Find Me a Find, Catch Me a Ca...

By DKGwrites

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Finding out that Kara and Lena harbor feelings for each other, their friends play matchmaker. A fake assassin... More

Chapter 1 - SisterZoned
Chapter 2 - The Worst Dating Site Ever
Chapter 3 - The Confidant
Chapter 4 - Pandora's Box
Chapter 5 - The Kryptonian, the Lesbian, and the Thespian
Chapter 6 - Letting the Kryptonian Out of the Bag
Chapter 8 - They Call Me Bell, They Call Me Stacey
Chapter 9 - Bunk Beds
Chapter 10 - Vittles and Veracity
Chapter 11 - Family
Chapter 12 - Press Conference
Chapter 13 - When it Reigns it Pours
Chapter 14 - Midvale
Chapter 15 - A Whale of a Tale
Chapter 16 - Mustang Sally
Chapter 17 - Boundaries
Chapter 18 - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Chapter 19 - Truth or Consequences, Not Just a Town in New Mexico
Chapter 20 - Occam's Razor
Chapter 21 - Genie in a Bottle

Chapter 7 - I Have a Type

5K 184 373
By DKGwrites

Alex opened the door to Lena's letting Maggie in. "Hey, thanks for coming over."

"No problem, babe." The detective looked around, letting out a long, slow whistle. "Okay, not too bad. So, this is how the other half lives?"

"Apparently," Alex replied, holding out her hand. "You got food?"

"Yeah." Maggie handed over the bag. "So, she can afford a TV that's the size of our living room wall but no food?"

Going into the kitchen, Alex pulled take-out containers out of the bag. "Maybe she spent all of her food money on the TV."

"Huh. Good point. Okay, so what am I doing here besides supplying food to you and the heiress?"

Checking inside the containers, Alex smiled when she found ribs. "Lena needs a friend, a confidant, and you are here to be that confidant."

"I am?"

Alex nodded. "You are." She packed the rest of the food back into the bag, handing it back to Maggie. "Lena is in something she calls the sunroom. Go bring her food, and play nicely. She likes me a little bit better than James, and a lot better than Kara, but she still isn't fond of me. I'm only allowed here because of the Serbian assassin. I spent about two hours talking her out of just getting her own protection."

"Ah." Maggie nodding, taking the bag and giving Alex a little kiss. "Okay, wish me luck."

"Good luck. I'm going to watch a movie in the living room and know, security stuff."

Shaking her head, Maggie said, "This is like a vacation for you, isn't it?"

Alex grinned. "It's for a good cause."

"J'onn is going to kill you if he finds out."

Alex tapped at her head. "M'gann won't let that happen. Now, go be Lena's friend, and put in a good word for Kara."

"I don't know, Alex. Something about this doesn't feel right."

"Think about movie nights here when they get together."

Slowly, Maggie nodded. "I'm starting to feel better about it. Okay, for the sake of true love, I'll go talk to Lena."

"Great, and I'll eat ribs and enjoy watching Carol on a 98-inch screen. Who knew they even made them that big."

"Which way is Lena?" Maggie asked. "This place is a bit bigger than our place."

"Oh, go past the dining room, turn left. Go straight. Heh, telling you to go straight. Anyway, go straight and you'll take another left. Second door on your right, that's the sunroom. It's right next to the pool."

Maggie smiled brightly. "Oh, cool, she has a pool table here?"

"Ah, yeah, she does, but that's on the second floor. This is the swimming pool, the indoor one. Just...later you and I can do a tour. We'll call it surveillance, okay?"

"There's a swimming pool in here? There are two swimming pools in here?" Maggie shook her head. "Yeah, Kara needs to piss or get off the pot already. Hot geniuses with swimming pools just don't wait around for you."

"Right? I mean, if it weren't for you..." Alex shrugged with a grin.

"Hey, if Kara can't close this deal, perhaps you and I should renegotiate the terms of this arrangement." When Alex glared, Maggie chuckled and backed out of the room, bag in hand. "Kidding...mostly. I'm going to bring my friend food. Enjoy your meat and giant TV."

"Mind your manners!"

