One For All

By ScottT30

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When the lives of five different guys are intertwined leading them down a path where their wildest dreams com... More

One For All
Chapter One: Aiden
Chapter Two: Noah
Chapter Three: Owen
Chapter Four: Mason
Chapter Five: Declan
Chapter Six: Noah's Shame
Chapter Seven: Aiden's Misfortune
Chapter Eight: Declan's Depression
Chapter Nine: Owen's Mistake
Chapter Ten: Mason's Friends
Chapter Eleven: Darren Masterson
Chapter Twelve: Owen's Audition
Chapter Thirteen: Noah's Audition
Chapter Fourteen: Mason's Audition
Chapter Fifteen: Declan's Audition
Chapter Sixteen: Aiden's Audition
Chapter Seventeen: Ch-ch-changes
Chapter Eighteen: Individuality
Chapter Nineteen: Dance-Ability
Chapter Twenty: Disneyfied
Chapter Twenty-One: Vulnerability
Chapter Twenty-Two: Benjamin
Chapter Twenty-Three: Heart Palpitations
Chapter Twenty-Four: Freedom
On Hiatus
Chapter Twenty-Five: Youth
Chapter Twenty-Six: Generosity
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Standing Out
Author's Long Note
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Darren's Redemption
Chapter Thirty: ...And One For All
Talking About Part 3
Talking About Part 3...Again

Chapter Twenty-Nine: All For One...

108 11 6
By ScottT30

Chapter Twenty-Nine: All For One…


            “Ah, ah, ah...” they all joined in as Noah began strumming the notes on the guitar.

            “Hey baby, won’t you look my way? I could be your new addiction…” Mason sang.

            “Hey baby, what you gotta say? All you’re giving me is fiction,” Aiden sang.

            “I’m a sorry sucker and this happens all the time,” Declan sang out to the audience and winked at a couple of the girls staring at him.

            “I found out that everybody talks, everybody talks, everybody talks,” Owen and Noah harmonized together.

            “It started with a whisper and that was when I kissed her,” Declan and Mason sang at the same time.

            “And then she made my lips hurt, I can hear the chit chat. Take me to your love shack,” Aiden sang. They continued singing and alternating and harmonizing for most of the song.

            “It started with a whisper,” Declan and Mason sang together at the same time that the other boys sang their parts.

            “Everybody talks back!” they sang and the whole diner erupted into an applause. It was no grand arena but Mason was pleasantly happy with them singing at Owen’s parents’ diner.

            Coming back home had been such a surreal experience. Everything seemed to have changed and yet nothing really had. Of course all five of them had been disappointed at having lost the competition but becoming a band had given them new life and new hopes with new dreams. Mason was excited and even coming back and knowing that Madison would not be around was not enough to bring him down completely. He was on cloud nine when he thought about the fact that he was in a band with his friends.

            “Thanks for coming everybody! We’re One For All!” he spoke grinning into the microphone and more cheers were heard. They’d become celebrities in their own town and they performed every other day and on Fridays and Saturdays at the diner. It was turning out to be a great end of to the summer.

            “That was great boys!” Owen’s dad congratulated them all and Mason was grateful to him for letting them perform. Mason watched as his friends all seemed to melt into the crowd of people wanting to talk to them. It really seemed like everything had fallen into place. Noah’s parents hadn’t bothered to show up in town. Benjamin and Noah lived with Aiden and his mom. The diner was prospering so Owen’s parents ended up giving Aiden’s mom a raise and they even paid the boys for the times they performed. Declan had seemed genuinely happy lately. It really was all good. Or as good as things could get. But senior year was around the corner for them and summer was close to the end. He couldn’t help but think about how he would miss summer, this summer in particular because for a while it had seemed as if anything was possible. But with the competition over and when they went back to school it seemed like the magic would end.

            “What’s up?” Declan asked Mason. Mason hadn’t realized how he’d been staring off into space. He shrugged and looked at Declan trying to see if he could find any pain in Declan’s eyes. But his friend really did seem fine for the time being.

            “Just thinking about how we’ll have to go back to school in no time. It’ll be so weird without…Madison,” he admitted. Declan nodded.

