Thick thighs {Completed}

By Misguided_Angel843

618K 24.8K 7.7K

If you didn't know before know now that thick thighs drive the boys wild. Kayla didn't quite understand that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author Announcement!

Chapter 28

16.4K 743 381
By Misguided_Angel843



"Seriously man," I chuckled. "Y'all really plotting against this girl?"

"Damn right," Jules said. "Tia sexy as fuck. Like the naughty librarian in pornos bro."

"Nigga," I laughed. He shrugged before going off to take a phone call. Jules is in the process of opening his own barbershop. He's saved up plenty for it. "You good?" I asked Shawn.

"I'm straight," he shrugged. I narrowed my eyes at him. "You think it's too soon for me and April to move in together?"

"Nope. Y'all been cooling it for a while. Why?"

"I asked April to move with me to San Francisco since that's where I'll be permanently. But she's been back stepping from me and now we're at a crossroad in our relationship."

"Well that is a big step. Not only are you asking her to live with you but you're asking her to move her entire life to be with you. That's a scary thing you know."

"Yeah but I ain't been nothing but honest and loyal to her since we met. I told her numerous times we're forever whether she likes it or not. I'm a man of my word. I really see myself with April and I want to go to San Francisco but not without her. It's hard enough now just dating. She's busy, I'm busy, and we can barely talk as is."

"Well don't push her just because you miss her. Let her get her head right."

"I can't believe you're telling me to wait," he chuckled. "If I remember correctly you wanted to propose to Kayla a month in. Like father like son. Ole weird asses."

I laughed. "Yeah but I settled for after graduation so I'm learning to be patient myself.

"What if she says no?"

"No is not an option." He laughed because I was serious as hell. If Kayla says no to my proposal we're going to have to square up. "They should be arriving soon." We were currently waiting at the plane. It's refueling since we moved the takeoff area to California. Kayla, April, and Tia should be landing soon to hop on the plane here to Hawaii. Since there was a good bit of us we decided to fly privately.

"They know about the uninvited guests?"

"Nope." I don't know how, but Steven and Victor got wind of our little getaway trip and now they're flying out with their wives, sons, future daughter-in-laws, Stephanie, and for whatever reason Edna. My parents are busy so they won't be able to make it. So you know shit is going to be real this trip. Essence can't come because her spring break was before ours and she's in school that week. She's still whining about that.

"Don't you think you should tell them?"

"Won't make a difference. They're coming regardless if we want them to or not. We shouldn't let them worry us because I don't know about you, but me and my baby are going to have fun regardless."

"Andre!" Speaking of the devil. Kayla, Tia, and April all came our way with a bunch of bags in tow. Why the hell they packed like we're going on a three month expedition?

"Hey short stuff." I held my arms out and she ran right into them. I chuckled. She always acts like this when we haven't seen each other in a while. It's funny as fuck to me especially when we get closer to seeing each other. She be so damn miserable and when I get ready to leave she's always close to tears saying she doesn't want me to go. It takes a lot to get her to finally let me go and even then she'll pretend to have an attitude. "Who the hell going to carry all these damn bags you got?" I raised my brow to her.

"You," she smiled innocently. This damn midget. "How long before we leave?"

"We've been here a few hours so it shouldn't be long now."

"How the hell did y'all even beat us here?" Tia asked.

"Well, when you fly privately you don't have to worry about baggage claim, delays and all that. Didn't have to go through security or anything."

"Fuckin rich people," she mumbled.

"You can fuck this rich person though," Jules said being as childish as always.

"JuJu!" Kayla yelled.

"Kay-Kay!" he yelled back.

"Man shut up," April muttered miserably. She looked tired and sick.

"Not our fault you got air sick," Tia teased. "And I'm not fuckin you nigga."

"We'll see," he smirked. We stood around talking for a bit, getting our plans together for this trip.

"Oh Andreeeeee!"

"Who the hell?" I turned looking to see who the hell was calling my name out like that. I groaned when I saw it was Stephanie. I had to do a double take to make sure it was her since she was wearing some really short shorts that had half her ass hanging out and a shirt so small you could mistake it for a bra. She was wearing six inch heels and some big ass hoop earrings.

"Where the fuck is she going? Hoochie Mama Island?" April muttered. Shawn was rubbing her back to help her feel better or some shit.

"I spy camel toe," Jules giggled. This man is way too childish for his age.

"The fuck you want Shaquetta?" I asked.

