Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)


233K 6.2K 4.2K

Harry's stepfather doesn't approve of his newly acquired son's choices. Not the way he dresses Not the way... Еще

Tuesday Morning
Tuesday Evening
Morning After
New Work
Finding Hints
Look What You Made Me Do
Trial: Part 1
Trial: Part 2
Trial: Part 3
Oops (Hi)
Ever Ever After


6.3K 150 144

Love is what drew Louis to Harry the first time that they interacted proper. When Louis asked if Harry was alright, and insisted his mother check him to ensure he was alright. Love was what kept the two together while Harry lied about what was going on and Louis nodded along to the falsities. Love is what kept them together still throughout the trials and tribulations of a broken hand, a broken arm, and a broken heart. Love is what kept them together throughout the hearing. Love is what pulled them together like the North and South Poles of magnets when the trial was won. It pulled them together in the same way when Harry was diagnosed with AIDS.

And love was all that Harry's eyes and heart were full of as he stared up at Louis with big doe eyes. Louis didn't question it, he simply stroked Harry's hair, being ever so gentle to work out every knot that he came to, and allowed his boyfriend to stare on. Louis needed to learn how to care for someone else before he could finally become less dependent on his family's help, and Harry was just the right person to care for. Harry needed someone steady to depend on, and Louis was the rock he craved. As an compass is to a ship and as a rose is to a dagger, the two couldn't fit more perfectly together.

"Hey Harry?" Louis asked, breaking the gentle silence that had surrounded them for quite some time.

"Yes?" Harry responded, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist.

"I had a thought to something we could do." Louis said, placing an arm on Harry's back.

"Out with it then, what is it?" Harry replied, continuing to stare into Louis' eyes.

"Wanna go to the library downtown? I mean... I know it's not much, but you said you had dreams about school and we could find the right books... it's got every book you could ever think of. We could go read together, then go get some food. Maybe even make it sort of a date night if you wanted?" Louis proposed, sneaky as ever.

He had a plan. He always had a plan. He wanted to see what books Harry liked, what books he checked out, and to start building a library for him. It was the perfect plan.

"I actually am not a huge fan of reading. I um... I think I might be dyslexic? So that makes it kinda hard. Nice thought though... did you have another?" Oh shoot. Louis was caught off guard, but didn't want to let his Harry down, so he nodded and smiled at him.

"Of course I have another plan! You erm... oh! You like cats, yes?" Louis sputtered out, feeling rather silly as Oregano sauntered into the room.

"Mum said I'm not allowed to get anymore..." Harry trailed off, a little guilty. Sure it wasn't a bad thing that Harry had adopted five cats, but it wasn't exactly his technical house, and the owners of the house were not looking to adopt five more cats.

"Ah... right. And if we go somewhere then you'll end up taking one home." Harry blushed and nodded a little shamefully. "That's fine. I have a million backup plans." Louis lied, returning to stroking Harry's hair. "Massages?" He asked, before shooting down his own idea. Of course Harry wouldn't want to go have a stranger touch him after all of what happened.

Louis tried idea after idea, with no luck at all finding one that caught on for the both of them, before busting up into laughter. "Bear with me." He forewarned, before twisting one of Harry's curls in his fingers. "Popsicle races. Whoever finishes their popsicle first is the blowjob King and therefore gets one." Louis proudly announced. Harry stared at him for a second before bursting into giggles.

"Wh-what if the person- what if who wins- what if they spit?!" Harry managed to choke out before laughing so hard he could not breathe. This fit of hilarity brought one on for Louis as well, and he laughed as hard as he had in a long time. After ten minutes of laughing and tears falling, Harry patted Louis on the hip. "Stop with your suggestions, I have an idea. Get your shoes on and meet me in your car. I'll give you directions but you have to drive." Louis shrugged and hopped up, letting Harry fall to the couch with a thump. "Hey! I'm still sick you know!" Harry giggled out, before grabbing his medication to pump on the way.

Louis returned with a pair of black Vans, and handed Harry his gold, shiny Chelsea boots. "I- when did I get these?" Harry asked, knowing what an expensive shoe they were.

"Fa la la la la?" Louis said, sitting down to put his shoes on. Harry giggled at Louis' attempt to be Christmasy, and accepted the shoes from him. The pair headed to the car hand-in-hand, and hopped straight on in. Harry hooked up his pump, and told Louis to go to Interstate 5.

"Exit 214." Is all Harry would say. As they were at exit 176, it would be a ways to go, but Harry was excited nonetheless. He knew exactly where he would take the two of them, and he knew Louis would love it. As the quiet whir of the pump came to life, Louis reached to turn on the radio. Harry quietly tutted and held out a CD for Louis to take. "Put this in and listen." Harry instructed, curling up further in his seat.