            “Yeah I know what you mean. Wyatt and Avery won’t be there either. Everything is different. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing right?” Declan asked and Mason smiled.

            “I agree,” he whispered.

            “Have you tried finding out where she moved to?” Declan asked and Mason knew he meant Madison. He sighed.

            “I’ve tried but so far it’s been a dead end. It’s like her and her parents really wanted to disappear off the face of the earth. Even Owen’s mom doesn’t know where they went and she was best friends with Madison’s mom. So I don’t know what to think.”

            “And you have no clue as to why she’d want to leave?” Declan asked looking determined to figure it all out. Mason couldn’t help but smile at his friend.

            “Nope. I’m clueless as to what would make her want to leave.”

            “We’ll find her,” Declan urged and Mason shrugged.

            “Why do you ask?”

            “Umm…well see the thing is…I kind of wrote a song…”

            “A song about Madison?”

            “Sort of. It’s called We’ll Meet Again and it’s more of a ballad singing about how paths may intertwine and separate but if it’s meant to be the paths will cross again and we’ll meet again…”

            “Wow. Can I see this?” Mason asked feeling somewhat excited to see what Declan had written. Declan still refused to show them any of the songs he’d written but it was worth a shot. Declan looked at him thoughtfully.

            “I’ve been thinking about that actually. I’ve always liked writing songs. But now that we’re a band we should work on original stuff and I mean I have some stuff but we should all collaborate on things ya know?” Declan asked and Mason nodded.

            “I completely agree. So does this mean you’re finally ready to show us what’s going on?”

            “I guess it does,” Declan grinned.

            “Declan?” a quiet voice asked. Mason and Declan both turned in the direction of the voice. A pretty blonde girl stood staring at Declan like he was the only person in the world.

            “Yeah?” Declan asked so oblivious that Mason couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

            “Aiden’s calling me,” he mumbled and smiled warmly at the girl who smiled back.

            “Me name’s, uh I mean I’m Grace,” Mason heard the girl say before walking away…

            “Grace?” Declan asked staring at the girl standing before him. His heart skipped a beat as he remembered the conversation. “Grace as in the one that helped me?” he asked quietly and she blushed.

            “Another Chance hotline, how may I help?” a girl’s voice answered.

            “Hello?” he croaked.

            “Yes, this is Grace, would you like to talk?” she asked.

            “H-hi, my name is Declan. I don’t know what to do,” he whispered into the phone.

            “What happened?” she asked and worry seemed to seep through her voice and somehow that comforted Declan. Someone at least acted like they cared about him.

            “M-my grandpa passed away, and since then things just seem to suck, and I made him a promise to take a chance on something, but I failed,” he whispered.

            “I-I don’t really think I helped much, but yes that Grace,” she said and Declan felt a rush of emotions hit him. Without even thinking about it he took a step towards her and grabbed her face and planted a kiss on her. She kissed him back almost immediately and he suddenly didn’t care who was watching. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she whispered before pulling him in for another kiss.

            “You have such a way with words,” he teased. “I didn’t think you were the kind of girl that gets shy and nervous,” he admitted and she shook her head looking disappointed.

            “I’m not,” she said. “But you’re sorta famous and I live a pretty ordinary life. I didn’t realize how intimidating you were until I actually physically saw you standing in the same room as me,” she said and he smiled.

            “I live a pretty ordinary life too,” he half smiled and she rolled her eyes.

            “Shut up,” she said and punched his shoulder. He winced and she frowned. “I’m sorry!” she exclaimed and he couldn’t help but laugh at her.

            “I was kidding. As if you could hurt me,” he laughed and she shook her head.

            “What an ass,” she mumbled and he looked into her brown eyes. She was beautiful. Her blonde hair was wavy and encased her face making her seem younger than she probably was. She was shorter than him despite him remembering that she was older. He was going to start his senior year of high school and she must have just graduated.