"I'm Stephanie," she said looking confused.

"Nah. Stephanie an uptight girl. Who I'm seeing is every no good hood nigga baby momma."

"Oh you mean this?" she motioned to her outfit of choice. "I did some research and found out you were poor before and lived in the 'hood'." Why did she use air quotes around hood? "And I researched what attire and females guys from the 'hood' would like and this is what I came up with. What do you think?" We were all quiet.

"Are you...are you serious?" Tia asked. "She can't be serious right?"

"Does it look like I'm anything but serious?" Stephanie glared at her. "In all the hood movies this is the girl that guys find most attractive."

"I feel like my IQ just went down," Kayla mumbled.

"Whatever, I didn't come here for you peasants."

"Why are you here?" Kayla asked.

"Oh didn't Andre tell you?" she smirked. "We're going to Hawaii as well."


"Yes. Chris, Josh, my sister, that hobo Chris has to marry and their parents. Even Mrs. Edna decided to tag along. Even my daddy is coming. They should be there as we speak."

"And why aren't you?" Kayla asked in a bored tone leaning into my chest. I took the opportunity to feel up her thighs, which Stephanie obviously didn't like.

"Obviously it's because I wanted to ride with MY future husband."

"Who's that?" Kayla asked while looking around. "The pilot? Because that's the only man on this plane that isn't either taken or in the process of being taken."

"Who's in the process of being taken?" Tia whispered loudly.

"You'll see," Jules smirked.

"You might as well give up Kayla. This deal is above you. You wouldn't understand how any of this works. That's why I was picked above a slew of other girls to marry Andre."

"Is that why Greg has been offering me piece of his firm in order to take your place?"

"Ooh," April said sipping on her drink. Where the hell did she get something to drink? Even the flight attendant was out here eating some peanuts watching them go down.

"As if!" She yelled. "He's obviously screwing with you since you went ahead and screw with their lives! My mother was fine until you came along!"

"First of all, I'm not even two feet from you so there's no need to yell boo. Secondly, I had nothing to do with your mom wanting to divorce that douchebag you call a father. She's a grown woman. I guess she saw he wasn't what she wanted after showing what's important to him."

"You're just jealous daddy doesn't love a fat black bitch like you."


Kayla held her hand up to stop me from saying anything. "Your father may not have loved this fat black bitch but he loved him some thick dark chocolate 23 years ago. I've gotten over him and you. I don't care what he does with his life nor do I give a single fuck about his marriage. Miss Lydia made that decision herself and I applaud her for leaving that scum bastard. She learned he will never love anything more than his image and money. You need to get with the program as well."

"You peasant whore!" Stephanie stomped her way towards us but I guess she lost her balance in the heels and started falling. "Ah! Andre! Help me!" I stepped to the side making her hit the ground.

"Oh shit," Jules busted out laughing. "Y'all see her ankles buckle? Looked like that model that couldn't walk in them heels on the runway. Ole newly born Bambi ass nigga."

"Andre why didn't you help me?" she cried holding her face. "I'm your wife."

"In what delusion? Stephanie, you seriously need to get it through your head I will, not now nor ever want you. You're just making yourself look stupid."


"What's going on out here?" We turned to the pilot looking confused. "Amery, I told you to tell them to start boarding."

"Damn captain," she grumbled. "I'm out here enjoying some good ass tea and you had to ruin it."

"What tea?" he came out and sat on the step. "We got time. Continue."

"Nigga," I sighed. "I ain't got time for the petty squad. Let's get on this damn plane already."

"A-Andre!" Stephanie got up to follow.

"Bitch get his name out your damn mouth before I make you swallow all those big ass teeth you got!" April snapped. "Voice aggy as fuck and out here screaming after somebody else man. Andre, Andre," she copied.

"But I need a ride."

"Bitch call an Uber. You think this the Hoe Airlines?" Tia glared at her. "So damn desperate for someone who clearly doesn't want you."

"I honestly don't know where you even got the idea that I would just let you on my plane," I said. "I don't even want you around me and you think Imma trap myself in a confined space with you for hours? Yeah that's not happening."

"How am I supposed to get to Hawaii?"

"Drink a red bull," Kayla said pulling me on the plane. "That bitch is getting on my damn nerves. And now I have to deal with all of them again?!"

"Don't even worry about it babe," I said leading her to her seat.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Tia asked. "Nobody wants to be around the delusion force for seven days. Could've stayed my ass on campus or something."

