Hetalia x reader (Hetaoni)

By America4life02

8.7K 306 79

Hell, thats what this place was. It was a hell they never thought they would be walking into when they arrive... More

Finding Friends
Not Alone
Sleeping Conditions
Metal Pieces
Harsh Reality
The One Who Turned Back Time
Searching the Unknown
Enemies Lost in Time
Q&A Announcement
Guilt or Pride
Hetaoni Pt.2 Deleted scenes!!
Hetaoni x Reader from Pt.3 Deleted Scenes

The Mansion Part 1

1.5K 24 12
By America4life02

A deserted mansion in the mountain; About three hours on foot from the World Summit place. No one knows how long it had been there or who use to live in it. The rumor said that it was......haunted.

Later on

(Third pov)

You where a new country to the group. You where close friends with most of the nations and sometimes had to stop some of the unnecessary fighting in the meetings. You where more shorts most of the time with your (f/c) jacket. You had (h/l)(h/c) and (e/c) that complemented your (s/c). Italy had invited you to go with Germany, Prussia, Japan and him to go hunt down a so called mansion. Unlike most girls you liked to fight your own battles and was very strong and skilled than most gave you credit for.

"Veeee~~ Its really here!" said Italy.

"I thought it was just a rumor, I never thought we would actually find it." Japan said looking at the tall creepy mansion.

"It has such a desolate feel to it........not bad!" Prussia said smiling at the mansion.

"I don't think its very interesting though." Germany said with uneasiness in his voice.

"I'm not liking the feeling of this place either, can we go now?" (c/n) said as she fidgeted in her spot trying to get rid of and uneasy feeling crawling up her spine.

"Me neither, can't we just look at it from the out side and then go back." Japan asked.

"Awwwww~ After all the trouble we went through to find it? C'mon, lets just go in for awhile!" hollered Italy as he started to skip towards the mansion.

Every one looked at each other and shrugged. With that they followed Italy into the mansion. When you walked in every one stopped in front of the stair case that went up.

--------(Your Pov)--------

"Its creaner than I thought." Japan said as he looked around.

"H....hey can ve go now?" Germany asked as he looked around.

"Yeah....I don't like the feeling this place is giving off." I said as I held My bag closer to me.

"What's the matter Vest and (c/n)? You scared?" Prussia said in a teasing tone.

Right after that, a shattering of glass quieted the group. We looked down the hallway to where the sound came from. Italy was clinging to Germany who him self looked a little scared. Prussia grabed on to my arm and gave a little whimper with his crimson eyes going wide. I jumped at Prussia's sudden action.

"Who's scared know" I said with a smirk.

"S-shut up!" Prussia said still having his grip tight on my arm.

"l-look, ve should really go now." Germany said and gestured towards the door.

"Oh, don't be silly. Its not rike there are any ghosts or anything. Where are your common since." Japan said and started to walk to where the sound came from.

"Wait, I'll come with you." I said as I pride myself out of Prussia's grip.

"Okay (c/n)-san." Japan said with a bow and started to walk again.

"B-be carful you guys!" Prussia said with worry.

"We know, we'rr just go see what happened then we'rr be right back." Japan said and started to walk ahead.

Japan and I walked down the hallway to a door that was at the end of the hallway. The door was open a crack. Japan opend the door and walked in, Wi me following him. The room seemed to be the kitchen, on the ground was a broken plate.

Japan kneeled down in front of the plate." A plate was knocked down, I'd better be carfur while creaning it up." Japan said and started to clean up the broken plate pieces.

'Something's off. Something would have had to knock the plate down. Maybe I'm just reading into it to deeply" I say as I shook my head side to side.

"(c/n)-san are you okay?" Japan asked seeming to pick up on her mood.

"Huh? Oh, Yeah, lets just get to the others and get out of here." I say with a sighed.

With that, we walked back to where the others were suppose to be, but they where gone. We looked around where they were standing.

"Did they reave after arr? How regrettabre." Japan said with a sigh. "Werr since were here we might as werr look around. They might have gone to look around after all." Japan said starting to walk down the hall.

"I guess. If Prussia jumps out some where he is so dead." I say as you start to follow Japan down the hall.

We went to the far back rooms in the house on the right side of the mansion while looking through some drawers in the room and I found a note. Japan noticed and read it over my shoulder. The note Read 'Fix the piano, repair the toilet, leave the first aid kit in the drawer on the second floor.' Japan and I looked at each other confused. After awhile of looking we went to the front part of the house and we took the hallway that went to the left front of the house. they walked and turned the corner.

Japan froze and his eyes widened in fear and shock. When I looked at where he was looking I saw this alien-like creature. My (e/c) eyes widened in fear and took a quiet step back. Japan stood still and quiet as a statue so did I, out of fear. The monster didn't seem to notice us and walked into a room.

"Wha...What was that thing?" Japan asked and looked at me. I shrugged with a 'do you really think I would know' look.  "We mu-must be tired." Japan says and heads to the bathroom.

'Oh no. What we get our self into this time?' I think as I go after Japan in a hurry.

~~Time skip brought to you by Gilbird!!!Day1 - Chick ~~

After looking around for awhile we found the bathroom and fixed the toilet. Then started to go to the second floor. We looked through a room and found Germany's whip.

"That's Germany's! What's it doing here?" I asked as I picked it up.

"I don't know but we probabry should keep a hold of it for know." Japan said and slipped it in my bag.

~~Time Skip by my chubby cat Pusheen Nomnom Gingerbread plz ~~

 We walked into a room on the far right side of the mansion. When you walked in you saw a blond man with slick hair and a green German uniform sitting in the corner of the room. It was Germany or was suppose to be.

