Take a chance

By sammyntina2017

50.8K 1.7K 129

Rory and Tristan are best friends. They made a plan to join the military. After Logan cheats she honors Tris... More

What to do?
Tell him
The talk
Wont give up
Bon voyage party
Come back to me
Party it up
Checking in
Special Report
You saved us
Birthday party
I'll be here to talk
Move out
They're safe
Our heros
Time to go
Casualties and injuries
So much to do
Shanes house
New teammate
Parting Words
A Family Bond
A idea to heal
Feeling relaxed
Its time
Welcome to the world
What The?!?!
Welcome Home
Honor A Great Man
This Is Heaven
Shira at it again
Being friends again
Mission Details
A Tough Mission
Whos Hurt?
What Happened?
Its Not Over
In Distress
Somethings Wrong
It Ends Now
Not A chapter

What hurts the most

3.2K 58 11
By sammyntina2017

Rory met Logan, Colin, and Finn her summer before she went to Yale, they became fast friends. The 3 amigos were travelling while Rory was doing the same thing with Tristan and Paris. When Yale started Logan asked Rory to become his girlfriend, Colin and Finn loved Rory like a sister. Right after their winter break their second year at Yale Logan did something that was so unforgivable and in doing so he broke her trust. Rory is currently 19.
Tristan and Rory both want to be lawyers but have also talked about joining the military together.

Rory's POV.

I wake up early so I can go and talk to my grandparents, I have already talked to Tristan last night and we're all set to go on our side of things. I leave my penthouse apartment and head towards Hartford, I pull into their driveway and walk to the door and ring the door bell. My Grandma Francine answers the door.

" Rory darling what are you doing here?" Grandma Francine asks me concerned

" I need to talk to you and grandpa it's important." I say sweetly. She leads me to the living room calling my grandpa to join us.

" Morning princess." Grandpa Strobe says. I stand and give him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

" I need to ask you a favor grandpa" I say hesitantly

" What is it?" Grandpa Strobe asks.

" Is there any way you can pull strings where I can graduate Yale without being there?" I ask nervously.

" Of course, but can I ask why?" Grandpa Strobe asks.

" I've been thinking a lot lately and Tristan and I have talked about joining the military to honor his uncle who was like family to me also. Plus I need to get off campus and away from a certain guy I don't want to be with anymore." I say.

"Logan?" Grandma Francine asks with a eyebrow raised.

" Yeah he cheated on me with a really good friend of mine and I caught him, but grandpa you know how I've felt the last two years about joining the military." I say

" I know sweetheart, your trained in hand to hand combat and MMA after all. I'll make some calls and let you know what I can do." Grandpa Strobe says

" Have you signed up yet? If so when do you leave?" Grandma Francine asks

" They have us on our way in less than two months giving us time so we can settle our affairs here first. We enlisted last night together and thank you grandpa." I say happily, I give them hugs and make my way back to my penthouse. When I go to unlock my door my phone rings

" Hey mom" I say.

" Kiddo, how are you? Did you do it?" Mom asks impatiently.

" Yes, we did it last night and we're leaving in less than two months and grandpa is going to handle Yale for me." I say. Before my mom can respond someone knocked on the door, I open the door to see Finn standing there waiting for me.

" Mom, I'll call you back Finn just knocked on my door" I say.

" You gonna tell him?" She whispers.

" Yeah" that's all I could say as I hung up the phone.

" Hey Finn" I say

" Hey love" he says happily just watching me.

" Finn can we go get some coffee? I have to talk to you about something" I say nervously.

" Sure" he says. We make our way to a coffee cart and head to a area where it's less crowded and talk.

" Oh Finn, I'm gonna miss you most of all." I say with tears running down my cheeks.

" Love, what are you talking about?" Finn says worriedly

" This is my last year here at Yale" I say looking him in the eyes

" Why?" He ask dumb founded.

" I need a clean break from here. Away from Logan, he won't get that I won't come back to him. I know you know that he cheated on me but not who he cheated on me with. I want to be a lawyer with Tristan but we also want to join the military and as of last night we did." I say.

" Oh love. When do you leave? Who did he cheat on you with? And I didn't know he was harassing you still?" Finn states hugging me with tears in his eyes.

" It was Olivia and we leave in less than two months. We've got time to settle stuff here and they are good with it."I say sadly and happy at once. He pulls me in tighter.

" I'll always be here for you love, you know that. Why don't you go home and get ready, I'm taking you out tonight" Finn says with a big grin on his face but I can see the sadness hidden in the depths of his brilliant blue eyes.

"Ok" I say as I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and walk back to my dorm.

Finn's POV

I have been walking around Yale and New Haven for an hour now. She's leaving and joined the military, I respect her for her courage but I'm going to miss her. I don't want to lose her, I'm in love with her, I have been in love with her for some time now. I was so pissed at Logan when I found out what he did to her, but to do it with her friend is even worse. How can you do that with someone you say you care about? I just don't get it. I need some advise and I know the only people who will be able to help me. I pull out my phone and dial and wait for someone to pick up

" Hello" the mysterious woman says

" Mom, can you and Dad go in his office and put me on speaker?" I ask. Hopeful they will help me with some advice, I know what I want but I need their support to do this. I want to be with her, but I need their help so I can be near her and there for her.

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