"The Runaway" (Rogue x Reader)

Par deleted_usersorry

5.4K 205 80

She was part of a dark guild. He was part of a good guild. She was a criminal. He was a hero. Two different k... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

492 25 3
Par deleted_usersorry

"(Y/n)..?" A manly voice whispered. Her door slightly opened, letting in some light into the dark room.

"Get out" A cracked, tired voice said. Aiden heard a grunt and then a small hiss of pain.

Aiden chuckled a little and rested his forehead against the door. "You know this is my room too, right?" He said while slowly opening the door a little further.

"Aiden please don't-"

"Too late now, leftie" he said with a smirk while entering the room. He closed the door behind him and lit the candle that was on the side table next to the door.

The candle lit up the room and Aiden grabbed the small handle of the stand it was in and walked towards (Y/n)'s bed.

"Aiden please just go.."

"Aiden please just go" Aiden mocked in a girly voice. He placed the candle on her nightstand and sat down next to her. Only now did Aiden see all her injuries.

His eyes widened and he scanned every inch of her body. Every spot where he looked there was an injury. If it wasn't a cut or a bruise, it would be a scratch. If it wasn't blood that stained her clothes it was dirt of the floor.

A weak smirk made it's way onto her bruised face and she looked Aiden in the eye. "What do you think? I'm kinda digging this look, right?" She said with a soft chuckle.

Aiden quickly reached for his belt and unbuckled it.

Aiden's belt was like a purse. It had a small bag attached to it, which was filled with all the orbs he had collected over the years and small bottles filled with all kinds of potions and herbs were attached to the side.
Also a small cloth that was wrapped together, it contained a small supply of medical instruments.

Aiden grabbed a few bottles and the cloth. He reached for the small bag and grabbed a piece of simple wood.
His hand turned into wood and it spread to his shoulder and a part of his chest.

His other hand turned into wood too,but it didn't go that far up his arm. He folded his hands together and made a small bowl.

His body turned back to human skin and he started to unscrew a bottle filled with a dark red liquid. He put a few drops of the liquid into the bowl and then attached the bottle back to the belt. He also put a few pieces of some kind of leaf mixture in the bowl.

He put all the supplies back into a bag or attached them back onto the belt.

"Aiden, don't waste your dragon blood on me...I know how expensive that stuff is-"

"I never really use it anyway." Aiden said while putting the mixture into a pipet.

(Y/n) hoisted herself up a little and immediately hissed in pain. She reached out for Aiden's hand, only to be pushed back gently.

"Use that for real emergenc-"

"This is a fucking emergency.." Aiden said while carefully dripping the mixture onto a cloth.

He emptied the pipet on the cloth and laid it down. He leaned forward and placed the cloth on one of the wounds.

(Y/n) felt a soothing burning feeling on her arm. The pain that she once felt there, slowly went away and Aiden started to rub the cloth all over her body, healing all the wounds.

"Why?" Aiden asked.

(Y/n) pulled up her eyebrow and looked at Aiden. "Why, what?" She asked.

Aiden finished with healing all her small wounds and stood up. He walked towards their drawer and pulled out a few bandages.
He walked back to the bed and started wrapping it around her arm and leg.

"Why didn't you shoot Sting Eucliffe?" He asked while cutting off a piece of bandaid. Aiden grabbed her chin and examined her face to check all the injuries.

(Y/n) pulled away and pushed him back a little. She glared at him and clenched her fists. "Excuse me?" She asked while narrowing her eyes.

"You missed on purpose. Tell me why." Aiden said while grabbing needle and thread from his cloth.

"I did not miss on purpose! How could you think that?!" (Y/n) hissed.

Aiden sighed and put down his tools. He rested his elbows on his knees and ran his fingers through his hair. "Because...You felt guilt the whole entire time. You never miss. Even if there's a tornado, you never miss..." Aiden said.

"..I know you're lying. I know that you are hiding something and you hate it..Please just tell me what it is" Aiden said while looking at her.

