Little Wolf (Klaus Mikaelson...

By LittleMikaelson8

469K 8.4K 1.7K

Klaus meets his match in a girl living next door to Alaric's apartment. He saves her from her abusive boyfri... More

Saving a Mate
Body Swaping
Daddy to the Rescue
Stefan's Threat
Back To Mystic Falls
Keeping Promises
Meeting the Family
Authors Note
Daddy's Home
The Basement
Authors Note
Accidents Happen
Authors Note
Saving Daddy
Beginning of Eternity

Kol Saves the Day

23.7K 521 110
By LittleMikaelson8

Warning: rape scene ahead.  May be triggering

I will never understand why it is
More shameful to be raped
Than to be a rapist

It was a few weeks later that daddy even let me out of his sight again. I had stopped having the nightmares completely about a week later and am once again comfortable around Kol, though he’s still not allowed to take me anywhere alone. We hang out and watch movies at home a lot where all he can drink is blood bags, which I have no problem with. Unlike when I was with daddy on his hunt for werewolves, I am completely comfortable being little at all times around my new family, and they all love it. Katherine still lives with us but her time is taken up by Elijah a whole lot, they think no one notices, but even I do, they’re in love and it’s so cute. Katherine admitted to me that the only guy she had ever actually cared about was, in fact, Elijah.

Today I am at the mall with Finn and Sage who wanted to get to know me more. After 900 years apart these 2 are insatiable so they haven’t been getting out much but they made an effort for me. Kol came along as well but is currently doing shopping of his own while Finn takes me to make a bear. Elijah had come with me to get a Bulbasur, Rebekah brought me to get a Squirtle, and now Finn and Sage are getting me a Charmander. “Hey kiddo, your aunt and I will be right back okay? We need to go…pick something up.” Finn told me and I was about to respond before they were practically running out of the store after having handed me money. Daddy told them not to leave me alone…

I finished making my Charmander and stood outside the store for 45 minutes before deciding to try and find uncle Kol. I looked in Game Stop, the book store, the Wiccan shop, even Spencer’s and Target but I couldn’t find him, or Finn and Sage. I finally figured I would check the car park and wandered outside, trying to remember where we parked in the first place. I had just found it when I heard footsteps behind me and a loud wolf whistle. I spun to see 4 boys walking behind me and attempted to open the car door, with no success. “You locked out girlie?” One of them asked, coming closer.

“Why don’t you let us take you for a ride?” For some reason I thought that had a double meaning.

“We’ll get you home, come with us?” I felt my arm being grabbed and reached out, punching him in the nose and hearing him hiss. I attempted to run around them as they had me boxed in now but I was quickly grabbed by 2 boys, one on each arm, being held against the side of a car. “Now you’re gonna get it.”

I felt a sharp punch to the side of my face before my shirt was torn open and I began thrashing around. “Hold Her!” I heard a zipper being pulled down and my whole body went rigid. One of the boys patted me down, slowly and being very thorough, But looked up at his friend a moment later, holding out my cell phone. The boy dropped it and stomped it into oblivion before continuing with his pants.

“No! No! Please no! Stop! DADDY!” I screamed, knowing there was no way in hell he could hear me before I was punched again.

“Shut UP! Keep Quiet and don’t bite me, do what I say and maybe you go home for dinner tonight.” I felt one of the ones holding my arms kissing up the side of my neck and making me want to vomit before being shoved to my knees. “Keep your teeth to yourself, understand?” I didn’t respond, hoping that if I didn’t he would give up but of course that was a ridiculous thought. It took everything I had not to bite this guy as soon as he shoved himself into my mouth, but I restrained myself. I willed this all to be a bad dream…a horrible nightmare that I was going to wake up from in Daddy’s arms and he was going to sooth me back to sleep. The next thing I knew the boy pulled out and came all over my hair and face.

“My turn, move.” The one pulling up his pants was shoved out of the way and the next boy seemed to take more pleasure in forcing his way all the way down my throat and thrusting harshly again and again. “Keep crying baby, I love it when you do.” It took a little longer for this one to finish but once again he did all over my hair. The first boy had switched spots with one holding me and helped the other try to pull down my pants just as he opened his pants and I heard a familiar growling from behind us, angry and vicious.

“Close your eyes angel!”

“Kol…?” I questioned, my voice practically gone.

