Hetalia x reader (Hetaoni)

By America4life02

8.7K 306 79

Hell, thats what this place was. It was a hell they never thought they would be walking into when they arrive... More

The Mansion Part 1
Finding Friends
Not Alone
Sleeping Conditions
Metal Pieces
Harsh Reality
The One Who Turned Back Time
Searching the Unknown
Enemies Lost in Time
Q&A Announcement
Guilt or Pride
Hetaoni Pt.2 Deleted scenes!!
Hetaoni x Reader from Pt.3 Deleted Scenes


501 14 4
By America4life02

I stared at Italy with a unsettling feeling in my stomach. What ever that dream was, it held a clue. I was about to ask about it, but a voice broke through the silence.

Japan, America, and England walked in with hope in their eyes.

"We found a way out!" America exclaimed as he smiled.

"Oh, you found a exit?" Russia asked.

"Yeah! We can finally escape! Come on, lets get out of here." England said and waved his hand in the direction the exit was said to be. I watched with a uneasy stare. Something seemed off. I shake it off thinking it was just me thinking to much into it.

"Shouldn't we hurry?" Italy asked calmer then I though he would be. I half expected him to be jumping off the walls.

"We already have an exit secured! I want to explore a little! All I've seen was the basement; I want to go upstairs too!" America said as he pointed up.

"No! We should just get out. This place is just too.." I trailed off thinking about the dreams I saw. A shiver ran up my spine.

"You can go with Germany, you guys go ahead with the others. When America gets like this, nothing can stop him." Canada said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Well, we have to make sure that that rope isn't rotten. We'll go ahead and see if there isn't any problem." Germany said as he crossed his arms.

I felt panic rise in my chest. Splitting up is not good! That thing was after us and these men wanted to split up! Haven't they ever seen a horror movie before?

"I'm splitting up for a while! I found some Chinese medicine that I wanted; I'll go get it!" China said. I mentally face palmed. China! Not you too!

