Pretty Rhythm Betrayed Aira

By Chitoge606

13.3K 389 81

When Suzuki Minami joined MAR's everyone liked her,but Aira saw what Suzuki did that would break her heart an... More

new girl
SUZUKI welcoming concert
Love confession and betrayal
After 4 years
Family Visit
The Big Show
Made up explanation
New Recruit
New recruit - 2
Getting to know each other again
Practice Session
Meeting Him Again
Together Again
sorry to my readers
Quick Fast forward Ending

Dine Out

532 16 2
By Chitoge606

We're still at the practice rink, trying to try the new dance move we're performing for the show.

"Okay girls, I think we're good on the dance move but there's still many rooms for improvement but for now I'll try to demonstrate the prism jump and as I said feelings are important so don't let go of your strong feelings so before I demonstrate, any questions?" I said to them.
And Mion raised her hand
"What kind of feelings should we use?" she asked.

"That's a good question. Okay let's just say no matter what kind of feelings it is, it doesn't matter because the stronger the feelings the more beautiful and graceful the jump is, so let's just add Rizumu for the example like the love she and Hibiki have," when I said that Rizumu's cheek turned red and we all laugh together.

"Hey!!! Stop laughing!!!" Rizumu yelled.

"You should look at your face, it's priceless!!!" Mion said laughing out loud.

"I never see me laughing this much after Aira left" Rizumu said.

After we all quiet down we began to practice from simple basic.

~~5 hours later~~

"huh.... That was tiring" Suzuki sat down and drink some water.

"Hey!!! Let's go eat some meat!!!" Rizumu suggested excitedly.

"For once I will agree on that" Mion said.

"Akane-san come join us," Suzuki said,before I could denied Rizumu already dragged me.

"Come on, it'll be fun!!" she said, yelled actually.

~~random restaurant~~

"Heeey~~ Akane do you have a boyfriend?" drunk Rizumu said.

"No" Akane answered calmly.

"I already have a husband, he's so lovely, sometimes his fans used to get jealous, but he's all mine hehehe" Rizumu slurred.

"I'm sorry Akane, Rizumu tends to get out of hand when she's drunk."Mion apologised

"One time she even pick a fight on me when she said that Hibiki is handsome and I agree with her and she thinks I like Hibiki."Suzuki said.

"Really?!?!?! I didn't know Rizumu could be that drunk!!" I exclaimed.

"She could be almost unbearable." Mion said.

"My old friend was like this when she first have an alcohol, I wasn't much better" I said remembering the first time Mion let us drink alcohol after Rizumu and I turned 19.

Mion eyed me suspiciously, I could never trick this girl even after all these years, but I can't let her know yet, just a little bit more and she will know that I'm her lost friend.

Just then our food arrived and Rizumu was the first to reach it, I'm still amazed by this girl, she could do anything if it's for food.

"ITADAKIMAS~~~!!!!!" Rizumu yelled inside the store causing a bit of attention towards us.

"Hey look mommy!! It's MaR'S and Akane!!!!!" a little girl shout at us as she ran away from her mother's grasps and ran towards us.

"Hi!!! My name is Hinami I'm a big fan of yours, I've watch every single one of your shows and I want to become a great prism stars like you." she said in a cute little girl voice.

"Hinami don't go running like that. I'm very sorry if she disturb you." her mother apologise.

"It's okay, hey Hinami you want to become a prism star?" I said.

"Yes!!" she answered quickly.

"Then I'll tell you a secret okay."

"Okay!!" she cheered.

I leaned towards her ear and said."Follow your heart and and you will see the sparkle of prism."

"Thank you very much!! And, oh!! I almost forgot, mommy papers and pen." she said to her mother and her mother gave her a pen and a paper.

"Can I have your autograph everyone!!!" she exclaimed.

"Okay me first!!" Rizumu literally jump out and signed.

"Here you go Hinami and tell me I'm your favorite star from MaR'S." she added which only in return of and thud sound of Mion banging her head.

"Rizumu leave the poor girl alone before she get some of your stupidness." Mion said and the girl's eyes literally glitter.

"Mion your my favorite!!! I've watched so many of your shows and I'm really inspired by your prism shows is it true that you started dancing when you're my age?! Can you give me soom advice?!? Where do you learn to dance?!?! Is it true that you and Wataru are dating?!?!?!" she bombarded Mion with questions and the last one even made Mion blush a little.

"Nooo!! I mean no, Wataru and I are not dating. I learned to dance when I was in America, and I was about your age when I started dancing and never give up until you have no strength left and start again" Mion encourages the little girl and everyone looked at Mion with awe.

"Hi Hinami-chan I'm Suzuki would you like my autograph too." Suzuki said sweetly and Hinami nodded excitedly in respond.

"Hey Hinami-chan I'm looking for a beautiful young lady like you for my next kids collection magazine, would you like to be my model." I said as I finished signing on her paper and I looked at her, the girl almost faint if it wasn't for her mother in her back.

"If it's okay with your mother, it would be really great for Hinami to be on my magazine,I've been looking for a cheerful and energetic girl like Hinami-chan for awhile, and also I'm going to pay her and sets of the kids collection but it's up to you." I said to Hinami's mother and Hinami looked at her mother with pleading eyes.

"It would be our pleasure thank you for the amazing offer for Hinami." her mother said nearly excited as her daughter.

"It's okay I'm the one to be grateful for giving Hinami permission." I thank her mother and we exchange numbers and I told them the day they will come and we parted ways.

"Akane is reeaaally~~ generous you should be like her Mion." Rizumu said and she well you know got another bang from Mion.

"That's why I said it." Rizumu slumped in the floor as Suzuki and I laugh.

"Shut up Rizumu before I'm harsher than this." Mion said.

"How could a human be harsher than this." Rizumu said from the floor just to get another bang from Mion.

"Oh, that's how." Rizumu said half-cried and that's how our day ended.


Hey guys look a 1059 words for the first time.

And I'm really sorry, I said that I will update two chapters but I have to go to camp so I will update the next chapter this month but I cannot promise.

I'm in a hurry so bye!!!!

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