"Exactly," April glared. "I wanted to relax not go to jail for fucking some rich kids up."

"Because I wasn't worried about them," I shrugged. "Yeah they'll be in Hawaii but they won't be around us. Y'all forgot the different islands? When I got wind they were booking the hotels we were at I booked us on another island in a private house. I didn't cancel the rooms until last night when all the other places near us were book solid. So even if they do find us or try to move, they can't."

"Oh. That's smart," Tia said. "Fuckin rich people," she mumbled. I laughed at her. Tia is something else.


I know Andre said not to worry about it but I just couldn't stop. I have an extremely bad feeling some shit is going to go down this week. I want to be reassured that nothing will happen. I almost wanted to just cancel the trip but I always wanted to go to Hawaii.

"Aye," Andre tapped my face. He was sitting across from me. Everyone had their own little section. We've already taken off so we're all just cruising through the air. "You good?"

"Yeah," I lied.

"Don't lie to me Kayla," he glared at me. "You know I hate that shit. You was just hyped earlier and now all you can do is look out the damn window."

"I'm just tired," I slightly rolled my eyes. "This is my second plane ride of the day."

"Who the hell you getting smart with Kayla?" I ignored him. "Oh so your small ass got an attitude and you wanna ignore people huh? Bet." Out of my peripheral I saw him get up out of his seat but paid it no mind. I was watching the sea as we soared high above it. It was really pretty and I admit, it made me feel a bit more at peace. Hard to believe I was afraid of planes not so long ago.

"Ah!" I squealed when Andre picked me up. I don't know how he snuck off my seat belt but he did it quickly and without being noticed. "Put me down Andre!"

"We'll be back," he said heading for the back of the plane. He opened a door and quickly brought us into it. It was a spacious little restroom that could fit the both of us.

"Leave me alone Deandre," I said through gritted teeth.

He smirked. "Oh so I'm Deandre now huh? You must be really mad."

"Look, I was fine until you dragged me in here. Let me go-"

"Turn around," he said.


"You got all this damn attitude so Imma fuck it right out of you," he said unzipping his pants.

My eyes grew wide. "What?! Hell no! Not on these people plane!"

"Negro this my damn plane." He started hitching up my skirt while I tried pushing him off. He magically placed a conveniently place condom on and picked me up. He then ripped my panties off.

"Andre! Sto-ah!" I gasped when he slid inside of me. I tried fighting it but eventually just gave up to the pleasure. I moaned as he began hitting all the right spots. He tried kissing me to make me quiet but it was no use. I was feeling it all and it all felt so damn good. He used his thumb to rub my clit furiously causing multiple orgasms before setting me down. I felt so limp. "Damn," I sighed leaning on him for support.

"You good now?" he chuckled. I nodded numbly. "Now tell me what's eating you."

"Give me a moment. I think you fucked my thoughts out of commission." He laughed while I was completely serious. I couldn't get anything in my head straight. "Okay," I said leaning off of him and on the wall. "I was kind of upset you didn't tell me they were coming."

"Yeah. And I also said I changed our destination so it wouldn't bother you."

"Yeah I know. But I have a bad feeling you know? She won't give up and with Greg now there I won't have any peace."

"You'll have peace baby. Don't worry about it alright? Don't worry about anyone else. We're going to have the time of our lives. This is YOUR trip. Got it?"

"Yeah." He kissed me softly and then smacked my ass. "Ouch!" I whined. "That hurt because I don't have any panties!" I hit him.

He smirked. "And now you got to go commando the whole plane ride. That's your punishment babe."

"Man," I pouted. "I'm going to smell like sex." He chuckled before cleaning me up. Once we were both presentable we stepped out of the bathroom. Everyone was looking at us when we stepped back in. "What?" I said feeling the blush creep up on me.

"Y'all niggas nasty," Jules said causing everyone to laugh. "I knew I should've told the damn pilot to just make the plane dip. Bet your asses wouldn't have been fuckin then."

"And I would've thrown your ass off the damn plane," Andre laughed.

"Looks like you two are newly appointed mile high club members," Tia teased. "Girl was it good?"

"Wanna find out?" Jules wiggled his eyebrows. "You know you want to try."

"Nope," she glared at him.But after some exchange of words they both got up and went to the bathroom. Andthey called us nasty. But Andre was petty and told the pilot to dip the plane abit and all you heard was those two screaming. I had to admit, it was funny ashell.    

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