"Japan! Stay back; I want to have a word with you. The others can wait in the other room." Prussia said as he grabbed Japan by the shoulder. We all nod and walked out.

~~~~(Five minute time skip)~~~~

I was standing in the hallway with Russia. We waited for a while. I was leaning against the wall stuck in my thoughts.

"Are you okay sunflower?" Russia asked. I jumped a little and looked at Russia with slightly wide eyes. I relaxed and smiled at him.

"Yeah, just.... Scrambling through my thoughts. I think I was effected with some of those fake memories you all were talking about earlier." I said as I looked own. The blood, screaming, the tears, It was freaking me out.

"Did you see something bad?" Russia asked. I looked up to see his violet eyes open, holding worry. I shook my head and straitened up.

"Ahhhhh~, It doesn't matter. It was all fake anyways." I said as I smiled at him. He looked like he wanted to ask more, but a footsteps stopped him.

I looked up and saw the panicked faces of our friends.

"What happened." I asked.

"Oh, Your back. What's the matter?" Russia asked.

"We can't use that exit! It's been burnt out! We have to run now!" Japan said in  a haste.

'What! H-how did it-!" I was pulled out of my thoughts when Russia gripped my hand.

"I see. Good thing you found me. Lets hurry. The others should be back soon now." Russia said as he started to run with my hand still in his. I let out a sudden yelp as my arm was jerked to the side and stumbled for my footing till finally getting my balance.

We gathered the others and closed our self's in the room to the stairs.

"You can't be serious! Just when we thought we were finally going to get out..." England said as he clenched his hands into fists.

"Lock the door!" China said to Japan who was closer to the door. He turned around and locked the door, making sure it was firmly locked.

I watched as the boys talked about what our next move should be. I looked over at Italy who looked a little fidgety while looking at the others.

"D*** it! Even though we're all together here, our situation hasn't got any better!" Germany snapped as he punched a wall. I looked down, and flinched as the sound of his fist hitting the wall rang through out the little room. "Now we're locked up in here and that F****** monster is after our a****!" Germany cursed. I sighed and looked up.  

"Yelling about it isn't going to help." I mutter as I stand straighter.

"West, don't be so pessimistic. What matters is that we're still alive. Besides, with so many nations gone, maybe someone will come to rescue us." Prussia said as he smiled. That was a thought that didn't accrue to me. He better hope its not Hungary and Austria, they might just leave him.

"Besides, we still need to connect the time we sped here with the time in the outside world. We have to keep breaking the clocks." China said as he stepped closer to the group. I shivered. I didn't want to see another one of those fake memories of dreams. They were so violent and gory. I hated them.

"Yeah, that's the best short-cut. Except we'll need our strength somehow....." Russia said as he looked over at me from the corner of his eyes. "You'll probably agree with me, but...we're quit tired. Not from fighting the enemy, but running away all the time." Russia stated as he grabbed my shoulders. I huffed as I leaned to the side. I was quit tired. I guess I haven't noticed since we have been through all this stuff.

"Maybe escapeing really is impossible...." Germany said. I looked at him with wide eyes. "And now... We're probably going to get eaten one by one. That's what I would do, if I were the Thing!" Germany said. I stepped infront of him and glared.

"Don't say that! Your practicly giving the monster what it wants! We need to keep our heads held high and our thoughts in check! We are countries! We will not go down with out a fight!" I said as I looked around at the men in the room.

"Frua....I'm sorry." Germany said quietly. I nodded in understanding.

"That right west! We only lost one way out! There are still many other ways!" Prussia yelled as he sided with me.

".....Prussia. I'm sorry. And thank you... for what you did earlier. This time, I intend to make it up to you for saveing me. I'm sorry I was a burden." Germany said as he looked down with shame.

"Germany. But, Germany, its okay-" Italy was cut off.

"No. If I can't protect my allies when I have the chance, then my training was pointless. At the very least, I shouldn't be such a burden to you" Germany scolded himself.

'wow, he's being pretty hard on himself.' I thought as I gripped his arm. He looked at me for a second then away.

"I'm sorry to you too. Italy, you've been fighting well, without running away. I really appreciate it." Germany said as he looked at Italy with a since of pride in his eyes.

"What?...Oh, um. Thanks." Italy said as he looked down at his clenched fists.

'What-!" I looked at France who began to speak.

"But you know, I think we can definitely get out now. You see, this is the first time that-" France stopped talking. Italy had cut him off.

"Please....Please, if you get out, just keep running. No matter what, don't look back, don't forget about me, don't blame me, don't cry, and time-" Italy started to shake.

"Er... You're shaking." Canada said as he went to reach his hand out to him.

"Italy!!" Japan called out as fear washed over his features. I felt my heart jump. The door smashed open and that thing was standing right behind Italy. I pulled out my (Any throwing or shooting weapon) and aimed at the monster. I didn't dear shoot/thow cause Italy stood in the way.