            “Want to go for a walk?” he suggested and she nodded as they left the diner. Declan caught Mason’s eye who was grinning at him and giving him the thumbs up. As they stepped out of the diner he couldn’t help but feel happy. He was excited at the prospect of what could come in the future. He watched Grace as she looked out at the world and wondered what she was thinking about.

            “Can I kiss you again?” he blurted.

            “Can you buy me dinner first?” she replied and he rolled his eyes before she kissed him. He couldn’t believe that there was a girl who knew he’d been on the verge of suicide and she still wanted to talk to him. Deep within him, his constant companion began to awaken.

            She wants something from you. His inner, darker self spoke to him. He tried to push it away by complimenting her.

            “You’re really pretty,” he said and couldn’t help but blush. She blushed too.

            “I kept my promise,” she whispered referring to them promising to meet if he decided not to end his life and became famous. Although he hadn’t made it to actual fame there they were. He blushed thinking about how hard it had been to get there.

            “I told my parents. After the competition ended. I let them know that I was suicidal, that I’m depressed,” he remarked and remembered the conversation that had consisted of a lot of tears from his parents and sisters.

            “How’d they take it?”

            “They’re really supportive. They took me to seek help and I did. I’ve been getting it and I have pills I take.”

            But it’s not enough. You haven’t told anyone that it’s not enough.

            “Is it working?” she asked and he nodded not wanting to flat out lie. Because the truth was that it wasn’t completely enough.

            Pretending to be happy isn’t the same as actually being happy.

            “It seems to be,” he commented and they continued walking until they stopped at the little park across the street. They sat at a bench and looked at the people walking through town. Everyone was hurrying to their destinations, everyone seemed preoccupied with their stories and Declan couldn’t help but wonder about each and every person he saw. Was the lady that was rushing with her grocery bags in a rush to get home and cook dinner for her family? Did the elderly man have a wife at home as he sat by the café and drank his coffee?

            The afternoon was nice and cool as the sun was close to setting.

            “I-I watched every episode,” she began, breaking the silence and he nodded not knowing what to say. “I wasn’t sure if it was you at first but with every episode I was more and more sure that it was you. It had to be you. That night that we talked. I couldn’t sleep. All I could wonder was whether you’d lived or not. I didn’t know why I cared so much. I’d been trained not to get attached to people because it would lead to problems. I knew that. I know that. But with you for some reason I connected. And so I watched. And I saw your struggles and your friends. And I cried and I cheered. And I was scared that you wouldn’t win or that you’d have to compete against your friends and I could only imagine what that was doing to you. And I just really want to say…I’m happy you’re alive,” she spoke as her voice cracked at the end and looked at him through tearful eyes.

            “You’re crying,” he remarked and she tried to wipe her tears away but he grabbed her palms and put them down. He wiped the tears away with his own hands.

            “I rarely cry. And I think it’s stupid that you don’t know me but I’m crying for you,” she started.

            “I’d like to,” he whispered and she frowned. The way she looked at him even with her frown made his heart race. He was nervous. His depression wasn’t gone. It was far from over. But he’d felt better lately and he didn’t know how long it’d last but he wanted to get to know Grace before it all went to hell.

            “You’d like to what?” she asked.

            “I’d like to get to know you,” he said and meant it...

            “If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?” Noah asked Aiden as they were approaching Aiden’s house—their house. Noah and Benjamin lived with them now and it had immediately been more of a home than they had ever had. He would never be able to repay what his friends and their families had done for him and his brother. Instead of being ashamed of the way their lives had turned out to be they were encouraged to put it all behind them and put their best foot forward.

            “Uhh, I’d definitely go to Venice. Wait! No! I can’t swim, never mind. I’m gonna call it safe and say Hawaii.”

            “You do realize Hawaii is an island surrounded by a body of water right?” Noah asked and laughed as Aiden shook his head.

            “Shut up, I wasn’t thinking and isn’t it a chain of islands?” he mumbled and shoved Noah to the side as they got to the front porch of the house. Aiden opened the door as a loud booming laugh hit them. Noah didn’t recognize the laugh coming from the living room but he watched as Aiden’s body tensed up and they walked into the living room.