Maggie made her way past the dining room and straight down until she hit a hallway that went left and right. She went left as directed. She continued down to the second door on the right, but knew she was in the correct place as soon as the interior walls turned to glass. The sunroom was filled with plants and had walls and a ceiling made completely of glass. There were several chairs within, and on one of them, Lena Luthor sat, her legs stretched out and laptop on a table just above her lap. The CEO was wearing a maroon MIT t-shirt, gray yoga pants, black glasses with thick frames, and her hair was up in a messy bun. When Maggie entered, Lena glanced in the detective's direction but immediately returned to typing.

Stopping near Lena, Maggie stared down at the younger woman and said, "You wear glasses."

"That sort of keen observation must be why you're a detective," Lena stated, her voice monotone as she didn't break sight of her computer screen and didn't slow in her typing.

"I didn't know you wore glasses."

"You do now."

Maggie sighed. "Are you pissed at me?"

"Did you know?"

"Not about the glasses, but we've already established that, so I take it you mean Kara. Yeah, I knew, but nobody told me either. I worked with her and Alex, and they kept me out of the loop too. I had to figure it out for myself."

Fingers frozen at that admittance, Lena looked up. "No one told you?"

"Can I pull up a seat?"

After a moment of considering, Lena nodded.

Maggie sat, pulling out a food container, checking the contents, and handing it over to Lena with utensils, and then doing the same for herself. "Yeah, no one told me. I'm a detective though. If you spend any time around the two of them, I mean around Kara as both herself and as Supergirl, it's pretty easy to figure out. I was dating Alex and working with Supergirl, so I got to see both sides of her. Anyone smart who knows them both and wants to know the truth, they know the truth. So, the real question is, why didn't you want to know the truth?"

Looking up from her food, Lena replied, "Who said I didn't want to know the truth?"

"Lena." Maggie smiled until her dimples flashed. "You are too smart and too observant not to know Kara was Supergirl unless you didn't want to know. You didn't want it to be her. If it were her, if your best friend was Supergirl and was keeping that from you, then what did that mean?"

Pushing the laptop to the side, Lena put her food on the table. She studied her hands. "Is that what her cousin did to Lex? He did, didn't he?" Looking up at Maggie, Lena added, "It's all right. I know you can't tell me that. I didn't sleep at all last night. I kept thinking through every interaction going back to the day I first met Kara. I'm not asking you to tell me who Superman is, but do you know who he is?"

"I..." Maggie hesitated before continuing. "I do."

"Thank you. He's Clark Kent," Lena said assuredly. "I didn't want to say that in case you didn't know, and I'm not asking you to confirm or deny anything. Looking back on it, on the day the two of them came into my office to ask me about the explosion on the Venture, it seems so obvious now. They had their matching glasses, matching smiles, matching blue eyes, and matching belief in truth, justice, blah, blah, blah. The next time I saw Kara alone, not Supergirl, Kara, she told she flew there on a bus."

"She did not."

"She most certainly did."

"Maybe she was subconsciously trying to tell you something." Maggie held out her food container. "Sweet potato fry?"

Lena held out a hand and shook her head. "I don't think so, not that early, but she definitely got sloppier with her excuses for canceled plans the longer we knew each other, and I always let things go. You're right though. I didn't want my friend to be Supergirl lying to me about her identity. I just wanted her to be...Kara. Why can't she just be Kara?"

"She still is, you know."

"Zor-El, last daughter of Krypton. That doesn't sound pretentious."

"That's coming from Lena Luthor, genius heiress to the Luthor fortune."

"You forgot bastard," Lena added with a heavy sigh. "So, where do I go from here, Maggie? Is this as much my fault as Kara's? Do I just forgive and move on because I don't think I'm ready to do that."

"Oh, hell no! She was in the wrong. Sure, you might have played into it, but Kara was in the wrong. There is no way you just forgive and forget right away. That girl needs to sweat this out a bit."

Nodding slowly, Lena opened her food container and took out her fork. "All right. I'm listening. So we're not ready to forgive Kara?"

Maggie scoffed. "Not even close. Sure, she needs to be around you for your protection, but she doesn't have to enjoy it, right?"

"Right." Lena nodded, the nodding increasing as she started smiling. "Okay, I like where you're going with this. Where are you going with this?"

"You have an event at L-Corp tomorrow night, right?"

