Say You Won't Let Go

By StrangeBlob

354K 9.7K 2.6K

I've always lived with my mother and sister. But things happen, lives change... People change. Best ranking: ... More

The News
The Flight
A Reunion
The New School
Beautiful Days & Ugly Assumptions
The Girl With Emerald Eyes
Dancing Under The Moonlight
Cookies & A Movie
Jerks & Rumors
Broken Eyes
Dinner Disaster
The Troublesome Adventures
Fights & Gazes
Wrong Doings & Wrong Words
Her Marks
After School
A Realization
Labs & Conversation
Truthful Lies
Words On The Lockers
The Question
The Final Words
Momentary Peace
The Fatal Answer
Running Free
The Empty Gun & Broken Bullets
Smiles & New Information
The Coward & The Hero
Cookies, Pizza & Grins
Flirting & Worry
Trust & The Stumble
The Reason Behind It All
The Demons Of Her Past
Dinner & Explanations
Friends & Their Advice
The Truth Always Comes Out
Bathroom Stalls & Changing Times
Quiet Night
Revealed Secrets
The Gift Of A Lifetime
Past Reasons & Transparent Emotions
What Happened In The Past
Home & Stories
Traditions & Mistletoes
Lunch Dates & Mistakes
Little Sisters
Purple Roses & Row Boats
The Strongest Of Them All
A Summer Night

The Effects Of Emerald Eyes

5.7K 170 35
By StrangeBlob

"What time is it?" Normani asks as Dinah proceeds to brush through my hair with her fingers.

I check my phone. "4:48 p.m." I reply, shoving my phone back into my pocket.

"Oooo, it's almost five!" Dinah squeals, standing up from my bed beside me. I frown at the loss of contact.

"Yeah, we have to leave so Lauren can come whisk you away." Normani says wistfully, flitting her hands around. "Plus, I have a hot date, as well."

Dinah rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Yeah, mhmm. If your date is those fried chicken wings at your house then sure."

"Whatever." Normani whacks Dinah's shoulder. "Want to over and share those wings with me?"

"Hell yeah!" Dinah grins, hugging me quickly before leaving my room. "Bye, Chancho! Have fun and stay safe!"

"Bye." I wave, even though they're gone. Nerves begin to fill my body. Oh god, what if Lauren and I's date goes horribly wrong? What if we see her parents on our date by chance? What if—?

My phone buzzes against my hip.

With clammy hands, I grab my phone. My eyes slowly scan the screen.

Right now: Emerald Eyes: I escaped Mother; I'm on my way. :) see you soon!

A wave of oh-my-god-I'm-going-on-a-date-Lauren-Jauregui washes over me. I wash my hands with cold water to rid of how warm and uncomfortable they are.

Running my hands through my hair, I stare at myself in the mirror. Oh jeez.

"Mila!" Alejandro calls from downstairs, making my heart spike. "Lauren is here for you!"

I frantically grab my (Lauren's) jacket, throwing it over my bare arms. I want to look good but it's December and catching a cold does not sound like fun.

Racing down the stairs, Alejandro catches a glimpse of me.

"Woah," he says when I grab the doorknob. "Where are you going dressed like that?"

"Uhhh, I don't know, actually." I ramble, flashing him a sheepish smile before I open the door. Stepping outside, I immediately shut it before my dad can ask anymore questions.

"Wow." Lauren breathes. "You look beautiful."

All my attention snaps to her. Her eyes are on me, taking in everything. Her pupils are very dilated in the haze of dark being cast from the sky.

Lauren looks stunning. Her hair is done all wavy and her eyes are brighter than normal. She wears a long sleeve white shirt that is hemmed up in a loose knot to reveal her belly button. She wears dark jeans with three buttons instead of a zipper.

"Wow yourself." I squeak out, forcing my eyes up to her's.

A warm smile spreads across Lauren's face, making me melt like snow.

"Shall we go?" Lauren gestures to the sidewalk. I nod, smiling.

We begin to walk away from my house. I look over to her. "Now can you tell me where we are going?"

A teasing smile plays along Lauren's lips. "No." She giggles when I pout.

"Come on!" I frown, crossing my arms.

"It's a surprise." Lauren tells me, dipping her head gently to meet my eyes with affection.

I try to act annoyed but a stubborn grin pulls at the corners of my lips. We walk side by side, our hands swinging next to each other.

It's like tension is crackling between them. Every time they grow farther away, it disperses, but whenever they're close, it's like a wild fire.

"You know," Lauren hums softly, catching my attention. "December is such a beautiful month."

"Yeah, but I️ fancy November a tad more." I️ reply, my eyes trained on the girl next to me.

"Really? November reminds me of burnt toast." Lauren frowns. "But you seem like a much nicer thing for November to remind me of."

"Yeah?" I️ smile, meeting her eyes. "December reminds me of cold coffee. But maybe, just maybe, I'll think of you instead."

"Cold coffee and burnt toast." Lauren repeats thoughtfully.

"You and me." I️ murmur. Lauren's gaze brightens and a smile twitches on her lips.