“Close Your Eyes!” I did as I was told and the hands on me were suddenly gone, there were a few brief screams and then nothing, no noise from anywhere, though I stayed still, falling to my butt and waiting for another moment before feeling a hand in mine. “Keep your eyes closed angel, the next time you open them you will see your daddy, okay? I’m going to get you home and cleaned up. Just hold onto me.” I was lifted into the air and I locked my legs and arms around this vampire, knowing he wouldn’t let anything hurt me again. I felt wind all around me and knew uncle Kol was running and though I wanted to rest my head I didn’t dare put it down as I knew I was covered in blood and jizz. The wind suddenly stopped and I heard the front door to our house open. “Nik!” Kol yelled but there was no answer. “Bekah! Elijah! Anyone!” Nothing. “Looks like it’s me that’s cleaning you up angel. Keep your eyes closed for me, okay? I don’t want you to see any more than you have today. Promise me. You never break a promise right?” I nodded.

“I promise I won’t look until you say I can.” I croaked out and I could hear him hiss.

“God I want to kill those boys!” He growled and I gasped.

“They’re not dead!? Uncle Kol! Why-“

“I left them for your daddy. He’s going to want that honor, don’t you think?” I paused but nodded, knowing he is right. “That’s why it took me a minute to get back to you, I had to make 2 trips to lock them in the basement. I promise you’re safe, even if they got out I wouldn’t let them near you again.”

“Thank you.” I whispered, feeling tears spilling down my face quickly.

“Oh, don’t cry angel, it’s all going to be okay. Stay right here, don’t move, I need to change quickly before I can get you cleaned up.” He sat me on what felt like a bed and I kept my eyes shut as I heard him walking around the room and changing. “Alright. I’m going to get these disgusting clothes off of you and get you into a bathtub so I can wash you up. Keep your eyes closed still, alright?” I nodded, knowing I could trust my daddy’s brother with my life. Kol was my friend, he wouldn’t do anything to harm me. I allowed him to walk me down the hall towards where I knew daddy’s room was and take me into our bathroom. I felt him taking off my torn open shirt removing my bra as well, followed by my shoes, pants and panties, lifting me and setting me into the tub.

“Is daddy gonna be mad at me?” I asked and Kol’s movements stopped all together.

“Why in god’s name would you think that? You did nothing wrong-“

“I couldn’t fight them off…I should have tried harder but I was so scared…” I heard the water start and Kol sigh.

“Angel, no one in their right mind would ever think less of you for not being able to fight off 4 boys, they may have been about your age but they were larger than you and all muscle, looked like they might have been wrestlers or something. If it weren’t for the fact that I’m a vampire, I wouldn’t have won a fight against them. Your daddy is not going to think less of you. You tried to get away and let me guess, they threatened you?” I nodded. “You were scared, you did your best, that’s all that you can do, don’t think less of yourself alright?”

“Thank you Uncle Kol…you saved my life today. You don’t have to clean me up you know, I’ll do it-“

“No, you’ve seen enough for one day, you don’t need to see what you look like right now. Please let me spare you of that?” I nodded, keeping my eyes shut as he began hosing me down with the shower wand. “Okay, pomegranate or mango shampoo?” He asked and I smiled.

“Daddy mixes them, it makes me smell really nice.”

“Mixture it is.” Kol rinsed my hair of the…substances in it already before beginning to scrub my scalp with delicate hands.

“My conditioner has eucalyptus in it, it makes you feel all fresh.” I smiled slightly.

“You got it angel, anything you want. Any requests for body wash?” I shook my head as he finished with my hair and began washing me. I thought it would have been awkward or uncomfortable but it wasn’t, there was no hesitation or half assed apologies, he stood me up, washed me, and rinsed me off. It was at that moment that Kol was rinsing me that his phone went off. “Hello?” He answered, putting it on speaker and continuing.

“Kol! Where Are You?! Finn called me and told me Scarlet is missing!” Daddy panicked. “We’re all heading to the mall right now but she’s not answering her phone-“

“And she’s not going to. It got destroyed sadly, she will be needing a new one. She’s here at home with me…is Finn with you?”

“No, he’s at the mall searching. I’m with Rebekah and Elijah.”

“Then I’ll explain when you get here, I don’t need you killing anyone in the car if you crash. If you do see Finn, please refrain from hurting him…until I’m there to help.” The line went silent as if daddy was afraid to ask and he probably was.

“Kol…what happened? What’s wrong with Scarlet…can she talk to me?”

“I’ve been trying not to make her talk too much, however she can. Hold on, let me get her out of the bathtub.” I was lifted up with a towel wrapped around me as my daddy began yelling.