"Unfortunately, yes. We do annual events with investors. It will be Sam's first one, and I really shouldn't abandon her at it. Will it be safe for me to go?"

Maggie grinned. "I've got an idea. Kara will be there, right?"

"Hmmm." Lena grumbled. "I'd originally asked her to go with me, but she's there as press for Catco anyway, so yes."

"Perfect. Someone else will accompany you."

One eyebrow lifted, Lena waited.

"She's a friend of mine. You'll like her." Maggie grinned. "She'll love you."

"And she's a...police officer?"

"A bodyguard. She's the best. You couldn't be safer. You don't have a problem going with someone besides Kara, do you?"

"Not a problem." Lifting what looked like orange juice, Lena said, "I'm having a mimosa. Today is a 'drink early and often' kind of day. Can I get you something?"

Raising her hand, Maggie looked away. "I'm good."

Lena shrugged. "Suit yourself."

It was nearly a half an hour later when Maggie came walking down the hallway and back into the living room where Alex was watching television. Smiling, the detective laughed as she held her cellphone to her ear. Alex looked up curiously, pausing her movie and waiting for the update.

Maggie nodded. "Actually, I'm surprised you two don't know each other. I'd think you both traveled in the same circles."

"Never met her. I am looking at a picture right now though. Mags, damn babe. She look this good in person?"

"Well, I can't see the picture you're looking at, but I'm going with better. So, no problem getting here for tomorrow night? It's some fancy dress thing. I think it starts at seven, and you'd need full surveillance gear."

"Uh...yeah, I'll figure it out. You folks being on the west coast makes it a bit easier. Plus, you know how I like to dress up."

"We won't be keeping you up past curfew?"

There was a quick laugh, and then the woman on the other side of the line replied, "I'll manage somehow. How's that fiancée treating you?"

Glancing over at Alex, Maggie smiled. "Perfect."

"That's good to hear, Mags. You sound happy. It suits you. Hey, it's good hearing from you. You shouldn't be a stranger. Don't wait until you need a favor to call. We should catch up more often."

"Agreed. I've got to go, but I'll see you tomorrow night."

"See you then, babe."

Disconnecting, Maggie wandered over to Alex. "Okay, I've got to head into work. I made some plans for tomorrow tonight that should make things pretty interesting."

"Were those the plans?"

"Yup. I've got a friend from back in the day showing up to play bodyguard to Lena. She's attractive, flirty, fully capable of snobbing it up with a bunch of millionaires, trained in weapons and hand-to-hand combat, and knows her job is to make your sister jealous."

"Oh. Interesting. Do you think it will work?"

"Babe." Kissing Alex deeply, Maggie pulled away and said, "If there's one thing I know, it's women. This is going to send your sister into overdrive. If it doesn't, Kara is a hopeless case."

As Maggie strolled to the door, Alex said, "You do realize that Kara might be a hopeless case, don't you?"

Maggie shrugged. "Kara's not my problem. You figure her out. Aliens fall under the DEO's purview."

"Hey!" The door closed, and Alex yelled. "You're science division!"


It was fifteen minutes before Lena and Kara had to leave for the L-Corp event. Lena was in her bedroom getting ready. Maggie and Alex were lounging on the couch watching TV. Kara was pacing the living room still in her work clothes for the day, body stiff and posture angry. Her arms were straight lines down her sides that ended in fists, and her entire face was tight.

Turning to face the couch, Kara said, "I don't like this."

Glancing up at the angry blonde, Maggie replied, "Yup, you've mentioned that before."

"A few times," Alex added, not peeling her gaze from the TV.

"It's not safe," Kara added.

"And that." Alex nodded.

"I should be the one with Lena. I'm the one best able to protect her. I'm the superhero."

Sighing, Alex turned off the TV and sat up, turning to face her sister. "Kara, look, Maggie vouches for this bodyguard woman. She says she's the best and—"

"I'm better."

Alex cleared her throat. "Maggie says this woman is the best. She'll keep her safe, and you'll be there to mingle, take notes for the story, and keep an eye out for Janković. This is a good plan."

"Anyway, Lena should be showing up at these kinds events with a date," Maggie added. "It's not like you could pull off people thinking you're Lena's girlfriend."

Alex laughed saying, "Yeah, good one Mags."