            Ben was sitting on the recliner staring at the TV while Aiden’s sisters were sitting on the floor looking at the man sitting in the middle of the coach. He had been laughing at something on TV and his eyes immediately fell on Aiden who was glaring at him.

            Noah didn’t have to guess who he was because unfortunately for Aiden he looked an awful lot like his father. Aiden’s father was tall and muscular with dark eyes and black hair that was slicked back. He wore a bunch of rings on both of his hands and his sunglasses sat atop his head. He smiled at Aiden and Noah as he stood up.

            “What the hell are you doing here?” Aiden asked through gritted teeth. His father continued smiling for a few seconds more before wiping the smile off his face and Noah could have sworn he saw anger flash in his eyes before he turned apologetic.

            “Son,” he said quietly as Aiden’s mom came back into the living room.

            “Aiden,” she breathed and Aiden turned to look at her.

            “Mom, what’s he doing here?”

            “He came…to visit you guys.”

            “Is it a crime for a father to visit his kids?” Aiden’s dad spoke at the same time as Aiden’s mom.

            “We don’t have a father,” Aiden replied coldly and his father’s eyes turned to look at Noah.

            “Hello, I didn’t mean to be rude; my name is Robert and I am their father,” the strange man introduced himself almost mechanically to Noah and held out his hand. Noah shook it and nodded.

            “I’m Noah,” he mumbled and Robert nodded.

            “Ahh yes, my daughters and your brother…Benjamin told me all about you. Turns out you have quite the voice.”

            “You need to leave now,” Aiden warned and continued glaring at his father. Robert sighed and looked down at his watch.

            “I suppose I should get going,” he spoke almost as if he were talking to himself.

            “Girls, say goodbye to your father,” Aiden’s mom whispered and the girls each went to him and in return he picked them up and squeezed them, kissing their foreheads. It was done very gently…and yet Noah felt chills go down his spine for some reason.

            “It was nice to meet you Noah, Benjamin,” Robert spoke and Noah smiled at him before the man turned to leave. At the last second he turned back and smiled at Aiden.

            “I’ll be back of course,” he promised and by the look on Aiden’s face it seemed like that was the worst possible thing that could have happened. They all stood in silence waiting to hear the door close and when it did Aiden collapsed on the couch.

            “Why is he in town?” he asked softly and Aiden’s mom looked tentatively at everyone else in the room. Noah felt like he was intruding and made to grab Ben and leave the room when Aiden looked up at him. “No don’t. You don’t have to leave the room. You guys are my brothers and thankfully he’s not your father, but you don’t ever have to leave the room. We’re family,” Aiden spoke softly.

            Noah nodded and felt a rush of gratitude for his friend as he sat on the arm of the recliner and smiled at Ben who smiled back.

            “That was ack-ward,” Ben blurted and Aiden laughed humorlessly.

            “You got that right Benny,” he said and turned to look at his mother.

            “He said he was tired of sending letters and not getting replies. He wants to be in your lives again. He says he’s back in town to stay…”

            “Absolutely not!” Aiden exclaimed and stood up.

            “He won’t be staying here. I promise but he is your father. And the girls; they could see him, get close to him.”

            “They don’t need him in their lives. The best thing he’s ever done is walk away from us! I don’t understand why he’d come back.”

            “He’s changed apparently,” Aiden’s mom replied although in Noah’s opinion she didn’t even sound convinced.  

            “Aiden don’t be mad,” Angie whispered and Diana nodded in agreement.

            “Mama always says give people second chances,” Diana said and Aiden shook his head.

            “I don’t want to give him any chances to screw up our lives. Since when is he a loving father?”

            “But he came back right?” Noah blurted and Aiden looked at him understanding what he must have meant. “I can be angry all I want at my parents but the truth is if they came back and seemed to genuinely want to be in our lives for the better…I’d let them.”

            “Yeah, but I don’t know if my father is being genuine.”

            “Well find out. See what he wants and if it’s not something you want then that’s fine…but if it is something good then this all can be a good thing,” Noah countered and Aiden’s mom looked at him gratefully.