Silence falls over us again. But this silence is like the crackle of a fire on a cold winter's night.

Suddenly, warmth spreads across my palm. Lauren's fingertips dance along my skin as she takes my hand in hers, intertwining our fingers.

Her warmth is soft. I've never felt like this before. My heartbeat spikes and I️ can hear it in my ears. But it's soothing. She gently rubs my hand with her thumb pad.

A light breeze whips around us, chilling my bare midriff. Our hands swinging ever so slightly and we keep bumping shoulders.

"Camz," Lauren starts softly, squeezing my hand to gain my attention. "What's the meaning of life?"

This catches me off-guard. "W-what?" I️ stutter.

"It's just a question I️ like asking people." Lauren shrugs, easing into my weird reaction. "You don't have to answer."

"Isn't the meaning to life death?" I️ murmur, gazing over at the green eyed girl. "That everything has an end?"

"I️ used to think the same." Lauren hums, reading my facial features thoughtfully. "But wouldn't that make every life the same?"

"I️ suppose. But aren't we all the same?" I️ counter.

"No. You're Camila and I'm Lauren. You're November, I'm December. Very similar; but not the same. Nothing is the same. Nothing at all." Lauren swings our arms as we stroll down the sidewalk.

"But we all have hearts?" I'm beginning to become more and more hesitate with my answers.

"They beat for different reasons."

I️ don't respond because, really, I️ don't know how to respond. Lauren seems satisfied with this and proceeds to further the conversation.

"Okay, so now that we're on the same page. I️ think the meaning to life is living." Lauren says, her eyes wandering into the darkness of 5 p.m in the winter.

"Isn't that a tad redundant?" I️ playfully tease. Lauren shoots me a glare but I️ can tell it's soft.

"Just listen." Lauren whispers.

So, I listen.

I️ hear the chirp of birds nearby. The hum of most likely crickets in the grass by our feet as we stroll through the park. The chatting of lively people. The bass of a song being played somewhere in the park. Children laughing. The breeze ruffling the trees.

"Life." I️ murmur.

"Why would the meaning of life be something so different from it?" Lauren squeezes my hand to get my attention from the noises buzzing around like fireflies in the dark. "If life has a meaning, then it's to live; not just exist."

"Woah, deep." I️ say, no teasing manner or okay in my voice. Lauren meets my gaze and nods.

"Yeah. But it's the real stuff. We're not going to go on a date and talk about our favorite colors, right?" Lauren smiles, this humorous gleam in her eyes.

"Yeah, definitely wasn't planning on doing that." I️ drawl, darting my eyes to the side.

"It's okay. I️ was just kidding, Camz." Lauren rubs her thumb against my hand. She leads us out of the park and down the lighted street. Christmas lights are twined around the trees lining the sidewalks on either side.

"Where are we going?" I️ choose to prod again, curiosity getting the better of me.

Lauren laughs, tilting her head back to gaze at the sky. "What am I ever going to do with you? It's a secret!"

"Well, yeah. I️ know!" I️ say, keeping my eyes on the girl beside me. "I️'m just impatient."

"I️ can tell." Lauren deadpans.

My jaw slackens slightly. "Oh my god! Okay, rude."

"I'm just kidding." Lauren bumps the side of my chin gently with her thumb, a soft smile like melted butter on her lips.

"Yeah?" I️ hum, making Lauren nod. "Prove it."

"Whatever you say, Camz." Lauren opens a door for me, catching me off-guard. I️ look up at the sign: Our Little Love.

"What is this?" I️ ask as we walk in together. Tall tables line the large windows and shorter tables with comfy chairs stick closer to the counter for ordering. Lights string all around the circumference of the room in shades of warm vanilla. Light chatter fills the room.

"This small café." Lauren nervously wrings her hands. "I️ didn't know if you'd like it but I️ thought you might because it's small and cozy and I️ don't know—"

"Lo," I️ cut off her rambling, grabbing her free hand with mine. "I️ love it. It's so cute and tiny."

"Like you."

I️ scoff, letting go of the green eyed girl's hands. "I️ am not." I️ pout, crossing my arms.

"Mhmm, sure." Lauren slings her arms around my shoulders, walking us to the cashier. The counters are all made of polished wood and so is the whole building. Huge chalkboard sit in front and behind of the register, explaining what they have to offer food and drink wise.

A tall man with his hair pulled up into a bun greets us from behind the counter. He rubs his dark scruff, smiling when he sees Lauren. "Lauren!"

"Hey, Joey." Lauren smiles, nodding once. They clearly know each other.

"How's it been?" Joey asks, leaning both arms on the counter.

"Better than normal." Lauren hums, glancing over at me. My heart flips in my chest.

"That's fantastic!" He grins. A tiny bell dings when the door opens. Joey looks over and winks at the person who just came in but continues our conversation. "And who is this?" He looks at me.

"Camila." Lauren smiles. "Camz, this is Joey."

"Hi, Joey." I️ hum, smiling widely. Joey dips his head to me. "How do you know each other?"

