell, me Potter, where would you look for a bezoar?" This time, Potter just shook his head, his eyes filling with tears. Draco's eyes flashed and he handed Potter's hand off to Pansy Parkinson before stalking towards Severus, who actually took a step back. He blinked as Blaise Zabini and Pansy stepped in front of Potter, protectively.

          "A word, Professor," Draco hissed, emphasizing the last word. Severus recovered from his shock and looked at the blonde. Wordlessly, he moved to the side of the room, Draco following.

          "I don't care how much you hated James Potter," Draco began quietly. Severus raised an eyebrow. "Oh, yes, Severus," Draco sneered, "I've heard all about the feud between you, James Potter, and his friends." He paused dramatically. "But Harry is my friend and I will not allow you, or anyone else for that matter, bully him." Draco sounded so much like Lucius that Severus would have laughed, if not for the circumstances. Draco glared at him for another moment and then turned on his heel, rejoining his friends. Severus took a moment to collect himself and then returned to the center of the room to give his normal speech about how Slytherin would be their family for the next seven years, outside the common room they were to show a united front. He ignored the glares from Draco, Blaise, and Pansy, and the curious stares from everyone else.

          "One last thing," Severus added as he got ready to leave. "Tomorrow I will be posting a list of names on the notice board. Next to each name will be a time for you to go to the Hospital Wing, for a full physical. Do not make me track you down or I promise, you will not like the consequences." With that, Severus swept out of the room, leaving his prefects to cover anything he might have missed, as well as showing the first years their dorms.

          As Severus got ready for bed today night, all he could see was tearful green eyes. Again, he heard Lucius's voice in his head: 

Please remember he is not his father.

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