"You know you can tell me anything right? I will never tell anyone, you know that. Even if you've done something horrible" Aiden said while laying his big hand on top of her small ones.

(Y/n) frowned and folded her hands together. She looked at Aiden for a moment and saw his worried face. She looked back at her feet and shook her head. "I can't.." she muttered.

Aiden frowned and got closer to her. (Y/n) turned her back to him and pulled her knees up. She crossed her arms and laid them on top of her knees, with her chin resting on top of them.

Aiden sighed and crawled closer to her. He turned around and put his back against her's. He also pulled his knees up to his chest.

"Can i guess?" He asked.

(Y/n) shrugged. She looked down to the ground with sad eyes.

Aiden placed his hands next to him in the ground and leaned on them. "Did someone hurt you? Apart from Hindou, of course." He asked.

"No.." (Y/n) said.

"Did something bad happen?" Aiden asked.

"No." She said, again.

Aiden sighed and kept silent for a moment. He focused on her for a moment and on the stuff that has been happening lately. He sighed, once again, and a small, sad smile made it's way onto his face.
"You're in love with Sting Eucliffe.." he said under his breath.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened and her head shot up. She quickly turned around and looked at Aiden in disgust. "Hell no!" She hissed.

Aiden turned around too, so he could face her. "Are you friends with him?" He asked.

(Y/n) quickly shook her head and sighed. "Of course not! I don't have the time to meet people, and besides Hindou would kill me" she said.

"Please don't lie to m-"

An annoyed groan left the young woman's mouth and she got up. She stumbled across the room and grabbed her arrow bag and bow.

She made her way to the door and gave one quick look back to Aiden. "I'll be back.." she muttered while leaving their room.

Aiden looked at the door in shock and blinked a few times. He looked around and saw some drops of blood on the floor. His eyebrows frowned a little and he got up. "Please don't do anything stupid.." he muttered while grabbing a wooden bucket from the corner of their room.


"Fro is really excited~!" The green exceed in the pink frog suit chirped while walking next to his raven haired companion.

Rogue smiled a little and glanced down to the ground. Frosch was smiling a little while looking at the road in front of him and clutched onto some fabric of his cloak.

"Can Fro be friends with Rogue's friend too?" He asked while looking up at Rogue.

Rogue chuckled deeply and crouched down. He picked up Frosch and carried him around in his arms. "Of course Fro can be friends with my friend too" he said while continuing to walk.

They walked a bit further till Rogue reached the big tree near the cave. He could smell (Y/n) and a small smile made it's way onto his lips.
"(Y/n)?" He said while placing down Frosch and looking around.

It was silent for a moment. Frosch stayed by Rogue's side and excitedly looked around.

Rogue heard some rustling behind a tree and his eyes snapped that way. A cloaked person appeared and slowly stepped into the light of the moon.

"Is that Rogue's friend~?" Frosch asked with a smile.

The young woman was taken aback a little by the sudden appearance of the little exceed and stared down at him.

"Yes, Frosch, that's (Y/n)" Rogue said.

(Y/n) took a step back and shook her head. "Rogue, this isn't the right time to bring him.." She said panicked.

Frosch skipped towards (Y/n) and held out a white flower. "I picked you a flower!" He said happily.

(Y/n) sighed and lifted the cloak off of her head. She crouched down in front of Frosch and took the flower for him.

Rogue's eyes widened when he saw the condition she was in. "What happened to your face?!" He asked, seeing all the bruises and her arm that was in some cast.

Frosch saw it and gasped a little. He put his little paws in front of his mouth.

(Y/n) frowned her eyebrows and got up again. She sure of hell didn't make no good first impression.

Frosch flew up and landed on her shoulder. "Does it hurt?" The cute little creature asked.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened and she blinked a few times. "W-wha?" She muttered.

Frosch gentle put his paws on her face and leaned forward. He planted soft kisses on her bruises and then climbed up to her arm. He also kissed that.

(Y/n) was surprised by his actions and looked at him in shock.

