Gemma and The Thirteen: Memor...

By SoLongSoldierSky

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If I had known my life was gonna end up this way, I would've stopped caring about my grade in math. More

Chapter One: Fairies
Chapter Two: The Cave
Chapter Four: Snow
Chapter Five: Red
Chapter Six: Red, continued through Vlad.
Chapter Seven: Dreams, through Gemma
Chapter Eight: Home
Chapter Nine: Parade
Chapter Ten: A Little Freedom

Chapter Three: Forgotten

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By SoLongSoldierSky

I woke up in the parked car with Leo and Layla gone, I gasped and looked around. I got out and walked up to the house we were in front of after locking my car doors, Leo opened the door and let me inside "Where are we?" I asked "My Aunt, I am putting Layla in her care and I'm showering so I don't stink anymore." He said and he looked at me "You should shower too, blood isn't attractive." He said and I walked inside "Thanks." I said with sarcasm dripping at every word "Do you plan on going to a family member?" He asked "I don't have any, my mother was orphaned and my biological family is unknown to me." I said and his eyes widened "You're adopted?" He asked "She was my mom's best friend, she said they died in an accident, I was in it too." I said "Do you remember it?" He asked "No, all of it is so fuzzy and when I try, I think of how I don't want too. Why would I want to remember my family dying?" I asked softly as he handed me a clean towel and my clothes bag.

I entered the bathroom and combed through my hair with my hands slowly, my hair had blood in it. My shirt was completely ruined and my pants were stained as well. After I showered and was dressed, I stared into the mirror. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Leo talking to a woman with long black hair "Aunt Adelaide, this is my friend Gemma Snow." He said introducing me to his aunt "My name is Adelaide Clayton, nice to meet you." She said "Likewise." I said with a soft smile and shook her hair, she was absolutely stunning. She was almost the female version of Leo, except her eyes were bright brown and she seemed almost our age. "My aunt is twenty two, she was adopted by my grandparents." He explained and she grinned at me "You're so cute! Of course Leo likes you, so, Gemma do you like girls or boys?" She asked and my face turned bright red in embarrassment "Auntie!" Leo said "What? I wanna know." She said "I'm Bi." I said and her eyes lit up in excitement "That's wonderful! Now, time for seriousness, what brought you three here all the sudden?" She asked.

Leo explained what had happened to us and the town, her eyes widened at the parents part. Tears that were shining like crystals formed in her eyes, she hugged all of us "I'm so sorry." She said "Where's Layla, Adelaide?" I asked softly "She went to the guest room when you got here, she's didn't answer me." She said and I went to check on her, Layla was sitting in bed with a pillow clutched to her chest "Layla..." I said and her eyes moved to see me, she was sad and scared. "Listen to me, Layla... I'll find whoever did this to us and make her pay for it. You need to stay here and be safe with your auntie, okay?" I asked and she fell into my arms, I hugged her as she bawled and yelled. Soon she had fallen asleep, I saw Adelaide with Leo. "She's asleep." I said and Leo turned to me, his ivy green eyes shining slightly. "Adelaide said you could stay here too, Gemma." He said and I looked down "I can't." I said "Why not? I'll go find the person and make them pay for their crimes against humanity." Leo said boldly.

"I'm going because I promised my mother to avenge her, I watched my own mother get murdered." I said and his eyes widened slightly. "What do we need to do next Gemma?" He asked "I have to go to the Shiba house, my mother told me to go there and I will understand." I said softly and he nodded. The Fairies appeared again and the landed on the shoulders of everyone "She thinks you're pretty!" A fairy would say as it floated around the room "Your mother isn't in our plane, Gemma. I'm so sorry." The fairy I named Rosie said softly, I smiled slightly as she landed on top of Leo's head. Usually ghosts that I saw would be different all the time, but Rosie had been there for as long as I was able to remember, she was a soft pink hue and she was always kind. "Humans are fragile, they break after traumatic situations. I killed myself and I'm paying for it in death, but one day, a little girl pointed right at me and named me Rosie, you gave a nameless ghost a purpose. I'm so sorry I was unable to keep you smiling." She said.

"Gemma?" Adelaide asked touching my cheek, my face went red at her touch "I'm fine!" I said loudly, she giggled and drew her hand back. "That's good." She said and Leo looked at me "You two rest up and I'll see you off in the morning." She said and left us in the living room with blankets, I looked at Leo. "I'm sorry all this happened, for some reason, I think that this all my fault." I whispered "It is that crazy psycho's fault, Gemma, not yours." Leo said as tears began to fall down my face, his eyes widened in shock "G-Gemma." He said and I hugged him tightly "I couldn't save them." I whispered and he brushed back my hair as he comforted me. "There was nothing you could've done to change what happened, but you saved me and Layla." He said softly and I looked up to see his smiling face, I stared into the pools of green. I woke up to see Adelaide with coffee and found Leo missing, I walked outside to see him putting his stuff back into the car. He saw me and froze  slightly as he stared at my hair intensely.

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