America jumped away from the door and watched as the monster got closer to Italy. We all watched and let out sounds of shock.

"It was scary, but...but.. It was fun." Italy said as he looked at all of us with a sad gaze. My head started to throb.

"Italy!!" Germany yelled as Italy didn't move.

It threw its claws up high and brought it down on Italy. A lump formed in my throat.

"Italy!!" I yelled out.

It all happened in a blink of an eye. One minute he was about to hit Italy, the next America had blocked his attack. I felt a surge of energy. I looked over to see England holding out his hand muttering a spell.

"tch! That kind of hurt." America muttered as he pushed back that thing.

"America!!" Canada shouted out.

"--!! Wait! You better not move!" Russia called out.

"Sorry, but Italy is my atmosphere-searching partner. You'll have to settle with eating an iron pipe!" America taunted with a grin. The monster moved to attack.

"America!! In front of you! Dodge..." Canada warned the American who was to busy boosting about his block.

America looked over at England as if giving him a signal. "Now England!" America said with a serious tone. England nodded and muttered a spell. The monster froze for a second and America moved fast.

"yeah! That really bought us some time!" England yelled with a smug smirk. I watched with wide eyes and watched as they fought with beautiful strategy. "Impedimenta!!!" England shouted. Circles formed on the ground trapping the monster. The ground glowed and the thing stopped moving all together. America looked back at us with a serious look.

"We need to go." America said. I ran over to England who was tripping over his own feet.

"Don't strain your self." I said as he leaned on me for support. He huffed a breath and looked at me with a proud glint.

"I'm fine. Just winded." He muttered as he smiled.

"Italy! Are you all right?!" Germany shouted as he rushed to Italy who had a shocked look. That thing started to move again.

"Get your weapons!! Lets all attack together!" Prussia shouted as she pulled out his sward and pointed it at the monster with a dangerouse glint in his eyes.

I herd England mutter another spell. I felt a burst of energy come from him.

"That's good England! You did great!" America called out. England lowered his hands and was breathing heavely.

"Sorry... You take it.... From here." He mumbled as all his weight came down on me. I squeaked as he and I fell to the ground. I checked his pulse and sighed in relief when I felt a pulse.

"Watch him while we finish this thing off, (Name)" America commanded. I nodded as I sat there.

The boys all charged at the monster, who seemed pretty hacked.

 It came charging at England and I who were still on the ground. I muttered a spell and threw a fire ball at the creature. It screeched in pain and stumbled back. He looked back at me, but Russia took the time to slam his metal pipe into the monster head while it was distracted. Chine jumped in front of it and hit it several times with his wok. The monster flung his arm, hitting China and throwing him to the other side of the room. Germany flung his whip and wrapped the end on the monsters wrist. While it was at a disadvantage, Japan and Prussia charged at it, slicing through the monsters flesh. Italy stood there watching with wide eyes. He met the monsters gaze strait on and the monster let out a ear piercing screech. Italy didn't even flinch. Canada shot a arrow at the monster. It hissed as the arrow hit its arm. That thing turned and was met with a pistil, pointed right at its head. America pulled the trigger and the monster crumbled to the ground.

The body of the creature vanished and was gone. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

"We defeated it...?" Japan asked as he looked around.

"I-I'm so awesome.." Prussia muttered as he smiled smugly. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Mr. Awesome. What about England." I asked as I felt a little bit of irritation towards the cocky albino.

"OH! We have to heal England." America said as he came to my side. He lifted the Englishman up and onto his back.  

"He will be fine. He dose need to rest. So it would be best to find a place where he can rest without that thing taking advantage of his weakened state." I said as I dusted myself off.

"That's a more pressing matter." China said as he looked down in thought. It went silent and we all looked down in thought as we tried to think of a safe place.

"I see. I'll show you the way." Germany said out of the blue. We all looked at him with 'What you talking about?' looks.

"What?" Japan asked.

"I experimented it several times, so I think its all right. Japan and (C/N), remember that thick door on the second floor." Germany asked as he looked at the both of us.

"You mean that room you were hiding in earlier?" I asked with out thinking.

"I was not hiding! There is no hiding in full monster combat!" Germany defended himself. I smiled as him as if saying 'Not going to press farther, just cause you complain, but you were.' He grunted but took the hint.

"What? Oh....Yes, I remember." Japan said as he looked at Germany to continue.

"Lets go there... Finally, I'm going to be of some use, too." Germany said as he started to walk out. We all followed him out of the basement. I jogged to catch up to him. We were a few feet away from the others.