Frosch smiled and flew down again. He walked towards Rogue and tugged his cloak. "Did you bring Candy?" He asked with a sweet voice.

Rogue squinted his eyes and dugged his hands into his pockets. He searched his pockets and pulled out one single strawberry candy.

He gave it to Frosch, who walked back to (Y/n) again. He handed it to her and looked at her as she stared at the piece of candy.

"Rogue always gives me candy when i get hurt! And he kisses my scratches and bruises to make the pain go away!" Frosch chirped happily.

Rogue's eyes widened and his face grew beet red. "Frosch.." he said embarrassed.

(Y/n) giggled a little and crouched down in front of Frosch. She pat his head and smiled. "That's very kind if you" she said to Frosch while looking at Rogue.

Rogue looked away. His eyebrow twitched a little and he cleared his throat.

"Does It still hurt? Or does Rogue need to kiss you t-"

"Frosch that's enough" Rogue said with a nervous chuckle  while walking towards Frosch and picking him up.

"But she's hurt.." Frosch said with a pout.

Rogue sighed and patted his head. "That's really thoughtful of you but this is different.." he said.

Frosch nodded and Rogue put him down again. Frosch sat down and looked at a flower that was growing out of the ground.

Rogue sighed and focused his attention on (Y/n) again. She smiled a little while looking from Frosch to Rogue. "He's..cute" (Y/n) said.

"Yea..he is" Rogue said while looking At Frosch from the corner of his eye. He looked at (Y/n) again and sighed.

"What happened?" He asked, even though he already knew.

(Y/n) shrugged. "I screwed up...Really bad this time"  she said with a sad chuckle.

Rogue frowned a little and reached his hand out to her, but she back up and shook her head. "It's all my fault..You shouldn't feel pity for me-"

"Thank you" Rogue said.

(Y/n)'s eyes widen and she stopped talking. She looked at Rogue with confusion and he sighed. "You missed on purpose, right? For me, right?" He asked.

(Y/n) opened her mouth to say something but no sound came out. She sighed and closed it again. She nodded and looked to the side.

"And that's why you got punished, right?" Rogue asked, feeling a bit guilty.

"Yes..Hindou had observed me for years and finally gained trust in me..But now. He hates me.." she said.

"Thank you for sparing Sting's life..I'm really thankful." Rogue said calmly.

He always acted kind and calm around, while on the inside he was burning with rage. All he had was bloodlust for that shit excuse of a guildmaster she had. He knew how it was like to have an abusive guildmaster, due to the fact that he had Jiemma for a long period in his life, but Jiemma wasn't this abusive..

"Sting must've felt mad.." (Y/n) said with another sad chuckle.

Rogue's eyes lit up as he remembered what he wanted to say to her. He dug his hands into his pockets and grabbed an enveloppe out of it.

He handed it to her and she looked at it.

"What's this? Taxes?" She asked with a chuckle. She started to open the envelope and got the letter out.

"I don't break my promises.." Rogue said as she unfolded the letter. Her eyes scanned the paper and widened with every new sentence she read.

"You're kidding right..?" (Y/n) asked as tears blurred her vision. She read the last sentence and switched her eyes from the letter to the man standing in front of her.

"Right?" She asked, once more.

Rogue shook his head and smiled. "I managed to convince Sting. It's not a 100% sure, but he's really doing his best to make it work. We got the news from Fairy Tail that they are willing to help us. Fairy Tail is really strong and there's a big chance that Lamia Scale is attending too.." Rogue said. He put his hand on top  of her head and stroked her hair a little.

"I told you i'd get you out of there" Rogue said.

(Y/n) started shaking a little and she removed his hand from her head. Her breath was shaky and her eyes were watery.

Rogue's eyes widened. She had the same expression on her face that he only saw twice on her.

A mixture from Worry and Fear.

"P-please don't d-do that..." She said with a cracked, really shaky voice.

She gripped Rogue's shirt and clenched tbe fabric. She leaned her forehead against his chest and silent tears rolled down her cheeks. "I-it's gonna be so dangerous...People will die i don't want tha-"

"Did you forgot who we are fighting with us? Fairy Tail, world's strongest guild. Sabertooth, second best guild of Fiore. Lamia Scale, third place." Rogue said.

