Her Guardian Thug

De limited_love

252K 7.4K 1.3K

Hennessy has the perfect life, the life of riches, but it is all taken away from her on her nineteenth birthd... Mais

Authors Note
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7.4K 233 10
De limited_love

Sunday July 1st

Hennessy POV
I got out of Roman's arms careful not to wake him up. Usually I would be the one still sleeping but I had a girls day out with Kindell today and we needed to be out early cause we both could spend all day pampering ourselves if you let us. We were going to the mall, to get mani/pedis, and to get our hair done. It was 9:15 in the morning. I texted Roman letting him know why I was gone before I kissed his cheek and left.

Roman 😩💙 Morning 😊😘 . Girls day out with Kindell maybe we can meet when I'm done ??? sent 9:15 am

I pulled up to my aunts place and went to go get ready. I saw Kindell sitting at my vanity. I don't know why she was always at mine when she had her own. Aunt Eve wasn't rich like my parents were but they always made sure her and Kindell was stable. She had a nice 5-bedroom house and a nice car. I walked in my room and into my closet having conversations with Kindell.

" I can't believe you " I said laughing my ass off while flipping through hangers in my closet.

" What ?" She laughed " The bitch really want to be you so I helped her out that's all ."

" We ain't gone never be able to go out without drama now . She gone want some get back . She so petty to be so grown." I said

" Right ? Ain't she like 21 ? But so what ? Drama is my middle name and you know I ain't letting nobody fuck with you Hennessy. For you I'll smile in my mugshot and you know that." She said putting mascara on

Every since we were little Kindell always had to fight for me in Elementary. I never had to fight in my life after that since we moved to the rich side of town and I started going to private school when I was in the 4th grade. My mom and aunt fought all the time side by side when they were growing up. I don't know why I wasn't like them .

" I know Kindell and I'll do the same for you."

I picked out something and went to go do my hygiene. I started to think about all Kindell has done for me . I hope I wasn't letting her down and I hope she knew I would have her back too. I got out the shower and went to do a natural look to my face. I got dressed and yelled to Kindell that I was ready. We left the house and headed towards the mall first. The mall was packed already and it was only 10:30 but it was the first of the month so I was expecting this. We found a parking space and walked through the mall. We went into Aldo first. I loved their bags and shoes . I got a couple things out of their and Kindell did too. We went into a couple more stores and by the time we were done it was 1:25 and we had at least 20 bags a piece. We went to the food court to eat and I seen I had a text from Roman .

Roman's POV
When I woke up I had 8 new messages. I straightened up the movie room and went to go get my day started. I had to go check on the bar since I left early last night and I had to go make sure everything was going straight at the warehouse. I took a shower and got dressed. I put on my white Gucci shirt with my dark jeans and my white high-top Gucci shoes . I made sure I had on my 5 chains and my Rolex . I checked my phone reading the messages.

Genesis - Let the bitches who you babysitting  know they better watch they fucking backs. sent at 3:42 am
Genesis - You too sent at 3:43 am

Bee - So is that your girlfriend ? sent at 8:00 am
Bee -  I'm sorry for what I did at the bar 😩. I was just upset that you had this girl in my present and you introduce her but not me and I'm the one who's possibly carrying your seed . Sent at 8:03 am
Bee - I don't want to be on your bad side Roman. You know that's not me I was just jealous. Sent at 8:04 am

Bro Q 💰💪🏾 Yo , I gotta tell you some shit when you get to the warehouse. Sent at 8:30 am

Li Sis 🌎💜 You know I put Bee ass out right ? The bitch had the nerve to say I was on some fake shit 🙄 sent at 8:53 am

My Future 🙈😏❤️ Morning 😊😘. Girls day out with Kindell maybe we can meet when I'm done ??? sent at 9:15 am

I didn't even reply to Genesis and Bee at this point it was fuck the both of them. It's been fuck Genesis when she pulled that snap shit but Bee was foul as fuck for sitting there drinking knowing she could be carrying my child. I texted the others back .