"Don't beat your self up about that. You are being plenty of help." I said as I looked at Germany with worry. He glanced and me then looked down with a sigh.

"No frau, I have not. I froze when that thing about kill....." Germany looked down and clenched his first. He was being to hard on his self. He was a strick guy. He once made himself run till he lost his lung after losing in paint ball to the Allies.

"You couldn't have known what was going to happen. It was out of your control. Not everything goes as plan, heh, if it did, we would have never came here." I said as I stuffed my hands in my pockets. He looked at me with a mixture of emotions.

"That is what I am afraid of. That thing came at you and what if you were the one past out or had not have your magic? You would have been..." He looked back down with a darker look in his eyes. I raised a brow and half smirked at him. He looked at me and flushed red. Out of embarrassment or annoyance, I don't know.

"What are you smileing about." He half grunted half hissed. I shook my head and looked strait.

"Oh, nothing. Listen, I am for heck not helpless and I cant be taken down that easy. I was not like you when you became a country. I was put through a series of tests. I was taught how to fight, survive, and ....kill. I was hanged off the highest tower, just so my fear of heights would not slow me down. I have been trained to use anything as a weapon and to map out any plan or strategy. I have the highest IQ of any human so I could use any information to my use. I was put through many ways to use my skills to their fullest. I am not a damsel in distress. I am a soldier who will fight for the people who I care for, with out holding back. I am fine and I wont be leavening anytime soon. I will fight just as hard as you boys do." I said as I smiled at Germany. He looked at me for a while till a ghost of a smile came to his lips. It vanished when we stopped. We were in the room with the iron door.

We opened the Iron door. It creaked as it opened. Stairs lead up to a wood door. We walked up the stairs. The door lead to a dark room.

"Ouch!" Japans voice yelped.

"Who is stepping on my foot!?" China shouted out.

"So..... Whos on tome of me~? If its (C/N) I don't mind, but if its some one else...." Russia said. I felt the boys shiver as the unsettling voice of Russia rose through out the group.

"Sorry, but I'm standing alone over here." I mutter. I moved out of the way so this didn't happen.

"Hey! That's my hair!! So, isn't a little narrow here? And Dark." France's voice asked.

"I think its quite roomy over here. I just think you all are huddling up together." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Oh, sorry. Were is that switch,...Wait a minute." Germany said as his foot steps echoed in the room. I felt his arm brush past me and to the wall that was behind me.

Light filled the room. I was staring into a pair of icy blue eyes. Germany some how was just a few inched from my face. (Considering the height difference) He flushed and jumped back a few feet. I was looking at him completely oblivious to the sudden shyness. (Like the Oblivious person you were to this kind of stuff)

"Huh. Germany...did you....?" Russia's voice was covered by Chinas out burst.

"Wh-what the heck is this place!?" China asked as he looked around.

"Hm. That went over better than I thought. Everyone is here." Germany muttered as he nodded in approval. "I'm relieved that we didn't lose anybody. And I'm glad that we made it here in time." Germany said with a sigh.

"Awesome! What is this place? Did you make it, west?" Prussia asked as he looked over at the German.

"....Its amazing...." Italy said. I couldn't tell if it was sullen or if he really was amazed.

"How did you do this?" France asked.

A grunt caught our attention. We looked back to see England starting to stir. America looked back with a look of relief.

"Oh. Are you awake?" America asked. England's green orbs opened. His eyes widened as he pushed himself from the Americans back.

"Wh-where the h*** am I?! Don't tell me that we.... got out? ...I guess not...." England said as he huffed and plopped down in a chair.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I stared him in the eye. I was a little hacked cause if he used his magic over his limit...poof!

"I am alright. Just a little warn out." England said as he looked me in the eyes.

"Just don't over due it, okay. I realized my magic has had a little less kick to it. I assume that its the same for you, so please be careful." I said as I scolded the English man.

"Go easy on him. I asked him to do it. We needed to hold that thing for a few before it attacked Italy. He was against it at first cause of that reason, but agreed to it anyways." America said as he grabbed my shoulder. I nod and backed off... a little..

"We have much to talk about. However, our first priority now is to sleep. We had better sleep first and talk later." Germany said as he started to walk over to some beds in the far left corner.

"Yeah, if we try to talk now, I wont get anything..." Prussia said as he stretched with a yawn.

"Yeah, I think we all should get some sleep. We have been running and fighting all day. Lets get our streangth back." I mutter as I scratched my head with a stretch.

"America, didn't you get hurt when you thrust that iron pipe earlier? Give me your arm, I'll take care of it. Is there a first-aid kit here or anything of the sort?" Canada asked.

