Take a chance

By sammyntina2017

50.8K 1.7K 129

Rory and Tristan are best friends. They made a plan to join the military. After Logan cheats she honors Tris... More

What hurts the most
What to do?
Tell him
The talk
Bon voyage party
Come back to me
Party it up
Checking in
Special Report
You saved us
Birthday party
I'll be here to talk
Move out
They're safe
Our heros
Time to go
Casualties and injuries
So much to do
Shanes house
New teammate
Parting Words
A Family Bond
A idea to heal
Feeling relaxed
Its time
Welcome to the world
What The?!?!
Welcome Home
Honor A Great Man
This Is Heaven
Shira at it again
Being friends again
Mission Details
A Tough Mission
Whos Hurt?
What Happened?
Its Not Over
In Distress
Somethings Wrong
It Ends Now
Not A chapter

Wont give up

1.4K 44 1
By sammyntina2017

Happy Valentine's Day everyone enjoy and write comments and vote

I sigh I just don't know what do to anymore.

" It's Logan" I say sadly. The guys look at me confused.

" What do you mean it's Logan?" Colin asks. I shake my head and take a deep breath.

" He just won't leave me alone still after all this time." I say with tears in my eyes.

" What do you mean?" Colin asks.

" What has he done love?" Finn asks cautiously.

" Remember how I told you that he kept trying to buy my forgiveness and try and talk to me?" I ask them.

"Yes" they both nodded in reply.

"He's still trying to be with me. He won't stop I have told him that it's over so many times. Damn it's been over for over 4 months now. I'm done with it" I say sighing out loud in frustration. The guys didn't know what to say.

" Oh god I hope he didn't find out my secret. His parents would go nuts. And try and force him to get back together with me" I say in a low whisper. I was panicking some.

" We know love" Finn says wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

" They already agreed not to announce me as a double heiress until I turn 35 or retire from the military." I say to them about the plan with the grandparents. We continue to talk and drink coffee. Around 1030 we left an Finn asked me if we could have lunch with his parents today. I told him of course. I get ready to go with Finn and to see his parents. He'll be here soon. I pull out my blue form fitting sundress. I curl my hair and apply some make up. Just as I'm gathering my things there's a knock on the door.

" Hello love" he says as he bends down and gives me a sweet soft kiss.

" Hi Finny" I smile at him. He walks me to the car and we make our way to the restaurant to meet his parents. We arrive just as his parents walk up.

" Mum, dad how are you?" Finn asks them. He gave his mum a hug and kiss and his dad a handshake.

" We're good how are you two?" Finn's mum asked. They gave me hugs and Finn's Dad gave me a kiss on the cheek. I look over at Finn and smile.

"We're good" I reply. We get seated at our table and order our drinks and food.

"So Rory when do you have to report?" Finnegan asks me as he took a drink of his whisky.

" Tristan and I report in like a month and a half" I say proudly.

"It's a brave thing that your doing and very honorable too" Amelia says proudly.

" Thank you and I also wanted to thank you for what your doing for Finn, letting him be near me while I do this." I say shyly.

"Rory it's our honor to do this for you both. He wants to be with you and this is the best fit for both of you." Finnegan says.

" Thanks Dad I really appreciate it" Finn tells him.

" So how does Logan feel about you two dating?" Amelia asks as they sit there eating their meals. Finn and I exchanged looks.

" What's with the look?" Finnegan asked with a eyebrow raised.

" Well Logan doesn't know" Finn says.

" He doesn't?" Amelia asked shocked.

" Has Finn told you why Logan and I broke up?" I ask them. They both shook their heads no.

" Well Logan cheated on me with one of my closest friends Olivia. Since then he hasn't left me alone." I say.

" What do you mean he won't leave you alone?" Finnegan asks with worry.

" Mum, Dad Logan has been calling writing letters and leaving her things, he's practically stalking her. He won't leave her alone. When Colin and I were moving out of the dorm and going away he assumed he was going with us." Finn says anger lacing his voice.

" Well son I'm glad you'll be close by if he tries anything stupid" Finnegan says smiling fondly at me.

" I'm just worried if him or his family find out my secret." I say.

" What secret is that my dear?" Amelia asked. I look up at her.

" You already know. You know how I'm not only a Gilmore" I say.

" Very true. I don't think they know we would have heard by now" Finnegan says. My phone rings and look at the caller id.

" Excuse me I have to take this" I say and walk out of the restaurant. Before I can answer someone taps me on the shoulder.

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