Find Me a Find, Catch Me a Ca...

By DKGwrites

124K 4.1K 14.4K

Finding out that Kara and Lena harbor feelings for each other, their friends play matchmaker. A fake assassin... More

Chapter 1 - SisterZoned
Chapter 2 - The Worst Dating Site Ever
Chapter 3 - The Confidant
Chapter 5 - The Kryptonian, the Lesbian, and the Thespian
Chapter 6 - Letting the Kryptonian Out of the Bag
Chapter 7 - I Have a Type
Chapter 8 - They Call Me Bell, They Call Me Stacey
Chapter 9 - Bunk Beds
Chapter 10 - Vittles and Veracity
Chapter 11 - Family
Chapter 12 - Press Conference
Chapter 13 - When it Reigns it Pours
Chapter 14 - Midvale
Chapter 15 - A Whale of a Tale
Chapter 16 - Mustang Sally
Chapter 17 - Boundaries
Chapter 18 - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Chapter 19 - Truth or Consequences, Not Just a Town in New Mexico
Chapter 20 - Occam's Razor
Chapter 21 - Genie in a Bottle

Chapter 4 - Pandora's Box

4.2K 199 150
By DKGwrites

Pistol in her hand, safety off, Alex rolled out of bed. She could hear the whispering from the other room, a shuffle of feet; then something got knocked over. The next voice was hushed, but there was a distinctive expletive, perhaps a titter, and then someone was shushing someone rather unsuccessfully. Back pressed to the wall, Agent Danvers crept along the hallway with complete stealth. She reached the corner and took a quick peek around, seeing two figures hunched closely together. Making a quick decision, Alex crossed the open entryway to press herself against the other hallway wall and tuck in the corner once again out of sight. There seemed to be no response from the intruders, so she reached around the corner, squinting against the glare even as she flipped on the light and took aim.

"Hands in the air where I can see them, Motherfuckers! Nobody move!"

Her arms wrapped around a barely upright Maggie Sawyer, Lena Luthor stared over the slumped detective's shoulder with wide eyes. "I would, Agent Danvers, but I think I'd drop your girlfriend."

Slowly, Alex stepped fully into the doorway and lowered her weapon, clicking the safety back into place. "Lena?"

Swallowing hard, Lena nodded.

"What's wrong with her?" Alex asked, stowing the weapon into a drawer as she passed by it on her way to the other two women.

"Ah...she may have had a bit to drink," Lena replied with just a hint of a slur in her voice.

"Oh." Alex pulled to a stop just short of grabbing Maggie, scratching the back of her head as she took in the scene of the drunken heiress and the blitzed detective in front of her.

"A little help?" Lena urged. "For a small woman, she's fairly heavy. I'd bet she has a lot of muscle mass."

Alex smiled in a kindly, perhaps a bit of a playful, manner. "You'd win that bet. I'll take her." Grabbing Maggie under the arms, Alex spun the smaller woman toward her. "Come with me you lightweight."

"Hmmm? Who are you? Where we going?" Maggie slurred out as she stumbled toward the bedroom with Alex.

"We're going to bed. I'll help you get undressed and—"

Suddenly Maggie windmilled at Alex in an attempt to land a blow. "No! Not going to bed with you. No. Just Alex!"

"What the..." Alex swatted away from the wild attack. "Stop it, you idiot. I am Alex."

"Just Alex!" Maggie repeated, falling to the floor and finally stilling when Alex stepped back.

"I should have warned you of that. She got a bit physical with me in the car and clocked me one when she felt I was getting...inappropriate."

Alex surged closer to the CEO. "What were you doing?"

Hands up and stumbling slightly as she backed away, Lena replied, "Nothing, I swear nothing wrong. I was just putting her seatbelt on her. I don't know if it was something I said or the feel of it across her body, but she started yelling no and saying your name. Then she thumped me along the jaw, see?" Pointing to her jaw, Lena twisted her head.

Alex nodded, examining the area. "It's a little red, but it looks okay. How does it feel?"

"Fine. She's rather uncoordinated at the moment. I'm sure she could render me unconscious on a normal day, but not so thoroughly inebriated."

"You were just buckling her in?" Alex clarified.

"Agent Danvers, not only would I not make advances on someone in a relationship, but if I were to be the sort of person to do so, it would not be to the fiancée of my best friend's sister. And, if I were the sort of person to do both those things, I would still not be the kind which attempts to take advantage of an intoxicated woman." Patting Alex rather messily on the arm, Lena added, "No, I am not one of those things let alone all three, I assure you."

