Fifth Harmony Interracial ima...

By Rockyblu14

153K 2.4K 448

Mostly G!P unless said otherwise. More

Do what i gotta do
Do what i gotta do part2
The warriors
The Warriors part 2
Happy Birthday
The Warriors part 3
Not what we thought
Not what we thought 2
Did I scare you?
Always about you
Always about you 2
Always about you 3
Always about you 4
Who will it be?
Cookie cat
One Step at a Time
Always about you 5
Not what we thought 3
The Warriors 4
One step at a time 2
One step at a time 3
Once step at a time 4

The Best Time of The Year

3.3K 47 22
By Rockyblu14

A/n~ you and girls are kids. Ally 9~Lauren and Normani 8~ Dinah, Camila, and you are 7

~~~Dinah's POV~~~

I was in bed but I couldn't sleep. Cause tomorrow is Christmas. I don't believe in Santa. He's not real. My friend Camila said so. Right when I was about to fall asleep a loud horn scared me. I turned over and looked out the window to see a bright light. What the heck is that?

I jumped out my bed and grabbed my coat. Then my shoes, gloves, beanie, and scarf. What? Im not bout to run outside in a robe. Plus I got to look cute. You'll never know who I might meet. I ran out accidentally ripping the pocket of my coat. When I got downstairs I ran outside and saw a train outside my house. "What in the world is going on?" I asked even though nobody was around.

Even though I might get killed, I got closer to the train. The door opened and a tall guy stepped out and looked at me. "Well, you coming!?" He asked me. "Are you a child predator?" I asked him. "What!? No I'm not." He said. "My mom told me not to talk to strangers. You know my dad is like beast. He can crush you." I said and crossed my arms over my chest. "Listen. Either you get on or stay. Your choice but I'm on a tight schedule." He said annoyed.

"Where will you be taking me?" I asked. "To the North Pole of course. This is the Polar Express!" He told me and motioned towards the huge train."Fine. I'll go but know I have a pocket knife and I'll cut off your private part off if you try anything." I said and got on the train. "You're the fifth girl who's said that to me." He mumbled.

I walked into a cart and I saw other kids in there. I fought a empty seat and sat down. This girl in the seat across me kept starring at. "Excuse you. May I help you?" I asked her. "My names Normani. What's yours?" She said and held out her hand for me to shake.

"Dinah Jane." I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you Dinah Jane. This is my friend Ally and Lauren." She pointed to the short girl beside her and a girl with green eyes. "Nice to meet y'all. I like your eyes Lauren." Lauren thanked me. "Hiya Dinah!" I jumped when someone popped up in the seat in front of me. I looked and saw Camila. "Hey Camila. What are you doing here?" I asked her with a smile cause I knew someone on here.

"The conductor stopped at my house too and picked me up." She explained. "Tickets! Everyone get out your tickets!" The conductor said. "Get in your seats and get out your tickets!" Everyone ran to there seats and pulled out tickets. I didn't have a ticket. "Ticket please?" He asked me. "I don't have one." I said honestly. "Check your pocket." I slid my hand in my right pocket but all I found was a hole.

"Check your other pocket." I did and furrowed my eyebrows when I felt something in it. I pulled out a golden ticket and handed it to him. He punched holes in it really fast. Once he was finished he handed it back to me. It had the letter and number 5H on it. Same for the other girls. I just shrugged not thinking much about it.


"Well are you coming?" We watched as he picked up another kid from the window. It was a dark skin girl with braids and beads in her head. "I thought you were the last kid to get picked up." Mani said. "To the North Pole of course. This is the Polar Express!" He told the girl like he said to me. "Are you coming?" He asked again. She shook her and and he nodded. "Suit yourself then." The conductor got back on the train without the girl. I guess she didn't want to come. I was looking forward to being friends with her. But she seems like the shy type.

The train started slowly moving. I watched as the girl stood there. Then she started running to get on. "Come on! Hurry up!" I yelled and waved my hand. "She tried to run faster but the train got faster and faster. "Hurry!" I yelled. She ended up tripping and face planting the snow. I ain't even gone lie. I laughed some. "We got to stop the train!" I said to the girls.

"But why?" Ally asked. "That girl wants to get on. We have to help her." I told them. Camila looked around and pointed at a lever on the wall. "That's the emergency brakes." Camila said. I quickly ran to it and pulled it. The train jolted forward from the stop and threw us on the ground.

"Noooo!" We looked at the person that screamed and it was Normani. She was looking down at her shoes. "I creased my Jordan's. In to many ways." She whined. "Sorry." I apologized. "Who dit it!? Who stopped the train!?" The conductor barged in and questioned everyone. "She did it!" A boy with glasses snitched. "Oh you a snitch now? You a snitch!" I pounced at him but the girls held me back.

"Snitches get stitches boy. Snitches get stitches." Mani said to him. "Why would you stop the train? I'm on a tight schedule. I've never been late and this will not be my first time. That is only for emergencies only." He fussed at me. "But she was just trying to help that kid get on." Mani said. "It's true." Ally said. "Hmm is this really true?" He asked looking straight in my eyes. I looked at Mani then back at him nodding my head.

"Ok. You're off the hook for now." He stick his hand out the window and waved then closed it. "Now everyone back in your seats. I'll be back."

Your POV

I got out of my seat and went to the outside the train in the back to get some air. There was a railing there so it was safe for me to go there. I want to go in the other cart with the other kids but I'm scared. They might not like me. I don't have friends and I don't know how to make one. Every time I try I get all nervous and run away. I'll just sing the song my grandma and I sing all the time together.

I'm wishing on a star
And trying to believe
That even though its far
He'll find me Christmas Eve
I guess that Santa's busy
Cause he's never come around
I think of him
When Christmas comes to town

I jumped and turned around when I heard another voice join in with me. It was a dark skinned girl like me. She's really cute too.

The best time of the year
When everyone comes home
With all this Christmas cheer
Its hard to be alone
Putting up the Christmas tree
With friends who come around
Its so much fun
When Christmas comes to town

Even though I was nervous I joined back in and sung with her.

Presents for the children
Wrapped in red and green
All the things I've heard about
But never really seen
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
Hoping Santa's on his way

Presents for the children
Wrapped in red and green
All the things I've heard about
But never really seen
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
Hoping Santa's on his way

I couldn't stop looking at her. I don't know why but my stomach feels weird.

When Santa's sleigh bells ring
I listen all around
The herald angels sing
I never hear a sound
And all the dreams of children
Once lost will now be found
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

That's all I want when Christmas comes to town



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