"What? Why are you laughing?" Kara asked.

"Oh, come on, Kara. You and Lena Luthor? Who would ever believe that?" Eyebrows raised and furrowed, Alex shook her head. "I mean, we all know how amazing you are, and how beautiful, but you go out of your way to hide it. You hide the whole package."

"Well, that's because...pfff. You know." Kara's hands slapped against her legs. "Mild-mannered reporter here. It's kind of key to the whole secret identity thing."

"Yeah, but it isn't a secret to Lena anymore. You don't have to hide from her you know," Maggie pointed out.

"That would only matter if Kara actually wanted to date Lena," Alex countered. "Which she doesn't."

"Oh, good point. You don't really like Lena, do you, Little Danvers?"

"Well of course I do. I mean, I don't like her like her. Lena's my best friend. I like her like a friend who's a girl, but not as a girlfriend. I mean that would know...heh...crazy right?"

Maggie shrugged, sipping her beer. "The only thing crazy is how hot that girl is, right babe?"

"Oh, agreed. Maybe we should have that monogamy discussion."

"Monogamy discussion?" Kara shook her head. "What monogamy discussion?"

"Yeah, monogamy is just so heteronormative. Alex and I have been talking about making the rules of our relationship a bit more...fluid."

Kara choked on air. "Fluid?"

Alex nodded. "It's intriguing, right? Did you have polyamory on Krypton?"

"I...I...we didn't even have sex!"

"Well that explains a lot," Maggie said, rising when the doorbell rang. Maggie was gone for just a few moments, the sound of her voice muted from the foyer, but when she returned it was with another woman in tow. "Alex, Kara, this is my friend Kate Kane. Kate, this is my fiancée Alex and her sister Kara."

Wearing black riding leathers, Kate was tall and thin, but curvy in all the right ways. She was incredibly pale with red hair ending about two inches above the shoulders. She strode into the room with confidence, her head moving about quickly as eyes gave the place a once over perhaps in appraisal. She didn't pause on anyone or anything for more than a split-second before turning to Alex and smiling broadly, bright red lips making an already attractive face even lovelier as green eyes sparkled, and she extended her hand.

"So, you're the woman who finally tamed this one," Kate said as she shook the hand of Alex who rose to meet her. "I don't know if I should congratulate you or give you my condolences."

"Honestly, I'm not sure some days either," Alex admitted. "It's nice to meet you, Kate. How do you and Maggie know each other? I don't recall her ever mentioning you."

"Oh, she didn't?" Kate's smile changed, a touch seductive, a bit dangerous as she looked down at the shorter detective then returned to Alex again. "We worked together."

Alex tensed. "You're a cop?"

"Not exactly. Hey, where can I get changed?" Kate patted the dress bag she had hanging off of her arm, a pair of black heels clutched in that same hand. "I hear this shindig is formal, and I don't think black leather and boots will cut it...though that is my usual formal."

Maggie laughed. "You'll make a statement. You always made a statement, Kate. That's for sure."

"I always had something to say," Kate grinned. "So, a restroom maybe?"

Maggie took Kate's arm and pointed. "Go to the third floor. There are bathrooms and bedrooms every which way. Avoid the first door on your right, or you might get a look at your date naked."

Kate laughed, walking away and shaking her head. "Yeah, sure wouldn't want to see that before the date." She turned slightly, waving over her shoulder as she made her way up the stairs. "Well, it was nice meeting you Alex, Karla."

"Kara," the blonde corrected.

"Right, Kara." Kate finger-gunned and walked away.

Maggie laughed, turning to the other two women. "Isn't she great?"

"She's ah...she' how do you know her?" Alex asked.

"Gotham," Maggie replied.

"Maggie, that's a place, not an answer."

"No, we met in Gotham."

Alex nodded. "That still doesn't answer my question. How do you know her?"

Picking up the empty beer bottles from the table, Maggie headed into the kitchen. "I told you. I met her in Gotham."

"And?" Alex followed her fiancée into the kitchen, rolling her hand in front of her encouragingly.

Putting the bottles into the sink, Maggie began to rinse them out. "I was working a case. She ended up working the same case. And we met. Hey, it was kind of like the two of us, Alex. How about that?"

