It Ends Here... (Book III)

By thevelvetrose

237K 3.1K 719

*Going to edit* (Part of the New beginning series.. book 3) Samantha has been through more than any human can... More

*It ends here... {1}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {3}
It ends here.... (Sequel to Rise Against) {4}
It ends here.... (Sequel to Rise Against) {5}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {6}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {7}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {8}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {9}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {10}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {11}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {12}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {13}
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It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {15}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {16}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {17}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {18}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {19}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {20}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {21}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {22}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {23}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {24}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {25}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {26}
It ends here... (Epilogue!)

It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {2}

9.4K 133 24
By thevelvetrose

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm back from vacation! so I'll try to write more. I'm making my chapters longer, so it might take longer for me to post.

I will make Zack or Jack's POV sometime. maybe in a few chapters.

I hope you like this chapter!

Make sure to vote!

-the velvet rose-



"Thank you sir" I muttered. My new name. Julia Mounds. And Cassie Mounds. I didn't change her name because she would get confused.

I went back to the hotel and checked out. Then went to our new house..


I was in hour house for no more then an hour until someone rang the doorbell. I went carefully to the door and opened it up to four old women.

"Welcome to our town" They all said at the same time.

"My name is Margret. This is Judy, Martha and Mary" She pointed.

They all had white fluffy hair on top of their heads. They all looked the same too.

"We brought you some food. Cherry pie, blackberry jam, home made bread and a roasted chicken" Martha said. Handing me a basket.

"Thank you. My name is Sa- Julia Mounds. And this is my daughter Cassie Mounds" I told them.

Their eyes lit up when they saw Cassie. Poor girl. didn't have a chance. She will be smothered by old ladies.

Like me when I stayed with my grandma for a month when I was 8.

"Please come over for supper tonight Julia. You can Cassie. You must not have much food here" Judy said.

"Um.. Sure. Yeah I would love to" I murmured. I had to stay social and not that girl who we have never seen before.

"Great! I live five doors down in the yellow house with the wrap around porch. See you at 7pm honey" She had a strong country accent.

They all left and I went to unpack what little we had. Cassie seemed to love our house. It had dark squeaky wood floors with white board walls. The kitchen was a floral wallpaper and had a big window on the only wall without cabinets.

The window looked into the backyard. Which was small.

Everything was pretty small. With either brown or white wood walls.

There were no stairs. A small basement. And two small rooms. Cassie's only had a dresser and a twin sized bed.

"Mommy. Can we paint my woom?" Cassie asked.

"We can decorate it tomorrow okay?"

I turned on the old retro TV for her. She watched while eating cherry pie. I unpacked everything then by 6:43pm. So I took a quick shower and put on some makeup. Then dressed Cassie in her nice wear. A knee length red dress with yellow flowers on it. And a little yellow sun hat.

I put her hair in a nice red bow and we headed over to Ms. Judy's house.

"Hello Sweethearts!" She greeted.

She wore white pants that went higher up then I thought possible. And a light blue top that she tucked in.

We went into her house and smelled food immediately. I smelled garlic bread and something sweet.

Her house was nicely kept. A red recliner by the television. And a floral couch against the wall. The room was small and old obviously. She had books by the couch. And the television was on.

She sat down in the rocking chair by the bookshelf. I sat on the couch with Cassie.

"Oh Cassie. You can watch a movie! I have tons! My grandkids just love those Disney movies!" Judy was nearly shouting in excitement.

"Go ahead Cass" I encouraged.

She got up from the couch and went over to the television. All there were was VHS's. pilled underneath the TV.

She grabbed The Lion King and popped it in.

"Lets go in here dear. So she can watch her movie in peace and we can talk" Judy patted my knee and got up.

Judy had to be in here 60's or 70's. frail woman with little blue eyes under the little gold rimmed glasses.

We walked through the kitchen into another room. Another living room. Smaller then the first. It had a love seat and another rocking chair. All the furniture in her house was odd colors. Blues, greens, reds.

I sat in the rocking chair when she headed to the couch. The couch was just like the one in the other room. Except smaller.

"So what brings you to this little old town?" She asked.

"A messy divorce. He took the house. I took my girl" I lied. shaking my head sadly.

"Aw. You poor girl. How old are you?"

"I'm 24"

"I hope you like small towns. Everyone knows your name and such"

We talked for half an hour before supper. I was thankful to be able to eat in front of the TV. No more talking!

I sipped my coke and ate my tortellini and garlic bread. Yum.

Then she brought out brownies. Forcing me to take the rest home. I smiled. I love brownies.

"Mommy. Aunt Judy wet me borrow some moobies" She smiled. She cant pronounce so many words. But she is so smart and observant.

"Oh? How many?"

"Dis many" She showed me the stack in her little arms. Making three movies.

"Oh? Princess movies?" I kissed her forehead and we got home.

"Yes. Cinderella and sweeping beauty and da widdle mermaid"

"We will have to watch them tomorrow after shopping?"