"I..." Alex nodded. "I'm sorry, Lena. Do you want me to get you an ice pack for your face before I put Romeo here to bed?"

A loud snore from Maggie punctuated their discussion.

Alex sighed. "I really hope she didn't upset you. Maggie did want to apologize to you and get to be your friend."

Lena smiled. "I actually thought it was rather sweet her being so sure of her love for you even in this alcoholic haze. Everyone should find a love like that in their life, don't you think?"

Gently Alex smiled back. "I do. So, icepack?"

"I'm fine. Do you need a hand with her?"

"Ah...grab her feet?"

"Right. Can we take her boots off too? She kicked a bit in my car. Happily, it was just the back of the seat, but I'd prefer it not be me."

"Oh, sure." Alex started to undo Maggie's boots, glancing down at Lena and asking, "What happened to your shoes?"

"My shoes?" Studying her own feet, Lena wiggled her toes. "My, that's a good question. They're in my car I think?"

"You...ugh...You think?" Alex tossed one of Maggie's boots off to the side before unlacing the other. "You don't remember?"

"To be fair, there was quite a bit of alcohol. I hadn't meant there to be that much. I certainly didn't order it, but it just kept coming."

Throwing the other boot to the side, Alex said, "Right, I'll take her shoulders, you take her knees. Follow me to the bedroom, okay?"

"Best offer I've had in almost an hour," Lena said with a sultry smirk.

Hands under Maggie's shoulders, Alex looked up wide-eyed and stared at the CEO.

The smile falling off her face, Lena nodded once. "Sorry. I'm drunk. I'll try and keep a lid on that. Not flirting is not my strong point even when I'm sober."

"Really?" Shaking her head, Alex said, "On three...One, two, three."

Together they hefted a sleeping(ish) Maggie and carted the woman to the bedroom. It was a bit of a struggle as Maggie was deadweight and Lena was made for corporate takeovers not carrying unconscious detectives. They finally managed to get Maggie into the bedroom and onto the bed without knocking the woman's head into anything hard on the way.

"Great, thanks for that," Alex said as she started to unbuckle Maggie's belt, keeping an eye on the snoring woman's possibly flying left hook. "So, you didn't order drinks, but they just kept coming, huh? Did my fiancée set out to get you liquored up?"

Turned to the wall as soon as she saw the belt come off, Lena replied, "Nothing like that. Maggie directed us to a little place called Pandora's Box. Do you know the club?"

"Pandora's...!" Looking up and seeing Lena's back, Alex rolled her eyes and shook her head down at Maggie. "Oh, yeah, I know Pandora's Box. Maggie took you there, huh?"

"She did."

"Have you...uh." Alex tossed Maggie's pants to the floor. "Have you ever been there before, to Pandora's Box?"

"Never," Lena admitted. "It did take me back to my last year of college though."

"Your last year of college?" Unbuttoning Maggie's cuffs, Alex asked, "Why your last year?"

"Well, there was this lovely ladies only club that was 18+ on Thursday nights, but I wasn't eighteen until my senior year. Technically I turned eighteen in my junior year, but I was working on two degrees, midterms, and had an internship, so it just wasn't an option."

"You were a senior working on two degrees at eighteen?"

Arms crossed around her body, Lena nodded at the wall.

"And people called me an overachiever," Alex mumbled. "So, why all the drinks you didn't order?"

"Well, and I don't mean to sound like a braggart, but I've always been popular with the ladies. I don't do anything to earn it, but I just seem to get along better with women than with men. Tonight, as soon as we sat at the bar, the bartender placed a drink in front of me. I hadn't ordered it."

"Someone bought you a drink before you sat down?"

Lena shrugged. "It's odd. I know. Maggie told the bartender we didn't order it, but she told Maggie some woman had sent it over to me. I tried to send it back."

"She's under the covers. You can turn around now."

Turning, Lena said, "Thank you. I truly was quite respectful to your fiancée."

"I can see that. I apologize for ever assuming otherwise."

Lena shrugged. "I am a Luthor."

Wincing at the younger woman's easy acceptance, Alex asked, "You said you tried to send the drink back. Would the woman not take it?"

Gathering Maggie's clothes from the floor, Lena replied, "No, it was Maggie. She said, 'Don't be rude. Shut your trap Luthor and accept the free booze.' I didn't think it was a good idea."

Alex laughed. "That sounds like Maggie."