Me to Bro Q - I'm omw now . sent at 11:02 am
Me to Li Sis - Fuck her she dead to me now 💯 . You good ?  sent at 11:02 am
Me to My Future - Morning 😘 and I'm down just let me know sent at 11:02 am

I pulled off in my truck and headed towards the warehouse. I just hope whatever the fuck it was Q had to tell me wouldn't piss me off more than I was. When I walked in the bar everything looked good. I got on the elevator inserting my key to go to floor two. I stepped off and everything seem to be cool. I walked to where I saw Q and Aug standing.

" Wassup " I dapped them both up

" Wassup" they said

" So what's going on ?" I got to the point

" Our connect called . He said his men couldn't bring the package here and that we would have to come get it ."  Q said

" The fuck ? He said if we go get it last time they would bring it this time that's why yall was late to the funeral." I said

" That's what I told him and his fat ass got smart and said we either come get it or get a new connect then hung up." Aug said

" So what you want to do bossman ?" Q asked me

Shit sounded like some fuck shit so I really didn't want to make the move but we were almost down to our last product and we needed that package here by Wednesday. We could go or we could wait and find a new connect meet and wait for them to have the product ready and that could take a whole week to get done. I stood there pulling on my beard . What the fuck was I gone do ?

Hennessy POV

We were walking out of the hair salon and I was feeling my new look.

I decided to go red just to try some different. Kindell didn't like color she said she thought nothing was sexier then some bone straight black hair. I posted a few snaps as we headed back to the house. Kindell was driving and on Snapchat at the same time . I looked at her and put my seatbelt on making us both laugh. We got out and took our bags in the house. It was now going on 4:00. Damn we was out since 10 and I was beyond tired. I wrapped my hair up and decided to take me a nap. I turnt off the tv and room light and sunk into my sheets. Shortly after I was sound a sleep.

Roman's POV
It was 4:00 and I was still at the building . I was sitting in my office behind my desk going through a lot of paperwork trying to find one of Ants connects . I decided that we would go to get the product and after this transaction we would be getting a new connect cause Pedro was gone make me send 2 hot bullets to his head. I needed an assistant or some shit Ant had a lot more of paperwork and it was everywhere, nothing was really organized. I finally found a paper with a list of names and phone numbers. Some were crossed out and some weren't. I guess it was the connect list since I seen Pedro name. I decided to call the number with the star by the name Frank. He answered and I gave him the run down. Come to find out Ant was suppose to been meeting with him 3 days before he died. I set up the meeting for the end of this month. I put the papers up and went to the office next to mine which Aug & Q shared . I gave them the rundown about the trip we was gone have to take in the morning and about the meeting with the new connect . We was gone leave Pete and Aaron in charge of down here until we came back Wednesday morning . I went back into my office to book 3 hotel rooms in one of Cuba's hotels. I then started to count the money from the bar last night and the money from each group of niggas who was on the corners selling the product. The numbers were matching . I tied blue rubber bands around the bar money and green rubber bands around the dope money and put them in the safe . It was going on 7 when I left the warehouse. I haven't heard from Hennessy yet so I decided to pull up on her. I jogged up to the door and rung the doorbell. Nobody answered so I rung it again. I seen Eve car wasn't here but Hennessy's car was. I pulled out my phone calling her.

Phone Conversation
Hennessy - Hello ?
Me - come open the door
Hennessy- you here ? * she asked sounding surprised *
Me - *laughs* yea mane but I'm about to leave if you don't-
End of Conversation

I started laughing as I waited for to open the door. When she open the door she had her hair wrapped up but she still was beautiful. She jumped on me and wrapped her arms and legs around me. I started laughing as I carried her up the stairs and to her room.

" Why you got that on yo head " I asked pointing to the wrap .