            “I don’t want him to hurt any of you,” Aiden whispered and looked at his mom. Without another word he stood up and walked out of the room. Aiden’s mom sighed and followed him into his bedroom and Noah stayed behind with Benjamin.

            “Aden sad,” Benjamin noted and Noah nodded.

            “Yeah he’s worried.”


            “Just problems with his dad.”

            “Oh,” Ben quietly remarked and continued watching the TV. Aiden’s sisters soon went off to go find their mom and it was just Noah and Ben alone. Noah felt comfortable in his friend’s home. They had not only made him but also Ben feel welcome and he loved the feeling. He found himself thinking about his Nana and he missed her. But she’d gone away not being able to care for them. About a week after they’d come home Noah had gotten to see her and she’d told him everything. How she had partly been at fault for pressuring Noah’s mom into taking the pills that had ultimately sealed Benjamin’s fate. How she’d kept quiet and let her daughter and son in law treat her grandchildren horribly. It was something that she herself said she’d never be able to forgive herself. But Noah had already forgiven her and when she asked if he’d ever be able to forgive his parents…he didn’t have an answer.

            He thought about Aiden’s situation and felt for him.

            “I tell Aden joke?” Ben asked bringing him out of his thoughts.

            “What do you mean?” Noah asked his brother and Ben sighed in mock frustration.

            “Ben make Aden happy, Ben tell joke,” Ben explained looking at Noah like he was being dumb for not understanding. Noah couldn’t help but laugh and nod.

            “Yeah you can tell him a joke. I’m sure it’ll cheer him up!” he exclaimed and Ben grinned.

            “If he really sad, I give him Emma Stone,” Ben whispered softly and looked right at Noah letting him know that he was dead serious. Benjamin was in love with Emma Stone so for him to even consider it was a big move on his part.

            “I think he’d like that, even though you know you don’t actually own her right?”

            “Shhh,” Ben concluded and covered Noah’s mouth to keep him from talking. Noah couldn’t help but laugh at his brother and he knew just how they could cheer Aiden up. He pulled out his phone and texted the boys telling them to come over in half an hour with a ton of junk food; their presence would surely cheer Aiden up and the junk food would make Noah happy. Owen, Mason and Declan texted back almost immediately without questioning.

            An hour later they were all sitting around in the backyard with a small fire in the middle. Aiden’s sisters had gone to bed and his mom was in her room. They’d promised not to make too much noise and she’d happily agreed that they could all sleep over knowing it would cheer Aiden up.

            “So who’s that girl you went off with?” Noah asked Declan as he shoved a s’more in his mouth. Declan immediately seemed to blush and Owen spit out his soda.

            “What the fuck! Declan you got a girl!” Owen exclaimed.

            “Dec have a girlfriend!” Ben exclaimed and clapped.

            “Apparently he does Ben!” Mason answered and they all looked at Declan who was smiling.

            “It’s kind of a long story,” Declan replied. “And she’s not my girlfriend!”

            “Well we have time,” Aiden answered.

            “Her name is Grace…and at one point a while back she kind of saved my life,” Declan began and started telling them about how close he’d been to ending it all. Just days before they’d taken the camping trip. Once again Noah was struck by how much had changed in the past few months. Noah was incredibly happy for Declan and he couldn’t wait to get to know Grace.

            “She sounds great Dec,” Mason replied and Declan smiled.

            “She really helped me when I needed it. She made me feel like she genuinely cared just from that phone call. So to see her today after months…it was surreal. I-I lost it. I just went for it and kissed her.”

            “Did you even ask for her permission!?” Mason exclaimed and they all looked at him in surprise.

            “Well no, but she kissed me back so I hope that means she didn’t mind it?” Declan spoke with a confused look on his face.

            “You should always ask for their consent,” Mason mumbled.

            “I’m sure Declan will ask next time so don’t worry,” Noah reassured Mason who nodded.

            “I will. If there is a next time. We spent a long time talking. She’s going away to college in a couple of weeks and we start our senior year. I feel like we’re at completely different points in our lives.”

            “Well keep an open mind anything can happen,” Owen explained and Noah agreed.

            “Yeah stay positive,” Noah urged and Declan smiled at them.