"It sounded like her all night," Lena agreed. "It just made for a long evening though. I was there to get to know Maggie, try to make a friend as Kara suggested, and for some reason, women kept sending me drinks. It was ridiculous."

Watching Lena squatting on the floor, Alex stared at the CEO's ass, quickly turning away when the brunette stood with folded clothes in her arms. "Heh, yeah ridiculous. You didn't have to do that you know."

"Where should I put these?"

"On the chair would be great." Alex pointed in the direction of the chair in the corner, looking away when Lena reached it and bent over. "So, lots of drinks, huh?"

"So many drinks. I told Maggie I didn't think accepting them was appropriate, would send the right message, but Maggie said, 'Luthor, shut your trap, free booze.' So I told her I didn't need free booze and she said, 'Luthor, speak for yourself. No, don't. Just shut your trap. Free booze.' I told her I was perfectly capable of buying drinks, and Maggie said, 'Luthor, I can't just buy this bar, so just shut your trap, wave at the ladies, and give me your drinks. Free booze.' She said free booze a lot. Also, apparently I have a trap, and I need to learn to shut it."

Brows furrowed, Alex asked, "How many drinks did she have?"

"I honestly have no idea. She gave me her drinks, though the bartender did shut her off at some point. Thus I'm in a much better condition, and she took whatever was sent to me. I also had to drink anything that was sent to her as she has a fiancée. That would be you. She loves you a lot. She was rather...vocal about it."

"Vocal?" Alex blinked. "What does vocal mean."

"Not so much loud but frequent in her admission of love for you. Then she tried to convince me I should find a woman as amazing as you and settle down while at the same time telling me no one on this Earth was as amazing as you. It was quite the contradiction." Lena nodded. "She's hammered."

"On this Earth or from this Earth?"


"Ah..." Shaking her head, Alex smiled and stood from the bed. "Nothing. Hey, thanks for bringing this hot mess home to me in one piece. Are you going to be okay to get home from here? You're welcome to crash on the couch."

Walking back to the living room, Lena swayed a bit but gestured casually. "No, my car is downstairs, and I have an early morning at Catco. I'll just be—"

Grabbing Lena's arm, Alex asked, "Your car is downstairs? Did you drive here?"

"Yes," Lena nodded with a smile that fell off her face as the angry agent stared her down. "What?"

"You drove in this condition? You got behind the wheel of a car with my fiancée in this condition, Luthor?"

Lena stared for a few more seconds, then leaned on Alex's arm. "Oh, oh no. I didn't drive the car. I'm drunk."

"Well, she didn't drive!" Alex said angrily, pointing back at the bedroom.

"Certainly, not. She offered to pick me up in her car, but I refused. Good thing that. No, my driver is downstairs waiting for me. We were driven."

Her anger instantly deflating, Alex's shoulders slumped. "Right. I'm sorry...again. I shouldn't have—"

"Oh, it's fine. Afterall, I am—"

"No. No more of this, 'I am a Luthor' crap. I'm in the wrong, and I'm sorry." Quickly embracing Lena, Alex stepped away. "Thank you for taking care of her and having better character than I'm a judge of character. Forgive me?"

Blinking rapidly, Lena nodded once. "I'm just going to leave before you yell at me or hug me again...or before I say something inappropriate. I do that sometimes. Good night, Agent Danvers."

"It's Alex."

Waving over her shoulder as she left, Lena stumbled a bit and said, "I knew that."

Alex smiled as she watched the younger woman walk away. When Lena had made it into the elevator, she moved to the window so she could make sure Lena made it into the car, driver assisted, and left. Back in the bedroom, Alex curled up in bed next to Maggie who was snoring away. Kissing Maggie's temple, she pulled the smaller woman in close.

As Alex hummed into Maggie's skin, she said, "Okay, good work, Sawyer. She's a sweet kid, and she needs a friend. You're going to pay for this one in the morning though. I think you may have had a bit too much to drink. Maybe no more free booze for a while."

Suddenly Maggie tensed though she didn't seem to wake up. Muttering something in her sleep, she stirred in Alex's arms and clearly said, "Only Alex. No...Only Alex."

"Shhhh...Shhh, babe. It's me," Alex replied gently holding her fiancée close and whispering calming words until the smaller woman quieted and fell fully asleep again. "It's me. Only Alex. Only Maggie." Once more she laid a kiss on Maggie's temple before snuggling back in to drift off again for the night and adding, "I do."

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