"Hai, (C/N) has one in her bag." Japan said as he looked at me. I smiled and nodded. I reached for my bag, but grasped thin air.

"Huh?! M-my bag! Its gone! I must have left it in that cell in the basement." I said as I looked down in shame. How did I miss that.

"Don't worry. On the shelf in the back. Feel free to use it. Those who don't have any problems, go to sleep. There is no need to keep watch. I've already experimented it countless times." Germany said.

"Japan~ Sleep next to me! You, too, Germany! I'll sleep in the middle! Oh (C/N) and I can share a bed!" Italy chirped. I blushed and put my hands up.

"Its okay Italy, I'll sleep by my self. I want to take a shower anyways." I politely declined. His shoulders drooped, but japan lightened his mood.

"Yes, of course. It's been so long since I lay down a little." Japan said, saveing me from caving in on Italy's puppy eyes.

"I'll sleep next to west, or if (c/n) gets lonely, I can sleep with her." Prussia teased. I wacked hi on the head with a closed fist.

"Not in a million years you perverted man." I mutter as I cross my arms.

~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~

I was laying in the bed at the end of the room. I some how ended up in the bed next to Prussia's, lucky me (she said with a sigh.)

I kept thinking about my bag. I knew that I had some supplies that was very useful at the moment, but it wasn't dire. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had to get to my bag before....before who? All I know is that I need my bag.

I crawled from under the covers and slipped on my shoes. I tip toed out of the room and just as I was out a voice stopped me. I turned to see Canada as he reached for his glasses. He rubbed the sleep from his tired eyes as he looked at me.

"Where are you going?" He asked in a soft whisper. I smiled at him and pointed behind me.

"Oh, I was just going to go to the bathroom. Sorry did I wake you up?" I asked in a inicent voice. Canada sat there silently and looked at me as if studying me.

"Your lieing." He said. My smile faded and a look of puzzlement replaced it.

"What?" I asked with a confused look. Crap. He had the most sharpest eye out of all the boys. I sometimes wondered how they managed to miss him time and time again.

"What's going on?" He asked a little more sterner. I sighed and put my hands on my hips.

"Really, can't go to the restroom with out being framed, huh?" I said as I shook my head. I turned and walked to the bathrooms, closing the door behind me. I sighed.

I stayed their and went back out. I saw that Canada was still awake and walked over to my bed. I threw the covers over my form and stayed there for about thirty minutes. I looked over to see if he was asleep. He was. I sighed as I left the room. I put some pillows on my bed to make it look like I was asleep in my bed.

I quietly closed the door and went out the Iron door. I shut the door firmly and started to walk out the room. The Iron door squeaked open. I spun to see Canada standing there with a 'caught you' look. I groaned.

"Crap." I said.

"Caught you. Know where are you going?" He asked. I sighed and looked him in the eyes.

"Would you still believe me if I said I was going to the restroom?" I asked with a serious face. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot. It was rarely that I saw the Canadian mad. He never showed his furry of the Canadian side, or really get anyone to listen to his rants.

"Speak." He said sternly. I felt like my father caught me while I am in my crazy teens and sneaking out to go see my boyfriend.

"I need my bag. Its very important." I said as I got serious. The stern look in his eyes did not leave as I said this.

"What's so important about it to have to sneak out?" He asked. That was a good question.

"I-I don't know. I have to get to it. Now." I said in a strick tone. Canada flinched at my clod words.

"Is it that important to endanger your life, maple?" He asked. I froze at the softness of his voice. He was just worried about me. I sighed and nodded. He nodded and closed the iron door.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm coming with you. Its to dangerous to go alone, especially with that thing hunting us down." Canada said as he made sure the door was shut.

"No, I can handle myself just fine. If you want to help then stall them if they wake up while I am gone." I said as I stepped in front of him.

"No, If your bag is important than I suggest we go get it." Canada said as he walked past. I huffed in irritation.

"Wow, for a quiet guy, your as stubborn as a bull moose." I mumble as I followed him.

~~~~~~~(Mini Time Skip)~~~~~~~~~

We had walked to the basement and were in front of the room with the cell. I turned and looked at Canada.

"Stay out here. Keep and eye out for the monster. If he comes, we will have to move fast, considering that we are a smaller group right now." I said as I opened the door.

"Okay, be careful. If something happens, call for me." Canada said as he gripped my wrist. I smiled and moved my hand so it gripped his, with a little squeeze I went into the room.

I looked into the cell and saw my (F/C) bag on the ground. I sighed and went over and grabbed it. I stopped though. My bag was making a weird ticking sound. I kneeled down and opened my bag. My eyes widened.

In side my bag was a clock, but it wasn't there before....was it?

It wasn't any clock though. It was a gold Pocket Watch.



..............To be continued........

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