“KOL! Why Is My Girlfriend In Your Bathtub!? I Swear To God-“

“It’s your bathtub, and she couldn’t clean herself off. I’m sure it would have been emotionally scarring if she had attempted. I promised her you would be the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes, so get here.” I could tell he was getting annoyed as he helped me dry off.

“Daddy…” I heard several gasps over the phone when they all heard me.

“Little wolf…what happened to you?” I hesitated but knew I would have to answer sooner or later.

“I was looking for Finn and Sage, they had left me at the store alone for nearly an hour. I went outside to check in the car and…these 4 guys grabbed me…” There was a monstrous roar from the phone and it quickly went dead.

“Alright. Well, let’s get you dressed, he’ll be here sooner than we think.” I nodded, allowing uncle Kol to lead me to my room and getting me into underwear and pajamas.

“Thank you for helping me uncle Kol. I love you.” I hugged him and he paused for a moment before hugging me back. It was that moment that the downstairs door was smashed open.

Kol lifted me up and began descending the stairs. “Jesus Christ, what happened to her?” Rebekah gasped

“Yes Kol, what happened?” Daddy snarled at him and it made me mad.

“HEY! Uncle Kol saved me today and you’re not going to be mean to him! You trusted Finn and Sage to watch over me, it wasn’t Kol’s job, but he still saved me in that parking lot. Be nice to him or I’ll stay in his room tonight!” Everyone was shocked by my outburst but I could tell Daddy took it seriously.

“Alright princess, I will try and calm down…can you come here?” I held my arms out as I got closer and felt him pick me up.

“I promised you would be the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes. Go ahead angel, you’re safe now.” I did as I was told and saw daddy’s handsome face smiling at me, making me hug him tightly.

“What happened?” Elijah asked and I went rigid.

“Apparently she got tired of waiting for Finn and Sage outside of build a bear and went looking for someone. She went to check the car and was surrounded by 4 boys.” I focused on playing with daddy’s hair so I tuned out the conversation. “When I got there one of them was pulling his pants off, 2 of them had forced her to suck them off, she was covered in blood and jizz so I brought her here and kept her eyes closed and bathed her. Her clothes are by the fireplace so I can burn them, all you have to do is heal her bumps and bruises.” Before I knew it I was squished between Kol and Klaus, daddy hugging his brother tightly.

“Thank you brother. Thank you for saving her, and cleaning her, and not letting her see any more than she already had. You can spend as much time with Scarlet as you want now that I know you’ll put her first. Thank you brother, so much!” I thought daddy was going to cry with how thankful he was to uncle Kol.

“Can you heal me now daddy?” I asked and he looked down, running his thumb over my bruised cheek.

“Of course little wolf. Come here.” He brought me to the kitchen and sliced his wrist with a knife, holding it out to me and looking back at Kol who was feeling the love from his siblings. “What did you do with the boys?”

Kol smirked and I could tell daddy liked his smirk right now. “They’re in the basement for you to play with as you choose to.” Daddy stood up straighter and placed me on the ground.

“Princess, daddy is going to go meet with the men who hurt you, okay? You stay with Kol.” I nodded, holding uncle Kol’s hand as Daddy walked down the stairs with Elijah and Rebekah.

“Come on angel, I’ll take you to bed. You’ve had a long day and I think you need a nap.” I nodded, feeling him lift me up and carry me up the stairs.

“Thanks uncle Kol…I’m sad that I didn’t even get my stuffie though…I wanted the set.” I held Pikachu, Bulbasur and Squirtle closer to me.

“Is there more?” I nodded.

“Charmander and Eevvee. I had Charmander but I dropped him when they grabbed me, he’s probably ruined now…”

“Hey, don’t be upset…I’ll take you to the mall tomorrow and get you a new one, just you and me okay? I’ll stay with you the whole time and never let you out of my sight…daddy can come too if you want.” I grinned at that, hugging him tightly as he laid me down in bed.

“Just me and you, okay? Daddy’s got things to do in the basement tomorrow.” I smirked and he agreed.

“Sleep for now angel, you need it. I will sit over in the recliner until your daddy comes back.”

New chapter posted, I tried not to be too graphic. 
Question, do you want me to be descriptive about the torture, keep it mild, or skip it all together?  Ive never really written a torture scene but I'm willing to give it a try.
Let me know in the comments, and remember I'm still taking requests for my ddlg one shots, just private message me your detailed requests.

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