            They sat in comfortable silence for a while and Noah’s mind drifted to wonder about whatever was going through Aiden’s mind. Almost as if Aiden had read his mind he spoke up.

            “I know you all came here to distract me and I appreciate it. Really I do. But I can’t just get over this. My “dad” is back in town and I’m scared,” he admitted and they all turned to look at him. Noah looked at his brother Ben watching Aiden intently.

            “I still can’t believe he’d even dare come back,” Mason commented.

            “I really thought my mom and I were done with him. I don’t want him to have any sort of influence on the girls either.”

            “Maybe he has changed?” Declan offered and Aiden shook his head.

            “I don’t trust him. I really don’t.”

            “Don’t worry. We’ll keep an eye out and help you see what his deal is. He ain’t messing with you this time around,” Owen promised.

            “Thanks guys,” Aiden replied and Noah smiled and he promised himself that he’d help Aiden in any way that he could.



            The next morning they were all awoken to loud short knocks on the door and the doorbell being rung repeatedly. Mason groaned as he looked at his friends all sprawled all over the floor of Aiden’s living room. Benjamin was sleeping on the couch with Noah next to him on the floor.

            “No one’s home,” Owen grumbled and Mason looked at Aiden who was trying to wake up as he got up and tried to walk in the direction of the door but slipped on the blankets and fell.

            “Ow! Shit!” he exclaimed and got back up.

            “Oh sheet!” Benjamin exclaimed and clapped.

            “Ben!” Noah exclaimed and then frowned. “Damn it I’m turning into Mason,” he complained and Mason shook his head feeling proud.

            “That’s not a bad thing,” Mason replied.

            “Yeah it just means you’ll live a crappy boring life from now on,” Owen interrupted and Mason glared at him while picking up the blankets and folding them.

            “What are you doing here?” they all heard Aiden ask. From the tone of surprise he felt like it wasn’t Aiden’s dad.

            “I think we all have things to discuss,” Mason heard the familiar arrogant tone.

            Darren walked into the living room smiling at all of them. He looked around with fake interest at the house.

            “Darren?” Declan asked looking shocked.

            “You have a lovely home Aiden,” Darren smirked and Aiden glared. Darren looked at them all wearing their sweatpants or gym shorts and Mason suddenly felt even younger.

            “What do you want?” Mason asked quietly as he remembered how he had betrayed his friends. Part of him had hoped that that would never be brought to light. But with Darren there Mason felt vulnerable. He looked around at all of his friends and he knew they all felt vulnerable. Noah sat on the couch next to Ben and grabbed his brother’s hand.

            “I hope you’ve all been well. And thank you for asking but I am doing just fine as well. As for why I’m here…well I’ve come to change your lives again haven’t I?” he spoke and smiled.

            “Get the hell out of here. It’s too early in the morning to deal with your shit,” Owen spoke first after an initial silence.

            “It’s almost noon.” Darren replied.

            “None of our parents are here, if you want to talk to us then they’ll all have to be present,” Mason said and he saw his friends nod in agreement.

            “I know. That’s why I came to tell you all to invite your parents—Aiden your father is more than welcome to join us as well, but you’re all invited tonight. I rented out the diner for the night. I believe your parents own it right Owen?”

            “Oh hell leave my parents out of this.”

            “Well I assure you all it will be worth your time. Clara and Mitch will be there. You won’t want to miss it,” he said and nodded at them all. “Well I have a couple of other things to do today so I must be off. Don’t be late. Tonight at seven. I’ll be waiting,” he spoke and smiled warmly. “Good to see you again Mason,” he concluded before turning to leave. Aiden showed him the way out and he left.

            “What do you think he wants?” Noah asked and Mason could only shrug.

            “But we have to go don’t we?” Declan replied.

            “How the hell did he know about my dad?” Aiden asked.

            “Well I don’t like it.” Owen voiced his opinion.

            “He the mean man,” Benjamin concluded and Mason couldn’t help but agree. Whatever Darren had up his sleeves it was enough to be worrisome.

