•Y/n's POV•

When Tyler and I arrived home, we delivered the news of our engagement immediately. Both of our families were ecstatic. We were attacked by many hugs and kisses from both of our parents. Of course, his siblings were excited too.

They told me that I've always been like a sister to them anyway, and I could say the same for them. I've known his siblings for most of my life, and when we were younger, I'd see them almost everyday. Zack teased me like a brother would, and Maddy knew me like a sister. Jay was younger, but we still talked, and when he was younger, I played with him as if he was my little brother. They were truly like a second family to me.

However, Tyler was different. I trusted him like a brother, but hung out with him everyday like a best friend. He was someone who I loved more than I could describe. I couldn't exactly find the words for it. Maybe Tyler could.

The day we announced our engagement was a few months ago, though. Today Tyler and Josh were having a show. Not with just a few people in the coffee shop, and not just a little over a hundred people in a small venue- but over a thousand people this time. The both of them have achieved a lot in the past year, and more people were noticing them.

I was waiting in Tyler's dressing room with Mackenzie because he and Josh had soundcheck. We were out there with them before, but we got bored, so we decided to hide back here. They had to have been setting up for at least two hours already, and I was getting extremely impatient. I was excited to see them perform in front of a ton of people.

Eventually, the door opened, and I looked up from my phone to see Tyler stepping inside of the room, taking his black beanie off of his head and throwing it onto the dresser.

"Welcome back," I greeted.

"What are you doing in my dressing room?" He smirked, walking over to the pile of clothes he had on the other side of the couch. He looked through them until he found the black tank top and black pants he always wore to perform.

"You guys were taking forever. We got bored," Mackenzie remarked.

"Guess that makes sense." He pulled the shirt he was wearing over his head, tossing it towards me. I gasped as it hit me in the face. I tried to give him my best angry face, and then threw it back at him. It barely hit his chest. He silently laughed at me, and then pulled the black tank top over his head.

"Are you nervous?" Mackenzie asked. I looked up to Tyler, awaiting his response. Surely he had to be just a little scared. I mean, I know I would be.

"I'm nervous before every show," he told her, sitting on the couch right between us. "I want everyone watching to enjoy themselves, and I fear that I'll let them down."

"You won't let them down," I assured him, bringing my hand to his. Our fingers intertwined, and I squeezed his hand, but not too tightly. "You don't let anyone down."

Tyler looked over to me, his soft brown eyes meeting mine.

"Thanks," he said quietly, a small smile on his face. He leaned in, placing a kiss to my cheek.


Tyler and Josh were finally performing now, after an infinite wait for it to start. Tyler was running around the stage, singing and screaming his lyrics. Everyone was singing along, including me and Mackenzie.

The next song Tyler was going to sing was his cover of 'Can't Help Falling In Love,' something that he usually sang at every show. I always enjoyed watching it because it would remind me of the times when Tyler would sing to me in his bedroom, back when we were teenagers.

A few years ago, I would have been saying that I missed those times. When things were normal between us. Maybe even easier. But now, I was happy to say that I didn't want things to go back to the way they were when we were younger. I still treasured those memories, but now, Tyler and I were making new memories.

Tyler was strumming his ukulele as he stood in front of the microphone. When he sang, everyone else sang along, including me. It was more of a calming performance.

Even though I was sitting higher up, I felt like I could see Tyler look towards me. I was sitting right in the middle, and he already knew where I was, so it wouldn't have been hard for him to spot me.

I saw him pucker his lips and then bring his hand to his mouth. He blew me a kiss. I giggled as I watched him do it about four more times, and I blew him one back. People in the crowd noticed, so some them began to 'awe' while others cheered loudly.

"That's so cute," Mackenzie stated, turning towards me with a smile. I giggled, looking back over at the stage, watching my fiancé perform.

A/n: next chapter is the last one :)

Forever And Always// Tyler Joseph X Reader [Sequel to buttercup]Where stories live. Discover now