" oh my god , I forgot " she said looking embarrassed as she walked into her bathroom.

" You don't have to take it off ma ." I yelled after her but she was already in the bathroom

When she came back I started smirking at her as she came and sat next to me on the bed.

" So you gang banging now ?" I asked referring to her hair

" Never " She said laughing

" Naw I'm just playing . I like it though ."

" Thanks " she started blushing which made me laugh

" No problem but look though I'm going out of town for a few days and I - " I stopped talking seeing the pout on her face

" What's wrong ?" I asked laughing at her face expression

" How you gone tell me you want to build a bond with me then the next day say you leaving me for a few days ? You know how close we could get in those few days?" She said being all dramatic falling back into the bed making me laugh even harder

I climbed over her hovering on top of her . She covered her face with her hands and I moved them . I licked my lips before I spoke .

" It's only for three days. Two actually because Wednesday afternoon I'll be coming back." I told her

" Wednesday is the Fourth of July , How do you know the airport gone be open ?" She said crossing her arms across her chest

" Ion know but I was hoping they would be ."  I said

" And if they aren't then what ? We spend the first Holiday of our bond phase apart ." She said being all dramatic again before we bust out laughing

" Really Hennessy? " I shook my head I'm dealing with a spoil brat so I knew what she wanted to hear. " How about you come with me then ?" I asked her

" I'd love to go but Kindell has to come too." She said

" Of course what kind of man would I be if I split up you and her for three days ? Guh might try to stick me or some crazy shit ." I said making us laugh

" You know in all realness if it's a business trip I don't have to go. I was just playing. You got to handle your business." She said staring at me

" It's business but you good. I might need some entertainment to take my mind of things ." I smirked at her

" You sure ?" She asked

" Positive " I said licking my lips and leaning down to kiss her

I poked her lips with my tongue and she parted them letting my tongue wrestle with hers. She put her hand on the back of my head getting deeper into the kiss. I bit her bottom lip before I pulled away. I got from over here and sat back down on the bed. I told her she had to gone start packing tonight because we were leaving at 7 in the morning and the flight was in 5 hours .

Hennessy POV
Roman had just told me that I had to pack tonight cause we were leaving in the morning. It was only 7:30 but I decided to gone get it done . I went to tell Kindell about the trip and we both started packing . I connected my beats pill to my iPad and let Pandora play. Roman laid across my bed typing on his phone while I packed. I saw a flash come from his phone but I was focus on making sure I didn't leave anything. A hour later I was done packing and he was still on his phone .

" Tell Genesis or Bee I said Hello ." I said fake being petty

" Mane don't fucking play with me ." He said " I'm actually getting the plane tickets so we won't have to stand in line for them at the airport."

" I was just playing " I said rolling my eyes and was about to walk out the room before he picked me up and slammed me on my bed .

" oh so you wanna play huh ? " he asked as he started tickling me

" ooooooommggg Roman stooooop !" I yelled between laughs " I'm going to pee on myself ."

" Naw you said you wanted to play so let's play." He said laughing and still tickling me

" I QUIT ! I QUIT ! Just stoooop ! KINDELLLLLLLL!!!" I screamed

" mane shut up ! Don't call her crazy ass in here " He said putting his hand over my mouth.

He stopped tickling me and laid back onto the bed next to me . When I finally caught my breath I spoke.

" I'm hungry " I said sitting up

" iight let's go get some . Pull yo bags back out. " He said putting his shoes on

" For what ?" I asked

" Y'all gone come to my house tonight . I already told Q and Aug while ya was packing . Less stops if everybody together." He said standing up

I nodded my head and pulled the bags out my closet. I went to slip my PINK slides on and went to get Kindell. Roman took my two bags downstairs and put them in his truck and came back and got Kindells . We were only staying for 3 days but I needed my shoes in one bag. I grabbed my smaller bag with my make up hair products and hygiene materials in it. We got in the truck and pulled off. We went to Chick Fil A drive through to get some to eat. We pulled up to Roman's house and got out. We left the bags in the truck but I got out the small MCM bag that had my clothes for tomorrow in it. Aug and Q was already there. We all settled down and went into the movie room. The boys were playing the game while me and Kindell was listening to music and on snap. Roman started jumping up and down yelling cause he just beat Q in 2K . He came and got in my snap rapping along to the song before he kissed my cheek and went back to play the game .

