Forever And Always// Tyler Jo...

By OhMyJosh_TayTayAndTy

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"You and I are forever and always, my love." //sequel to buttercup More

new story!!


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By OhMyJosh_TayTayAndTy

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•Y/n's POV•

I parked my car in my parents driveway, and opened the door to get out. I looked over to Tyler's house, noticing that Tyler's black car had just pulled in. He got out, shut the door, and looked over in my direction. Our eyes met for a second, so I quickly looked away and began walking to the front door. I didn't want to think about him, let alone see him. But he was the only thing I was thinking about the entire week. And to be completely honest, he was constantly in my thoughts all of the time. Not a moment goes by where I'm not thinking about him.

I knocked on the door, patiently waiting for one of my parents to open it. I was soon welcomed with my mom opening the door, and she gave me a quick hug as I walked inside.

I noticed my dad sitting on the couch, and my mom going over to sit next to him. I sat on the other side of my mom, staring down at the floor.

"Honey, do you want to talk to us about it?" My mom asked in a comforting voice, looking over to me. I didn't, but I did want to talk about it at the same time. Talking about him made me burst into tears, but holding all of this inside felt even worse. I decided I would tell them how I felt.

"I... I just..." I started, tears starting to form in my eyes. "I love him," I sniffed, looking over at the both of them. "And I'm just mad. He's supposed to be my best friend."

"Well, of course," My dad said in a caring voice. "There's no doubt you love him. You've been best friends since you were six. That's why I don't think he ever stopped loving you."

That was the thing. I didn't think he ever loved me. All of this time, it was just one big lie.

You know that's not true, I kept repeating to myself. He wouldn't do that. He has to still love you.

Part of me knew that it was true, but the irrational part of me didn't want to believe it. The irrational side of me wouldn't listen to him, causing me to ignore all of his calls.

"Sweetie, you know that, right? He still loves you," my mom added consolingly.

"But he loves her more. I should have listened to you when you told me it wasn't smart to get back together with him," I said softly, tears dripping down my cheeks.

"It's in the past," My mom told me, rubbing her hand up and down my back to calm me down.

I had to forget about Tyler.


•Tyler's POV•

I had to find a way to fix this. Y/n wouldn't talk to me at all, and it was tearing me apart. When I had gotten out of the car and our eyes met, I had to fight the urge to just run up to her and kiss her right there. But she looked away in dismay, and walked off.

I need someone to help me, so I decided to text Mackenzie.

Tyler: Hey, are you home? I need to talk to you

Mackenzie: Why?

Tyler: It's about Y/n. Please

Mackenzie: Fine, come over whenever

Tyler: I'll be there in a few

I quickly got up and ran down the stairs, and then grabbed my keys that were on the counter. I opened the front door and shut it behind me, and began walking towards my car. I started it, and then drove to the apartment.

Once I had arrived at the apartment complex, I parked the car and quickly got out, running up the staircase. I knocked on the door, patiently waiting for Mackenzie to open it.

Eventually she did, and she stepped aside so that I could walk inside.

"So what do you want?" She asked me, raising an eyebrow. I assumed Y/n already told her all about what had happened, but she obviously had no idea what really happened.

"Everything that happened isn't what you think. I tried to tell Y/n, but she won't talk to me. She hates me now," I told her, rubbing my eyes in frustration.

"She doesn't hate you," Mackenzie stated, walking towards the couch and taking a seat. Mackenzie patted the spot next to her, I walked over and sat beside her. "She really loves you."

"Even after all that?"

"Of course."

"Look," I started, "She doesn't know what really happened. Since she won't listen to me, I have to tell you," I told her, and she nodded in response.

"Go on," she said.

"So first of all, the whole kiss thing. I asked Jasmine to come so she could help. I trusted her. But the second Y/n walked in, Jasmine pulled me in and kissed me. I promise, I didn't mean for it to happen. She was just trying hurt Y/n," I explained, my voice sounding quiet and nervous. I wanted her to believe me. She had to believe me. Mackenzie nodded understandingly.

"And earlier today, I went to Jasmine's apartment so I could talk to her. I asked her to fix this, and just tell Y/n what she did. She told me she'd call her and tell her. I was so stupid. I shouldn't have trusted her. When I heard what she was saying on the phone, I tried to stop her, but she ran off and locked herself in another room," I said, sighing afterwards. "I know Y/n is mad, and I know she's not going to believe me just like that. Her parents probably convinced her to forget about me."

"Well, I believe you, Tyler. I know you wouldn't hurt her. The whole thing didn't sound right to me, but now it makes sense," she stated, smiling a bit.

"Thanks Mack," I responded, returning a smile. "I miss her more than anything. I just want things to go back to normal. And I don't mean before this happened... I mean before she left for college. When we could be together."

"So, how are we gonna get Y/n to believe you?" She asked, listening to see if I had any ideas.

I actually did have an idea. When I left Jasmine's house, all I could think about was a way to get Y/n to realize what actually happened. I knew I wouldn't be able to just tell her. She didn't want to see me at all, and especially after talking to her parents, I doubted she would believe me.

"Okay, I was thinking of getting Jasmine to admit it herself. For example, I go with her to the coffee shop so I could talk to her. You and Josh can convince Y/n to go, and she can hide somewhere while she listens to us. Obviously, Jasmine won't know you guys are there," I explained, hoping the plan was good enough. Mackenzie's eyes brightened, and she smiled at me.

"Yeah, that's good!" She exclaimed. "Since when are you so scandalous, Tyler?" She laughed.

"Whatever," I laughed to myself, rolling my eyes jokingly.

Things could finally go back to normal.

A/n: Is this book still interesting? I'm gonna finish it, but idk. I feel like it might be getting boring

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