            By the time night had rolled around they were all sitting in the booths with their parents all there except for Aiden’s dad and Mason’s own dad. His dad had gone back to base. They were waiting for Darren to arrive while they chatted absent mindedly.

             “So sorry I’m so late,” Darren exclaimed as he came in followed by Mitch and Clara.

            “Boys!” Clara exclaimed and they all rushed to hug her.

            “Careful,” Mitch urged and pointed at her belly. They frowned in confusion not noticing anything different.

            “I’m pregnant,” she concluded and they congratulated her, “And married!” she said holding up her hand showing off her ring. Mitch beamed and Mason felt happy for them. They were great together.

            “Sorry you all couldn’t make it to the wedding,” Mitch explained and Mason saw Darren watching the interaction.

            “So I guess we should just begin,” Darren started and Mason and his friends all sat down.

            “Well yes we’d all love to know what you want with our sons,” Declan’s mom spoke up and Darren’s smile faltered. Mason remembered how Declan’s mom had chewed Darren out and smiled at the memory.

            “I’m here to offer your sons a deal. A record deal. I want to make them famous,” Darren stated and they sat in silence for a while.

            “Why?” Aiden blurted and Darren turned to look at him.

            “What do you mean why?”

            “Why do you want to make us famous? You spent so much effort trying to break us down. You kicked us off your show. Last time we saw you, you were pissed. I don’t understand why the change of heart,” Aiden replied.

            “I helped him come to his senses,” Clara admitted. “Mitch and I are here as proof that this isn’t a scam, this won’t be Darren trying to break you down. We all saw how special you five are as band. Darren wouldn’t dream of breaking you up. He’s admitted the potential that you have as a band. You can change lives as One For All.”

            “It’s a win-win really if you’re curious as to what I would get out of it. My career is not the best at this current moment but if I shoot this band up into stardom, well everyone’s going to be jealous of what we accomplished together.”

            “You guys could live out your dreams and there are no catches. We made sure of it.” Mitch explained.

            “I know you all don’t like me. I get that. Which is why I would really only be the head of this. There will be a team of management under me who would be in charge of you all. You could have minimal contact with me if that’s what you wish. But I want to make this happen for all of you.” Darren concluded and pulled out folders. “I have contracts so you and your parents can read them over.”

            “You would really help our sons out?” Aiden’s mom asked and Darren nodded.

            “I spent a lot of time trying to crush them because I became obsessed with the idea of friends fighting for their dreams. I wanted good quality TV drama. But after it all blew over I realized my horrendous mistake. You were all meant to be a band and if you let me I can make it happen. Like Clara mentioned think of all you could accomplish, you all have a story to tell. Why not share it? And inspire others with similar situations.”

            “There has to be some catch,” Noah whispered and Darren shook his head.

            “Read through the contracts it’s just a simple contract. If you say yes, we’ll start recording an EP and a single in these next few weeks. We’ll release it and see if it hits. Then we could go from there and make a full album and concerts of course. And eventually tours as well. The only thing is if you say yes we’ll rush for the EP and a single and by mid-October I’d like to hold a concert. I want people to know who One For All are. So there would be a radio contest of some sort and we could give backstage VIP passes to fans to meet you after your first concert. We would begin marketing like crazy. So for the beginning it would be a lot to take in…and then it would kind of calm down as we wait for the public to fall in love with you all.”

            “You know we’re all with you whatever your decisions may be.” Owen’s dad spoke and Mason saw his mom smiling at him.

            “But I do have to add, if this is your dream, I’d say go for it,” Mason’s mom said and smiled. Mason grinned at his mom before looking back at his friends.

            “I say yes,” Declan whispered.

            “Me too,” Aiden replied.

            “I’m in if you’re all in.” Noah spoke.

            “Then that’s a yes for me,” Owen said.

            “I agree,” Mason said and Darren grinned.

            “This is going to be such fun. Take the rest of the week off and have fun but Monday morning we’ll have someone pick you all up and take you to the airport. You’re coming to LA again.”

            “Wait what about school?” Mason asked.

            “We’ll hire teachers for you all,” Clara answered and they nodded. They wouldn’t be going back to school.