"Can we watch one tonight?"

I stared into her little gold (Excited) eyes and felt my heart swell.

"Yes we can"

I locked all of the doors and windows. Then got the blanket from the van and laid on the couch. Note to self. Need sheets and deodorizer. The couch smelled like an old library.

I got out the brownies and popped in the movie.

The little mermaid.

The next morning. I woke up on the couch. The movie was on. Odd. Cassie had learned how to rewind and play a movie.

She was drawing on her coloring book in front of the TV. I patted her on the head and went into the kitchen to find some food.

"Looks like we're having bread and jam from breakfast!" I shouted to Cassie.

"Okay!" I heard her faintly in the other room.

I gave her water and bread with jam. She seemed perfectly fine with it. She never has thrown a fit or been rude. She has always been cheery and sweet.

She started watching a new movie. I got my leftover money. About $39,000 or so. And put it under a floor board. Keeping a thousand in my purse for today.

"Lets go Cass" I called.

She hopped off the couch and put on her flip flops. We headed to the nearest store that had home improvement.

It was a little store. Friendly for sure. There was a man behind the counter. The floors were old wood and so were the walls.

"You must be the new gal in town. Julia Mounds?" A middle aged woman came out of know where.

"Yes I am" I shook her hand.

"This must be your baby girl Cassie"

I nodded. Keeping distance from her.

"I'm sorry. News travels fast in this old town. The population is 544.. 546 now"

I laughed lightly. But secretly hated people already knowing me. I was fresh gossip. Fresh meat.

"Don't worry. Your not the only new one. A young man named Anthony Hynes. He moved here about six months ago. Nice man. Lives in an apartment two blocks from here. Has all the gals after him" She fanned her shiny face. Sweating.

She was a tiny woman. Brown hair in a bun. Green floral dress to her knees. I smiled and nodded.

"Well I'll see you later" She left. I sighed in relief.

I bought a little can of a light purple paint. One good thing. Everything was really cheap in this town.

Then I bought red for the living room. Brown for my room. A light green new paint for the kitchen.

I know what your thinking. I should be doing something better. Like taking down the army of men trying to kill me. But right now. My thing is to make Cassie at home. And to not raise suspicion with this town.

"Julia over here!" Someone shouted.

It took me a minute to turn because of my new name. when I turned. I saw Judy some other girls and a guy, sitting outside of a little café.

I carried my bags over there and sat in the black metal chair where they were.

"Oh Julia! This is my daughter Grace. My friends Gina and Rosanne. And this is Anthony. He's new here too!" Judy was nearly shouting. Old woman. I laughed mentally.

Grace was as slender as Judy. But young. Maybe 30? She had thin blonde hair in a perm. And wore blue jeans and a pink blouse. She smiled. wrinkles forming by her mouth.

Gina and Rosanne must be sisters. They both were heavy. With short brown hair. Rosanne had big brown eyes. Gina had little brown eyes.

They were both probably in their 50's.

Anthony was handsome in a way. He had light brown spiky hair. With a little facial hair and small eyes that looked like he was concentrating.

"Nice to meet you all" I nodded.

"This is her daughter I told ya'll about. Cassie. She is so sweet and well mannered!" Judy went on. "You know Anthony. She is single" Judy tried to whisper. But of course I heard. My hearing is better then any of their's.

"Nice to meet you Julia" Anthony shook my hand.

"Well I better go. I'm going to do some painting today" I told them.

"Do you need any help?" Judy asked.

"I think I'm fine" I smiled.

"I can help you. I'm sure there are a few here that can help too" Anthony said.

"Um.. Sure. Thank you"

"How about tonight at 5pm?"

"Sure. I'll see you then"

I got up and Cassie and I walked to the linen store for sheets and stuff. I bought her a whole new pair of sheets and a purple comforter. She seemed so excited for her own room she has never had before.

Cassie has grown up so much. She walks and talks and observes.

We got home after going to little grocery store. I had a ton of bags to carry in. Cassie took the little bags.

"Lets put away our stuff. They will be here in 20 minutes!"

"Okay Mommy!" She leaped off the couch and headed into the kitchen to help. I was so proud of my baby.

Every time I looked into her eyes. I saw Zack. I missed him terribly. I kept the tears from coming. I've been away from him for almost a week. I've been away from Jack that long too..

"Mommy. I did it" Cassie snapped me out of reality. She put away all of her stuff.

"Good job Cass"

She smiled and walked out the room. Then I heard knocked on my door.

I went to the screen door and saw at least ten people out there. They all smiled when they saw me.

"Umm.. Hi" I greeted.

I recognized several. Grace, Anthony, Gina, Judy. They all stood there. Then there were more.

"Please come in" I told them.

"Julia. This is Mike and his wife Julie. This is Joe, Harold and James" Judy introduced. Darn small town niceness. I will never get peace.

