The Dragon Queen

By Kktrack

40.2K 1.6K 214

In the kingdom of Ignis Dragons were hated by almost everyone. Trained by a few lucky souls. And fascinati... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

2.5K 112 4
By Kktrack

Kathrines pov:
The dragon looks down almost like it's ashamed. "I'm so sorry my queen once I sensed your presence, I immediately wanted to help you. I didn't realize this dragon was your friend." The Dragon says.

"It's okay I understand, and please call me Kathrine. What's your name?" I ask the dragon.

"Fawn, and I was wondering if I could come back with you to the dragon cave? I would love to help protect you." Fawn says sounding hopeful.

I smile and say "Of course I would love for you to come back. We should go back, I'll ride with Ruby." I say heading over to Ruby.

She lowers down and I leap onto to her back. She takes off and I keep my scream in. I hold on tight and I'm able to get all the way to the cave without falling. I'm starting to get better.

"Fawn, if you wouldn't mind could you open the cave door to the forest area? I would love to see what's inside." I ask walking towards the cave door with a leaf on it.

"Of course, I would love to be the first forest dragon to open the door." Dawn says walking towards the door. She puts her snout up to it and the door shakes like it did for the fire section.

The cave walls split away and a beautiful green forest is inside. There are tons of trees and a lake around. There are flowers all over.

"Wow this looks like a great place to live." I say looking over to see Fawn already making herself at home.

"Yes, I think I will enjoy it here." She says happily. "Ok I'll leave you to it." I say walking back out to see Ruby.

"The day is still young would like to go out flying maybe we could find more dragons. Soon hundreds will live here so we need to start spreading the word. Plus it will be better protection." Ruby says.

"Sure, but first can we practice some flying? I want to get used to it some more." I say leaping onto Ruby's back.

She lets out a roar and I take that as a yes. She runs out of the cave and leaps into the sky. We plummet for a second and then Ruby lets her wings shoot out.

I let out a yip of glee. I'm starting to like flying more and more. Ruby flys around teaching me what to do in certain situations and even letting me try to stand on her back.

I immediately sat back down, but I should be able to soon. "Ok do you want to look for some new dragons?" I yell over the wind.

Ruby makes a rumbling noise and starts to descend. She lands and I jump off. "Stay close but let me speak with whatever dragon we come across." I say.

Ruby nods and I slowly start to walk. I listen carefully for any sign of a dragon. I look back and I don't see Ruby.

I let out a shaky breath and continue to walk around. I hear a soft rumbling noise like the one Ruby made earlier. I stop walking and listen. 

"Hello!" I call out. I hear another rumble and I stand perfectly still. "My queen?" A voice says through my mind. I smile and say "Yes, it's me. Will you come out so I can see you?" I ask. 

"I'm sorry but I can't. I'm a water mix and I can't walk on land." The Dragon says. "Oh, hold on then." I say pushing through some bushes.

Finally I get out and I look at a beautiful pond. "Wow!" I say taking in the beauty. Suddenly a head pops out of the water.

"Oh hello there." I say studying the new dragon. It doesn't have any spikes or vines coming out of its head but it's neck it really long.

The dragons is a lovely sea green. "Hello my Queen. It's an honor to meet you. And judging by the way your looking at me I take it that you haven't seen a water dragon before?" The Dragon says in my mind.

I smile sheepishly and nod my head. The dragon lets out a soft roar and pushes its self into the air. 

I let out a gasp as I look at the dragon. It's wings are on its sides and look a little different from normal wings. They curl more and look more like butterfly wings.

It had a large belly and no legs. It has a giant fin on its middle back and it's tail doesn't just end, but it has a fin at the end.

That must be how it swims. "Wow you are amazing!" I say to the dragon. It lowers back into the water. 

"Thank you my queen. Have you been taken to the dragons cave because if you haven't I would gladly take you." The Dragon says keeping its head above water.

"Actually I have been, and I have two dragons staying with me. Ruby!" I call to her. I hear a swoosh of wings and Ruby lands next to me.

The water dragon gives off a soft growl but makes no threatening moves. Ruby takes a few steps away from the pond.

"My Queen is you would allow it I would like to return to the home of Dragons with you." The dragon says.

"Of course and please call me Kathrine. What is your name?" I ask. "Thank you my queen and my name is Aqua." The Dragon says happily in my mind.

"It's nice to meet you Aqua. If you wouldn't mind could I try to ride on your back. I want to get used to riding with other dragons?" I say getting closer to Aqua.

"Of course my queen it would be an honor." Aqua says. She puts her wing of the grass and I slowly walk on to it. Once I'm seated on her back she pushes off and we fly through the air back to the home of Dragons.

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