"How about that," Alex said, but her tone was heavy as she leaned against the refrigerator. "Did you two date?"

Looking up from the bottles, Maggie smiled at her fiancée. "Oh, come on, Alex. What does that have to do with anything?"

"That sounds like a yes," Kara said from the archway between the living room and the kitchen.

"Hey, whose side are you on?" Maggie asked.

"My sister's," Kara said, pulling herself up to her full height.

"Thank you," Alex replied.

"Yeah, thanks a lot, Karla," Maggie added, smiling when the blonde grimaced. "Yes, okay, Alex, yes Kate and I dated. So, I guess I have a thing for picking up hot redheads at crime scenes."

Alex stiffened. "So you have a type?"

Turning off the water, Maggie shook water off her hands and walked toward the refrigerator. When Alex stepped away, Maggie grabbed the dishrag from the handle and dried her hands. "Kate is attractive, diligent, honest, believes in justice and is willing to fight for it. She's one of the best people I know. She's a really, really good person, one of the best out there." Walking close to Alex, Maggie leaned in for a kiss, pausing when the redhead stiffened and waiting for the other woman to relax before pressing their lips together briefly and then saying, "So, yeah, I have a type."

With a sigh, Alex failed to contain her smile. "You are so damn charming. You know that, don't you?"

"I do. I'm also great in the sack," Maggie said going in for a longer kiss.

"Ewww, guys gross," Kara exclaimed.

Looking over her shoulder, Alex said, "You're just jealous."

"No, you can keep her. No thanks," Kara replied, crossing her arms.

Wrapping her arms around the shorter woman, Alex said, "Of what we have. It was easier when you and I were both single, wasn't it, Kar? Does it bother you now that I'm engaged?"

"No, not bother. I just..." Gaze falling to her hands, Kara's fingers made several trips over each other before she looked up again. "I'm happy for you both. I love you so much, Alex, and I want you to be happy. Maggie makes you happy, so this is what I want for you."

Going to Kara and pulling her into a hug, Alex said, "I want you to be happy too. You don't have to stay single, you know. If you meet the right person, someone you really care about, act on it, Kara. Life is too short. I think you know that by now."

"If anyone knows that, it should be you, Little Danvers."

Kara nodded, holding her sister close. "I've lost a lot of people."

"Don't lose someone else because you let them get away," Alex advised.

Voices came from down the staircase, distracting the trio from their conversation.

"Are you sure I don't have helmet hair?"

Lena's laughter rang out. "Absolutely not, and I would tell you if you did. I wouldn't be caught dead somewhere with someone with helmet hair. Your hair looks fabulous, Kate, just fabulous."

"Well your...everything looks fabulous, Lena."

Lena laughed again, her voice slow and sexy. "Oh, I bet you say that to all the girls."

"Heh. I don't call them all Lena. That would get awkward fast."

"Oh, that is a little overly specific," Lena admitted as she and Kate strolled through the living room and past the opening to the kitchen. "I've always been a fan of 'darling' myself. Use it from the beginning, and it doesn't get uncomfortable when you can't remember a name later on."

"Meh. Names are overrated."

Maggie went into the living room, giving a long, slow whistle causing the two women who were on their way to the door to stop and turn. "Hey, you two clean up all right."

Kate's dress was red and strapless, held up by some marvel of modern engineering over her ample bosom. It was full length but cut high on both sides, and pale legs showed with each movement. She wore diamond earrings that curved along her ears, three stones, and a matching necklace and bracelet. On her dress was a diamond circle brooch with a bar across the center where the pin attached. If they were real, she was in more danger of being robbed than Lena was of being killed.

Lena's dress was green, had a halter top, and was cut low to show plenty of cleavage. Her jewelry was also green, emeralds, and she had just one stone that hung low between her breasts, a large stone set into a platinum cuff, and earrings. Though her hair was down, some of it was pulled back in the front and braided to hang down so that the earrings were visible. There was a thin silver belt that matched the metal of the jewelry.

"Yes, I do think they'll let us in the door," Lena said with a smirk. "If they give us any trouble, I know the CFO."

"Oh, well that's good. Otherwise, I heard of this great burger shop in town. Maybe we could just blow this whole party off and paint the town red."

"Play hooky?" Lena asked, initially looking scandalized, then a slow smile coming to her face. "We could do that?"