Louis set the CD in his player, and allowed the music to flow through the speakers. He cocked his head at the first note, and then smiled softly. "That's you singing, is it not?" Harry nodded sheepishly, and pointed back to the road, as Louis had gotten quite distracted. They listened to the music that Harry had written and recorded himself, and waited to approach the proper exit.

"So we can both sing, we should form a band." Harry laughed gently, as his hand travelled to his pocket, making sure the condom was still safely tucked away. Louis looked over to Harry to see what he was doing, and in turn started the car swerving. Harry looked up and nudged Louis swiftly.

"BooBear, it's the freeway, it's only one direction, it's not that hard." Louis nodded and put his eyes back on the road, just in enough time to turn off on the exit. "Okay, now take a right, and go all the way to the end of the road." And so the car started down the path. Harry squirmed excitedly in his seat, blushing already from the possibilities.

Louis pulled up to the side of an unkempt field, filled with wheat and flowers. "It's unowned, unoccupied property. There aren't neighbors around for several Kilometers..." Harry hinted quietly and slowly. "We have food, but..." Louis looked over to Harry, confusion filling his eyes. He promptly turned off the car and turned towards Harry.

"Are you implying what I think you're implying? That we..." Louis' voice trailed off into the distance as he raised his eyebrows at Harry. Harry smirked and looked down at his lap, before pulling the condom out of his pocket and setting it on the dash. "Oh wow, that is what you're implying. Slow down for a second sweetheart. Are you sure that you're okay to do this? It would be an honor and a privilege to make love to you, but I want to make sure you're okay with it." Harry smiled at Louis, and took each of his hands in his own.

"I really want to have a consensual, physical relationship with my loving boyfriend. I know this might not be normal to want due to the circumstances, but I want you Louis. I want to start to erase the bad memories with joyous, pleasing ones. I want to replace the pain and sorrow with joy and ecstasy. I want to lay on my back and moan your name instead of being slammed on my stomach and being rammed into." Harry's eyes welled with tears and he looked back down to his lap. "I want YOU to be the one I remember for my whole life. Derek is what I'm erasing. I- my mum told me he got beaten up badly in prison because the other inmates found out he was a Chomo, but... it didn't make me happy or sad. I don't care about him. He can't hurt me anymore, so I'm getting him out of my life. I liked so much our previous sexual experimentation, so not to sound too formal, but yes. Please. Please, this is all I want now. I want to be with you." Harry removed the pump from his arm, and covered his PICC line with a sleeve. He looked desperately at Louis, biting his lip, attempting to make himself more attractive.

"What if I'm not ready?" Louis asked quietly, shyly turning his head away. Harry's face fell, and he settled back down in his seat.

"Then we go home, plain and simple." Harry stared, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. Louis looked back at Harry, a sly smirk on his face.

"Nah. I'm just kidding. I would, of course, be honored to have all the sex with you." Harry gasped and smacked Louis on the arm. "Hey! Ow! Kinky? Ow." Louis rambled, getting out of the car. Harry smiled, eyes widening until Louis came to the other side and opened the door. "How about um... if you prep yourself and lay in the back, I can..." Louis said, blushing. Harry nodded excitedly and got out of the car.

Harry slid his shirt off, and then his pants. He set out a blanket that he had sneakily set in the back, and laid down on it. Louis came around the side of the car, wearing his boxers only. He nervously peeked at Harry, and smiled. "Your... tip is sticking out. Right there." Harry said, pointing to the top of Louis' boxers. Louis smiled, and shimmied his boxers down all the way, causing his penis to bounce out in a most appealing way to Harry. He licked his lips and stared at it, horny as a normal teenager should be. He sat up a little, before flopping back tiredly.

"Hey, you alright?" Louis asked, concern instantly the first thing on his mind.

"Yea, I just didn't take the medicine on the way up. It's fine, I'm fine. I really want to do this. You know how to plug me in-"

"That's what she said." Louis cut Harry off, laughing and lightly rubbing his own dick, making sure it was perfectly hard for Harry.


"Right, anyways, I'll put the medication in after we finish, and you can nap while I drive us home. Good sounding love?" Harry nodded happily, and handed Louis the condom between his two fingers, biting his lip and licking his lips again. "Aw, you want me to put it on all by myself?" Louis teased, placing the condom back on Harry's chest. The younger lad ripped open the packaging with his teeth, and spit the top onto the floor. He unrolled it slowly onto Louis' taught skin and rubbed it a couple times for good measure. "Ready for your boxers to come off?" Louis asked, fingers already in the waistband, eager. Harry nodded while lifting his hips into the air.