"Germany what happened where's the others?" Japan asked placing a hand on Germanys shaking form. Germany just stuttered and wouldn't stop shaking so Japan went to get some water for the scared German and told me to stay there and keep and eye on him. He soon returned and gave Germany the water. Germany seemed to calm down and stopped shaking.

"Are you okay?" I asked with concern in my (e/c).

"I'm fine (c/n), sorry for falling apart like that. I feel much better know, thank you." Germany said as he took a long breath.

"That's good to hear. So, where are the others?" Japan asked.

"I'm.......Not sure. At that rate we ran for our lives....Italy and meine bruder went in different directions, I think." Germany said as he tried to remember. He Frowns and shakes his head from left to right and looks back at us. " Sorry, Just let me pull my self together." Germany says and lowers his head so we can't see his face.

 "Arright, me and (c/n)-san wirr go look for those two." Said Japan as he stood up strait.

"Try and get some rest, okay." I say and pat his back lightly.

"Sorry....Oh by the way, I found this when I was running away. Maybe it can be of some use." Germany said and handed us a key.

With that we left to go find the others.

~~Time Skip of SUPER Long Door Searching :unlock: ~~

---------(Third POV)---------

After Japan and (c/n) Searched for how knows how long you guys had finally found it on thee forth floor in the front right part of the mansion. They walked into the room, it was a library. When they entered they saw the same alien like creature from before. Before either could do anything the Creature walked behind a book shelf and vanished. Japan shook his head and acted like nothing really happened. (c/n) was startled and looked at Japan in disbelief. She just let out a sigh and followed him. They looked for awhile but found nothing. On the table was a rice ball on the table.

 Japan picked it up, as soon as he did the monster appear. It came charging at the two at a amazing speed. Before it made contact with them they jumped out of the way. Japan pulled out his katana and (c/n) pulled out her (f/w/n). They fought the monster for a while, the monster was starting to get week so they both attacked it at once with one slice from Japan and one hit from (c/n), the monster collapsed but soon vanished. Both ran out of the room at a fast rate and closed the door, catching there breaths. Japan was the first to speak out of the two.

"What on earth was that thing?" Japan asked in a shaky voice.

"I don't know but we need to find the others as soon as possible!" You said and opened the door and peeked inside. The monster wasn't there but a key. You where about to walk in but japan grabbed your arm.

They run around for a while and to look for the others. The doors are mostly locked so they find there way to the fourth floor quickly. They walked into a room with a big chair. in the corner of the room they find a little white blob stuck in a hole in the wall.

"Oh, A mocha. Are you stuck?" Japan asked and kneeled down in front of it. With that he tried to pull it out, but it didn't even budge. "Ah...I can't get it out." Japan said and stood up strait.

"poor thing. Maybe Germany can get it out?" (c/n) said as she looked around.

"Maybe. We will have to get him out.......No. Anyway, I'll ask him." japan said and started to leave the room.

With that the two hurried to the second floor to the room where Germany was in. At the corner of the room was a iron door.

"Wha.....?Was that door here before or is it just my imagination?" Japan asked.

"I don't think it was Iron though." You say.

"Hum...Germany do you have a second?" Japan said as he lightly knocks on the door.

"Is that you Japan? What do you need?" A thick German voice said from behind the door.

"You see there's a mysteries Mochi stuck in a wall on the forth floor. I feel a little sorry for it, so I was wondering if you could get it out?" Japan asked.

"I see, I'll go and get it out. I just have a favor to ask you though." Germany says still behind the door.

"Sure, What is it?" (c/n) asks.

"You see, when I was running, I dropped my whip. I think we should have some kind of weapon in case that thing shows up again If its not trouble could you go look for it?" Germany asked.

"Oh! We found it a while ago, sorry passed my mind." You said as you pull the whip out of your bag.

You hand it to Germany.

"Oh, I see.Thank you frau." Germany said and put it back on his hip.

"Its all right we only found it by chance. Anyways lets go the the forth fl..."Just as Japan turned around to leave Germany interrupted him.

"AHH!! Wait! I'm sorry but." Germany traild off.

"Yes what is it?" Japan asked with a existed look on his face. Germany must have noticed it because he kept talking.

"I'm actually hungry could you get me something to eat?" He asked looking down.

"What? I don't think we saw any food or ingredients in the kitchen." You said with a worried look.

"Great thanks!" Germany said not paying attention to you. With that he closed the iron door.

With a sigh they left and whent to find some food for Germany.before they left Germany kalled out to us.

"Have you found Italy or my brother yet? Look for them too please." Was the last thing Germany said and thanked you guys again.

They went down to the first floor and looked around again. They soon found the door that lead to the library and the first place they fought the creature. (c/n) Got her (s/n/w) ready to attack as Japan opend the door and walked in with her following him. The lights were off so they had to feel around for the switch. When they found the switch and turned on the lights the thing was towering over them.

It tried to take Japan off guard but you through (s/n/w) at the monster. japan pulled out his kantana and charged at the monster. The both fought for awhile and with a final blow from japan the thing disappears. The two looked at the table and saw a key. they grabed it and ran looking for the door the key went to .

~~Time Skip of Door SearchingOtoya-and-Syo-(-Tired-Face-After-Partice-) ......Again~~

-----------(Readers POV)---------------

We made it to the second floor. We tried the key on a door on the far left side of the house. The door clicked and we slowly opened it. In side was..........

To be continued...........

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