"You don't look like you ever played hooky in your life."

"I never did," Lena admitted.

"Stick with me, kid."

Clearing her throat, arms crossed, Kara said, "Lena should only go to the L-Corp event. That's where her security detail is. It's not safe for her to about town."

"Traipsing about town?" Kate grinned over at Maggie. "Oh, little sister is fun." Looking back at Kara, Kate winked, "Relax, kid, I've got her. She couldn't be safer with me."

Arms snapping stiffly to her sides, Kara stalked up to Kate and leaned in close. Her voice was barely a whisper as she said, "She'd be safer with me."

Eyebrows raised, Kate watched the blonde for several moments then smiled as she took a step in even closer, her hand patting Kara's shoulder gently as she whispered, "Don't get your cape in a bunch. I've got this."

"" Kara sputtered.

Winking again, Kate leaned in so close that she spoke only for Kara's hearing alone, making sure that once again even Lena couldn't hear her. "Bruce says hi." Turning back to Lena, the redhead held out an arm. "Shall we?"

"Delighted," Lena replied taking the offered arm as they headed to the door.

"Well, don't wait up for us kids," Kate said waving over her shoulder. "Have a good night Mags, Alex, Kaylie."

"It's Karla! Um....Kara." The blonde sighed heavily. As the door closed, Kara spun on Maggie and stalked closer. "Who in the name of Rao is that!?"

"Uh, that's Kate," Maggie replied, clearly taken aback.

"Kara, what's wrong?" Alex asked.

"How does she know who I am?"

"I introduced you," Maggie said. "When she came in—"

"You told her I was Supergirl?"

"You told her she was Supergirl!?"

"What?" Maggie's head turned back and forth between the angry hero and her angry fiancée. "No! No, guys, no. I absolutely didn't...What makes you think she knows you're Supergirl?"

"She told me not to get my cape in a bunch."

"Oh...well maybe that's just a figure of...yeah, I guess she knows," Maggie admitted. "I didn't tell her, though. Someone else must have told her."

Eyes narrowed, Kara leaned in even closer. "Does she know Batman?"

Eyes widening, Maggie said, "Oooooooh! Yeah, that."

"Yeah that? Yeah, what, Mags?" Alex asked.

"I don't think I can tell you."

"Kara." Alex pointed at her sister.

Kara whipped off her glasses, her eyes glowing yellow.

"Aaaahhh! Kate is Batwoman!"

"Seriously?" Kara and Alex asked at the same time.

Hand to her chest, Maggie nodded. "Seriously. I told you, Alex, I have a type. It's hot, redheaded, intelligent, courageous, justice-driven women who will do anything to protect others, and also happen to be capable of kicking my ass."

"More like smacking it," Alex said pulling Maggie in close.

"Oh, guys." Kara looked away. "TMI."

"Oh, grow up and get your own girlfriend," Maggie said.

"I...pfff...I don't...I..."

"Hey, are you staying here with us, or are you going to the L-Corp mixer thingy to keep a closer eye on things? We'll be doing surveillance on our systems and checking in with the teams we have on site, but you should probably be there in case something happens and you're needed immediately."

"Right, yeah, right," Kara said nodding. "Plus I need to write an article for Catco."

"Well, go get changed," Alex urged.

Kara took two steps but then stopped. "Maggie, you don't think that Lena and Kate know. They don't really have anything in common, right?"

"Actually, they have lots in common. Kate's a billionaire."

Kara blinked a bit too rapidly. "What?"

Maggie nodded. "Yeah. See, she lost her mother and twin sister when she was just a kid, saw them killed in front of her. She was the one who survived. It turned out her sister, Elizabeth, wasn't dead, but they thought she was. She showed up again a few years back when Kate and I were together going by the name of Alice and speaking in these weird quotes. She was part of this big crime organization. Things got crazy there for a bit, like really crazy, but Beth is back and mostly okay I think. Kate's always wanted to make a difference in this world, and she joined the military, but she was outed for being gay, and she refused to lie about it, so she ended up being discharged. This whole Batwoman thing is her trying to make a difference in the world, make a better world, and help people. That's all she really wants is to make a better world, and she's super rich. So, lost her birth mother, had a sibling who went insane and even tried to kill her, noble do-gooder, and billionaire. Sound like anyone you know? Oh, she's pretty darn smart too."