(Y/n) took a few deep breaths and looked up at Rogue. "But-"

"No buts. It's a collection of three of the strongest guilds, a collection of the strongest mages. Have you ever heard of Natsu Dragneel?" Rogue asked.

(Y/n) nodded a little and Rogue wiped away her tears with his thumb. "He defeated Acnologia. All the dragon slayers will be there. Sting, Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus and me" Rogue said while putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Fro and His friends will help too! Right, Rogue?" Frosch asked excitedly. He walked towards the duo and tugged (Y/n)'s cloak.

Rogue sighed and smiled a little. He looked at Frosch, who was climbing up on his leg. "Yes, Frosch and Lector will be helping too" he said while taking the exceed in his arms.

(Y/n) smiled a little while tilting her head in awe. Frosch had to be one of the cutest creatures that she had ever met in her life. He was so innocent and kind.

She found it funny and cute, how a shadow dragon slayer that looked cold and tough had an exceed so bright and cute.

"Where will you be going, tonight?" Rogue asked, seeing the tired eyes of the young woman in front of him.

(Y/n) sighed and shrugged. "There's an abounded house nearby. I could make a hang mat with some rope arrows so that should be fine" she said with a smile.

Rogue frowned and stroked Frosch's head with his hand. Frosch beamed up and leaned forward. "You can sleep with us! Rogue has a big bed! Sting too!" He chirped.

Both Rogue's and (Y/n)'s eyes widened and they looked at the exceed.

(Y/n) smiled and shook her hand. "No, No, it's fine. Besides, i don't think that Sting would like it if i came into his hous-"

"Frosch is right, you should stay at our house for the night." Rogue said, interrupting her.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Are you sure?" She asked a little hesitant. After all, Sting would probably freak out if he saw her in their house.

Rogue smiled a little and nodded. "Yes, Of course. You can sleep in my bed, i'll take the couch." He said.

(Y/n) frowned and shook her head. "Oh no, let me stay on the couch. I'm already grateful that i can stay for the night" she said with a small smile of gratitude.

"Rogue's bed is big enough for the two of you" Frosch said.

Rogue chuckled nervously at Frosch's innocence but oblivious behavior and he pat his head. "Yes, that's Frosch, but it's a little different.." he said.

(Y/n) nodded in agreement and giggled a little at Frosch's smile.

Rogue cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. "Well then, shall we go home?" He asked.

(Y/n) smiled a bit and nodded. "Yes, sounds like a good idea" she said.

Frosch flew up and stayed close to the duo.

Rogue started walking back to the way they came from and dug his hands into his pockets. He heard a grunt and turned around.

(Y/n) held her leg and stumbled her way forward. She bit her lip and tried to stand up straight. She managed to do that, but you could she that she was in pain.

Rogue walked over to her side and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Let me carry you" he said while holding out his hand for her.

(Y/n) shook her head. "No, it's fine. Don't worry." She said, being afraid that she was a burden.

Rogue chuckled deeply at her stubbornness and he sweeped her off her feet. "You're such a bad liar" Rogue mocked.

(Y/n) frowned and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Atleast give me a damn piggy ride instead of this" she said while hoisting herself up.

Rogue stopped walking and gently placed her on the ground. He turned his back towards (Y/n) and she climbed on. She wrapped her arms around Rogue's neck and he held onto her legs.

"Are you sure it's okay?" (Y/n) asked. She placed her chin on his shoulder and gripped his cloak.

"I've carried you before, it's fine-"

"I mean, me staying at your and Sting's house.." she said.

Rogue sighed and looked at her from the corner of his eye. "Of course, besides Sting doesn't have a choice" he said while looking at the road in front of him.

(Y/n) smiled and rested her head against Rogue's neck. "Thank you..for everything" she said softly.

Rogue smiled and hoisted her up a little.

"That's what friends do"

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