            “You’re not moving permanently over there. It’ll just be for a couple of weeks and your families are welcome to join you all.” Darren explained and stood up. “I can be here tomorrow morning to pick up the contracts if you want to spend the night looking them over,” Darren offered and they nodded.

            “Sounds like a deal.”

            They talked for what seemed like an hour more as they went through the contract all together and Darren described the process of it all. Mason felt like it was overwhelming but then he’d see his friends and he knew they really could do it. If he was honest with himself it was what he wanted most and now their dreams were being handed to them on a silver platter. It was scary but it was also welcoming at the same time.

            “We’ll see you guys later!” Clara exclaimed and hugged them all goodbye. Mitch smiled at them and congratulated them before taking Clara’s hand as they headed out.

            “We’ll talk tomorrow then,” Darren concluded and seemed to genuinely smile at all of them.  

            “Are we sleeping over at Aiden’s again?” Declan asked after a while of talking.  

            “That’s fine by me,” Aiden replied and Mason looked over at Aiden’s mom.

            “Is that okay?” Mason asked Aiden’s mom who beamed at them.

            “Of course. I’m gonna take the girls and head over there right now actually,” she spoke and got up and yawned. “I think you all have a long day ahead of you tomorrow so make sure to get some sleep!”

            “We will, thanks mom,” Aiden said and  went to help his mom carry his sisters to the car. Noah got up and helped Ben to the car as well. Owen and Declan went and talked to their own parents. Mason sighed and sat at a booth with his mom.

            “So you’re really okay with this?” Mason asked his mom and she hugged him.

            “Am I okay with you following your dreams?” his mom asked and he felt an urge to laugh and cry at the same time.

            “I’m in a band with my best friends and we’re at the edge of becoming famous,” he spoke and she nodded.

            “I see nothing but great things in your future honey and your father and I will always be there with you for as long as you need us.”

            “I’ll always need you guys,” he mumbled and she laughed but shook her head.

            “One day you won’t. But we’ll still be there,” she said and hugged him again and held him tight. He felt like he was saying goodbye to her again and he hadn’t even left yet.

            “Come with us? Please?” he urged. “I don’t want you staying alone. And whenever dad comes back he can come back and—we’ll figure it out,” Mason urged.

            “You wouldn’t be embarrassed of having your mom along?” she asked.

            “Never,” he promised and she kissed his forehead when his friends yelled for him.

            “Ready to go Mase?” Declan asked and Mason nodded. They got in the car all six of them with Benjamin who was jumping up and down with excitement.

            “Party! Party!” Ben was yelling and Aiden laughed.

            “Benjamin knows what’s up. We need to celebrate!”

            “There’s still ice cream left,” Noah spoke up excitedly.

            They drove up to Aiden’s house and noticed that all the lights seemed to be on. They got out of the car and chuckled at some joke that Owen was trying to remember that no one seemed to get except for Ben who was laughing so hard Noah had to make sure he didn’t fall.

            They opened the door and noticed how quiet it all was.

            “Mom?” Aiden spoke out and his dad stepped into the passageway looking at them calmly.

            “Close the door will you Mason?” he asked as everyone came inside and Mason closed it.

            “What the hell are you doing here?” Aiden asked and his father’s eyes seemed to harden as he turned his gaze at him.

            “I come home and I find that no one is home. Why is that Aiden?” he asked and Aiden snorted.

            “Why the hell do you care? This isn’t your house.”

            “I’m your father so how about showing some respect. Now I asked, where the fuck were you?” Aiden’s dad spoke coldly and Aiden frowned.

            “I don’t think it’s any of your business what we all do. Where’s my mom? Diana and Angie?” he asked and Mason felt chills run down his back as he realized the cold stare that Aiden’s dad was giving Aiden. The man was intimidating and more than that…he genuinely looked terrifying as he glared down at his son.

            “Don’t talk back to me!” he barked and pulled out a gun from behind himself. “Everyone in the living room now.” he spoke calmly and pointed the gun at them all. Mason felt like he was back up on the hill with Wyatt. It was happening all over again.

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