Roman's POV
I was whooping these niggas ass in 2K ! I looked back seeing Hennessy on snap rapping a song so I went and joined her. About 30 minutes later we got tired of playing the game and decided to roll up. Kindell even rolled up some blunts and she pearled them bitches ain even know she smoked. We had about 6 blunts rolled up as I started the rotation . I put the tv on YouTube to play music. I passed the blunt to Kindell lighting up the next one. When the blunt made it to Hennessy she pulled from it and blowed it right back out .

" Oh hell naw you can't be playing with the dope like that ." Kindell said and they started laughing at her

" Mane leave her alone." I said laughing " Look when you pull from it inhale it , okay ?" I told her

She nodded her and did what I said. She started choking like she was about to die. I pat her in the back until she got done .

" Roman if you kill her I'm going to kill yo ass next . Smoking ain't for her " Kindell said bringing her a bottle of water.

" My fault love ." I said as I rubbed her back as she drunk the water .

" It's Okay. I want to try again." She told me

" iight wait til it's back your turn." I said passing it to Kindell again.

The blunt made it back to her and this time she did it right. She smoked with us until the blunts were gone. I went in the kitchen and brought a whole bunch of snacks and threw them on the table. They went crazy in that bitch after I did that.

" Why it make you so hungryyyyy." Hennessy asked her eyes low and red as fuck making her look even sexier.

" Shit Ion know it just do ." I said

We ate the snacks as we joked and talked . It was going on 12 and we had to be up in the morning so everybody called it a night. When we made it to my room she ran and jumped in my bed with her slides and everything on. I chuckled at her . I went to go take a shower. A few minutes later I heard the bathroom door open and close then the shower door open. I looked at her as she stood there naked with her low eyes.

" Can I join ?" She asked

Before I could even say some she stepped in. She just stood there while I bathe. I knew she was high as fuck . I turned around facing her I open my mouth to speak but she pulled me to her kissing me. She wrapped her arms around my neck standing on her tippy toes. I picked her up and placed her back to the shower wall as she wrapped her legs around me. Moans started to slip from her lips as I sucked on her neck. I placed her back down and got out. I wasn't about to take advantage of her , she was high. I grabbed my towel wrapping it around my waist walking into my bedroom. I got dressed in some basketball shorts and got in the bed. A few minutes later she came out wrapped in a towel. She put on my t-shirt and some boxers. She climbed in the bed and turned her back towards me.

" Yo. What's wrong ?" I asked turning her to face me and I seen tears coming down her face

" You don't think I'm attractive? " she asked crying

I was confused as fuck . I'm never getting this girl high again.

" What you mean love ?" I asked

" I'm not attractive enough for you to have sex with. You had Genesis but you won't have- "

" Really Hennessy?" I said cutting her off and pulled her close to me " I know this the weed talking but Imma still let you know some. It's not that you ain't attractive ma it's that I got too much respect for you. I wouldn't have you knowing you under the influence. Besides you still a Virgin . That shit got to mean some to ya since ya kept it this long . When the time is right I got you , If you want me to be the one to take it. " I told her

" Omg you must think I'm trifling now." She said wiping her face laughing

" Naw I know you high " I laughed with her

" Gimme a kiss " she smiled

I leaned down to kiss her. She snuggled into me like always and closed her eyes. I joined her we had a long day tomorrow.

This chapter was boring but that's because the next chapter will be when the excitement happen. I didn't read over this so 🤷🏾‍♀️😂😘

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