Louis stripped Harry's boxers off, and tossed them off to the side. "Do you want me to prepare you, or do you want me to-"

"Fuck me." Harry moaned, suddenly out of breath. The weight of the situation became a lot heavier for Harry. He realized that he was truly going to have consensual sex and finally have a full experience that he wanted. "Fuck me, don't prep me, I'm not a virgin, remember? Kiss me and love me hard and fuck me and touch me and-" Harry squeaked out a loud, high-pitched moan, as Louis poked at his entrance.

"Yes sir. Will do." Louis replied, before slowly and softly pushing into Harry. He pushed until he hit Harry's prostate, then stopped to check up on Harry. His eyes were shut every so gently, mouth hung open in a silent gasp. His fingernails curled at Louis' bare, warm skin, and scratched a little. Amid the silence of the night, Louis' breath persisted, shorter than usual, the wind taken out of him from this most amazing feeling with his boyfriend. Unlike Harry, he truly was a virgin, and this intense pressure felt incredible.

Louis pulled himself backwards, then pushed back forwards, giving the couple friction. He began a steady motion of this, being careful with Harry, and trying to not get too caught up in the moment in case something went wrong.

But it didn't.

It was all so right, even when Louis gave Harry a playful spank on his rear. Harry nodded excitedly at this, and started to try to move his hips in motion with Louis' thrusts. He was pretty low on energy, but he wanted to participate. Louis smiled, and started to go a bit faster. "Can... I... try... something?" Harry asked, out of breath. His lips were swollen and pink, and his gorgeous green eyes were highlighted by the red veins around them, he'd been crying gently.

"Yes! You okay?" Louis said, pausing, fully inside Harry.

"This is just so wonderful, yea, I- wow. I feel so very very full. Can I get up onto all fours? Can- do you think you can reach?" Harry asked, breathing heavily.

"Yea, but you look so fucking pretty with your gorgeous tummy distended." Louis' fingertips ghosted over Harry's slightly pudgy stomach, and gyrated a little. "I can reach, don't you worry. I can flip you, if you're fine with that?" Harry gave Louis a thumbs up, not realizing what he was doing. Louis flipped Harry over, and started moving again.

Harry's mind fogged up. Fogged up entirely. Memories of Derek making Harry face away from him flooded his mind, and he got very scared, very suddenly. He turned back around quickly, and stared up at Louis' face, grabbing up at his features, kissing at him desperately. "Woah woah, what's happened?" Louis asked, pausing again.

"Flashback. Keep goin. I know it's YOU in me, I have to look at your face. Don't worry. Your face. Your face." Harry rambled, feeling his erection start to leak.

"Your face. God I love your face." Harry mumbled, feeling all sorts of love surrounding him. Louis, hitting Harry's prostate as quickly and frequently as he could, bent his body and started finishing Harry off, licking at his tip and tasting the sweet cum that started to spill out. "And your pretty lip-" Harry was interrupted by a climax more intense than he's ever felt. He screamed out and rode out the rest of his climax in the best way he knew how.

Louis continued to fuck into him, and thrusted until he felt the tightness fill up further. "Help me out?" Harry grabbed Louis and pulled him closer, reaching his hands down and stroked Louis' soft tummy down to the base of his penis, eliciting the same cum-spewing scream that Harry had let out less than five minutes ago. He pulled out and tossed the dirty condom aside. Harry lay panting on the back seats of the floor, while Louis leaned over and rested on Harry, panting just as hard as he was. The sweat of their tired bodies mingled with each other's, creating a sickly sweet smell. The smell of sex. Good sex.

"Thanks for falling in love with me Lou..." Harry mumbled, running a hand through his hair.

"Thanks for letting me fall in love with you." Louis replied, curling one of Harry's ringlets in his fingertips. They allowed the quiet to fill the air again, for just a few sweet minutes. "Can I getcha home so we can sleep? I'll dress you." Harry smiled up at Louis, a little zoned out in ecstasy still, and blew his curls out of his face.

"Please do love. Thank you love." Louis pulled his own boxers on, before dressing Harry up like his own pretty Barbie doll. He then dressed himself, and settled Harry carefully in the backseat, but stopped for a moment. The boy was crying again.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Louis asked, plugging in the machine to administer the medication.

"That was so good, I don't know if I'll ever feel that good again..." Harry said, lips seeming to swell up even a bit more right in front of Louis' eyes.

"You will. I'll make you feel amazing like that again. Don't you worry pumpkin. Go ahead and rest up, don't you dare worry about that." Louis reassured, patting Harry's thigh gently. "Hey, and one more quick thing before you nap. I did happen to see that I left a slight handprint on your ass. So you know." Harry giggled and nodded.

"Fine. Shut up and drive cutie." 

So Louis did. But Harry didn't fall asleep in the back of the car. He lay and thought about everything that had just happened. How great it was. How much he was loved.

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