Kara's mouth opened and closed several times before she snapped off her glasses and practically threw them to her sister. "I've got to get changed."

As Kara sped out of the room leaving a gust of wind behind, Alex whispered, "Is all of that true?"

Maggie nodded.

"You used to date a billionaire?"

Maggie whispered back, "Hey, if your sister doesn't close the deal with Lena, and you don't stop fighting me on the vegan wedding cake, I could again. Lena eats vegan. I'm vegan."

Alex rolled her eyes.

Before either of them could say another word, another gust of wind marked Kara's return. The blonde was wearing a black sheath dress. It was high around the neck but left her shoulders bare, and it ended a few inches above the knees. She wore earrings and a simple bracelet, her hair in an updo that was very tightly put together.

As Kara pulled on her heels, she said, "Okay, I'm ready."

"Daammnn Danvers," Maggie said running an appraising gaze over the blonde, "That does not come from the Adult Gap collection. Babe, she get that dress from you?"

"Not mine, but I'd borrow it. Where have you been hiding that, Kara?"

"Um...I sort of bought it when...Red K."


"Oh. And you kept it?" Alex asked.

"It's nice, right?" Kara asked, holding her arms apart. "Plus, I kind of set most of my wardrobe on fire with..." With two fingers, she made motions from her eyes.

"Not your finest moment," Alex admitted. "But, you were under the influence."

"I also don't make enough to buy all new clothes every time I set them on fire. I can barely afford to replace the ones I lose when I drop something in an emergency Supergirl change."

"Maybe you should marry a billionaire."

Alex turned, glaring at Maggie.

"What!?" Maggie said. "Any old billionaire is fine. Kate is nice, though at the wedding she probably won't know your name so—"

"Enough!" Alex took Kara's arm, walking her toward the door. Grabbing keys from the coffee table, Alex held them out. "Please don't scratch my car."

"Alex, I'm a great driver."

"Kara, you're an awful driver."

"I've got Kryptonian reflexes."

"Cars have Earth physics. Go slow and watch out for animals, and humans, and red lights, and sidewalks, and—"

"Do you just want to drive her, Danvers?"

Dropping the keys into her sister's hand, Alex said, "Just be careful."

"Don't worry. You two run surveillance from up here. I'll keep an eye out from inside the party. Oh, who's going to be on the ground from the DEO?"

"Kara, just relax. I've got the team covered. You just be Kara Danvers unless we need Supergirl. We still don't have a report that Janković has landed in National City. Tonight, you're just Kara Danvers."

"Tonight, I'm just Kara Danvers." Kara nodded. "Kara Danvers. I can do that. I'm awesome at doing that. I've got this."

As her sister walked to the door, Alex called out, "Hey, Kara?"

Kara turned, smiling. "Yeah?"

Alex held up Kara's glasses.

With an awkward laugh, Kara bounced her way back to Alex. "Right, my glasses because I'm Kara Danvers, and Kara Danvers wears glasses. Duh. Thanks, Alex."

"Kara, just relax and have fun, okay?"

"I'll try," Kara said nodding a little bit too eagerly.

Maggie and Alex sat down, opening their laptops. After about a minute, Alex went to the door and watched the elevator. She nodded, closing the door and coming back to the couch.

"Okay, she's at the ground floor. We're good," she said closing her laptop and picking up the TV remote, turning on the TV.

Maggie closed her laptop and asked, "What do you want to order for dinner, or do you want to surveil me, and I can surveil you first?" She picked her half-finished beer up from the table, waggling her eyebrows.

"You little shit."

"What?" Maggie asked.

"I can't believe you set Lena up with another superhero."

Maggie shrugged. "Kate is more of a vigilante. She doesn't have superpowers. Well, there is this thing she does with her..." Pausing and looking at the other woman, Maggie cleared her throat. "Okay, that would have been inappropriate even for me."

"Apparently, you do have a learning curve. Apparently, you want to have sex again this month."

Taking a sip of her beer and changing the subject, Maggie said, "The Lena and Kate thing, do you think it's a problem?"

Flipping through the channels, Alex considered. "Only if Lena has a type."

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