"Hello. Thanks for coming"

"Where should we start at? Lead the way and we will paint" Mike said.

"Um. I guess there is a enough people to do all of my rooms"

"Sure is"

"This way"

I led them into Cassie's room. I had already covered the bed with old sheets. And cleared the walls last night.

Julie and Grace took that room. I gave them rollers, paint brushes and the paint. They started painting over the white wood walls.

Then I show the men to the kitchen.

"We're gonna have to strip the paper of them walls Mike" Joe said all country like.

"We sure are"

They started working. I led Judy and Gina into my room. They started working. I worried about Judy. She is just so old and frail.

But I guess she is determined.

Anthony sat on the couch waiting for instructions.

"Um.. Two can do this living room" I told them.

Harold and James started painting. I wasn't sure what to do. I looked over at Anthony.

"Wanna go out and get them some supper?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll drive"

He drove a ford pick up truck. Judy offered to watch Cassie. I got in the truck and we headed to the local take out place.

"So how do you like the town so far Julia?" Anthony asked.

"Very friendly. Its.. Nice"

"I know. It bugs the crud out of me too"

I laughed.

We bought pizza and sodas. Then headed back. When we got there. They had pretty much finished painting.

"Thank you all! Anthony and I bought some pizza" I told them.

They all ran in talking and laughing.

"So Julia.. Um.. Would you like to um.. Have dinner some time?" Anthony asked me. He seemed nervous. I was glad it was some what dark in here. My eyes would change color.

"Um... sure" I muttered. Stay normal Sam. Stay normal.

"Tomorrow night?"

"Yeah.. But Cassie" I frowned.

"Judy. Could you watch Cassie tomorrow?" Anthony asked her.

"I would love to!" She shouted.

"Then it's a date" Anthony turned back to me.

"Yeah.. See you tomorrow" I laughed nervously.

"Julia. You should stay at my house tonight. The paint fumes are strong" Grace told me.

"Thanks. I will bring some clothes. Where do you live?"

"Next door. To your right"

"Oh okay"

They all left. I felt so closed in. this whole town was way to friendly. I missed my guys so much. Zack and Jack.

I packed up and went over to Grace's with Cassie. And tried to keep a smile on my face.

"Please come in! I got the guest bedroom ready" Grace told me.

I walked into the tiny house. It looked so much like Judy's. The guest bedroom was covered in dolls.

I've always been scared of dolls. Ever since scary movies that involved dolls.

Cassie seemed a little scared too.

"Please make yourself at home. I'm going to make some tea" Grace smiled.

I am definitely going to cover those dolls tonight..

I went into the living room with Grace and drank tea for an hour with small chit chat.

Nothing too personal. She mainly talked about the town gossip.

She talked about Anthony a lot. Telling me that he looks interested in me. That he hasn't showed interest in any other girl. I felt kind of bad that I accepted the date.

I miss Zack so much.

"Well I'm going to go to bed" I told her.

"See ya in the morning Julia" Grace went to bed too.

I laid beside Cassie in the big bed. The room was yellow. The dolls stared at me.

"Mommy. Are you afwaid of da dolls too?" Cassie asked.


She nodded and went to sleep. I stared at one of the dolls. It was a boy. With black hair that was in his eyes slightly. He had blue eyes and wore black.

He looked just like Jack.. Maybe I'm crazy. But he looks just like him. Except a younger version.

I leaped off the bed and grabbed the doll. Shoving it under the bed for now.

The next morning. I woke up without Cassie. Where is she?

I leaped off the bed and ran into the living room.

"Cassie?" I called.

"Mommy" She yelled back.

She sat in the kitchen eating clown shaped pancakes, while watching sponge bob on the little television in the kitchen.

"I made breakfast. The boys went and put a second coat on the paint and it should be almost dry by now. They did it three hours ago. You slept a long time its 10:30am right now. Do you normally sleep late honey?" She talked and talked.

"No I don't normally sleep that late. Thank you for breakfast" I tried to smile.

I grabbed a pancake. It had whipped cream for the hair. A cherry for the nose. Blueberries for the eyes. Chocolate chips for the mouth. And half an ice cream cone for a hat.

I laughed. Another fear. Clowns.

I ate and cleaned up. Cassie watched TV while I went next door to my house to check on things.

Everything looked perfect. They did an amazing job. Then all the sudden I felt sad. Horribly sad.

I sat on the couch and dropped my head in my hands and started sobbing.

"Julia what's wrong?" Anthony popped out of no where.

I wiped away the tears and looked up at him.

"Nothing. Moving is always tough on me" I lied.

"Its okay. There is nothing to be worried about" He patted me on the back.

"I know. Thank you"

"If you need anything. I left my number on the counter. I'll see you tonight okay?" He left.

The pain came back and I went into my bedroom and just sobbed for half an hour. Then wiped away the tears and went back to get Cassie.

I can do this. I need to be strong for her. But it feels impossible.

I will see them again. I will. Just wait a year..

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