"Oh, we went to school together. But then, when my parents found out I️ was dating that oaf over there—" he points to the man he winked at. Clearly, he loves him and doesn't think he is an oaf as the man beams back at us. "—they made me transfer schools. I️ just ended up dropping out."

"That's terrible." I️ frown. How many parents aren't excepting of their children? Are my parents going to be like that?

"I️ suppose." Joey shrugs. "Anyway, what can I️ get you guys?"

"I'll take my usual. Camz, what do you want?" Lauren looks over at me.

"Uh," I️ clench my teeth. "Surprise me."

"You got it." Joey winks, disappearing into the back room without another word.

Lauren leads us over to a tall table near the window. I️ jump up into the chair while Lauren sits down normally. Getting comfortable in the high chair, I️ gaze out the window.

"Tell me," I️ hum, shifting my eyes to Lauren's face. The Christmas lights reflect in her eyes perfectly. "Your favorite color?"

Lauren laughs and, I️ swear, it's actual music. It makes my heart flutter. "You're such a dork." Lauren's lips mold into an affection smile.

"But, really, tell me something about you. Anything." I️ say.



"Well, alright." Lauren taps her chin in thought. She then stops and smiles contently. "If I️ had to choose a different name than my own, I️ would pick Noel."

"Noel? Like, in the Christmas songs?" I️ ask.

"Yes." Lauren beams. "I️ just really like how it sounds. You know?"

"What if I️ started calling you Auren?" I️ bite my bottom lip to keep from smiling and giving it away. Lauren furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "You know, with no L?"

Lauren's jaw drops. "Oh, shut up, you clever ass!"

I️ find myself grinning. Like, really grinning. My face begins to hurt.

Lauren clasps her hands together. "Okay, Miss I️-think-I'm-funnier-than-Lauren-by-taking-out-the-L-in-her-name, what would you like your name to be if you could change it?"

"Probably still Camila. Camila is my middle name. My actual name is Karla." I️ shrug.

"So you're Karla Camila Cabello?" Lauren asks and I️ shake my head.

"No, Estrabao."


"Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao." I️ explain, seeing Joey come to our table. He sets two drinks on our table.

"Here." Lauren pulls out ten dollars from her pocket and hands it to him. He grins and walks away to sit by his boyfriend.

I️ take a sip of my drink, getting whipped cream on my nose. Lauren giggles at me, wiping it off with her thumb.

"Thank you, Noel." I️ hum brightly. Lauren's eyes gleam.

"God, what are you? Running for the crown? You just made my heart melt." Lauren places her hand on her heart.

"You like the name that much?"

"Yeah, I️ do. But it doesn't really fit me. Maybe I'll name my daughter that. Noel."

"And Joy." I️ ponder aloud, catching Lauren's attention.



Lauren takes a sip of her drink. Suddenly, her phone buzzes. She takes it out and reads the screen. "Frick." She whispers.

"What?" I️ ask, concern dripping from my voice.

"I️ promised my parents I'd be home by 7. It's 6:55." Lauren grabs her drink and hops down. I️ follow suit. She takes my hand almost immediately.

We hurry out and I'm preparing to run but Lauren just walks.

"Wait, why aren't we running? Aren't you almost late?"

"Yeah, but I️ just want to spend as much time as I️ can with you." Lauren sighs. "You make me feel free."

"You can stay at my house." I️ squeeze her hand assuringly. We walk a bit faster through the park than on the way here.

"Haha, I️ wish. My mom would kill me. She'd be like: stop sinning." Lauren squeaks when she imitates her mother. She also clicks her tongue after her imitation, which makes me giggle.

"Being anxious is a sin." I️ comment. "So, technically, we're all sinners."

"Oh god," Lauren laughs. "My parents are so serious about that stuff. Don't tell them that. They'll kill you."

"Alright." I️ pretend to zip my mouth shut and throw away the key.

We make it back to Lauren's house. She told me that she could just drop me off and walk home by herself but I️ feel bad.

Stepping up on her porch, the tension in the air is so heavy—it's almost tangible. Nobody says anything or does anything.

"Uh," Lauren dips her head. Something catches my eye near the window but when Lauren lifts her eyes, my eyes immediately connect with her's. "Can I️ kiss you?"

"Y-yeah." I️ stutter. Lauren places her hand on my jawline, leans in and kisses me softly.

Even though the kiss is short, it's sweet, and leaves my lips buzzing.

"I'll text you later." I️ grin.

"I'll be waiting." Lauren gives me a crooked smile, which makes my cheeks flush.

We exchange another smile before I️ step off her porch and begin to walk away, my hands in my pockets and my head held high.

I've never felt so light.


A/N: hallo! Uhhh, I️ don't have an excuse this week (11 days). I️ really just wasn't motivated and school was making me kind of busy. I'm going to try so hard to get you the next chapter in 2-6 days. It's winter break for me so I'm going to do it. I️ can almost promise you this.

But if you enjoyed this chapter, please star it. Thank you so much and have a terrific day! I️ love you :)


(P.s: I️ didn't edit this. Sorry.)

(P.p.s: I️ really love the name Noel. Don't know why this is important, probably isn't, but yeah.)

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