Forever And Always// Tyler Jo...

By OhMyJosh_TayTayAndTy

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"You and I are forever and always, my love." //sequel to buttercup More

new story!!


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By OhMyJosh_TayTayAndTy

•Y/n's POV•

I should have talked to him.

That's the first thing I should have done. But that's the first thing that I did wrong. I rudely ignored his calls, not wanting to even give him the chance to explain himself. I was too mad at the moment.

I was too angry to even look at it from Tyler's perspective. I didn't know what happened before I got there, but I automatically assumed that he decided to leave me for Jasmine, once again. I realized that what my parents have been telling me this whole time was probably true. I was stupid. Stupid to get back with him right away. Stupid because he couldn't even tell his own fiancé he didn't want to marry her. I had to do it for him. If he couldn't tell her himself, he probably didn't care about me enough. He didn't love me enough.

From the moment I left that coffee shop, I was in tears. I was in tears for the rest of the night, especially the moments Tyler's name kept popping up on my phone because of his many calls. Mackenzie insisted we watch movies and eat ice cream the rest of night, which I obviously agreed to.

I wish I could say I felt better at the end of the week, but I didn't. I wasn't sure if I felt sad, or angry, or confused. Maybe a bit of all of them.

He wouldn't do that me, I thought.

I wanted to believe that it was all an accident, but every time the image of her lips against his flashed into my mind, I became too angry and sad to have an open mind.

Although I was still kinda down at the end of the week, I was calmed down enough to normally talk to Mackenzie without crying.

We were watching TV, but we were interrupted when my phone started ringing. I groaned, assuming it was Tyler. I didn't want to talk to him now. I wouldn't ignore him forever, though. I couldn't do that.

I picked up my phone, and saw that it was an unknown number. Curiously, I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, hey!" A high pitched voice exclaimed. I recognized the voice pretty well. It was Jasmine.

"What do you want, Jasmine?" I asked, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"I just called to ask if you could please leave me and Tyler alone. He doesn't really want anything to do with you, okay?" She said in an all too happy voice, and my eyes immediately widened.


"You denied all of Tyler's calls, and he just doesn't want anything to do with you anymore. So just don't bother with him anymore," she told me. I paused, not being able to believe what she just said. But how would she know that I denied all of his calls if she wasn't with him? That meant he had to be with her, and he'd rather be hanging out with her rather than me.

I couldn't respond with anything. My mouth was open, like I was about to say something, but I couldn't. I was frozen from shock, and there was nothing I could say anyway. He wanted to be with her.

"Bye," she finally said, and then hung up.

I placed my phone down on the coffee table and just sat there. The more I thought about it, I realized that Tyler probably never loved me. He found someone better, and I was left behind.

Tears began to fall from my eyes again, and I tried to wipe them away as quick as possible, but it was no use. Tears were streaming down my face at this point.

Here I was again, crying over the same boy I cried over a few years ago. All because he would rather have somebody else other than me.

"Whoa, what happened? Who was that?" Mackenzie asked, putting a hand on my back to comfort me.

"J-Jasmine," I managed to respond, stuttering a bit because of my tears.

"What did she say?"

"She told me to leave her and Tyler alone. They're together, he's with her. He's not with me. He loves her more," I said, every word trembling between my sobs.

"Are you sure she's not just saying that because she's jealous?" Mackenzie asked hopefully, and I shook my head.

"She said I denied all of his calls. She wouldn't know that unless he told her. That means they were together," I told her.

"Hey, calm down," she said softly, still rubbing my back.

After a while, I finally managed to calm down. Again.

I decided to call my mom. She deserved to know what happened, especially considering she was right. She was right, and I should have believed her from the start. Would that have made me feel any better, though? It couldn't have. Either way, it meant that Tyler couldn't be with me. And that was enough to break me.

I called her, and after a few seconds she finally picked up.

"Hey, how are you?" She asked happily.

"Not so good. Something happened between me and Tyler," I told her, my voice sounding quiet and sad.

"What happened?" She asked softly.

I explained it all to her. From the moment I walked into the coffee shop, all the way up until now. By the time I finished talking, I was in tears again.

"Honey, it's okay," she consoled me. "Sometimes people change, and there's nothing you can do about it. It's not your fault."

"But I should have listened to you from the start," I told her.

"It's okay. You love him, and I couldn't really expect you to just leave him because of what I said," she said.

Love, in the present tense. Meaning that she knew I still loved him despite what happened. I don't think I could ever stop loving him. It's impossible, I just can't not love him.

After we talked for a while, we hung up. She told me to stop by the house for a while. Probably because she knew how I was feeling, and she wanted to be there for me.

So I left my apartment, and went over to my old house. The house right next to Tylers.


•Tyler's POV•

Going over to Jasmine's place was a bad idea.

I was trying to talk to her. I just wanted her to fix everything that she caused.

I knocked on the door, and she opened it.

"What do you want?" She asked rudely, raising an eyebrow.

"We need to talk," I told her, and stepped aside to let me in. She led me over to the couch, and she sat down. I sat beside her.

"Okay, what?" She asked, annoyed.

"Are you kidding me? You know what you did. Y/n won't even talk to me. She denied all of my calls," I said, my voice getting louder and louder because of how angry I was.

"And what do you want me to do?" She asked coldly.

"I don't know! Just, call her and tell her what you did. Or meet up with her, or something!" I suggested, desperate for her to fix things.

"Yeah, fine, I'll call her," she responded, and pulled out her phone. "Type in her number." I typed it in, pressed call, and then gave the phone back to Jasmine.

I knew Y/n had answered once Jasmine happily said, "Oh hey!"

I finally thought that things were gonna work out. She would tell Y/n what happened, and that situation would be covered. Then Y/n and I could do whatever it took to make sure we could be together. But that's not what happened.

I heard Jasmine telling Y/n to leave the both of us alone, and that I didn't want anything to do with her. Which obviously wasn't true. I would never say that, ever.

I tried to grab the phone from Jasmine's hands, but that didn't end up very well. Jasmine quickly ran off, locking herself in the nearest room so that she could continue to say whatever she wanted. I put my ear to the door, listening to what she said. Once I finally heard Jasmine say 'bye,' she opened the door.

"All done," she smirked, walking out of the room and placing her phone on the table. "Anything else I can help you with?"

"I can't believe you, Jasmine. You're so jealous that you'd go to the point of hurting someone else because of it," I snapped at her.

"You're the one that hurt me, Tyler. You walked out on our own wedding."

"Better I walked out than stay with you. I wasn't going to be happy, and if you love someone you should want the best for them," I stated.

"And I already said I'm sorry. In fact, I'll say it right now. I'm sorry, okay? I know I should have told you before. But I was too scared to. I messed up," I finally said, my voice seeming calmer and less angry than before.

"Just... get out," Jasmine said, turning her head away from me. I quickly got up and walked out the door.

Jasmine wasn't going to get her way. If you get in between someone I love and me, you're gonna feel the heat of my calvary.

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